Romance: Regency Romance: A Lady's Powerful Duke (A Regency Romance)

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Romance: Regency Romance: A Lady's Powerful Duke (A Regency Romance) Page 22

by Matilda Hart

  Lady Marion was absent from the dining room but Trevor had already taken his seat and seemed bored when they entered but seemed to light up when he saw Emily’s face. Standing, he rushed to Evangeline’s side and greeted her with a kiss to the cheek and warm smile as he pulled out her chair for her to sit.

  “You look radiant this evening.” He stated as he looked into Evangeline’s eyes, completely confusing Emily since it seemed he was interested in her only hours earlier. As she reached to pull her chair out from its place underneath the table, Trevor took it and slid it out for her with a curt,

  “Miss Emily” and nod but nothing more. She didn’t understand why she felt a pang in her chest from his lack of attention or even the slightest eye contact but she tried to shake it off and allow Evangeline and Trevor to form their bond so she could go home. Picking up the glass of wine in front of her, she took a long sip and placed it back on the table with a quaint smirk. Nodding back to him, she silently kept her eyes on his, searching for a sign of the charming man who met her in the stables after her ride but all she found in his place was an arrogant, stubborn fool.

  Throughout the meal, Emily tried to keep her composure while seeking acceptance in the eyes of the duke but she found nothing but the icy stare that greeted her told the only thing she needed to know. She could see that Trevor was only interested in what himself and it didn’t matter that she was sitting at the table or not; he was going to please his mother at all costs. Emily knew that his actions were motivated by his mother’s heart and that the only chance he had at happiness was making sure the woman was satisfied. He’d told her that he didn’t mean to disrespect her so she thought that he may have been a bit more aware of his actions this evening but he remained cold and calloused towards her. Knowing that nothing good could come from developing a friendship with the young, new duke, Emily told herself that it was best if she avoided him at all costs and just try to remain invisible until she was finally able to return to London.

  Thinking about giving up riding during the remainder of her visit, Emily immediately felt a sense of loss and yearning so she decided that the best answer would be for her to rise earlier than usual to assure that she gets her time in before he made his way to the stable. That was the only way that she could be certain that she still got the few minutes each day that she had designated for her own thoughts and release of tension, so Emily wasn’t about to let an arrogant noble take what small joy she could find in her personal, country hell. As she reached for her glass of wine, Emily raised it slightly to Trevor as she locked eyes with him, nodding slightly as she placed it to her lips only to have him turn to his left and say,

  “Mother, I hear there’s a wonderful harpist playing in Towne Square this weekend.” Lady Marion smiled to her younger son and the two of them struck up a conversation about music as Emily silently sat and watched the three of them chat as she sat alone with nothing but her wine and a slab of ham to keep her company. Trevor reached out and took both Lady Marion and Evangeline by the hand with a smile, suggesting that they travel to hear the musician but Evangeline reminded him that she shouldn’t leave the house for a bit longer. Nodding to her, Trevor raised Evangeline’s hand to his lips, kissing the tips of her fingers lightly as he nodded, locked eyes with her then said,

  “Absolutely. I’m terribly sorry I even brought it up, now.” He glanced to his mother to see that she was quite pleased that he seemed to be taken by Evangeline and if she’d had her way, the two would be married as soon as the proper mourning period was complete. Emily could see nothing but status and wealth in the eyes of her dinner partners and she knew that she couldn’t go home quickly enough.

  Lady Marion seemed rather proud and pleased that she had her son’s attention and Emily couldn’t help but notice the confident air that she had about her, almost as if his conversation gave her the strength to go on living. Hiding a chuckle with her wine glass, she imagined Lady Marion tucking him in for the night and making sure none of the evil noble misses made their way to his bed. Unable to take any more of the forced affections and conversations about nothing, Emily excused herself so that she would be able to wake up early and get her ride in before the duke had a chance to cut her off in the stables. The only way for her to be able to enjoy her stay would be to avoid him completely so that’s exactly what she planned to do.

  Chapter Seven

  Emily is up hours before the sun so that she can enjoy her morning without worrying about running into Trevor and as she neared the stables, she felt a knot in her stomach that told her that there was a chance that he could be inside and she debated turning around and returning to her chamber. Shaking it off as silly, she continued to stroll towards the large barn that housed the animals to find that there was no stable hand, so she went to pick out a horse. Walking down the long row of stalls, Emily strolled by, looking at each one for the sweet, familiar face that she met the morning earlier. Passing each horse that came into view, she began to feel discouraged that she may have to pick another but she wasn’t keen on each of their temperaments and attitudes so she was at a disadvantage and would be putting her safety at risk if she were to choose one on her own. Passing an empty stall, then two more that contained faces that she did not know, Emily turned around and began to walk back towards the stable hand’s sleeping quarters but as she started to walk, she heard a high whinny and saw the hand leading her mare from behind the groomer’s nook.

  “There she is, oh, how lovely!” Emily gushed as the proud buckskin mare raised her head and shook her glorious mane. Reaching into her pocket, Emily retrieved a carrot and produced it as she rubbed the side of her face, saying, “That’s a good girl, yes, she is.” Smiling as she took the reins, Emily placed the treat under her nose then held it as the large teeth bit into the crunchy vegetable. After feeding the animal the small token of affection, Emily led her out the stable to the gate, where the quiet man who tends the horses was already waiting with it open, smiling as he nodded when she walked past. Mounting the large equine with ease, Emily pulled the reins to the right and headed to a large hill to the east that would be the perfect place to watch the day begin. Making sure to keep herself and the horse safe, she walked slowly and breathed deeply as a light wind brushed across them, tickling her face with a loose strand of her hair.

  Humming to herself, Emily leaned down and rubbed the muscular mare on the side of the neck as she told her what a good girl she was before sitting back up into her proper position. The sound of the clopping hooves soothed Emily as she closed her eyes and took in a deep breath, feeling the ground under her feet through the body of the horse and managing to ease her troubled mind from the previous night. Dark gray that had once belonged to the night was slowly becoming a faint orange on the horizon and if the timed it just right, Emily could make it to the top of the knoll as the sun peeks out to begin the new day. Nudging the horse with her heels, Emily got the slow walk increased to a quicker pace but not wanting to risk the animal tripping or finding an unknown hole or branch, she didn’t allow them to run in the dark. Breathing deeply as she adjusted her seat in the saddle, Emily smiled widely as she approached the crest of the hill in time to catch the beginning of the rising of the sun with nothing but the sounds of the horse’s breathing to contain her thoughts. The rhythmic inhale and exhale provided the perfect ambiance for such a wonderful morning and with a gentle pat to the mare’s neck, she asked,

  “Are you ready, girl?”

  Almost as if giving a reply, the horse tossed her head back a bit with a slight neigh and Emily tugged the rein to the left and they began a gentle trot that lasted only a few steps because within seconds, the two were galloping at top speeds and Emily let out a slight whoop as they sped across the land. Emily stood up in the stirrups a bit so that she could urge the mare harder as the wind brushed across her face with a fresh coolness that could only be found during the morning. She rode farther than she had the morning before so she was rather disappointed when she arrived back at th
e stables to find Trevor standing there with folded arms and a look of satisfaction on his face. He opened the gate for her and as she walked through on the back of the mare, Emily nodded with a curt,

  “Your Grace,” as she continued onward. Tilting his head in confusion, he closed and latched the gate before walking to the stable. As Emily dismounted, she felt hands on her waist, assisting her down from the animal even though she was perfectly capable of getting to the ground by herself and she didn’t appreciate the stable hand putting his dirty hands on her riding dress. Turning to face him, she was surprised to see that it was not the thin equestrian but, in fact, Trevor, the youngest and newest Duke of Westminster. Taken aback that he would be so bold as to place his hands on her after making it perfectly clear to her at last night’s dinner that she was invisible to him, she scoffed as she turned on her heel and walked towards the large, double doors.

  “Miss Emily, please, do wait.” He said as he reached out and touched her elbow in an attempt to get her to stop and talk with him. She lowered her head to the ground as she stopped and slowly turned to face him with a forced smile on her face.

  “Yes, Your Grace?” Emily’s face said that she would rather be anywhere but with him and he could tell that she was anxious to leave but he was oblivious as to why. Unable to flee as quickly as she liked, Emily stood there with obvious reluctance but Trevor was concerned with the beauty of her face, paying no mind to the tell-tale signs that her body language was exuding. Her crossed arm and slouched stature stated that she would rather be anywhere than here trying to avoid the duke but the fact that he was of noble birth kept her from telling him what was on her mind.

  “I just wanted to take a moment this morning with you, perhaps have some tea or a walk in the gardens.” He suggested as he placed his hands on his hips and shifted his weight in hopes that she would say yes if he appeared more confident.

  “Forgive me, Your Grace, but I have already made plans with my sister.” With a curt nod and stiff lips, Emily concluded with, “If you’ll excuse me.”

  As he watched her walk from the large barn, Trevor wondered what he’d done for her to give him such a cold reception, for he assumed she knew that he fancied her smile but had to keep bit of knowledge from his mother. Perhaps he’d not made himself clear and he would have to remedy that situation in the near future but in the meantime, he would keep his distance and hope that she would come around to his affection.

  Trevor remained in the stables for a while, thinking of how he could possibly gain the attention of Miss Emily Lockhart while the woman of his thoughts ventured into the house so that she could properly begin her day. Emily washed and changed dresses so that she would not smell of her equine friend for the remainder of the day and as she brushed her long, auburn hair, Evangeline swung open the door without making notice of her presence, causing Emily to jump slightly as she turned to see her sister’s worried face.

  “Oh, Emily! Something horrible has happened and I don’t know what to do.” Evangeline was frantic and her sister rushed to her side, trying to comfort her by soothingly rubbing her shoulders as she asked,

  “What’s happened? Do you have word from home?” Emily was suddenly worried about her parents and feared that the worst had happened but Evangeline simply answered,

  “What? Home? No, Emily, I’ve no word from home but I may return there to live if I can’t figure out what to do about Trevor being invited to a ball in honor of King William.” Emily felt a rush of relief as she let out the breath that she’d been holding as she waited for horrible news about her parents. “Of course, I was invited but I had to decline due to the mourning period and if he falls in love at the ball, I don’t know what I would do.”

  Knowing that her disaster was now a personal one that didn’t directly involve the younger Lockhart sister, Emily watched as Evangeline wrung her hands while she paced the floor. Just as she began to slow her racing heart, Emily heard a knock on the door and answered it with a loud,

  “Yes, come in.” Seeing Lady Marion walk through the door was no surprise and Emily felt immediately uneasy around the woman, for it was no surprise that she did not like the younger Lockhart. “Good morning, Lady Marion,” Emily said as the woman sauntered into the room, only to be dismissed with an upturned nose and a curt,

  “If you say so,” as she strode to Evangeline’s side. “Fear not, sweetheart, this is not the end of the world and I’ve come up with a way to make sure that Trevor’s eye does not wander while he’s at the ball, assuring his attentions come home to your lovely face.” Lady Marion placed her hand on the side of Evangeline’s face as she looked into her eyes before turning around to walk back towards the door before turning around to face the sisters with a pinched expression on her face.

  “What exactly is going on, if I might ask?” Emily pondered as she tried to make sense of the drama occurring in her chamber.

  “Since I can’t attend the party with Trevor, he could find another and fall in love, slipping through my hands forever all because of the stupid mourning period.” Evangeline fumed as she, too, began to pace the room. Lady Marion held up a hand in an attempt to quieten her blabbering while easing her with a calm eye.

  “Do not fret, child, for the answer is as plain as the nose on your face.” Turning to look at Emily, Lady Marion gave her a coy smile that suggested the elder woman had plans for the young widow’s sister. “Emily will go and make sure that my son’s eye does not wander while he’s away from home.” Turning to face her, Lady Marion continued with, “Dance with him, dear. That’s all I ask of you is to simply keep the duke entertained so that his attentions do not stray from your sister.” Giving Emily the most courteous smile that she’d received the entire time she’d been at Westminster, Lady Marion placed an arm around Emily’s shoulders, nudging her to walk around the large bedchamber at her side.

  “My son, like all men, is easily swayed by the cunning and charisma of the womenfolk, I won’t mince words. I’m afraid that without a proper date, his attentions will fall to another and that simply won’t do. Evangeline’s place is here with us and I simply won’t have another come in and mess up the perfect world that I’ve made for my family and myself. Surely, you understand, dear.”

  Emily would do anything for her sister but she had qualms with going out of her way to make sure Lady Marion was satisfied, for the woman had shown her nothing but disdain and contempt since her arrival. Emily was not looking forward to a royal ball, especially one where she attended as guest of the duke’s dance card but if she could guarantee the budding romance between Trevor and Evangeline then she would be one step closer to London and the life she so desperately wished to begin.

  “Oh, Emily, would you?” Evangeline asked with wide, hopeful eyes and as much as Emily detested the idea of having to spend the night in Trevor’s company, she couldn’t look into her sister’s pleading face and say no. “It would mean so much to me to be able to rest easy while he’s away, knowing that my sister is fending off those ghastly women.” Evangeline batted her long eyelashes and Emily sighed as she reluctantly said,

  “I guess we need to find me something suitable to wear,” causing Evangeline to hug her and Lady Marion to clasp her hands across her chest in a sign of relief in getting her way. The woman gave a courteous nod to Emily as she graciously thanked her with a grateful expression then turned to leave the room. After she’d gone, Emily gave enough time for the woman to get out of earshot and whispered,

  “I’m only doing this for you, it has nothing to do with that woman.” Evangeline playfully slapped her sister on the arm as she said,

  “You are absolutely horrible. Lady Marion’s not all that bad once you get to know her. I forged quite a relationship with her during my marriage to Andrew and she’s a force to be reckoned with so remember not to make an enemy of that one.” Evangeline’s advice would not go unheeded, for she truly believed that behind the woman’s caring smile laid a more nefarious nature. They decided that it would b
e best for Lady Marion to inform Trevor of their plans for him and Evangeline took Emily by the hand and said,

  “Come! We must go see my dressmaker right away and have her create you an elegant masterpiece for the affair, for there mustn’t be another in the room that dares compete for the duke’s eye and the only way to guarantee that is to make sure that there is none as beautiful as my sister in attendance.” Emily followed her sister down the long corridor from her room to the main staircase but instead of descending, the two ventured onward down to an area of the estate that she’d never explored.

  “Tilly is absolutely amazing with fabric and can work wonders with a needle and thread.” Evangeline pulled Emily through the twisting, turning corridor that led to the servant’s quarters and when they reached the seamstress’ station, she rang a bell that was on a wide desk that was cluttered with material scraps, measuring tapes and numerous pairs of scissors. “Tilly?” Evangeline called out and within seconds, she heard a rustle in the back of the room and out from behind a dressing partition came a short, plump woman with her hair piled high on her head, covered with a deep green scarf the same shade of her dress.

  “Yes, ma’am?” The woman smiled as she placed the material in her hand on the desk and looked to them with a kind smile.

  “My sister is attending a ball in honor of the king and as the duke’s date, she must not fail to impress.” Tilly smiled with a wink as she said,

  “Then you’ve come to the right place.” Tilly began measuring Emily as Evangeline browsed the cluttered shelves, filled with yards of material of different fabrics, textures and colors as she tried to determine which one would best suit her sister. “I think with your complexion and hair that you simply can’t go wrong with red and gold.” Giving an affirmative nod, Tilly looked over Emily’s features once more and said, “Definitely, red and gold” as she crossed her arms over her chest as she imagined Emily’s form in one of her creations, deciding that her ample bosom must be accentuated.


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