Rescuing the Earl (The Seven Curses of London Book 3)

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Rescuing the Earl (The Seven Curses of London Book 3) Page 26

by Lana Williams

  She whispered the last words, hoping he wouldn’t mind that she’d said them. Daniel had preferred her to remain silent when they were in bed.

  “Grace.” Tristan leaned over to wrap his arms around her as though he’d never let her go.

  Overwhelmed by her feelings and the precious way he held her, she blinked back tears, not wanting him to see them for fear he’d think her sad. That couldn’t be further from the truth.

  His manhood pressed against her hip, flooding her body with a deep ache. He released her to run his hands along her body, his touch fanning the flames of her need. Heat swirled low in her belly as desire for him built.

  She’d never thought a man like Tristan might care for her, might desire her. More than ever, she wanted to show how much this moment meant to her. She hesitated to use words for fear she’d say more than he was ready to hear and cause him to pull away.

  She shifted to her side so they were face-to-face. Allowing her fingers to lead the way, she pressed kisses along his shoulder and down his chest. His hands worked their own magic on her as she licked and kissed and nibbled her way down his body, loving the feel of him. Her hands explored his narrow hips before moving toward the hard length of his male member. His body jerked in response, his moan urging her on. She held him firmly, marveling at the velvety softness that encased his hardness.

  She moved her body lower, nearing his stomach. Holding his manhood with care, she pressed kisses along its length, not certain from where her courage was coming. She only knew she wanted to give as much as she was receiving.

  His entire body went rigid. “Grace.”

  With a smile, she continued, loving his reaction.

  In a few short moments, he lifted her against him. “You are a siren,” he said, his voice hoarse.

  “I only want to please you.”

  “If you continue, this will be over before it begins.”

  “Then let us begin.” She moved to lean over him, kissing him long and deep until her head spun.

  He drew her farther on top of him, his hands roving over every inch of her, thrilling her with his exploration. This was so different than anything she’d experienced. So much richer. Her world narrowed to him and his touch as he caressed her thighs, her bottom, each movement rocking her against his hard length.

  He shifted, and his fingers found her center. She could only moan with pleasure. He drove her wild until she was arching against him. “Tristan?” she asked with a gasp.

  “Yes.” He moved over her, lifting her easily until she was under him.

  His weight on her felt glorious. His knee parted her legs, his manhood demanding entrance.

  She stilled, stopping her movements as best she could, remembering how Daniel had preferred their union.

  “What is it?” Tristan asked, breathless.

  “Nothing.” She met his gaze with a frown.

  “Then why did you stop?”

  Curious, she moved her hips, tilting them toward him. His pleasure was obvious so she repeated the gesture. “You don’t want me to lie still?”

  He chuckled. “No. Please. Move as you wish.” As he brushed her hair from her cheek tenderly, the intensity of his eyes caused her to catch her breath.

  Feeling as if she’d been granted freedom, she lifted her foot to run it along the back of his calf, loving the sensation of his masculine leg.

  “Why are you staying still?” she asked as she looked at him.

  “I’m attempting to control myself.” His voice was strained.

  The idea that she had the ability to push him toward losing control was delightful. “Don’t hold back on my account. Let go.” She tilted her hips again and with a groan, he pushed deep inside her, filling her to the hilt.

  The full feeling was glorious. This physical joining of their bodies made her believe they’d connected on every level possible. She wanted to hold that experience tight, before reality stole this bliss and it became only a memory.

  With each thrust, her passion spiraled until the oddest sensation filled her. There was something just out of reach, and she couldn’t help but strain toward it. The feeling was nothing like she’d ever experienced.

  “Tristan?” she whispered breathlessly, uncertain what was happening.

  “Yes, yes,” Tristan muttered as his body moved faster and faster. He reached between them, touching her slick folds once more.

  White light flashed behind her eyes, her thoughts fracturing into a million pieces as her body was no longer her own. She rode the waves as glorious pleasure pulsed through her.

  Then she felt Tristan’s body stiffen, and he shuddered as his body slowed its frantic pace.

  “Oh. My.” Her body felt thoroughly relaxed from head to toe, her mind blissfully quiet.

  He made to move off her, but she held him, hoping he wouldn’t. After taking his weight on his elbows, he looked at her, smoothing a strand of hair from her cheek. “You are wonderful.”

  She couldn’t help but smile. Daniel had never said anything like that afterward. He’d only collapsed on top of her then rolled off and sought his bed.

  “What?” Tristan asked, returning her smile.

  “This was nothing like...” She hesitated saying more. Surely it was highly inappropriate for her to speak ill of Daniel or their intimate moments as man and wife. With a sigh, she shifted her focus to the man in her arms. “You are the one who’s wonderful.”

  His eyes sobered. “Are the memories of your husband painful?”

  “No. It’s just...”


  “This was a much different experience than anything with him.”

  Tristan frowned, suggesting he wanted to understand. “How so?”

  She thought to brush off the question only to realize he might think her marriage bed had been better than this. She couldn’t allow that. Her cheeks flamed at the intimate conversation. “We only did...this in the dark of night. In a bed. I was told not to move, and he left immediately afterward.”

  His eyes closed for a moment, making her heart pound with worry. Had she told him too much? Was that how it was supposed to be done, and she’d just made a terrible mistake?

  He opened his eyes and the intensity of his look caught her breath. “I’m sorry that was your experience.” He leaned down to kiss her, slowly, gently, but oh so thoroughly. “I intend to show you how different it can be. To make certain you enjoy each and every moment we spend together.”

  “Truly?” Not that she doubted him, but it was such a novel idea.

  “Truly.” He shifted on top of her again, deliberately.

  There was no denying that his body was hardening this very moment, even while he was still inside her. “Oh.” She put as much meaning as she could into the single syllable. Already she could feel her own passion rising once more.

  He wrapped his arms around her and moved, lifting her on top of him so she straddled him.

  She gasped, never having realized this position was even possible.

  Tristan’s low chuckle made her smile in response. The sound was something he needed to do more often, and she had every intention of helping him do so.

  “Now what?” she asked, moving her hips experimentally.

  “I believe you’ve already figured it out.” He shifted to help her find a rhythm that had her moaning with delight.

  “I’m so pleased I stopped by.”

  Tristan grinned. “Not half as much as I am.”

  The next evening, Tristan stood with Nathaniel, waiting impatiently for Grace to make an appearance at the Attby’s ball. He’d come early to make certain Charles didn’t have the chance to speak with Grace without Tristan there to protect her. He’d have preferred to escort her, but Grace had insisted such a risk wasn’t necessary.

  His heart had never been as full as it was right now. Each moment he wasn’t in Grace’s company was painful. He knew he acted more like a lovesick puppy than a grown man, but he didn’t care. He wanted to spend every waking momen
t with her.

  The idea of biding his time before asking her to marry him was nearly unbearable. Yet doing otherwise would only reflect badly on both of them. He refused to do anything that might cause her distress.

  “Anything further on Stannus?” Nathaniel asked.

  Tristan scowled, his good mood deflating at the mention of the illusive man. Tristan had provided an update to Nathaniel earlier in the day after Langston had uncovered new information.

  Now that Tristan understood why Stannus was so desperate, it wasn’t such a surprise that he hadn’t heeded Tristan’s warning. “I stopped by his home again, but it appears to be empty. He must be hiding somewhere in the city.”

  “Perhaps he realized Grace was no longer an easy target so took your advice and left London.”

  “I doubt it.” A sense of unease had arisen in Tristan and refused to be dismissed. “I have to think he fears his creditors more than me, especially since Langston discovered to whom he owes the most.”

  The idea of Stannus whispering threats in Grace’s ear again raised his anger. Blast the man for thinking he could manipulate her, or worse, hurt her or Matthew. But with the new information they’d gained, Tristan’s method to deal with him had changed.

  “He picked the wrong man with whom to gamble,” Nathaniel said. “As bad as Jasper Smithby was, Jack McCarthy might be worse.”

  “Thanks to you, Smithby is no longer a threat.” Tristan nearly smiled at the look of satisfaction on his brother’s face.

  “Perhaps McCarthy should be our next target.”

  Nathaniel had uncovered Smithby’s rival, Jack McCarthy, during his investigation. The thief was a particularly nasty character who ran prostitutes, arranged fights and high-stakes card games, and moved stolen goods. How Stannus had managed to become embroiled in his circles was a mystery, but a major misstep by Stannus.

  “Or you could allow the police to do their job and focus on your upcoming wedding instead.” Tristan felt compelled to remind him of where his priorities should be.

  “Have no worries. Letitia has my entire attention.”

  Tristan looked across the ballroom to see what caught Nathaniel’s eye. Letitia had just arrived with several of her sisters and her mother. Tristan couldn’t keep the sisters straight. They were much alike in appearance except for Letitia.

  Tristan nodded as Viscount Frost joined them. He seemed more at ease with every social event he attended. Frost had once again entered through the garden, but tonight that had been for a different reason entirely. “Is all in place?”

  “Indeed.” Frost studied the crowd. “No sign of the ladies yet?”

  “Letitia just arrived.”

  “I thought Julia would be here by now,” Frost said with a frown.

  Tristan kept his focus on the door, not wanting to miss Grace’s arrival. He should’ve insisted on escorting her, at least until they’d located Stannus. But she’d promised to bring an extra footman along to keep her safe.

  “What of you, Adair?” Frost asked with a twinkle in his eyes. “Will you be marrying soon or did Lady Samantha break your heart?”

  Tristan smiled. “I am pleased to say that particular organ is fully intact.” But it was no longer his. The truth of the unbidden thought slipped through his defenses, catching his breath.

  He loved Grace. The certainty with which he felt that settled deep into his bones, preventing him from denying it. Strangely enough, he had no desire to do so. The knowledge made him believe anything was possible.

  He’d planned to wait to tell her of his growing feelings but this...this revelation changed everything. If she didn’t feel the same, he’d woo her until she did.

  “I hope to marry very soon.” He turned to smile at his astonished brother and surprised friend. “I don’t intend to cause any harm to Lady Samantha by proclaiming it publicly, so I’d appreciate you both holding this secret.”

  Nathaniel gave a nod of approval. “Does the lady know?”

  “Not yet. But I can’t wait to tell her.”

  “Don’t you mean ‘ask her’?” Frost suggested.

  “Yes. That too.” Happiness filled him, the feeling so foreign he nearly didn’t recognize it. If only Grace were here to share it with him.

  Which brought another worry entirely—what if she didn’t feel the same? Would he truly be able to convince her otherwise? What if she had no desire to surrender her newfound independence to become his wife?

  With a shake of his head, he released his concerns. He knew she cared for him. And she certainly desired him. With a few gentle nudges, surely love was only a short leap away.

  “There’s Julia.” The pleasure in Frost’s voice couldn’t be denied.

  Tristan felt a prickle of awareness. Grace stood with Julia near the entrance to the ballroom.

  Along with his mother.

  His mother and Grace were in a deep conversation with Julia nodding from time to time.

  “Isn’t that an interesting development?” Nathaniel asked as he tapped his cane on the floor. “I wonder of what they’re speaking.” He raised a brow at Tristan.

  “I have no idea, but I am quite curious as well.” He held doubts that it could be anything good. He left Nathaniel and Frost without a backward glance, hoping to interrupt the ladies before his mother said something he’d rather Grace not hear.

  When he reached the three, he found himself ignored. Completely.

  “Oh. Hello, Tristan.” His mother at last acknowledged him with a smile—something so unusual for her that it immediately set up his guard. “I was just mentioning to the viscountess that your birthday is nearly upon us.”

  Damn and blast. Did she truly think she was helping by telling Grace any of the stipulations of his father’s will? The anger swirling through him tempered much of his happiness.

  Until he looked at Grace.

  One glance at her had that anger dissolving as though a beggar had been given a sack of gold. Her warm regard and genuine pleasure at his presence made him remember the feel of her in his arms. Of the passion they’d shared. Of the love that awaited them for the rest of their lives.

  How could he feel any anger toward anything or anyone when she looked at him so?

  That was until Samantha entered his line of vision, just over Grace’s shoulder. The superior smile on her face heightened his unease. He knew all too well that nothing good ever came from her when she wore that expression.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  “As civilization advances, and our machinery for the suppression and detection of fraud improves, so, if he would live at all, must the professional impostor exert all the skill and cunning he is endowed with to adjust the balance at his end of the beam.”

  ~The Seven Curses of London

  “Good evening.” Tristan’s deep voice sent Grace’s pulse skittering.

  He pulled his attention from beyond her shoulder to greet his mother, Julia, and her. “I hope the evening finds you well.”

  Her heart was near to bursting as she drank in the sight of him. She loved him so very much. It had been nearly impossible to keep from sharing those three words when he’d held her so tenderly yesterday. She knew it was too soon to make such a proclamation. After all, they’d only known each other a short time. She’d spent most of the day attempting to convince herself that she’d exaggerated what she felt, to no avail.

  She was a viscountess, a mother, a widow, but most of all, a woman. For once in her life, she knew what she wanted and why.

  The indecision that had previously plagued her disappeared. She intended to pursue Tristan with all she had and convince him he needed her in his life permanently. More than anything else, she wanted to make him happy. She was going to try everything in her power to do so.

  How fortuitous to come upon the Dowager Countess of Adair as she and Julia entered the Attby’s mansion for the ball, just the person she’d wanted to meet. Learning more about Tristan’s family would play a part in helping him be happier. Grace thoug
ht Captain Hawke liked her, and she knew Lettie did even though they’d only known her a short time. She needed all the assistance she could get in convincing Tristan to take a chance on love.

  “Julia was kind enough to introduce me to your mother.” Grace glanced toward the Dowager, unable to stop her smile at the alarmed expression on Tristan’s face.

  After meeting the woman, Grace already understood him a little better. The Dowager seemed to take pride in being difficult, but having spent much of her life calming, coaxing, and charming the ladies in her father’s parish, Grace knew how to win her over and was certain she’d already made strides in doing so.

  “Oh?” He raised a brow, obviously uncertain as to whether he should be pleased with this new development as he glanced between them.

  She knew her bold actions might cause problems if he didn’t want a future with her. He may have intended their relationship be a simple affair, but she wanted him for forever. Time was on her side, as he’d be keeping a low profile for a few weeks until the gossip died down over his broken engagement. With luck, that would be all the time she needed to convince him that he wanted her, now and always.

  “It’s been a pleasure speaking with you.” Tristan’s mother took Grace’s gloved hand and gave it a pat. “I look forward to reading that book you mentioned.”

  “I’ll send it over in the next few days.”

  “Why don’t you come for tea the day after tomorrow and bring it with you? That way we can converse further on the topic.”

  From the surprised look on Tristan’s face, Grace assumed this was unusual behavior for his mother. Perfect. The idea of keeping him on his toes was also appealing.

  He glanced over her shoulder again. Grace looked back, wondering what—or who—had caught his attention.


  The woman’s confident smile sent a trickle of unease through Grace. With a sigh, she turned back to Tristan. She’d expected Samantha to be hurt by the broken betrothal, but her expression didn’t reflect that. Surely she wouldn’t speak to them, would she?


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