Divine Cruelty

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Divine Cruelty Page 23

by Lee Ash

  Pearl laughed with him. 'You need to make a decision about your best man, darling,' she purred. 'Your first choice would have been something of a contradiction for the title of the role.'

  'Bernie's so feckless I guess he's not right for the responsibility,' Master Vince agreed. 'But who else am I supposed to call on? Who else can I trust?'

  O'Mara wailed and Rachel watched another stream of pussy juice squirt into the maid's glass. She was amazed that any woman could ejaculate so profusely and the awe made her briefly forget that she was supposed to be doing the same thing. It was only when Master Vince glared at her, jolting her thoughts back to her involvement in the challenge, that Rachel resumed touching herself.

  Her fingers brushed against her pussy lips and she sighed. Her sex was alive with a million glorious sensations and the promise of another release blistered inside her hole. She hadn't dared glance down at the sherry glass between her own legs, sure the sight would only disappoint. It was bad enough to see that O'Mara had almost won without confirming her own failure and making the defeat inarguable. Nevertheless, she rubbed more diligently, tried to resist the impulse to climax straight away, then relaxed as the orgasm flooded through her. The warm spray against her thighs felt thick and heavy, her delicate inner muscles burnt with the jetting release but she didn't allow herself to believe that there was any chance of success. The best she hoped for was that Master Vince would concede she had at least tried to secure his victory.

  O'Mara groaned again and Rachel glanced as the maid shifted position. She had one hand by her side, steadying her posture, while the other worked frantically at her pussy. The liquid in her glass was close to the brim and Rachel knew it would only take one more explosive orgasm and the maid would be declared the winner. Panicked, she switched her gaze to Master Vince and Pearl but neither of them was looking at her or O'Mara.

  They gazed fondly at each other, both lost in quiet contemplation.

  'What about Jason?' Pearl suggested. 'You could have him as your best man.'

  Rachel stared at her in amazement. The slave trader's indifference to what was going on around her was infuriating. The woman had instructed two slaves to compete - she could obviously hear them both groaning with ecstasy - yet she didn't care enough to glance at them when they were close to completing the requested task. It crossed her mind that she could have charged Master Vince with the same ignorance but she reasoned that he was the estate's master and entitled to a lapse in concentration. Pearl had no such excuse and Rachel decided it gave her another incentive to relish the woman's downfall.

  Pearl casually sipped from a tall glass, smoking intermittently between swigs as she contemplated Master Vince across the table. 'What about Jason?' she repeated. 'He's reliable, trustworthy and he wouldn't let you down. Don't you think he'd be an appropriate choice.'

  Master Vince nodded. 'Jason would make a good best man, but it would put Bernie's nose out of joint. He'd take it as a personal slur that I was offering the role to a member of staff over him.'

  Pearl sighed and nodded. 'I never realised these things could get so political and complicated.' Casually, as though the gesture was made from true fondness rather than manipulative planning, she reached across the table and placed her hand on his.

  He held her fingers and they smiled in unison.

  Desperately trying to squeeze another orgasm from her pussy, Rachel couldn't bring herself to watch the pair. She closed her eyes, teased her clitoris mercilessly, and remained rigid as the flood of pleasure rushed through her body. Beyond the pounding rush of adrenaline that soared past her ears, she could hear liquid trickling wetly into her glass.

  Master Vince glanced blindly at her then turned his attention back to Pearl. 'You said this bet would entertain us before we retire for the evening,' her reminded her.

  'That's right.'

  'And, when we do retire,' he began cautiously, 'will we be going to our separate rooms?'

  Pearl's grin was coquettish. 'What are you suggesting?'

  Rachel opened her eyes and watched with numb horror.

  The pair leant eagerly across the table, their faces interlocked as they enjoyed a slow, teasing kiss. Master Vince's hand fell to Pearl's modest breast and she made no complaint as he kneaded her flesh through the blouse. Her hand was inside his jacket and, although Rachel couldn't see what the woman was doing, she didn't doubt it met with the master's approval.

  'Do you really want to wait until our wedding night before you give yourself to me?' he asked. His breathing sounded laboured with arousal and Rachel wondered why she had never heard such signs of excitement from him before. She had subjected herself to his every whim, and endured every indignity he asked from her, yet she had never heard any tone of eagerness like the timbre that now inflected his words. 'Are you sure you want to save yourself until then?' he pressed.

  'I thought you wanted the occasion to be special.'

  'If we get through the day without a major row, or the alienation of all our friends and family, it will be special,' he murmured. Holding her hand, gazing intently into her eyes, he said, 'Why don't we concede that the wedding day will be special because it's our wedding day?'

  Pearl nodded, hiding her smile beneath fluttering lashes.

  'And,' Master Vince continued. He swallowed as though he was building courage to say the words, 'And, if we're going to agree that our wedding day is already special, why don't we make tonight special instead?'

  Rachel stopped herself from shrieking indignantly.

  'If that's what you want,' Pearl whispered.

  Rachel watched in horror as they leant closer, slowly undressing, and casually removing the clothes from each other's body. It was almost automatic to shout for them to stop and she had to bite her tongue to prevent the words from coming out. She wanted to tell them that this wasn't meant to happen, and wondered how she was now meant to surprise Master Vince with the revelation that his bride-to-be wasn't a virgin. At the back of her mind she realised that the photograph was still damning evidence, and would certainly carry some weight in earning Master Vince's disapproval, but she no longer trusted it to have the devastating impact she had hoped.

  'I've been waiting for this moment since we first met,' he told Pearl.

  Her murmur of agreement was made inarticulate with kisses. Rachel couldn't hear what the woman said but her intention was made clear by the bold way she pressed herself against him as the final strips of clothes were pulled from her body. Glaring through a mist of hatred and fury, Rachel could only watch as the pair prepared to make love.

  They used the centre of the table, either unmindful of the slaves on either end or pleased with the hedonistic ambience that the servants added. Rachel was unable to decide which and, although she wished she didn't care, she couldn't snatch her gaze away from the pair.

  Master Vince caressed Pearl, his eagerness obvious as he smothered her bare body with kisses. Feigning shyness, Pearl concealed her nudity by folding an arm across her chest and placing her other hand over the mound of her sex. Her androgynous figure was almost boyish and, although Rachel supposed she could understand some of her master's lascivious interest, she couldn't work out why he was so willing to believe the woman's charade of modesty. She knew that the master and Pearl had each seen the other naked - she had been used by the pair when Pearl donned a strap-on dildo - yet they were both acting like teenagers experiencing their first adult encounter.

  They kissed, their hands roving eagerly over each other as their passions soared. Master Vince carefully unfolded Pearl's arm, gasping softly as he revealed her bare breasts, before gently kissing the tip of each nipple. His exclamation was almost reverential when he removed the hand from her sex and exposed her pussy. Unhurriedly, he lowered his face to the glistening lips and stroked his tongue against her labia.

  Pearl shuddered.

  Rachel watched the woman's face intently, looking for some sign that would reveal the slave trader was faking her excitement. But Pearl
was nothing if not consistent in her acting. She seemed to bask in the master's attention and responded to him with genuine enthusiasm. When he encouraged her to lie on the table, she quietly obeyed.

  Rachel continued to rub at herself, her frown black with loathing. Her body ached from the torment of too many pleasures and her muscles were spiked with fresh pain each time a new orgasm tore through her frame. She didn't know how many times she had brought herself to climax, and had all but forgotten the challenge she was undertaking, as she continued to glare furiously at the slave trader. It was easy to overlook her body's new responsiveness, and the easy way she could ring pleasure from her modified labia, as she fixed her concentration on her master and his hateful beloved.

  'Are you sure we should be doing this tonight?' he asked.

  Master Vince voiced the concern while his glans rested against her pussy lips. The swollen end looked ready to plunge into her soft pink depths - and with any other woman Rachel knew he would have already buried himself inside - but he resisted the impulse to take her and waited for a response.

  'I'm sure, if you're sure,' Pearl breathed.

  He nodded and Rachel watched with dismay as the master's swollen end pushed at Pearl's sex. She could feel her plans for usurping the woman were ruined when Master Vince thrust himself inside.

  Pearl gasped and wrapped her arms tight around his back. Her scarlet nails looked set to bury into his broad shoulders and Rachel had to turn away when the slave trader began to moan. She could hear the wet squelch of their lovemaking over the greedy slurp of her own pussy lips and above O'Mara's constant cries of euphoria. The air seemed suddenly thick with the scents of arousal and musk and she tried not to inhale through her nostrils for fear of choking on the cloying fragrance.

  'You saved yourself for me,' Master Vince murmured. His voice was rich with adoration and his smile was so sentimental Rachel was stung by contempt. 'I'm so touched that you kept your virginity for me.'

  'You were worth the wait,' Pearl told him.

  Rachel bit her lip to stop herself from protesting. She couldn't condone Pearl's lies but she found it even more difficult to accept her master's gullibility. She had always considered him worldly and shrewd but his simplistic belief in Pearl's purity made her wonder how badly she had misjudged him. This time, when she contemplated leaving the pair to their marriage, and not making any revelations before she went to join Master Bernard at the albergo, Rachel couldn't bring herself to just dismiss the idea. If it meant she would be able to escape the pair sooner it was definitely an option worth considering.

  'Oh! Yes!' Pearl sighed. 'Oh! Yes!'

  Rachel wished she could close her ears the way she could close her eyes. She supposed it wouldn't have helped to any great degree - she would still be able to feel the table vibrating beneath her haunches, and would still be able to smell the sickly scent of their cursed union - but it would have meant she didn't have to listen to Pearl's faux enthusiasm.

  'If you need me to be gentle, I can be gentle,' he assured her.

  Pearl grunted and shook her head. 'Take me faster,' she urged, bucking beneath his repeated thrusts. 'Take me faster! Faster!'

  Master Vince obliged eagerly, working his length in and out at a furious speed. Rachel could see every sordid detail and watched his scrotum sway back and forth as he repeatedly pounded into her. Pearl's arousal was obvious and the silky sheen of her excitement quickly coated his shaft. Her labia melted for him as she happily accepted his penetration again and again and again.

  Rachel repeatedly squeezed herself to orgasm, watching the master and the slave trader as they bucked and groaned toward their own climax. She wouldn't accept that the sight was exciting, and would have been happier to say the occasional glimpse of O'Mara's masturbation was all that was adding to her arousal, but she knew that wasn't entirely the truth. When the couple before her climaxed, Master Vince burying himself deep and Pearl screeching with excessive jubilation, Rachel screamed with her own unexpected release.

  She didn't know if either of the couple had been disturbed by her, or if her cry had disturbed the pinnacle of their love-making. But, when she had blinked away the tears of bitter joy, she saw that Pearl was glancing in her direction. Master Vince was oblivious to everyone and everything except his bride-to-be. He remained between her legs, his spent length slowly seeping from her hole, while he pressed grateful kisses against her throat and bare breasts.

  'Hold on a moment, darling,' Pearl said. 'It looks like we have a winner.'

  Rachel followed the line of the woman's gaze and realised the slave trader was staring at her glass. She glanced between her legs and saw, just like O'Mara's, her own glass was so full the fluid spilled over the sides. She blinked in surprise, a bewildered smile crossing her lips.

  'We have a winner,' Master Vince agreed. 'But I don't think it was Rachel.'

  Rachel glanced at him curiously, wondering how he could say such a thing. She saw him retrieve the sherry glass from underneath O'Mara and realised the truth of the situation was glaringly obvious. Rachel had only managed to fill her own glass, with just enough excess to dribble down one side. O'Mara had continued spurting until the table beneath her looked like a small lake. The sides of her glass were dewy with viscous ejaculate and strings of the wetness trailed from its base as Master Vince passed it to Rachel.

  Numbly, her fingers sopping with her own arousal, Rachel took the glass from him. Instinctively she raised it to her lips and inhaled the acrid scent of musk. Beyond the rim of the glass she could see O'Mara smirking at her. Shame, nausea and weariness all fought for control of her emotions but it was the sight of Master Vince's disappointment that left the strongest impression. He had been frowning when he handed over the glass and the knowledge that she hadn't succeeded for him made Rachel feel ill with self-loathing. It also made her come to a decision about what she would do with the photograph.

  He turned to Pearl and said dourly, 'Well won, darling. It looks like we'll be having pony carts at our wedding reception.'

  Pearl shook her head. 'No, my love. If you want limousines, then that's what we'll have.'

  'Limousines?' He sounded pleased but confused. 'But the wager?' he began. 'You seemed so determined to win it. Why have you suddenly changed your mind?'

  Her smile was indulgent and, unable to watch a sickening display of further affection, Rachel turned away when Pearl stroked a hand against his cheek. 'I'd still rather have pony carts,' she admitted. 'But, if it means so much to you, I'm happy to relent. The bet was entertaining but its result was meaningless. Don't you realise, darling? I love you and your heart is the only thing I've ever cared about winning.'

  Rachel listened incredulously, unable to believe she had struggled so hard to win a victory that had been of no interest to anyone. The injustice made her furious and, when she caught another scent of O'Mara's glass the pungent fragrance was more than she could stomach. Lightheaded from the punishment of too many pleasures, and unable to demean herself by drinking O'Mara's come, she stumbled backward on the table and dropped the glass to the floor. She never heard it shatter against the stone because, by the time it struck, she had fallen into a dead faint.



  Rachel came to in vaguely familiar surroundings not sure how long she had been unconscious and hardly remembering the challenge that had caused her to collapse into a faint. Her entire body was sticky with sweat but, because she was still shivering from pleasure, that didn't seem unnatural. A throbbing pulse ebbed through her pussy muscles, transporting her to new realms of bliss before sweeping her into a frenzy of orgasm. The same delicious joy was wrought through her nipples and it only took the slightest movement to have her dizzied by a furious, blistering climax. Each time she thought the joy was beginning to recede another rush of delight scorched through her hole and left her weary, drained and satisfied.

  'I said congratulations. Did you hear me? Or are you still being an arrogant bitch
who doesn't deign to grace me with her conversation?'

  Rachel glanced dreamily toward the figure and recognised Pearl. The slave trader held a hypodermic needle in one hand and the sight looked so intimidating that she was startled from her dreamy reverie. Instinctively she tried to cringe away.

  It was only when she attempted to move that Rachel realised exactly where she was and the enormity of her predicament: she had been brought back to Pearl's studio and, once again, she was strapped to the fourth bed. Her wrists and ankles were held secure in the straps, her legs were spread apart in the stirrups, and she knew her position was inescapable. Trying to hide her mounting panic she glared at her gaoler and said, 'What do you think you're doing to me?' She fixed her gaze on the hypodermic in Pearl's hand and asked, 'What the hell do you think you're going to do with that?'

  Pearl's laughter echoed musically from the studio walls as she took the hypodermic to the incinerator in the corner. Opening the metal door she dropped the needle inside and Rachel caught a glimpse of glowing flames before the hypodermic was gone forever. 'I'm not going to do anything with the needle,' Pearl said sweetly. 'And I don't plan on doing anything else to you now. I've done everything I need to do. Your treatment is complete.'


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