Divine Cruelty

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Divine Cruelty Page 25

by Lee Ash

  It was a long wait, made uncomfortable by the muscle of her anus being stretched by the butt-plug. Her pussy was convulsing spasmodically and each shiver trembled through the sensitive walls of her rectum. Eddies of pleasure swept from her bowel in thick waves that had her delirious with anguished joy.

  Rather than responding with fury, Pearl's laughter trailed merrily from the walls of the chapel. Master Vince glared at her for a moment then, uncertainly, he joined Pearl in her merriment.

  'You arrogant little bitch,' Pearl scoffed. 'You really need to learn your place on this estate, don't you?'

  Rachel struggled to glance up at the woman. The effort caused bright needles to sting through her breasts, and her clitoris felt as though it was being torn from her body. But she had to see the slave trader's face and, regardless of the personal price, she knew she had to make the effort. She started to apologise again but Pearl was speaking over her before she could manage the first word.

  'How did you interpret those cards?' she asked. Her frown was etched with contempt. 'Did you see me as the devil? Were you and Bernie the lovers? Was I meant to bring the destruction that you saw in the devastated tower card? Is that how you interpreted them?'

  The butt-plug struggled to go past its widest point and Rachel could feel that O'Mara was letting it squeeze back a little before she inched it forward. She suspected the slave was trying to prolong the torment, and she supposed she would have taken the same sadistic pleasure if she had been in the maid's position. Forcing her thoughts back to Pearl's question, realising the woman had more or less guessed her interpretation of the personal tarocco reading, she grunted, 'It was something like that.' Lowering her gaze, no longer wanting to look at Pearl's disapproving frown, she said, 'I can't remember exactly.'

  Pearl snorted. 'You didn't think that Bernie might have been represented by the devil card?' Pearl asked. 'You didn't think that the lovers might represent Master Vince and I? You didn't think the tower card prophesied your destroying an established system of honesty and trust?'

  Thinking about Pearl's explanation, Rachel conceded that her interpretation could also have been what the cards were trying to tell her. Considering the way events had worked out, she supposed it was a more likely explanation than the one she had made. She would have argued that the tarocco weren't an exact science, and that the chance of misinterpretation was one of the card's many flaws, but O'Mara chose that moment to push the butt-plug home.

  Rachel's backside was stretched by the phallus, the muscles of her sex trembled with new waves of agony, and a further orgasm erupted deep in her bowel. The pleasure shivered through her body adding waves of new discomfort to her tormented piercings. The extreme was so severe that she couldn't bring herself to suffer the pain and pleasure and continue lying.

  'I was wrong,' she moaned miserably. It was an effort to speak but she was determined to make her side of the argument known. 'I misread the cards, my arrogance forced me to make an error of judgement, and I compounded that crime by lying. I was wrong and I'm sorry.'

  Pearl knelt in front of her. The rounded end of her strap-on hovered beneath Rachel's nose and brushed against her upper lip. The unspoken instruction was obvious and Rachel leant forward to take the rubber phallus in her mouth. Her tongue traced the moulded shape of the huge erection and, fearing that she might be made to accept the length somewhere else, she tried to make the shaft as wet as her mouth would allow. The constant arousal was making it difficult to remain focused and, when she tried to speculate where Pearl might use her strap-on, another wave of anticipatory pleasure buffeted her body. She groaned around the swollen end in her mouth and realised tears were spilling down her cheeks.

  Pearl stroked a hand through her hair as Rachel continued to suck 'You know you've done wrong,' she mused. 'And I'll bet you're wondering how we're going to punish you.'

  Rachel had thought she was already suffering her punishment but she kept that thought to herself. The piercings had been reapplied to her modified clitoris and nipples and she had been fitted with a new chain that was thicker and heavier than the one she had previously worn. As far as punishments went, Rachel didn't think they came much more severe than being made to read the tarocco in such a susceptible condition.

  'Am I right?' Pearl pressed. 'Are you wondering how we intend to punish you?'

  Rachel glanced meekly up at the slave trader and remembered that she was now the woman's personal maid. The knowledge didn't make her feel any better about her future and she wasn't surprised when fresh tears trailed down her cheeks. She nodded unhappily hoping Pearl understood she was now ready to accept her punishment.

  Pearl sighed and rode her hips back and forth. The rubber phallus plunged easily in and out of Rachel's mouth, forcing her to sway ever-so-slightly on the chains. If she hadn't been working so industriously on sucking the length, she would have screamed from the fresh shock that coursed through her nipples and her sex .

  'You're wondering how we should punish you,' Pearl said quietly. 'And the truth is, your master and I are wondering the same thing.' She smiled at Rachel's obvious lack of understanding and explained, 'The truth is, you're going to tell us what punishment you deserve.'

  Rachel pulled her mouth away from the rubber cock and glared up at Pearl. 'You expect me to tell you how to hurt me? Why would I do that?'

  Pearl guided her face back to the strap-on and waited for Rachel to resume sucking before she replied. 'It's not a question of why,' she explained. 'It's more a question of how.' Breathing heavily, seeming to find genuine enjoyment in having the rubber length in Rachel's mouth, she said, 'You're going to read the cards for us again. You're going to read the cards every night until we finally grow tired of punishing you for this crime. And, each time you read the cards, you'll tell us the way you need to be punished.'

  Rachel gasped and thought about shaking her head but she didn't dare incur any more of the woman's anger. The torture she was already suffering was bad enough and she couldn't bear to think that things might get worse if she tried to refuse now.

  'We'll have to keep you pierced,' Pearl continued airily, 'and there's nothing we can do about your divine modifications, but I'm sure you'll learn to deal with those distractions. I'm sure you'll have to learn because, every night from now on you'll be brought to this chapel and you'll get the cards to tell me how best to punish you.'

  Rachel thought about arguing, asking for leniency or understanding, but there was no chance to manage the words. O'Mara's laughter giggled from behind her, Master Vince's guffaw bellowed from the pulpit and Jason laughed so hard his arm began to shake. Every small movement was amplified through her nipples and clitoris and Rachel was sobbing freely before her tormentors had finally stopped finding merriment in her plight.

  'I'll be watching you carefully,' Pearl said stiffly. 'And, if I suspect that you've started lying again, I'll consult the tarocco myself about finding your punishment. But I don't think that will be a problem in the future, will it?'

  Not daring to reply, Rachel returned her mouth to Pearl's erection and sucked as hard as she could. She was determined, no matter how bad the punishment became, she wouldn't ever lie again. And, no matter how much she despised her new mistress, she was adamant that she would do whatever the woman demanded. It had been wrong for her to lie, and she had been misguided in the arrogant belief that she knew better than her master. But she vowed that wouldn't happen again. Squeezing the deck of cards tight, relishing the blissful agony of another climax, she was only grateful that they had thought to reward her crimes with their divine cruelty.




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