Romance: Regency Romance: A Lady's Powerful Duke (A Regency Romance)

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Romance: Regency Romance: A Lady's Powerful Duke (A Regency Romance) Page 62

by Matilda Hart

  With one final hug, Helena then went down to the carriage waiting below. And as she closed the door, her heart was filled with both fear – as well as a bit of hope.

  Nathaniel paced heavily around the parlor as he waited for her to arrive. She could not possibly forgive me for this. No! I cannot believe that! She would not have agreed to come unless she truly did love me! But even as he heard the approaching carriage, the duke’s mind was still drowned with doubts.

  Helena’s heart raced as the door was opened. Could she really go through with this?

  But as their eyes met one another’s, all they both could feel was the urge to hold each other in their arms. And as they came closer to each other, the temptation only became more insurmountable.

  “Nathaniel…” she began, the silence becoming too much for her.

  “Helena… I…” the duke interrupted, holding up his hand. “I need to apologize for my actions. You gave me the chance to meet you again despite knowing all of my faults. And I was so close to winning your trust…” Nathaniel hesitated, no longer able to meet her eyes. “I do not wish to make it seem as if I am not to blame for what happened that night. But you must believe me – I would never do that to you. I love you.”

  The young woman’s eyes began to water, but she nodded at him to continue.

  “As I remember nothing of the incident, Phineas… he believes that Earl Dillingham drugged me and led me to the Grinning Wolf. And though it tears at my soul to believe that my oldest comrade would betray me… I must confess that he is the only one with the access or means to do this.”

  Of course, she thought, cursing herself. It makes perfect sense. How could I ever believe otherwise?

  However, Helena knew the truth. Even though she had heard the words come from his own mouth, the girl had not yet believed that he had loved her. So filled with doubt and fear – she had allowed herself to be blinded. But no more – she was through being used by that Oliver. And Helena was not about to let the love of her life get destroyed by her own hand.

  Gently touching the man’s face, she whispered, “It is him, Nathaniel.” Turning away Helena began to explain, “After I left the Grinning Wolf, I was offered a ride by him. And being the fool I am, I agreed. He… he then threatened to ruin my father, and to destroy the rest of your reputation as well as brand you a traitor, if I did not comply with his demands. So I agreed. But I cannot go through with it.”

  Reaching down, Helena grabbed the documents from her bag. “I may not know what he is planning, but we must put at stop to that monster once and for all. I love you, Nathaniel and I will not let him hurt you.”

  “You… you were willing to be his pawn to protect me?” She had been willing to deal with the devil just to ensure that he would not be cast out of London society? “Even after you believed I had gone back to my old ways? Even seeing me with…”

  Helena held him tighter as she shook her head. “It does not matter now, Nathaniel. I know you love me, and that is all I care for.”

  She barely managed to finish the words before the man kissed her. Helena then kissed him back, her body aching to be joined with his. And as their passion grew hotter, Nathaniel desperately wanted that as well. For a brief moment, it was almost as if their troubles no longer mattered. Unfortunately, this could not last forever as the small thud of a dropping paper bundles disrupted them.

  Begrudgingly, Nathaniel stepped back to pick them up. Taking hold of the bound papers, he broke open the seals. Sitting together they quickly read through them, trying to understand what the Scandal King could possibly be up to.

  The all appeared to be receipts and orders from an apothecary for a specific kind of poison - the kind used to kill bears in a matter of seconds. The other was for an order of a very expensive and rare bottle of red wine. In fact, it was the exact year and type of wine Prince Edward IV was planning to use after the coronation. The House had actually been upset since it had been a rather large blow to the budget on top of the other extravagant things planned for the occasion. The other bundle was a barrage of false messages and letters from the French government.

  Nathaniel’s eyes widened as he realized what Oliver was going to do. “He’s going to assassinate the prince,” he said angrily. “And he’s going to try to shift the blame to me as a traitor.”

  The young woman gasped. “We have to do something, Nathaniel. We cannot let him get away with this.”

  The duke looked at his pocket watch. It was already past midnight. There was no way that the palace guard would allow anyone in at this time – even a duke. And with a sinking feeling he also realized that there was no way of knowing the guards were not already on Oliver’s side.

  Telling Helena this, she asked, “Then what can we do?”

  “We’ll have to wait until the coronation and hope that we might be able to stop him from drinking the wine.”

  She nodded and then hurriedly began to go out the door. It was way past the time she should have been home. There was no doubt that Selene was already furious for her absence - especially when she was still supposed to be making a dress for tomorrow’s events.

  Upon arrival, the two were surprised to see that Joanna was outside the gates. Her cherubic face was twisted with worry and horror.

  “What is wrong, Joanna?” she asked, trying to calm the frantic girl down.

  “Oh it’s just awful, Miss! The marchioness has not returned from her trip to Earl Dillingham’s!” Joanna cried.

  Nathaniel scoffed. “I can only imagine what she is up to,” he said sardonically.

  Helena involuntarily blushed at the implication and meekly replied, “Then I am sure that she will be back in the morning then…”

  “No, no! You do not understand!” the maid said, tears forming in her eyes. “She told me that if she did not come back before midnight then I should assume that she’s in danger! Oh, Duke Beaumont! We must go after her!”

  At this, Nathaniel rushed back towards the carriage in order to save her. Selene was not his favorite woman, but there was no way that the old war hero was going to stand by while she was in peril.

  “Wait, sir! There is one more thing!” Joanna cried, handing him a sealed letter. “Before she left, the marchioness told me that if you stopped by to give this to you!”

  Surprised, the duke slowly opened it. There had been no plans of them meeting after the ball. Why would she give him a letter?

  Dear Dk. Nathaniel Beaumont,

  If Joanna has given you this, then you have already returned from your meeting with Helena. It also then means I am already Oliver Dillingham’s hands. I believe I managed to fool him this far into thinking I am interested in whatever he is planning. I will not lie. I was tempted to truly join him after your betrayal. But I suppose in my heart I knew I was never yours.

  In any case, you cannot allow yourself to be caught up in rage and storm over to Dillingham’s. I know you, Beaumont, you’ll do it. The only thing that we have an advantage of is the documents. Although I’m quite sure Helena did not have the stomach to go through with her part, just look in your library for them. They will hold the key to bringing about his downfall.

  I have brought my fate upon myself. All you can do now is stop him from gaining his victory. And perhaps my mother will finally have justice.


  March. Selene Connolly

  Gripping the note firmly, he cursed the earl as well as Selene for being so foolhardy. However, Nathaniel knew that she was right. All they could do not was try to stop the assassination from taking place tomorrow.

  Chapter 14

  31st of May, 1812

  Helena had not expected the palace guard to believe them instantly, but this was ridiculous. She had thought that at least Nathaniel’s authority would take some precedence. Unfortunately, they had spent the last half hour in an endless argument. And it did not appear that they were making any ground.

  “What do you mean you will not allow us to see the Prince?” the du
ke growled, clenching his fist. “His life is at stake!”

  “I do apologize, Duke Beaumont,” the royal guard captain replied. “But we are under strict orders not to allow you or anyone else into his Majesty’s presence.”

  Placing a hand on the duke’s arm, she decided to have her turn.

  “Please, sir,” Helen pleaded, offering the documents which she held in her hands. “We have evidence that there is an assassination planned at the coronation. Orders of poison and wine – just the type to be used.”

  The guard looked at her suspiciously but reluctantly took it. After taking a moment to look at it, he finally said, “Interesting… However, we still cannot allow you to see him. I am sorry Duke Beaumont, but you and Lady Rowe must leave the palace at once.”

  “Don’t bother to move a muscle,” a voice behind them said.

  Turning, the two were shocked as they saw Selene. However, she was hardly recognizable. One of her eyes was bruised black and her face had several cuts. Even so, the woman still maintained her air of arrogance and determination.

  “Marchioness…” Helena said, putting a hand to her mouth. “What happened to you?

  “How flattering,” she spat, walking past her towards Nathaniel. “You can blame the Earl Dillingham for this. Now here,” Selene said, handing the guard a note. “It contains the signature of Dillingham on an order to switch the bottles of wine at this coronation by using a Frenchman spy infiltrated in the royal guard. His name is Jacques Blanc, translated to –“

  “Jacob White,” the man said angrily. “He was just promoted last week. I knew that his background was suspicious but I never…”

  “That no longer matters, just inform the Prince not to drink the wine,” Selene said. “And make sure to bring in Earl Dillingham for questioning.”

  The guard nodded, instructing others to watch them as he went off.

  “Marchioness… Joanna and I were so worried about you,” Helena said, daring to place a hand on her arm. “How did you manage to escape?”

  A cold, blank stare then swept across the girl’s discolored face. It had most certainly not been easy. Selene had needed to get rather… intimate… with one of Dillingham’s thugs. Luckily, the man had underestimated her desperation and ability to fight. But after she had gotten his pistol, her escape had become much more straightforward. Selene gave a cruel smile as she recalled the way she had gotten the information out of one of them.

  “Trust me, Helena. It is not important. What is important is that we do not allow that man to become king of England,” she said flatly. Seeing their confused faces, Selene added, “I will explain later.”

  A loud commotion was then heard on the other side of the door. As they heard their captain call for help, the guards then rushed in. The five civilians soon followed after them, and they were shocked at the scene.

  It seemed as if the coronation had already been underway, however, the prince was now at the mercy of Dillingham. A pistol was held to the fair youth’s head as rest of the royal guard surrounded him. The royal House members could only watch in astonishment as they stood helpless to defend him.

  “What on earth happened?” Nathaniel asked the fallen Phineas, who was not sporting a giant bruise on his head.

  “The bastard… They questioned the wine… and when he refused to drink it as a test… I accused him of being a traitor. He clocked me on the head… Please, Nathaniel… we cannot allow him to succeed…” the baron croaked, finally falling unconscious.

  Hearing the duke’s name being spoken, the crazed man turned his attention towards Nathaniel.

  “You could not just let me have this could you? You had to have everything! Always overshadow everything! Even though I saved your life more times then you could ever repay!” Oliver screamed, tightening his grip on the prince’s throat.

  “Oliver… you must stop this,” Nathaniel said calmly. “Have you not done enough damage? Please… just stop this… Please be the man that you were when you became my greatest comrade.”

  The earl laughed hysterically. “You have grown so pathetically soft, Nathaniel.” Shifting is eyes to Helena he then said viciously, “It’s that goddamned woman. With her pathetically ‘pure spirit’! Trying to change you into something that you never were. Well then, since I’ll never be able to receive what I’ve always wanted – neither will you.”

  Quick as lightning, Oliver shifted the barrel of the gun to Helena and pulled the trigger. However, Nathaniel leaped in front of her just as quickly. The bullet hit him in the abdomen, staining his blouse a deep red.

  “Nathaniel!” Helena screamed, tearing off her shawl to place pressure on the wound.

  At the same time, the room erupted into chaos as the guards raced to tackle Oliver. It was not long before he was being dragged away.

  But even amidst the flurry, the duke had on a serene expression. Gently, he placed a hand on Helena’s tear-stained face. “Helena… I love you… and I just want you to know that…”

  “No, don’t talk as if you’re going to die. You aren’t!” Helena exclaimed, burying her face in his. “I won’t allow you to!”

  With a weak smile he then slowly reached into his pocket, pulling out the handkerchief she had given him so long ago. “Helena… I just want you to know that you were my hope… even when I thought I was too far gone to save…”

  Helena wanted to speak, but her voice would not allow her to form the words. Instead, she just gave him a kiss as she laid her head on his heaving chest. And as the royal physicians finally arrived, all she could do was pray that he would live.


  28th of July, 1812

  “I’m going to miss you, Miss Rowe,” Joanna said, giving her a final embrace in the manor’s doorway. “Though I wish I could come with you.”

  “I’ll miss you tremendously, Joanna. But I think the marchioness will need you more than ever with an extra person to look out for. Speaking of which…” Helena replied, handing her a small satchel of diminutive stockings, mittens, and such. “It’ll be winter by the time she’s due. Hopefully, this will keep them nice and warm.”

  “I’m sure Marchioness Connolly will appreciate it,” the maid replied.

  “Appreciate what?” Selene asked, appearing behind them. As she took the bag of small clothing, her stern face softened a bit. “I… I did not order you to make these.”

  “No… but I suppose I just wanted to give you a gift to make up for all the… trouble… I caused,” Helena said, looking down in shame.

  “That is quite an understatement,” stated Selene with a small chuckle. Absentmindedly rubbing her sore abdomen, she then said, “Are you sure that you wish to leave London? I’m sure many people in the House would fight tooth and claw for your talents.”

  Helena shook her head. “I have had enough of London. And so has the duke.”

  “You really should not be so formal with your husband, Helena,” Nathaniel said, departing from his carriage to get her bags.

  “I suppose it is just still hard to imagine that we’re married, now,” she replied, giving him a small kiss on the cheek. “I’m still just grateful that you are alive. It was a miracle.”

  “Indeed,” he said, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

  “Oh bother,” said Selene, turning to go inside. But before she could, Helena went up to speak to her.

  “I know that we are far from friends, Marchioness…” she began nervously. “But if you would ever wish to speak with me in letters or…”

  The marchioness raised a brow in bemusement. “Helena… if this is about my pregnancy… It is fine. I have no one to blame for myself. And truthfully… I am looking forward to building another life. One that is not threatened by lies, extortion, or hate.” And now that Oliver would be locked away for the rest of his days, the same could be said for most of London. With a dismissive hand, Selene shooed her off, “Now go on off! I have business to attend to.”

  Helena shook her head but gave a smile. Some things woul
d never change.

  Getting into the carriage, Helena placed her head on his shoulder as they started the long journey to Maidstone.

  “What are you thinking of, Helena?” Nathaniel asked, placing his arm around her.

  “Nothing…” she replied, giving him a kiss. “Finally nothing at all.”

  For the first time in her life, Helena felt at peace with the world. And as she kissed the man sitting next to her, Helena was sure that this would last a lifetime.


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