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Adrenaline Page 4

by Penelope Douglas

  Letting out a long breath, I leaned my weight against the back of the bathroom door and fell to the floor. What was I doing? I was no match for him. I wasn’t cut out for this! The thought of him, the sight of him, kept drawing me in like a moth to a flame. My head bowed to my knees and I pushed air in and out of my lungs slowly.

  I stayed like that for a while, and my breathing took several minutes to return to normal. Getting up, I grabbed a towel from the rack on the wall and wrapped it around my body before coming to stand in front of the mirror.

  Assessing the red blush covering my skin, I decided to not do any more undressing in front of my window again. Ever.

  Picking my toothbrush out of the holder, I got busy brushing, flossing, and rinsing before washing my face. Realizing I left my pajamas on my bed, I walked back into my room in my towel and nearly screamed when I saw Jared sitting in my chair next to the French doors. He rested one black boot over his knee as he leaned back. His pose was casual, but his stare was formidable.

  Straightening my shoulders and swallowing, I fixed him with a forced annoyed look. “How did you get in here?”

  “I have a key, remember?” Both of his arms rested on the arm rests, while his long fingers dangled off the edges. He looked strong, confident and bad for women.

  I showed him my back as I turned around to grab some fresh underwear out of my drawer. The mirror that hung above the dresser offered me a perfect view of him. “You weren’t invited,” I stated calmly, even though my heartbeat was racing again.

  “Yes, I was.” Chills covered my body at his stealthy and all-too-true comeback.

  “So…now that you’re here, what are you going to do?” A slight grin adorned my face before I reached for the thin, white robe hanging on the hook on my bedroom door.

  Watching him watching me, I pulled the towel off my body before slipping my arms into the robe. His breath hitched at the sight of my naked back. Nothing else was visible to him as I still wore my boy shorts, and the height of the dresser covered my breasts from his view through the mirror.

  “What are you doing to me, Tate?” he whispered, his eyes zoning in on me like a warning.

  Pretending to be interested in something on my dresser top, I replied innocently. “I can’t do anything to you, Jared. We’re not friends, remember? We never were. I mean nothing to you. Right?”

  Jared suddenly stood up, causing my muscles to lock up, and crossed the room to come up behind me. I could feel his chest at my back and his pants grazing my behind. Both of his hands grasped the edge of the dresser on either side of me, locking me in. Déjà vu struck me as I recalled the last time I was in this position with him at Tori’s party a year ago. However, this time I wasn’t looking for an escape. His mouth brushed against my hair, and I closed my eyes momentarily indulging in his closeness.

  “No, we’re not friends.” He spoke, and I opened my eyes to meet his deep brown ones in the mirror. “You thought we were best buds, or…some shit.” He smirked, but the amusement didn’t reach his eyes. “For me, it was like there wasn’t anything else but you. Even at ten, I knew you were it for me.” His eyebrows pinched together, and he looked sad. “And by the time I was fourteen, you were the only girl in my dreams. I couldn’t be your friend, Tate. I always wanted more.” Looking straight at me, he added, “I still do.”

  “Jared…” My brain was trying to process what he had said, and while I had so many questions, it filled me with joy to hear him say all of those things.

  Jared released one hand and dug his phone out of his pocket. Scrolling a couple of screens, he held up a photo of Madoc and me at the dance tonight. It was the one of us standing in front of the cab with his arm around my shoulder.

  “He texted me pictures of the two of you tonight. He has his arm around you. Do you know what my first thought was?” His eyes left the picture and questioned me. “How badly I wanted to hurt him. He’s my best friend. He’d lie down in front of a car for me, and I had to talk myself out of hurting him. Or rather talk myself out of hurting him again.”

  “Why would he text you pictures?” Was Madoc trying to make Jared jealous?

  “Because he’s fucking with my head, that’s why.” Jared’s scowl erupted on me. “I thought the same thing about Ben, and every other guy who showed you attention over the years. I wanted to rip their hands off when they touched you.” His breathing got deeper as he tried to calm himself. Looking up, his eyes appeared hard and decisive. “That’s how I know I’m no good for you.”

  I turned around and cocked my head to the side to look up at him. My fingers itched to touch him. His hair fell on his forehead, and I wanted to thread my fingers through it before taking him in my arms. The heat of his breath caressed my face. “What do you want from me, Jared?” I wanted to know, because I was confused as hell right now. If he’d just stop holding back, maybe we had a chance of putting the pieces back together.

  We were like magnets, unable to break contact as he inched closer and our lips found each other. He grasped both sides of my face, and I wrapped my arms around his waist. Jared’s lips covered mine and his tongue moved inside my mouth overwhelming me with its heat. The fire surging up my chest and neck increased my need for more, and so I inched up on my tiptoes pushing my body into his.

  Jared instantly pulled back, and holding my face in his hands, stared down at me with the same uncontrollable need as me. As I tried to inch back in and capture his mouth with mine, Jared pulled me to him again bringing his lips down on mine. He lifted me from the back of my thighs, and I wrapped my legs around his body as he carried us to my bed. Sitting at the foot, I straddled him and encircled his neck with my arms. We were lost. His soft, hot mouth trailed down my neck as his hands went to my ass, and I closed my eyes determined to just let go.

  To just enjoy the feel of him.

  I could feel him through his pants, and I found myself moving against him, needing more. He brought his hand up to my robe and pulled it off the shoulder as his kisses left my neck and moved downward.

  A mild alarm shot through me as I realized I was too close to the point of no return. We wanted each other. And although we needed to get to know each other again, every one of my instincts told me that I was made for this boy. But I needed more answers before we could go farther.

  “I need you, Jared,” I gasped out. “I’ve needed you so much over the years. Why did you leave me?” I choked out every word as Jared’s attention had me breathing hard.

  He paused and breathed into my chest. “I was lost.” He stated plainly and searched my eyes for understanding.

  I held his face between my palms. “Tell me what happened.”

  He tried to look down, but I brought his face back up to look at me. “No. I’m never going there again. I’m sorry, Tate.” His lips pressed into a hard line.

  Tears stung my eyes and threatened to fall. Didn’t he realize that I needed to know him? “You don’t trust me.” Climbing off him, I fixed my robe and stood up to face him. “When have I ever hurt you?” I demanded.

  “Tate…” He uttered his warning through clenched teeth.

  “Don’t you want this with me? I’m standing here, nearly naked, telling you that I love…”

  “Stop!” Jared shouted, his deep growl cutting off my words. “Just leave it alone.” He stood and walked to stand next to the chair, looking out the windows.

  Running his hands through his hair, he sighed. “This is what I meant, Tate. There are some things I’m not going to talk about. Some things I don’t want to be reminded of.” Jared’s head remained level, but his eyes looked down on me.

  “There are things I need to know,” I said, walking toward him. My body hummed with the memory of his hands on me, and I tried to ignore the urge to forget my need for information and wrap myself around him again.

  “I know.” He nodded, looking solemnly at the floor. “Which is why this won’t work between us.”

  Character Conversations

  Jax and
K.C. in high school…

  Jax: *ahem

  K.C. What do you want?

  Jax: Popcorn

  K.C.: More? I just gave you a bucket.

  Jax: It spilled.

  K.C.: So where’s the bucket then?

  Jax: In the trash.

  K.C.: But you get a free refill on the large if you bring back the bucket.

  Jax: It dropped on the dirty floor, K.C. I’m not eating from it again.

  K.C.: Alright, but we inventory the containers. I can’t give you another one for free.

  Jax: I’ll live. Can I have my popcorn now?

  K.C.: *starts shoveling popcorn

  Jax: ...

  K.C.: I think you just keep coming back out here to annoy me.

  Jax: Damn kids. We sure can be annoying.

  K.C.: You’re not a kid.

  Jax: No, I’m not. And you better remember that.

  K.C.: *looks away * butters popcorn

  Jax: ...

  K.C.: You don’t have to watch me, Jax. I’m not going to spit in it.

  Jax: Well, that would be one way to get you in my mouth.

  K.C.: *gasp

  Jax: *looks over counter* *smirks* You dropped my popcorn. I’m not eating out of that.


  Jared and Jax at Jared’s bedroom window in high school. Tate and K.C./Juliet having a sleepover at Tate’s…

  Jax: Do those girls know we can see through those sheer black curtains?

  Jared: Believe me, Tate is always aware of what she’s doing to me.

  Jax: *laughs

  Jared: It’s not funny. On nights when her dad is keeping her on an extra-short leash, she uses that damn window to her advantage and fucks with me.

  Jax: Nice.

  Jared: Whatever. I’m going to get a shower. Close the blinds and stop looking at my girl in her nightie. *leaves room

  Jax: *climbs out window *through tree *opens French doors

  Tate: Jax! Get out!

  Jax: Jared needs help washing his back. He asked for you.

  Tate: *snort* Likely story.

  Jax: I’ll babysit K.C.

  K.C.: I’m older than you, dork.

  Jax: And yet, I venture to guess I’m years beyond you in more ways than one.

  K.C.: *arches brow

  Jax: Tate, go give your boyfriend a kiss goodnight.

  Tate: *looks to K.C.* Will you be okay?

  K.C.: Please. I have heels scarier than him.

  Jax: *smirks

  Tate: *climbs outdoors, through tree

  Jax: So, is that what you sleep in?

  K.C.: *crosses arms *glares

  Jax: It’s cute. It’s kind of pink, but it’s cute.

  K.C.: At least, my clothes are clean. Your jeans have grease stains everywhere.

  Jax: It’s not how clean they are. It’s what’s inside that matters.

  K.C.: Why do you always do that?

  Jax: What?

  K.C.: Make everything sexual. Do you actually have a personality in there somewhere? Something else to offer a girl besides dumb jokes?

  Jax: *narrows eyes* Like you’d even care to find out.

  K.C.: Maybe if you stopped looking at me like I was a piece of meat.

  Jax: Maybe if you stopped looking down at me like you knew I was wearing Jared’s second-hand clothes.

  K.C.: I don’t look at you that way.

  Jax: Then why are you so fucking mean?

  K.C.: I…I don’t mean…*sighs

  Jax: *approaches K.C. *backs her into the wall *hovers

  K.C.: *looks up at him

  Jax: Because there’s nothing scarier to you than me, right? Not even your heels?


  Jax and K.C. in class…

  K.C.: The conditions brought on by the revolution happening at the time...

  Jax: Les Mis does not take place during the French Revolution. It’s about the legacy of the revolution and a small Parisian insurrection 40 years later. Did you actually read the book?

  K.C.: *grits teeth* Why is he even in this class, Miss Penley? He’s still a junior.

  Jax: Why are you in this class? The texts are clearly too challenging.

  K.C.: Are you still talking?

  Penley: Okay, stop it. Both of you. Jax, stop interrupting her.




  K.C.: Yeah, I forgot what I was saying, so...

  Jax: *smirking

  K.C.: Stop smiling.

  Jax: I’m not.

  K.C.: I can feel it.

  Jax: Can you? How do I feel?

  Class: *laughing

  K.C.: Jerk.

  Jax: *leans forward, whispers in her ear* Would you like to really find out?


  Jared and Tate in his car, making out in front of their houses...

  Jared: Sometimes I wish we were still 12.

  Tate: Why?

  Jared: I could sleep in your room at night without getting my ass kicked.

  Tate: Aw...*leans in, kisses his neck* But there are perks that come with maturity. You might not get to sleep over anymore, but we do make up for it with so many more fun things.

  Jared: *snort* That’s not all I care about, you know?

  Tate: *arches brow

  Jared: Hey, I like getting you naked, but I don’t need that every day.

  Tate: *cocks head, stares

  Jared: You trying to piss me off?! *tickles Tate

  Tate: *laughing* STOP! You’re so impatient. We have a room at Madoc’s. We get plenty of quality time.

  Jared: It’s not about quality time, sex, or’s just about having you close.

  Tate: ...

  Jared: I don’t know. I kind of miss you at night, I guess.

  Tate: ...

  Jared: *leans head back, sighs* Geezus, I suck.

  Tate: No, you don’t.

  Jared: *laughs* You have plans and an ambition. *looks at Tate* And I have you. I hold on to you too tightly.

  Tate: *leans forehead into his* And don’t ever let me go.

  Jared: Never.

  Pounding on window....

  Tate: Dad!

  Mr. Brandt: *opens door* Tate, you’ve been out here for half an hour. More than enough time to say goodnight.

  Tate: *climbs off Jared, scurries out door

  Mr. Brandt: Jared, weekday curfew is 10 o’clock. Remember?

  Jared: *climbs out of car* Mr. Brandt, we were right here. She was safe with me.

  Mr. Brandt: *arches brow

  Jared: *sighs* You’re right. I’m sorry I kept her out late.

  Mr. Brandt: I trust you. And I trust my daughter.

  Jared: Yes, sir.

  Mr. Brandt: I have no doubt that you two love each other very much.

  Tate: *blushes, looks away

  Jared: *groans

  Mr. Brandt: But I’m not stupid. I’m sure you two find time to do whatever it is you do together.

  Jared: *closes eyes, seething

  Tate: *covering face with hands

  Mr. Brandt: I remind both of you that with today’s medical advances, there is absolutely no reason for a woman to find herself accidentally pregnant. You got that? Safety first.

  Tate: Dad!!!!

  Jared: *breathing hard

  Mr. Brandt: I know I won’t have any reason to be angry for trusting you, right?

  Jared: *glares

  Mr. Brandt: I love you, Jared. I think of you as a son.

  Jared: *glares

  Mr. Brandt: But sometimes I feel a small urge to eat ice cream out of your skull.

  Jared: *eyes widen* Yes, sir. Safety first.

  Mr. Brandt: Good man.

  After Rival

  Bonus Scenes

  Jared and Tate Anniversary Scene

  Jared held my hand, pulling me briskly down the sidewalk toward the ticket window. I pried my fingers out of his, nearly laughing at his urgency. What had gotten into him?

  He’d been quiet since
picking me up tonight, and every time I looked at him, it was like he was lost in thought.

  And loving everything he was thinking.

  He stopped at the window, narrowing his eyes up at the marquee. “Uh, two for…um…” He licked his lips, looking confused. “Cinderella, I guess.”

  “Jared!” I burst out, trying not to laugh.

  He looked at me, blinking, and then shook his head as if coming to his senses. “Shit! No.” He looked back to the cashier. “No, I mean Furious 7.”

  My chest shook with laughter, and I watched him rub the back of his neck, looking nervous.

  “Babe, what’s gotten into you?” I asked. “You seem almost excited, and you’re not a big fan of movies, so what’s up?”

  “I like movies,” he retorted, leading me toward the doors.

  “Jared,” I scolded as he opened the theater door for me, and I walked in. “You barely have the attention span to get through the trailers before you’re itching to move around.”

  “I’m fine.” He followed behind, and I felt his hand on my behind before he leaned into my ear, whispering, “You’re just killing me in that skirt, is all.”

  “Well, I didn’t have to wear it,” I pointed out. “It’s chilly, after all.”

  He’d asked me to wear my pleated, black miniskirt, but he hadn’t just asked. No, he’d done the whole lean-into-me-bite-my-bottom-lip-and-make-my-clit-throb-like-it-was-on-its-own-damn-rollercoaster thing. And I’d melted. As usual.

  He slipped an arm around my waist as we walked toward the concession stand. “And yet you gave into my special request,” he mused.

  “It’s our anniversary,” I stated.

  He leaned in, whispering, “And you’d do anything for me today, right?”

  I smiled to myself, wondering why he was acting so playful. That wasn’t usually Jared’s style.

  I crossed my arms over my chest and stopped, turning to stand in front of him. “You asked me to promise, and I did,” I maintained. “My present to you is that I am in your hands today,” I repeated his request, but then added, “As long as it’s not a threesome. With another woman, I mean. It can be another guy. You, me, and another guy,” I clarified, “but not another woman.”

  His eyebrow shot up, and I glued my teeth together to keep from laughing.


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