Divine Cruelty

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Divine Cruelty Page 19

by Lee Ash

  'Bernie is teasing you,' Osbourne snapped. He took hold of her arm and started pushing her toward the door. 'Bernie's slaves call me "Impotent Osbourne," and he knows I'm incapable of helping anyone.'

  Dismayed to think she had worn the repulsive uniform and surrendered to him for nothing, Rachel could feel herself on the verge of tears. 'But you have to help me,' she insisted. 'Master Bernard said you were the only one who could help to get rid of Pearl.'

  He stopped trying to urge her out through the door and fixed Rachel with an ugly glare. 'Platinum Pearl?' he snapped. 'Is that who you're talking about?'

  Rachel shrugged. The nickname wasn't one she had heard before but it fitted the slave trader. Racking her brains, trying to think of a way of identifying Pearl, she said, 'This woman has platinum hair, yes. She's short, very slender and very boyish.' Only able to think of one distinguishing feature she said, 'This woman has a black ink tattoo of a butterfly on her right breast.'

  Osbourne stepped back. 'You want to know about her?' His greasy smile was almost devilish as he urged Rachel to come back into the room. 'I think I might be able to give you some information about that little bitch.'


  Once again they sat on the settee, Osbourne's filthy body pressed close to hers, and Rachel was touched by the familiar contempt that came each time she caught the pungent scent of his sweat. He had found a thick ledger in the bottom of his wardrobe and it remained unopened by his side. The word ALBUM was stamped across the tattered cover in faded gold leaf. Slyly, he placed his hand on her thigh and squeezed as he began talking.

  'Did Bernie tell you I was once a master of some renown?'

  She nodded and tried to concentrate on what he was saying. A part of her longed to remove his hand from her leg and break all contact with the disgusting, decrepit creature, but such behaviour was unthinkable now she was so close to finding a solution to her problem. Even when Osbourne's hand inched higher, and one bony finger rubbed at the glistening split of her sex, she knew she wasn't going to say a single word of protest. She tolerated his caress with a grim smile fixed on her lips. 'Master Bernard mentioned your reputation,' she told him. 'He said that, in your day, you were a legend.'

  Osbourne nodded. 'They used to say I had more pussy than a chain of Chinese restaurants. They used to say I had more cunts than the Conservative party.' His sly grin resurfaced and then faded before Rachel realised she was meant to smile or laugh at his crude humour. Almost as though he was punishing her for not responding, Osbourne slipped one finger into her sex. It wriggled inside her hole, squelching softly and inspiring mild tremors of distaste and unease. Worse than the discomfort was the excitement that the touched aroused. It crossed her mind to try and pull away from him, squeeze her thigh muscles closed or slide further along the settee, but she wasn't wholly sure that was what she wanted. As the wiry finger wriggled deeper her pussy began to melt with a familiar liquid warmth. And, as loath as she was to admit the fact, Rachel was enjoying his hateful caress.

  Seemingly oblivious to her response, Osbourne idly plunged his finger in and out while he stared blindly at the static on the TV screen. His glassy eyes had taken on a wistful expression and, if Rachel hadn't known better, she might have thought he was watching a re-enactment of his life from somewhere within the television's grey snow. 'My legend ended when I met Pearl,' he confided. With a tinge of pinched venom he said, 'That little bitch ruined me. She destroyed my empire and she took away everything I had.'

  Noticing the self-pity in his tone, Rachel murmured a sympathetic platitude. She doubted Osbourne heard her because his gaze was fixed on the monochrome scroll of the TV screen's static. He pressed his hand harder against her sex and continued to reflect on his past glory and its abrupt end.

  A second finger plundered her wetness and, unable to resist the rising need of her arousal, she wriggled her thighs apart so he had easier access. She still wore most of the filthy schoolgirl uniform and couldn't bring herself to picture the tawdry image she must be presenting. It was disheartening to think of herself reduced to such measures and she tried to concentrate on everything Osbourne said rather than her own, pathetic plight.

  He pushed a third finger alongside the first two and she shivered with an unbidden thrill of arousal. Because he was such a repulsive figure, she found it sickening to think he could inspire any excitement. Yet she couldn't deny the responses that were beginning to flood through her hole. Sparkling through her body, making her senses sharp with heightened awareness, she realised her breathing had lowered to a husky rasp. Glancing down at the dirty blouse, she could see the shape of her nipples standing hard within the cotton. Not wanting to think about it, but unable to deny the truth, she knew Osbourne's fingers were sliding more easily between her thighs as her arousal lubricated his entry.

  'They were halcyon days,' Osbourne sighed. 'I only had to say the words "gobble me, whore," and some bitch would suck my cock until I came in her mouth.' He fixed Rachel with a meaningful glare and said, 'If I still had that ability, I might be able to tell you everything you needed to know about Platinum Pearl. I might find the wherewithal to continue if I thought I could still use the magic words, "gobble me, whore," with some effect.'

  She knew what was expected of her and, while she was loath to put her mouth anywhere near Osbourne's penis, it meant she would have a reprieve from the wizened hand that pawed at her pussy. Easing herself away from his reach, silently kneeling between his legs, she pulled open his robe and revealed the shrivelled tube of skin. It was barely long enough to escape the wispy tangle of greying pubic hairs at his groin but she caught it between her finger and thumb and pushed her face closer. The glans was already exposed and the pallid length shone with sweat and the residue of his previous ejaculation.

  Rachel swallowed to quell a surge of nausea.

  Osbourne sighed. Settling himself back into the settee, placing one hand on the ledger and the other on Rachel's head, he chuckled softly to himself. 'The little bitch approached me with a business deal,' he remembered. 'She was pedalling the most marvellous slaves, all with surgically enhanced cunts.' He shook his head and, when she glanced up, Rachel saw a smile of fond recollection on his wrinkled face. 'Those pussies were marvellous to fuck,' he reflected, sneering with distaste. 'Repulsive to look at, all exploded and disgustingly fleshy, but they felt... they felt...' His voice trailed off as though he was searching for an appropriate adjective.

  'Divine?' Rachel supplied.

  His good mood disappeared as if it had been flicked off by a switch. 'I thought you were gobbling my cock?' he barked shrilly.

  She apologised and returned her mouth to the length. Extending her tongue, closing her eyes so she didn't have to see what she was doing, she licked the greasy length of his limp penis. The taste was sickening, a mixture of sweat and stale semen that made her want to gag, but she forced herself to lap at his odious shaft.

  Osbourne snatched a fistful of her hair and pulled sharply. There was barely any pain, Rachel had been tormented by stronger and more powerful men than him and she was used to worse discomfort, but she understood that he was trying to impress her with his display of control. Knowing she had to accede to his authority, Rachel mumbled the word sorry as she worked her mouth against his unpalatable flesh.

  'Do you want me to finish this story?' he demanded. 'Do you want to hear what I have to say? Or do you want to tell the fucking thing yourself?'

  Calling him master, and repeating her apology, Rachel tried to suck some glimmer of life into his flaccid penis. The task wasn't only nauseating - although she believed that had to be the worst aspect - but it was also filled with other unimagined dangers. She thought the chore was quite similar to sucking spaghetti from a plate and, because Osbourne's penis resembled a shrivelled length of pasta, she almost exploded in a fit of inappropriate giggles. Knowing he would be furious if he thought she was laughing at him, certain he would fall silent and give her no information about Pearl, Rachel shut
all whimsical thoughts from her mind and tried to encourage some response from him. His penis remained defiantly soft and it wasn't until she heard him sigh happily that she realised he had forgiven her interruption and was finally enjoying the attention.

  'She wanted me to get involved with her slave trading,' he remembered. 'And she offered a reasonably fair deal. I was quite tempted to go into business with her.'

  He fell silent and Rachel tried hard to pleasure his impotent shaft. Although the sweat and semen were diluted by her saliva the taste of his penis continued to unsettle her and it was difficult to hold the soft length between her lips. But she knew she had to hear more. Osbourne's description of how Pearl had approached him sounded so similar to the way the slave trader had ingratiated herself into Master Vince's affections that she felt sure she might learn something of value. Moving her lips away, glancing meekly up at Osbourne, she encouraged him to continue. 'What made you change your mind? What made you decide not to go into business with her?'

  He snapped his fingers and pointed between his legs.

  Rachel understood the unspoken instruction and knew what she was expected to do before he would continue. Forcing her face back over him, she licked the penis and slipped its soft surface against her lips.

  Osbourne grunted rasping approval and then carried on. 'Pearl destroyed me before I could accept her offer,' he said simply. 'The bitch ruined my reputation before I had a chance to go into partnership with her.'

  His erection trembled inside her mouth. Rachel wondered if he was actually growing hard, or finally climaxing in that pathetic, feeble way of his. It was difficult to tell and Osbourne's bland monotone didn't provide any clues.

  'I had so much,' he moaned sadly. 'I had houses all over the world and a different car for each day of the week. I even had a telephone in one of the cars and the technology was so advanced I could make calls while I was driving.'

  Suspecting technology had moved on since those days, Rachel said nothing. She was listening to everything he said but her concentration was fixed on trying to coax another reaction from his lifeless, useless length.

  'I had all those possessions,' Osbourne said forlornly. 'And she took all that away from me. First there was the shame, then the notoriety, then the ridicule and persecution.'

  Rachel glanced up and saw his melancholy frown had turned into a sneer of contempt.

  'The fucking whore ruined me. She took away everything I ever had.'

  Rachel moved her mouth away from his penis and wiped her lips with the back of her hand. The taste of his stale semen was still on her tongue and she struggled not to notice its insidious flavour as she looked up at him. 'I don't understand,' she told him. 'Why did Pearl ruin you? What reason did she have for doing that? How could it possibly have benefited her?'

  He shrugged, suddenly seeming uncomfortable with the topic. Glaring at her, he pointed back to his penis until she had returned her mouth to where it was wanted. 'In those days I never did business with anyone I didn't know,' he said.

  He spoke quickly and Rachel got the impression he was either trying to brush over the subject or deliberately conceal something.

  'In those days it was customary practice to investigate potential business allies and, because I didn't know her, I had her background checked out.'

  Rachel considered this and wondered if she had misunderstood. 'Did Pearl find out that you'd been checking up on her? Is that why she destroyed you? Didn't she like the fact that you investigated her background?'

  'I don't suppose she minded that part,' he conceded grudgingly. 'I guess she took exception to my stealing her idea and trying to modify some of the slaves that I was selling. Maybe she wasn't happy about my trying to set up a slave trading ring that sold modified stock and didn't include her.' Dismissing the potential excuses, he grunted with sudden outrage and snapped, 'She's a pernicious little whore. She fucking ruined me.'

  It was clear that he was going to wallow in his own misery for a while and she took the opportunity to tease her fingers against his scrotum. The sac was fleshy and lifeless, inspiring the same disgust through her fingertips that was already fixed in her lips. Nevertheless, wanting him to conclude his story, and maybe give her some information that she could use, Rachel persisted in trying to inspire some sign of arousal.

  He clutched her hair and pushed her mouth against his groin. 'I'm close,' he hissed. 'I'm close to coming and I want you to suck me, bitch. I want you to suck me and swallow the lot.'

  Her stomach churned queasily but she didn't refuse. Placing her mouth over his limpness, stroking her fingers lightly against his withered sac, she sucked on the soft end of his glans. It was almost possible to feel a tremor undulating through his flaccid length but she couldn't sense any hardness or firm pulse.

  'That's it you bitch,' he grunted. 'That's it.'

  His exclamation came as his length spat a minor trickle against her tongue. She swallowed the tepid ejaculate without tasting it and was thankful to be able to move her mouth away from him. Her nose had been buried against the wiry brush of his pubic curls and the stench had been disgusting.

  Osbourne glared at her. His eyes shone with irreconcilable shame and excitement. Snatching the robe back over his groin, modestly covering himself, he said, 'You can go now. You can fuck off.'

  Rachel shook her head. 'You haven't told me all about Pearl yet,' she reminded him. 'Master Bernard said you might be able to help me remove her from my master's estate.'

  Huddled inside his dirty robe, Osbourne looked sad and defeated. 'I couldn't stop the bitch from ruining my life,' he whined. 'What makes you think I could stop her from ruining yours?'

  She could feel herself ready to succumb to the same despair that now ruled his existence and she wilfully brushed those thoughts aside. If she gave up now she knew there would never be any hope of removing Pearl from the estate. 'There must be something you can tell me,' she insisted.

  'No,' he said, shaking his head. 'So you might as well do as I say and fuck off.' Now that he had climaxed he seemed lost in a wave of self-pity and hopelessness. 'The only information I've got is the investigative report I had commissioned on her, and I doubt that would be any use to you. It's a worthless background file, date of birth, work history and a handful of compromising photographs.' He grunted mirthless laughter and added, 'Although, how you can take a compromising photograph of a slave trader is beyond me.'

  Struck by sudden hope, Rachel said, 'May I see?'

  Osbourne shrugged as though the matter was of no consequence. Struggling with the effort, he passed her the ledger that had sat beside him on the settee.

  Rachel's heart pounded as she opened the first page and saw a photograph of a much younger Pearl staring back at her. Hope began to swell within her breast as she flicked through several loose pages; photocopies of a birth certificate; group portraits from schools and colleges; duplicates of passports and bank statements and a schedule of her activities from a long ago week. Rachel also saw Pearl's face featured in a couple of newspaper cuttings, and noticed she was described as a successful entrepreneur.

  Going through page after page - an arrest report and a photocopy of a traffic violation - her hopes began to dwindle. She was on the verge of conceding that Osbourne had been right to dismiss the report as worthless when she reached the last few pages of the ledger.

  The picture staring at her was better than she could have hoped.

  The black and white photograph showed a naked Pearl in the embrace of two muscular men. One was pushing his length into her pussy, the other had his thick shaft in her mouth. Pearl's face was instantly recognisable, even with her mouth stretched to accept the erection. Equally damning, just so there was no trace of doubt as to who the photograph showed, the butterfly tattoo on her breast had been captured in perfect, vivid detail.

  Her heart began to race. 'May I have this?' she asked.

  Osbourne didn't bother looking. His gaze was fixed on the TV screen and he looked as if he had
forgotten she was in the room. 'If it will serve as payment for the blowjob, then you can take it.' Glancing shrewishly at her he said, 'But I want you to go now. I've told you before and this is the last time I'll tell you: I want you to fuck off.'

  No longer troubled by his rudeness, Rachel snatched the photograph and rushed out of the squalid room. A huge smile was plastered over her face. She distinctly remembered what Master Vince had said to her when he told her of his betrothed's virginity: 'Pearl says she's never been with another man and, if I doubted her honesty, I wouldn't be marrying her.' Rachel thought the photograph she now possessed might be enough to make him doubt Pearl's honesty and, for the first time in days, she thought there might be a hope of making everything on the estate turn out well.


  There was barely enough time to hide the photograph.

  On the journey home it had crossed her mind that she should use it as soon as she returned to the estate but prudence told her to wait. She would need to gauge Master Vince's mood, make sure the revelation didn't spoil her own plans for moving to Master Bernard's albergo, and only then, when the timing was just right, Rachel could expose Pearl as a lying bitch. A bitter smile twisted her lips as she savoured how that moment would feel.


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