
Home > Humorous > sanguineangels > Page 52
sanguineangels Page 52

by Various

  “Come on. Stop thinking of your future, past, present, whatever. I need you to focus in on Veronica.”

  I nodded, knowing she was right. There would be many times I could contemplate the mysteries of the universe and how they now fitted into my life. It was not the time to compare and contrast the differences in my psychic channels. This was the time to find the one I loved.

  I sat down next to her on the couch as she pulled the curtains across the window, putting the room into semi-darkness. I sighed as the temperature dropped. Still, it was a welcome relief. Up until then I had not realized how hot I had been. I closed my eyes and let myself relax. Focusing on my aura, I felt the magnetism it put off as it interacted with everything else in the environment. I grounded myself, pushing my energy down within the earth so I wouldn’t have to call upon my own energy to defend myself. If need be, I could pull energy from the elements around me. In my mind, I cleared my thoughts, waiting for Aria to help me.

  Her hand lingered on my temples. I shivered as I felt her aura contracting against mine. She massaged my forehead, urging me to relax more. I tried to comply, but I was too keyed up on trying to find Veronica.

  “Quiet your mind. Pull one thing from your memory that is the strongest connection you have to her. It can be an emotion, a picture. Find that and hold on to it.”

  Images of her flashed in my mind, but I cleared them away, as they would do me no good. I needed to find an emotion because that was how my psychic abilities worked. I got feelings about things. Of course there were images, but emotions were stronger than all of them, and the emotion I had for her was love. I grasped onto that, and held it close to my heart, bringing it into my brain.

  Aria’s mind brushed against mine. I had no shields up against her. I trusted her and didn’t need to close my thoughts.

  “Now, cast out your mind, holding on to that emotion. Send it out like you would when you read a person. Move like the wind latching to the one you love and push past her shields. Invade her mind and let her know who you are.”

  Aria’s words faded as I concentrated on Veronica. I had to find her in the myriads of people in New Orleans. I had not used my psychic powers since I had been turned, so it was like using them for the first time and not knowing what I was doing. As I held to the love for Veronica, I knew I was getting closer. Her aura vibrated like a beacon in a midnight cloud-filled sea. It was bright and I was drawn right to it. I moved faster than I ever imagined, until I was there and the light blinded me. When I thought it couldn’t get any brighter, I opened my eyes and saw that I was standing in a room. A king sized bed took up most of the space. I moved closer, noting the hardwood floors, and saw a familiar figure sleeping on it. Devon. He wasn’t why I came. Veronica was nearby. I scanned the room for any sign of her and heard breathing inside the closet.

  I grasped the knob, but my flesh passed through the metal. I tried again, but the same thing happened. Even though I was with Veronica, I was nothing more than a ghost. If Devon suspected me, I wouldn’t be able get back to my body soon enough to raise my shields to protect myself. I was too inexperienced to understand how to do damage on this level. He could do more than enough mental damage to my psyche if I were unprotected. I didn’t want to chance that.

  Not being able to open the door, I stepped through it. Passing through the wood was interesting. Each tiny sliver impaled me, tickling my insides. Inside I crouched down, watching Veronica lost in a soundless sleep.

  My heart thumped loudly as the innocence of her was so wonderful. This was the woman I had fallen in love with, the one who would take care of me over the next few centuries. Absently, I tried to move a piece of hair out of her face.

  My aura connected with hers and her eyes snapped open, staring into space, knowing someone was there, but not being able to see me. The piece of hair I touched actually moved a few millimeters.

  When her eyes opened, I knew the beast was awake in her. Her eyes were partially red from hunger. I glanced down at her arms to see one bore the burn I thought I had on mine. It was true; I really had been there. Unconsciously, I moved my hand over the area, feeling the energy. There was a hole. My aura moved into hers, filling the gap as I concentrated. A golden light encompassed my arm and moved over her hand and into the break in her aura. The flesh underneath began to mend, the burned skin turning white and then pink, until there was nothing left of the wound. The golden light lingered a bit longer and then died down. The heat that entered my body left me, and then I was lightheaded.

  “Who’s there?” Veronica whispered.

  Brenna, I thought to her.

  “It can’t be.”

  I didn’t know what to say to her.

  Brenna, you must come back, Aria shouted across the distance. Her voice echoed in my mind, calling me back.

  I only had a few more moments with Veronica. Closing my eyes, I focused the energy in my hand, brushing my palm against her cheek, sending her my love at the same time. She felt the depression of my hand on her flesh. She looked into the empty space, knowing I was truly there.

  “Is it really you?”


  Her eyes grew wet as she heard me. Something was tugging deep inside me, trying to get my attention. Aria tried to pull me back.

  Come with me.

  Veronica shook her head no. She didn’t have that much courage, and the height of the sun would kill her because of her demonic personality. I had to try anyway. I needed her, wanted her to be with me.

  Then how can I find you?

  “The same way you found me now. All it takes is one time to establish the link.”

  Then why didn’t you do this before?

  “How could I when my Master needed me? Now…it doesn’t matter. You shouldn’t come here. He’ll kill you. Don’t come looking for me again. Please go! I—”

  The door opened. Devon snarled at Veronica and pulled her out of the closet. I stayed where I was, afraid to move in case he sensed me.

  “Who the hell were you talking to? Don’t you know I’m fucking trying to sleep? This is the second time this morning. Are you trying to drive me mad?”

  “No Master! I’m sorry. I was dreaming, talking in my sleep. Please, forgive me.”

  My heart went out as I saw the strong woman I loved broken in front of the demonic bastard who had made her. Devon’s cruelty had made her dependent on him. She tried to be complacent, but he just wasn’t listening. He was too much of a dumb ass to want to believe her.

  Instead of leaving her alone, he threw her across the room so she landed on the bed. He lunged at her, talons poised over her heart.

  “Is this want you wanted?” he screamed.

  “No, Master. Please, I’m sorry,” she whined.

  Devon paused, horrified at what she had said. “Did you say no to me? You fucking whore. Just for that I’ll show you what it’s like to deny your Master.”

  Veronica covered her face as he swiped at her, trying to defend herself as Devon shredded her tits. Blood and tissues flew around the room as if an automatic shredder had gone crazy. I screamed in frustration, but he didn’t hear me. He kept attacking her, slicing away muscle and chips of bone. If I didn’t stop him, then she might lose one of her arms, or worse, he could graze her heart and kill her. I noticed one of Devon’s slippers by the foot of his bed. Without thinking I made a grab for it, and to my amazement it came with me. Not taking the time to wonder what made me able to hold it, I lobbed it. It landed squarely on the back of Devon’s head. He stopped in mid-slash and turned around, looking to see who had thrown the slipper. He couldn’t see me. I thought I was safe, and his nostrils flared as he caught my scent. He smiled a wicked grin. The muscles relaxed around his mouth, and his arm fell to his side. I didn’t know what he was doing, but I knew it was time to leave.

  I thought of Aria and returning to my flesh. I tugged on the connection I had stretched so very thin, and like a rubber band rebounding, I snapped across the distance and was thrown into my body. The sc
ene at Devon’s house retreated, as I was pulled backward through a long black tunnel. Devon’s feral presence descended upon me. I slammed back into my body, opening my eyes. I drew on energy from the earth, picturing a thick, circular, clear wall around me, before Devon arrived in the apartment. He snarled as he tried toppling my barriers, but he couldn’t. I had gotten back just in time.

  Don’t think you can have her back. She’s mine. Just like you’ll soon be.

  “You’ll never have me. And I’ll get her back. Just you wait. Now get out of here.”

  I felt Devon smile. His grin seemed to spread throughout the room, pressing on me at all sides.

  If you do come for her, maybe there won’t be anything left.

  “I’ll kill you.”

  I’d like to see you try, little one. How about this: you come and I’ll let her go. We’ll trade fair and square. You see, I really want you.

  “Brenna, don’t. It’s a trap.”

  “I know Aria, but what am I going to do?” I paused. The only way Veronica would be set free would be by playing by his rules. She would not be able to survive with him much longer, and even if he did get me, there was no way I was going to bend to his will. He had me and he knew it. “Fine. Where do I meet you?”

  Devon’s energy grew silent as he contemplated his plan. This was all a game, and I had to play if I wanted to get back the one I loved. I would win, no matter what.

  Meet me tomorrow night at St. Louis Cemetery #1. I’m sure you know where it is.

  And then he was gone.

  “You can’t go. He’ll kill you.”

  I got up from the floor and stretched, relaxing for the first time, realizing how tense I was. I had to save Veronica. “There’s no argument. You and I both know that. Besides, Veronica would do the same for me. You would do the same for your child.”

  Aria remained silent behind me, knowing I was right. I opened the shutter and wondered how I would overcome Devon. He was stronger than I, but I was faster and more tolerant in the sun. He wanted to meet me after sunset. I would be ready, no matter what it took.

  Part Five


  Chapter Thirty-Five

  My name is Brenna.

  At nightfall, the hazy sunset hung over the city like a curtain being lowered, and I waited to make my curtain call. I stood outside my apartment, ready to go. I pulled a cloak of energy around me, shielding myself from people passing by. Aria wanted to come, but I told her no. I had to take on Devon alone. Besides, if he sensed her then he might go back on his word and hurt Veronica. I couldn’t chance that. What was the point? I didn’t know what to expect and if he won it was either my life or my sanity at stake. I didn’t know which was worse. I wasn’t afraid of dying. I had already done that. I was more frightened of ending up his obedient servant. I doubted that would happen. He thought I was like all the other vampires; he didn’t know I wasn’t torn asunder by a bestial personality. He thought I was some human-loving bitch trying to take his child away from him. By challenging his authority, I pissed him off, just as I had done with Malachai.

  Well, I had played the subservient pet once, but I was not about to do it again.

  I would never bow my head to another. I was as independent as a bird. I would not play the vampiric game. It was time the game had a new set of rules. I smiled at this. Their society was going to change. I would be the catalyst. It didn’t mean I would go out killing others of their kind, but I would defend myself if I had to. Never would I recruit mortals and make them in my image.

  A slight breeze kicked up a few of the fallen leaves, and I knew it was time for me to make my voyage. Pulling the energy skin closer, I began my journey to the outskirts of the French Quarter, where the cemetery lay. By the time it had grown fully dark, I got to Rampart Street. I glanced at the projects on the left of the cemetery, hearing the inhabitants talking inside. Some lingered on the porch, watching the passing traffic, while small children played in the parking lot. I took a quick mental scan of the cemetery, detecting no living things in there. There could have been a hundred or so ghosts lingering in the place, but I didn’t care. There were no detectable heartbeats, human or otherwise. That meant nothing. Devon was probably keeping himself and Veronica cloaked.

  I crossed to the other side and leaped over the wall of the cemetery, clearing it and landing on top of one of the raised crypts inside. I left my wings in, so I would not use the energy of pulling them out. The more I kept myself cloaked the better chance I had of taking them by surprise.

  I surveyed the tops of the graves and didn’t see anything. I took a breath and hopped down, landing silently. I moved through the cemetery and found myself in front of Mary Laveau’s tomb. The cool surface helped to steady me. I moved in between a few of the rows, cautiously wondering when Devon would jump out and try to take me. I found nothing until I came to a crypt with a small bench in front of it. Someone lounged on the stone bench, hands clasped. I noticed the long, girl-like fingers and swore to myself, hoping that it would have been Veronica, but why would Devon keep his bargaining chip out in the open? No, he had hidden her somewhere.

  “You won’t find her,” he crooned. “Do you think I’m stupid enough to bring her here?”

  “You promised an exchange. Her for me.”

  I stood a few feet from him. He sat calmly picking the dirt from underneath his fingernails. Irritation welled up in me, but that was just what he desired. He wanted me to give in to my anger so he could catch me off guard, but that wouldn’t happen. I took a deep breath and quieted my distraught emotions.

  “I never said anything. I just said to meet me here.” He paused and grinned. His eyes shifted to a nearby tomb. “Isn’t that right?”

  “Yes, Master.” Aria’s distinct treble echoed in the night as she stepped out from behind a crypt.

  I turned, shocked to see the ancient vampire standing there. She grinned, revealing a mouthful of sharpened teeth.

  Fuck! How could I have been so stupid? I let her into my home, into my mind? I kicked up a cloud of dust from the gravel path.

  “You were my friend. I trusted you.”

  “Oh, poor Brenna. Did you really think I was just going to show up out of nowhere and help you? I’ve always done my Master’s bidding. He knew you would need some guidance. Why not send me?”

  “Everything you said was a lie.”

  She knew where I was vulnerable, what things were precious to me. I didn’t think. Devon had given her the perfect assignment. Infiltrate the enemy and get them to trust you.

  “Not everything. I really was a Delphic Oracle, and you did wonderfully by killing Malachai. Before I lost my powers I told Master about the birth of a new kind a vampire, one that would be stronger and could survive in the sun. With it he could rule our kind. Moreover, it would be in his bloodline. He just had to control it. And then you came along. Just like I predicted.”

  “Yes. Aria was wonderful in her day. And you have so much potential, Brenna. All you have to do is accept me as your Master. Veronica is a weak link in our world. Come with me, and I’ll make you greater than anything you have ever dreamed.”

  I swallowed and took a quick assessment. I was outnumbered. I wouldn’t be able to take on two vampires all by myself. I gulped. My heartbeat picked up. Tension grew in the air. There was no way I was going to be Devon’s slave or become the prodigal child he wanted me to be. Without thinking, I bolted. I wove in and out of the gravestones, trying to make it to the back wall. If I could do that, then I would be all right. I rushed past worn down tombs and saw the back wall in sight, the part of the cemetery dedicated only to Protestant parishioners. Ten feet from the wall, I leaped, my wings bursting out of my back. My hand found the top of the wall when hands grasped my waist, throwing me off balance. Claws raked deep within my shoulders, stopping my wings in mid shift, as the pain of the wound overtook me. I cried out as I hit the ground, and Aria’s claws hooked me like a side of beef, dragging me through the cemetery over the w
orn paths with gravel digging into my ass. I struggled against her grip, but her claws only tore into me more, so after a while I stopped.

  Aria brought me back and stood me up. Devon smiled, exposing twin fangs. His eyes bled red as he anticipated having a meal. A long, curved talon caressed my cheek, drawing blood. His tongue connected with my skin, lapping at the seeping wound. I pulled back as much as I could, but Aria held fast so I had to stand and endure him enjoying himself. He laughed deep in his throat when I tried to pull away, savoring the look of disgust on my face.

  “You’re as good as I remember you. The first time I saw you on the street, I knew all about you. I peeked into your mind, discovering all your desires. Why do you think you took me home that night? I was what you were looking for, something to replace the meal you lost earlier. You are the most fun I’ve had in ages, and it got better when I fucked you. You didn’t even know I tasted you. Now that you’ve crossed over you’re even better. Aria has told me all about you like I instructed her to. You don’t have the beast. Intriguing. You’re unique like she said you would be, and now I own you. Hmm. Yes, you’ll be a wonderful one to break. I have to thank you for getting rid of Malachai, by the way. He’s been a nuisance ever since he created me. He thought he could control me. Forcing me to stay out of New Orleans, exiling me to Boston. I don’t know how one deals with the snow, but now I have reign over New Orleans and Boston. Hmm. What am I going to do? So much power, so little time. But you wouldn’t know that, now would you, little one? Or should I call you Raven? Yes, that name suits you better than Brenna. Raven it shall be. You’ll be my bird of prophecy. Be able to spy on others around me just like a modern day Marie Laveau. Arriana tried to turn her because she thought Marie was the one she had seen in her vision. Now Marie’s only an insane creature with too much bestiality. I couldn’t control her. But you. You’ll do wonderfully.”


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