Clark, Kenneth 316n
Claudius, Tracey 333–5
Cleon 45
codes/ciphers 46, 138–9, 223, 223n, 282–3, 389n, 393, 400, 400n
Coke, John 136n
Cold War 197
Collecting the Imagination (ed Barnard) 404
collections 25–6, 183, 195, 254, 437
Albin Schram 184–90
Berg 299
birthday letters 40–2
bound 104
Cicero 50–1
Faber Book of Letters 196–7
J.L. Steven 192–4
Madame de Sévigné 155–6
Nelson 190–2
Paston family 121
Petrarch 85–7, 89
Pliny the Younger 57
prices 163, 183, 304, 305, 313, 434
private 299, 305
Queen Elizabeth, Queen Mother 440–1
Ransom Center 403–4
stamp 226–8
Ted Hughes 365–71, 371–4, 381–3, 383–4
Valentine A. Walker 13–15, 25–6
Virginia Woolf 301–4
see also Barker, Signalman H.C.; love letters
Collins, Patti Lyle 257–9
Colonna, Cardinal Giovanni 88
The Colossus (Plath) 383
The Comedy of Errors (Shakespeare) 141
CompuServe 408
computers 364–5, 390–2, 406–7
Comstock, Anthony 262–3
Comum (Como) 58
Conceyted Letters, Newley Layde Open 109
condolence letters 49, 95–6, 313–18, 401, 431, 441
confidence tricks 260–2
Conrad of Zurich 100
A Consideration Upon Cicero (Montaigne) 107
consolation letters 75
copyright 28, 198, 305
Corneille 148
airmail 389n
cheap 271
free postage 223, 238
prepaid 224–5
recipient 135–6, 222–3, 240–1
United States (US) 237–9, 247, 254
Coulanges, Philippe-Emmanuel de 150
Council of Chalcedon, Acts of the first (451) 72
Counting One’s Blessings (ed Shawcross) 440
Cowper, E.A. 231
Cowper, William 89, 281
Cromwell, Oliver 134, 136
Cromwell, Thomas 133
cross-writing 208, 209
Cupids Messenger 109
Curle, Gilbert 138
Cushing, Marshall 259–60
Daily Evening News (San Francisco) 332
Daily Mirror 332
Darcy, Sir Francis 124–6
Dauphin, Cecile 101n
Day, Angel 107, 111
Daybell, James 111, 124, 126
Dayrolless, Solomon 167
de la Serre, Jean Puget 110–11
De Profundis (Wilde) 21n
Dead Letter Office (DLO) 254–9, 264
The Death of the Moth and Other essays (Woolf) 295n
Debevoise & Plimpton 302
Decca: The Letters of Jessica Mitford (ed Sussman) 433n
Decker, William Merrill 237n
Defoe, Daniel 135, 158
dehydration process 34–5
DeLillo, Don 304
Demetrius 97–8
Descartes 148, 149, 149n, 157
Devereux, Robert (2nd Earl of Essex) 112
Dickens, Charles 279n, 280
Dickinson, Emily 247–54, 406, 429
dictatori 100–1
Doane, Gilbert H. 273
Dockwra, William 135
Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge (LewiszCarroll) 25, 192, 275–9
Dodsley, James 163
Doel, Frank 437
Donne, John 112, 186, 190
Dorislaus, Isaac 136–7
Douglas, Lord Alfred 21n
Dover Road 125
Duprez, Miss Honey 27, 29
Durrell, Lawrence 348, 354n
Earle, Rebecca 434n
‘E.D.’ (stamp collector) 227–8
Eddy, Mary Baker 189
Edinburgh 242–3
Eight or Nine Wise Words About Letter- Writing (Carroll) 275
Eighteen Books of the Secrets of Art and Nature (Wecker) 138
eighteenth century 141n, 158, 220, 271, 402
84 Charing Cross Road (Hanff) 437–8
Einstein, Albert 189, 190, 198, 198n, 199
Eliot, George 186, 190
Eliot, T.S. 187, 340
Elizabeth I, Queen 124
Elizabeth Queen Mother, Queen 440–1
Elizabethan age 105, 107, 112, 126, 134, 197
Elliott, Stephen 427
Eloisa to Abelard (Pope) 82
Elphinstone, Elizabeth 441
emails 19–23, 30, 46, 49, 52, 220n, 394–9, 405–9, 430–2, 437
vs letters 20, 399–400, 399n, 409, 428, 434
Ted Hughes 363–4, 383
Emerson, Ellen 244
Emerson, Ralph Waldo 222–3, 244
Emma (Austen) 212, 213, 217
Emory University (Atlanta, Georgia) 299, 363, 405, 407
English Letter Writers (Johnson) 272
English Reformation 131
The English Secretorie (Day) 107
The Enimie of Idlenesse (Fulwood) 105, 111, 138
Epistolae duorum amantium. Briefe Abaelards und Heloises? (Koensgen) 79
Epistolae familiares (Petrarch) 85
Epistolae Seniles (Petrarch) 85
epistolarity 207
Erasmus, Desiderius 101–4, 107
eroticism 74, 248
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (film) 84
etiquette guides 99, 398–9
Examiner newspaper 223
Excise Bill, Anthony Henley and 197–8
Faber Book of Letters (ed Pryor) 196–7
Faber and Faber 363, 377, 382
Familiar Letters for Important Occasions (Richardson) 217n, 274
Fane, Sir Thomas 125–6
Farmer Giles of Ham (Tolkien) 187
Farrelly, George 317n
Farrelly Jr., John 316–17, 317n
The Favourite Letter Writer 274
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) 391
Feeney, Denis 52
feminism 162, 304
Fielding, Henry 217, 217n
fifteenth century 79, 120, 122
The First Third (Cassady) 311
Fitzgerald, Scott 197
Flint, Dr 242
Flush (Woolf) 296
‘folded half-sheet quarto’ 112
‘folio’ sheet 112
Forbes (magazine) 398
Ford, Ford Madox 189
forgery 79n, 133, 140, 196
form letters 99
Forster, E.M. 212
Fouquet, Nicolas 152
Four Quartets (Eliot) 187
Franklin, Benjamin 89, 238
free postage 223, 238
Freeling, Sir Francis 223–4
Freud, Sigmund 192
Friexe art fair (London) 434
Fronto, Marcus Cornelius 72–4
Fry, Stephen 140
Fulbert 76–7
Fulford, Roger 440
Fulwood, William 105, 111
Funke Butler, Sarah 301–2, 303–6, 404
Gainsborough, Thomas 163
Gandhi, letter 186
General Post Office (GPO) 134, 435
Geoffrey of Vinsauf 100
Gerard, John 139
Gilbert, Susan 248
Ginsberg, Allen 309, 310–11
Giovanni di Bologna 99
Glassman, Joyce 311
Glendinning, Victoria 230
Glenn Horowitz Bookseller Inc 298, 303, 304, 306, 308
Goethe 336
‘going postal’, defined 257, 257n
Goldsmith, Oliver 196
The Good Soldier (Ford) 189
Google 396–7, 430
The Great Nixon (mind-reader) 26
‘The Great Snooping’ 134
Great War 189
Greeks 44–9
vs Romans 48–9
green goods postal scam 260–2
Greenway, William 141
Gregorian calendar 164, 164n
Gregory of Nazianzus 82
Grignan, Francois comte de 152
Grignan, Francoise-Marguerite de (née de Sévigné) 152
Grimmond, George 13
Grimshaw, Bayard 13, 25
Grimshaw, Marion 25
The Ground Beneath Her Feet (Rushdie) 407
Guardian 371
guides/manuals 96–8, 98–101, 104–7, 120, 279–83
Chinese 283–4
code-breaking 138
de la Serre 110–11
email 398
Erasmus 101–4
Lewis Carroll 275–9
Montaigne 107–8
Petrarch 86
satirists 108–10
United States (US) 274–5
Victorian 273–4
women 157, 159–62
young men 162–71
Gunpowder Plot (1605) 139
Habicht, Paul 189, 199
Hadrian’s Wall 31
Hall, Basil 279n
Hamlet (Shakespeare) 142
Hammerle, Chris 434n
handwriting 42, 86, 192, 249, 277, 280–1
handwritten letters 370, 381, 400, 409, 426, 427, 439n
handwritten publications 157
Hanff, Helene 437
Harper & Row 377
Harper’s Weekly 332
Harry Ransom Center (University of Texas) 299, 403–4, 406–8
Hartford Weekly Times 262
Harvard University 299, 301, 303
Hathaway, Anne 140
Hawthorne, Nathaniel 241, 241n
Hayter, Alethea 347
Heaney, Seamus 368–9
Hecht, Albert 434
Hedley, Anthony 37
Heloise 74–81, 79n, 248
remembered 82–4, 341n, 351
Heloise & Abelard (Burge) 84
Hemingway, Ernest 188–90
Henkin, David M. 238n
Henley, Anthony 197–8
Henry IV, King 150
Henry VIII, King 127–33
Henry V (Shakespeare) 141
Herculaneum 45
Hever Castle 128
Higginson, Thomas Wentworth 248–9, 251, 253
Hill, Rowland 135, 224–7, 230
Historia Calamitatum (Abelard) 75
The History of Sir Charles Grandison (Richardson) 216
HMS Victory 190
The Hobbit (Tolkien) 187
Hobson’s Horse-Loade of Letters, A Speedie Poste 109
Hogarth Press 303
Holbein, Hans 103
Holbrook, James 243
Homer 44, 87
Hopkins, Anthony 437
Horowitz, Glenn 298–301, 304, 306, 311n, 404
Houdini, Harry 13, 17
The Hours (Woolf) 297
House of Commons 225
Hugh of Bologna 100
Hughes, Carol 365, 369, 370
Hughes, Frieda 360, 376, 378, 381
Hughes, Gerald 366
Hughes, Nicholas 366, 378
Hughes, Olwyn 366–7, 372, 374, 382, 383
Hughes, Ted 195–6, 361–4, 365–71, 371–4, 374–8, 379–81, 381–3, 383–4, 440
Hugo, Victor 195
Hunt, Leigh 338n
Huws, Daniel 375
Huws, Helga 375
IBM 393
Iliad (Homer) 44, 142
illusionists 24–5
The Image of Idleness (Oldwanton) 105n
Inactive Account Manager (Google) 397
inbox see emails
Indiana University 377n
infidelity 160–1
ink 46, 139, 141n, 274
Interface Message Processor (IMP) 393
Internet 24, 196, 390, 393n, 430
Internet Society 395
‘The Invisible Man’ (illusion) 14
Ireland, Samuel 140, 141
Ireland, William Henry 141
Isidore of Pelusium 82
Jacobs, Harriet 242
James, Clive 29
James, Henry 192, 197, 228, 383
Jane Eyre (Brontë) 187
Jesuit priests 139
Joan, Gerald 366
John Caldigate (Trollope) 230
Johnson, R. Brimley 272
Johnson, Samuel 214
Josephine, Empress 179–82, 190
Joyce, James 305
Juddy (Paston carrier) 123
Julius Caesar 54
The Kandy-Kolored Tangerine-Flake Streamline Baby (Wolfe) 299
Kaufman, Charlie 84
Keats, John 197, 271, 336–44, 345n
death 339
Kerouac, Caroline (aka Nin) 310, 312
Kerouac, Jack 306–8, 310–13
Kerouac, Joan (née Haverty) 310
Kew Gardens 34
Key to English Letter Writing (Chen Kwan Yi & Whang Shih) 283, 285
King Lear (Shakespeare) 140
King’s hackneymen 133
Kingsmill, Bridget, Lady 186
Kleinrock Internet Museum 408
Knatchbull, Lady 206–7
Knight, Charles 224
Knight, Edward (aka Edward Austen) 209–11, 211n
Knight, Fanny (Lady Knatchbull) 206–7
Knight, George (aka George Austen) 209–11, 211n
Koensgen, Ewald 79, 80n
La Grande Mademoiselle 150, 152
Labour Party 424
Laclos, Pierre de 402
The Ladies Complete Letter-Writer (1763) 159
Ladies’ Home Journal 257
‘Lady Reading the Letters of Heloise and Abelard’ (Bernard d’Agesci) 82
Lady Susan (Austen) 216
Lang, Christl 432
Larkin, Philip 370, 426, 439–40
‘Last Load’ (Hughes) 361
Laughlin, James 354n
Laura (Petrarch’s muse) 85
Lauzun, Monsieur 150, 152
Lawrence of Aquilegia 99
Lawrence, T.E. 198
Lear, Edward 434
Les Miserables (Hugo) 195
Leslie, Eliza 275
letter boxes 224, 439
Letter Office 134, 136
The Letter Writers (Fielding) 217n
‘Letters of Direction’ (Abelard & Heloise) 79
Letters Home (Plath) 377, 378
‘Letters in the Mail’ project 427
Letters of Note website 437
Letters of Ted Hughes (ed Reid) 365
Letters written by the Earl of Chesterfield to his son, Philip Stanhope 163
opening greetings 45–6, 49, 85, 98–100, 111, 157, 246, 273, 275, 373
closing niceties 45–6, 49, 108, 158, 161n, 251, 274–5, 278, 291n, 301, 379, 440–2
clubs 427
r /> content 46–50, 55, 58, 277
decline 198, 271–3, 279, 399, 426, 438–40, 439n
vs emails 399–400, 399n, 409, 428, 434
epistolarity 48
as genre 209, 216, 251, 254, 275
golden age 173, 271
length 55n
manuscript space 112, 209
power of 19
publication 214
sounds 20, 398
Lewis, W.S. 157
Liaisons Dangereuses (Laclos) 402
libraries 104, 304
Lichfield, Lord 224
Licklider, J.C.R. 393
Life of Pope (Johnson) 215
Lincoln, President Abraham 197, 260n
literary potency 140–3, 200, 216–20, 220n, 229, 279n
Little, Sam (aka Goldstein) 262
Locke, John 89
London Library 195
The Lord of the Rings (Tolkien) 187
The Lost Love Letters of Heloise and Abelard (ed Mews) 79
Louis XIV, King 148, 152
love letters 336, 401, 403, 427, 438
Abelard and Heloise 74–81, 82
Barrett/Browning 345, 345n
Charles Schulz 331, 333–5
Greeks 49
Henry VIII 127–8
Henry Miller 350–2
John Keats 338–9, 341–4
Napoleon Bonaparte 176–81, 190
Romans 71–4
Ted Hughes 372
see also Barker, Signalman H.C.; Moore, Elizabeth
Lucilius 55, 56
Ludolf of Hildescheim 100
Ludovico (friend of Petrarch) 86
Lupercal (Hughes) 383
McClellan, Elspeth 266
McCullough, Frank 376
McLaughlin, Mignon 336
Macropedius, Georgius 101, 107
Madame Bovary (Flaubert) 303
Maggs, Ben 183
Maggs Brothers 183
Magic Circle 17, 25, 28, 29
Magician’s Code 27
Magritte, René 434, 436
Mai, Cardinal Angelo 72
Malone, Edmond 140
Manet, Edouard 434, 435
Mansfield, Katherine 441
manuals see guides/manuals
Manuscript, Archives and Rare Book Library (Emory University) 405
Marcus Aurelius 72–4
Marcus Aurelius in Love (ed Richlin) 73
Margaret of Anjou 122n
Marie-Louise of Austria 182
Marius, M. 52
Marks & Co 437
Mary, Queen of Scots 138
Maskelyne’s Theatre of Mystery 15, 30
Mass Observation Project 399, 408, 425
Massinger, John 110
‘The Master of the Revels’ (song) 29
Melissa (Thunderbird hotel, Texas) 429
Melville, Herman 256
Memoir (Austen-Leigh) 221
Mendelssohn, Felix 195
‘Mentalists’ (auction lot) 26
Merwin, W.S. 300
Methodus de Conscribendis Epistolis (Georgius Macropedius) 101, 107
To the Letter Page 38