Destiny 2: Decision of The Next Generation

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Destiny 2: Decision of The Next Generation Page 10

by Blue Saffire

  “That’s not fair,” Victor hissed.

  “You mind your business. I have a bone to pick with you about being so grumpy and moping around here. If it wasn’t for the girlfriend I think you’re hiding, I would be taking your car too,” Aunt Tali said as she narrowed her eyes at him.

  “Fine,” I sighed.

  If looks could kill, after the look Victor gave me, I’d be with my mom and dad. I didn’t know what he wanted me to do. I care about him and I don’t want to date anyone else, but I hate lying to Aunt Tali, and she was insisting.

  Victor was in a foul mood for the rest of dinner. Aunt Tali ignored him to tell me all about her plans for the party. As soon as we were excused from dinner, Victor got up to leave. He gave me a look that said to do the same.

  “Meliyah, honey, I picked up your dress today. I have some other things I want to show you,” Aunt Tali chimed waving for me to follow her.

  “Okay,” I replied.

  This didn’t help. Victor looked like he had steam coming out of his ears. I followed Aunt Tali to the room she’d been storing all the party things in.

  She had my dress hanging on a closet door. It looked so beautiful, we had picked it almost a month ago. I fell in love with it right away.

  It was a strapless canary yellow gown with a crystal beaded bodice and a Cinderella skirt, that swayed like a bell when I move. I had my last fitting last weekend. I was so excited to have it home. It made everything so much more real to me. I was having a big birthday party.

  I never got to Victor that. Aunt Tali had me with her until after midnight. When Alexis and Aliyah came home, Aunt Tali had me try on my dress and then they tried a ton of possible hairstyles out on me.

  Aunt Tali stylist was scheduled to come the day of the party to do my hair. However, everyone wanted to see what would look best with my dress. There was so much excitement I couldn’t bear to end it to revolve things with Victor.

  I would have had fun if it weren’t for knowing that Victor was so mad. When I did get to my room that night my cell phone had almost a dozen missed calls from Victor. I knew he was upset because he didn’t text or leave a message.

  Sunday went by with Victor in an extremely bad mood. After church, Aunt Tali wanted to go out to a restaurant, so we didn’t get to talk or get a minute alone. Uncle Alex took all the boys out after we finished at the restaurant, which once again kept us from talking. I tried to text him while they were out, but he hadn’t answered. It was just a storm brewing, I could tell.

  chapter sixteen


  On Monday morning, as soon as I finished my breakfast Victor stood up to leave for school. Alexis got up to follow him so she could get a ride, but Vic shot her a look of death. Alexis sat back down slowly and looked over at me and Al to see what was going on with him.

  I smiled weakly at her and got up with my school bag. Victor started to walk out and I followed. I licked my dry lips in anticipation of what was going to happen.

  Once we were in the car and heading toward school, I reached to stroke his face. Victor kissed the palm of my hand and reached for it to hold it. He was so affectionate it hurt me to see him so upset.

  “Meliyah, I don’t want you to ask anyone to be your date,” he said in a pained voice.

  “I know, Victor, but what do you want me to do?”

  “Tell my mom no!” he growled.

  “I tried,” I whined.

  “Try again, Meliyah. You’re my girlfriend, I’m not letting you go out with someone else,” he demanded.

  I fell back against the seat and started to pout. He was impossible. It wasn’t like I wanted to date someone else. I just sat there trying not to cry. I was so frustrated.

  “So you’re not going to talk to me?”

  “Vic, what do you want me to say?”

  “That you’re going to tell my mom, no,” he said through his teeth.

  “Then no, I’m not going to talk to you. You heard what she said, if I don’t do it, then I don’t get my car.”

  “So your car is more important than me?”

  “No! Don’t be like this. Victor, you have your car. I never had someone give me something like that, please don’t make me give it up,” I sobbed.

  Victor sighed deeply and looked over at me. His face looked hurt as he reached to wipe the tears away. Victor pulled into the parking lot and parked before leaning to kiss me on the cheek.

  I reached for the collar of his shirt and kissed him. I didn’t want to fight with him. This all felt so stupid.

  “Stop crying, Mama,” he breathed in my face.

  “I don’t want to fight with you,” I sniffled.

  “Come on, we’ll talk about it later.”

  We got out of the car and Victor locked his fingers in mine. I looked toward the parking lot to see if Al was pulling into the lot. Victor and I still tried not to show affection in front of Alexis and Aliyah. Victor squeezed my hand tighter. It was as if he just didn’t care that morning.

  As the day went on, I could tell Victor was still annoyed, but he tried not to show it. I couldn’t wait to get home and go to our secret room. I just wanted to be alone with him to show him how much I care about him. We could just give Aunt Tali what she wanted and move on.

  The ride home was quiet. I didn’t want to say anything to start a fight. Victor looked like he was thinking the whole way home. When we got home, I went right to my room to change out of my school clothes as always. When I got to the west wing, Victor was already there pacing.

  I ran into his arms and hugged him tight. He reached for my face and devoured my lips. I just melted into his kiss. Vic kissed me as if our time was ticking. I hugged him tighter not wanting to let him go.

  “Do you care about me?” Victor breathed in my face.

  “Yes, you know I do.”

  “Then do this for me, Meliyah. Say no for me,” Victor replied as he stroked my hair.

  I didn’t want to do this again. “That’s not fair, Victor.” I looked down at the floor so I wouldn’t cry.

  “Just tell her no one wanted to come with you?” he insisted.

  “She is not going to believe that Victor and I don’t want to lie to her,” I whined.

  “You already are, Meliyah. What do you think we are doing?” He looked so mad and I could tell he was fighting his temper.

  “Okay, I know that and that just makes it worse. I want to be with you, I want you happy, but Victor can’t you just let this one go?”

  “If you want me happy, prove it,” he said and kissed me again.

  “How?” I panted.

  “You know what I want. I don’t want my girlfriend with someone else. What will that look like, someone from school dating my girlfriend? If you care about me and want me happy do what I’m asking.”

  “Vic,” I whined and stomped my foot, “Don’t make me give up my car. Please, Poppa, don’t do this.”

  “Okay, fine, Meliyah. I won’t make you give up your car. If that’s what you want, then ask whoever you like.”

  “Really, Baby. You’re okay with it,” I chimed and threw my arms around his neck.

  “What do I care, you’re not my girlfriend,” he grumbled and pulled my arms from his neck.

  I felt like someone knocked the wind out of me. The tears rolled down my cheeks and heated my face. Victor turned to walk out of the door. I reached for his arm, but he pulled away to leave.

  “Victor,” I cried, but it was too late.

  He was gone. I dropped to the floor and placed my face in my hands. I hadn’t known how much I cared about him until that very moment. I was crushed.

  I am not sure how long I sat there sobbing. When I got up, I went to go to my room, but I could hear Victor blasting his stereo. I knew it was him, it was what Vic does when he is in a bad mood. Right then, the radio was so loud I didn’t know how he could stand to sit in the same room with it.

  I made my way to the living room, where Alexis and Aliyah were trying to watch TV and hea
r over the music. I climbed on the couch next to Aliyah and she pulled my head on to her lap and started to play in my hair. I was still crying a little, but trying to hide the tears.

  “Are you okay?” Alexis asked.

  “No,” I sobbed.

  “Victor really likes you, Meliyah,” Aliyah said.

  “Shut up,” Alexis whined.

  “No, he’s our brother. I don’t want to see them fighting,” Aliyah hissed.

  “We’re supposed to mind our business,” Alexis hissed back.

  “No, you said we had to mind our business. I like them together.”

  “So you guys know?” I whispered.

  “Pretty much, Meliyah, you guys have been the talk of the school,” Aliyah shrugged.

  “Oh,” I sniffled.

  “Alex told us this morning what happened the other night. Are you two okay?” Aliyah asked.

  “No, he broke up with me.” Saying it out loud was like driving a knife into my own heart.

  “Oh no, Meliyah, I’m sorry,” Alexis said and started to rub my back.

  “He is being a jerk,” Aliyah muttered.

  “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  I sat quietly trying to stifle the tears. It seemed like the music was getting louder just to taunt me. Aunt Tali walked in just as I started to fall asleep, while the girls tried to soothe me. I didn’t want to look up at her because I was sure my eyes were red.

  “Oh my goodness, what is Victor’s problem, today. That boy and his mood swings. I can’t take it,” Aunt Tali groaned. Alexis shrugged and we continued to watch TV.

  “Did something happen at school today?” No one answered. “Okay, well if no one here will tell me, he is going to have to because I’m not in the mood for the noise.”

  Aunt Tali stormed out of the room and went upstairs. I just wanted to curl into my skin. I wondered if he was going to tell her we were together since we’d broken up. I started to think the fight was for nothing. There would be no car, no party, no nothing if he told her. I got up and ran to my room.

  I was in my room for hours. When Uncle Alex knocked on my door for me to come down for dinner, I told I wasn’t hungry and asked to be excused. I couldn’t sit at a table with Victor knowing we weren’t together. It would’ve hurt too much. I was hoping I could get out of school tomorrow too.

  It was late when I heard a phone ringing. I looked around the room and then I remember the phone Raul gave me. I had stopped texting him once I started dating Victor, but I keep the phone charged in case Uncle Sisqo called.

  I opened the end table next to my bed where I kept the phone and pulled it out. Raul’s name flashed on the screen. I bite my lip considering not answering at all.

  “Hello,” I said weakly.

  “Hey Baby, what’s good, Mama,” Raul crooned into the phone. “Did I wake you?”

  “No, hey,” I replied.

  “Why you sound so sad, Mama? You miss me that much?”

  “It’s nothing,” I laughed. “Sorry, I haven’t been texting.”

  “Yo, your birthday is almost here,” I heard his smile through the phone.

  “Yeah, I know,” I said and sighed.

  “Nah, Ma-me, you need to be more excited about it. I wanted to know if I could bring you your gift in person?”

  “But I thought you couldn’t come here.”

  “Ah, mama, I got connections,” he laughed. “Tali wants Sisqo there since he’s the only other family you got. She sent him an invite and I want to be his plus one. He don’t trust no one else.”

  “Really,” I chimed. I wanted to see Uncle Sisqo. Right now, I wanted to see anyone that was familiar to me.

  “Yeah, Mama, so you miss me enough to see me or you still ducking me,” Raul chuckled.

  “I don’t know, I mean, I guess so,” I replied shyly.

  “Good, cause I been thinking about you a lot. I’ma let you get some sleep. I’ll hit you tomorrow.”

  “Wait,” I chimed. “Will you do me a favor?”

  “Anything, Baby, what’s up?” Raul crooned into the phone.

  “Aunt Tali sort of wants me to have a date for the party. Will you be my escort? You’ll have to wear a suit,” I said gnawing on my lip.

  “You got it mama, your boy cleans up real nice, no problem. You need me in a certain color?”

  “Oh, thank you so much. My dress is yellow,” I sang.

  “I got you. I can’t wait to see you, Mellie,” he crooned.

  “I’ll text you a picture of my dress, okay?”

  “Yeah, baby,” he laughed.

  “Good night.”

  “Good night, Mellie,” Raul laughed and hung up.

  Victor didn’t want me to ask any of the boys at school, so I’m not. Not that it matters anymore, Victor doesn’t want me. Raul was an option before I met Victor, so he can be one now. Maybe older guys were better for me.

  chapter Seveteen

  Boys and Men

  Victor wasn’t speaking to me at all. I rode to school with Alex every day. Victor tried to make me jealous by hanging around Shelia and Bonita all the time, but I had it with his childish games.

  If he wanted to break up over something I couldn’t control, then that was his problem. I was done crying after the first week and a half. I wouldn’t put myself through it anymore.

  Raul was calling at least twice a day and he text all day long. Even when I was in school. I would reply during breaks and at lunch.

  Raul always said things to make me smile, especially when Victor was being extra rude. It’s like he knew just what I needed to hear. His words always come just at the right time.

  It was the Friday night before my party and I was excited. I passed my road test and had my license, so I would be able to drive my car right away. I tried to find out what kind of car I’d be getting, but Aunt Tali’s lips were glued shut.

  We had a full spa day planned for first thing in the morning and all the girls were charged up for that. Victor was even in a good mood. He has a smug attitude and smiled every time he saw me.

  I figured he was pretty pleased with himself because he thought I didn’t have a date. I told Uncle Alex and Aunt Tali that Raul would be my escort, but I didn’t say anything to anyone else. As we sat at dinner, Victor sat with a big grin on his face. I wanted to snatch it right off, but I got lucky. Aunt Tali did it for me.

  “Meliyah, Raul knows to be here at five for pictures, right?” Aunt Tali asked as we ate.

  “Yes, he’ll be here he promised,” I chimed.

  “Sisqo knows how important this is, he will have him here on time,” Uncle Alex chuckled.

  Victor’s face dropped. I swear I could see it crack. “Who’s Raul?” Victor asked bitterly.

  He was staring right at me now. I looked away to ignore him. What did he care? I’m not his girlfriend.

  “He’s Meliyah’s date for the party. They know each other from the neighborhood,” Uncle Alex explained.

  “Meliyah, I really wish you would have chosen a boy from school. One closer to your age,” Aunt Tali sighed.

  “The boy I wanted to be with doesn’t like me the way I like him,” I shrugged. “The other boys didn’t matter. He was the one I wanted to be with.”

  “I’m sorry about that,” Aunt Tali said sadly. “I wish I didn’t push you to get your feelings hurt, but it’s his loss.”

  “I know, but it is what it is,” I said as I looked at Victor.

  He looked like he wanted to flip the table over. I looked away quickly. This was his choice, not mine. I hope he didn’t think I was just going to sulk forever over him. I wanted to be with him more than anything, but he had made that impossible.

  Aunt Tali ran down her checklist as we finished dinner. I could feel Victor’s eyes burning a hole in my skin as I tried not to look at him. He had made the decision to break up so easily. I was making the decision to move on just the same.

  By the morning, Victor was the last thing on my mind. We finished at the spa later
than we thought and had to rush home to get ready. Al and the younger boys were dressed and hanging out in the living room when we got home.

  Victor was in his room blasting his music. Aunt Tali went straight to his room to bang on the door and make him cut it off. I could hear her yelling at him to get his act together, so he didn’t ruin my party. I bet that was what he wanted to do.

  I was almost upset that the earrings Victor gave me went perfectly with my dress. I think the real irony was the fact that the color of my dress was Victor’s favorite color. I thought about not wearing the earrings, but Aunt Tali kept asking where they were.

  For someone that notices everything, I don’t see how she missed the fact that I was dating her son. As I stood in the mirror looking at my dress and the huge curls in my hair I became excited. I had waited months for this day.

  My special phone, as I started to think of it, started to go off as Raul sent me a text. He was finally here and I felt a little more excited as I read the text. I turned to Aunt Tali to see if she approved of the final outcome.

  She has a beaming smile on her face. She reached to give me a tight hug and pulled me from the room. As we made it down the stairs, I could see Raul standing by the door.

  He looked so nice in a white suit with a yellow shirt and tie. I was impressed. Only thing out of place was the tattoo hanging out the collar of his shirt on his neck and the one on the back of his hand.

  I walked over to him to give him a hug and he pulled me in for a big squeeze, lifting me off my feet. Raul leaned to kiss me on the cheek as he put me down, causing me to blush. He placed his forehead to mine and rubbed his nose against mine. I couldn’t help the smile that spread across my entire face.

  “You look beautiful, Ma-me. I missed you,” he crooned.

  “Thanks,” I giggled.

  “Enough of that,” Uncle Sisqo teased as he reached for a hug, “come here, Mellie. You look great. I see Alex still knows how to treat his women.”

  “B, you know nothing is too good for Juan’s baby,” Uncle Alex crooned. “My baby went all out for her. Tali loves this girl.”


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