Romance: Regency Romance: A Lady's Powerful Duke (A Regency Romance)

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Romance: Regency Romance: A Lady's Powerful Duke (A Regency Romance) Page 73

by Matilda Hart

  She stopped and looked back at me, “I said I had to show you something. Come one, Charlotte…” she reached her hand back to me. I took another swallow of wine and followed her down another hallway. She opened a door slowly and peered inside before beckoning me on. I went slowly, ignoring Sophie’s requests for me to go faster. What on earth could she be wanting so show me that needed such haste.

  “Sophie! Where have you taken me?” my voice was too loud and Sophie hushed me just as loudly.

  “Come, His Grace told me specially to bring you here…” Sophie’s words were slurred, but so were mine. I giggled and followed her, wondering what scandalous things the Duke had hidden away in this part of his great house. She closed the doors behind us, no candle was lit in the room and I staggered blindly reaching for Sophie’s hand.

  “Sophie…” my whisper was as hushed as the drunks at the pub down the road in the village. Sophie’s voice hushed me loudly again. All at once I saw a shaft of light. I staggered towards it, bumping my shin against something hard and wooden as I stumbled. I giggled loudly, but covered my mouth as Sophie hushed me a third time. As I came closer to the light, I began to hear noise, hushed at first, but then louder. A giggle here, a muffled laugh there. Finally, I could see Sophie’s face lit by the candlelight spilling from the hole she stood near.

  “Come, come, Charlotte. There’s something I want you to see… something His Grace wants you to see…” After an eternity, I reached Sophie’s side and she pushed my head down until I was staring through the hole and into the next room. What I saw made my breath catch in my throat.

  His Grace was abed with two ladies, the one that had been grinding herself into his lap, and another that had been hanging over his shoulder, waving her feathered fan in his face while she spoke in his ear. They were nude, but for their silk stockings and hair ornaments, and one woman still wore her elbow length gloves. His Grace was propped up on massive pillows while he watched the women above him. His fingers worked quickly between them, plucking at pert nipples, slapping at taut asses, his tongue flickering over pale candlelit skin.

  I gasped in shock and pulled back from the peephole, but Sophie’s hands bore me down and forced me to watch. Her voice hissed in my ear.

  “His Grace bid me have you watch, Charlotte. You wouldn’t want to disappoint him, would you?” I shook my head. I was frightened, but I was also intrigued. I had read stories of trysts like this, and heard gossip from the other ladies about the extravagancies of the rich, but I had never seen it, never dreamed I would be this close to it. I watched, fascinated as the women kissed each other deeply, watched as their tongues drew across the others’ flesh. I could hear their moans and whispers, their hushed voices serving only to add to the forbidden nature of the moment. Sophie’s hands were warm on my shoulders, her breath hot on my neck as she watched with me. I took another long drink of wine, anything to cool my own hot breath. My head swam.

  On the bed, the Duke encouraged the ladies in their passions, urged them to touch each other, guided their hands and lips for his own amusement. The sounds the women made as their fingers touched previously forbidden flesh and discovered new wetness enflamed him, and I could feel a warmth growing between my thighs. The wine I had drunk made the feel of Sophie’s hand sliding down my dress seem far away. But the feel of her thumb and forefinger pinching and rolling across my nipple brought me back to reality with a gasp. My head lolled back to rest on her shoulder, and I heard her low throaty chuckle as she fondled my breasts.

  “Watch. His Grace wants you to watch. And I’m to report everything to him.” Her hot lips burned a fiery trail down my neck. “Everything.” I tilted my face back to the peephole as Sophie’s kisses burned into my tender flesh and her busy fingers teased and tweaked at my breasts.

  On the bed, the women were moaning, the one with dark hair was eagerly riding the gloved hand of the redhead while the hand of the Duke was busy between her legs. Both women moaned in unison, their hips bucking as the each found their own pleasure. His Grace was watching the peephole, and I caught my breath as I was sure that his eye found mine, and I saw the speed of his hand increase between the legs of the redhead. She squealed in response and increased the speed of her hand motions between the brunette’s thighs. Almost at the same time, I felt Sophie’s hand pull up the silk of my skirt and trail its way up my thigh.

  The Duke had lowered his breeches now, and the women were taking turns in teasing his cock with their tongues and lips. I had been married to George for two years, and while I had heard about this sexual deviance, but had never… oh God. Sophie’s trailing fingers had found my pussy, and her thick exhalation meant that she had also discovered just how wet I was. I sighed deeply, torturously, as her deft fingers that had so often flown over the keys of the pianoforte played over my most secret parts, driving me to an ecstasy I had never known. My breath was coming hard and fast as Sophie’s fingers swirled faster and faster over, around and teasing inside my soaking pussy.

  “Yes, that’s right, this is what His Grace wants, Charlotte. Watch. Watch.” Sophie’s mouth was hot… so hot on my throat and I watched. I watched as the women with the Duke drove themselves upon his cock, riding him as one would ride a horse, taking his cock deep inside themselves and crying out as they reached their climax. I watched as they allowed His Grace to bend them over like animals and take them from behind, and my body shuddered with ecstasy as Sophie’s fingers dipped in and out of my wetness and brought me to climax again and again, her whispers coaxing me further and further to the edge of reason, her lips pressed to mine and our tongues entwined.

  It might have been the wine, it might have been the pleasure… but at some point, I lost sense of what was happening and sank into a deep blackness, a velvet bed of wavy pleasure.


  I woke with the light of the midday sun spilling over my bed, and a headache that would have stopped the armies of Caesar from crossing the Tiber. I remembered fragments only… tangled limbs, jagged breath, and my own sweet release. Sophie lay in the bed beside me, her face angelic and her breathing steady.

  What had I sacrificed to be in the Duke’s protection?

  Had I betrayed George in thought as well as deed last night? Could I even blame the wine, or was this something I had desired too greatly… so many things had changed in the last weeks that I wouldn’t have even known where to begin if my sweet George had even asked me what had transpired. The food, the candlelight, the dress… the dress. The champagne dream of a dress that had been a gift from His Grace lay on the window seat, the gloves nearby. I wondered what had become of my wine glass from last night… had I even had a glass? How did we get back to my room? How many glasses of wine had I drunk last night? I looked at Sophie’s face again, her lashes fluttered on her cheeks as she slept serenely on the pillow beside me. The sunlight on the pale skin of her shoulders brought back foggy memories of the last night, but my head ached and I wanted to forget everything that happened.

  How much wine had I drunk last night?

  Chapter 7

  I rolled myself in the coverlets and couldn’t help the tears from rolling down my cheeks. I had betrayed my darling George; I had betrayed myself… What could I do now?

  Beside me, I felt Sophie stirring. I heard her yawn and felt the bed shift as she stretched. Her hand trailed over my shoulder and slid under the sheet. She ran her hand over my waist and pulled me closer to her. Sophie’s breasts pressed against my back, but I shrank away from her. Her voice purred in my ear.

  “Oh, Charlotte, don’t be ashamed. We had too much wine last night and had a wonderful time… The Duke wanted you to watch, and I know you liked it.” I pulled away from her again and rose from the bed, pulling the coverlet with me. I wrapped my nakedness in the silken fabric and sat at my dressing table…

  “No, Sophie. I miss my husband, I miss George. I have to go back to my house. I have to go back. No one can find out about what happened. No one.” On the bed, Sophie stretched lan

  “Don’t worry your pretty head about it, Charlotte. The Duke will never let anyone find out, and you know I won’t tell anyone.” That catlike smile again. “Besides, the Duke is watching you, I daresay you’ll be one of his favorites before long and there will be people watching you secretly…” I gasped and pulled the coverlet tighter around my body. Barclay House was truly the scandalous place I had been warned of, and I shuddered to think of what would happen to my reputation if anyone found out that I had accepted the Duke’s wildly expensive gift, and then partook in… no. No one could ever find out.

  “Charlotte, you’re being entirely too dramatic. His Grace is a generous host, and we should be grateful to be here. You know that as well as I do, you just have to… give in.” Sophie got out of the bed and walked naked to the wardrobe. I tried to avert my eyes from her reflection in the mirror, but it was difficult to drag my eyes from the beauty of her slender limbs. She pulled a muslin robe from the wardrobe and pulled it over herself slowly, knowing that I was watching. “Sooner or later, you’re going to realize that you belong here, Charlotte. It’s just a matter of time.”

  Sophie left me then, and I stayed at the dressing table wrapped in the coverlet long into the day. I was desperate for news of the regiment, so when Mary came to see me to help me dress for dinner, I sent her away to bring me news instead. I didn’t care what it was. Any scrap would do. All I wanted to know was if my darling husband still lived, or if he had marched into harm’s way.

  When Mary returned, it was long past dinner, but I didn’t care. She had brought news with her, but from the look on her face, I could tell that she was reluctant to give it to me.

  “Now, Mrs. Rutledge, you must promise not to be cross with me, I went to great pains to bring this to you, and risked my own position here to do it. His Grace is lenient, but also wants to protect the ladies who are enjoying his hospitality. I want nothing more than to make you happy, but not at the cost of my own position here at Barclay House.” I nodded briefly. She took a deep breath, “I went down to the village, and the talk in the market is that the regiment has been sent into the thick of the fighting. They say that there were heavy casualties.” My hands flew up to cover my mouth. George! My eyes filled with tears.

  “I’m sorry, Mrs. Rutledge, I don’t know anything more.” Mary was genuinely uncomfortable, and I tried to smother my sobs behind my hands. She turned and ran from the room, leaving me alone with my desperate tears.

  I sat in the window seat until the light of dawn broke over the Duke’s vast lawns and gardens. My cheeks were stiff with dried tears; my brave husband was probably dead. I wondered how long it would be until the rest of the women heard the news, or would His Grace keep them in the dark while he enjoyed their company… I hated him. I hated him for keeping us here, allowing us to bask in his generosity and wealth – I thought of the women I had watched with the Duke only hours before, smooth flesh writhing on silken coverlets… I shook my head.

  We were vulnerable and without protection, and he was taking advantage of us. It was wrong. But a voice whispered in my head that it had felt so right. That the feel of Sophie’s fingers rubbing along my flesh had felt so good, and that the waves of pleasure that had ebbed and flowed over my body as our limbs had entwined were some of the sweetest I had ever experienced.

  A knock came at my door, but I ignored it, waiting until the sound of footsteps faded away down the hallway before opening in slowly. A wooden cart sat outside my door. It was covered in silver dishes and a stately coffee pot that steamed gracefully. I inhaled the smell of the exotic liquid hungrily. It had been an age since I had indulged in my favorite import from the new world. My stomach rumbled. It had also been an age since I had eaten a proper meal. I tightened the belt of my robe around my hips and pulled the cart awkwardly into my room. Pulling it in front of the bed, I shut the door quickly and turned the key before sitting down in front of the meal that had been delivered.

  A silver vase held a stunningly beautiful rose, its petals were a deep, rich red and between the dark green leaves a note was balanced. The creamy paper of His Grace’s other notes was folded carefully and sealed with red wax which bore the mark of a signet ring. I plucked the note from the embrace of the rose and broke the Duke’s seal with the tip of my finger. His Grace’s graceful handwriting flowed across the page and my heart began to beat a little faster as I read his words.

  Dearest Charlotte,

  I was grieved to hear the news of the garrison. Please accept my heartfelt condolences for any pain this news has caused you.

  I hope to see your face once again at my table. Like this rose, the world is made brighter by your presence.

  Ever your servant,


  I read and re-read the note, and I was unable to keep a smile off of my face. I placed the letter on the cart and uncovered the silver dishes. The heavenly scent of bacon wafted towards me and I picked up silver fork and began to eat with relish. Thick cuts of toasted bread rested in a silver bread basket covered in a fine linen napkin and a pot of fresh marmalade stood nearby. I drank the rich coffee I poured into a fine porcelain cup in slow, careful sips. I hadn’t eaten this decadently since my wedding and despite how awful I was feeling, I wanted to enjoy every moment of this meal. Delicately sliced tropical fruits decorated a smaller silver plate and I devoured them without stopping to wonder what they were.

  My meal finished, I cradled my coffee between my hands and sat once more at the window, wondering if His Grace sent breakfast to all of the ladies staying at Barclay House. As I sat contemplating the garden, I heard the doorknob turn, and the rattle as Sophie tried to get in. Her frantic knocking at the door coupled with cries of “Charlotte! Charlotte!” forced me out of my seat to answer the door. Sophie was paler than usual, and wore a look of distress on her pretty face.

  “Charlotte, it’s all so awful! Have you heard the news? My William…” Sophie dissolved into tears and I folded her into my arms. I led her to the window seat, where she sank to the cushions and buried her face in my shoulder. I patted her hair and held her close while she sobbed.

  “I know, Sophie. Mary brought me the news last night. All we can do is pray for their safe return.” When Sophie’s tears finally ceased, she sat up and wiped at her face with her handkerchief.

  “You’re right, Charlotte. All we can do it wait.” She snuffled prettily and looked around my room, her eyes finally alighting on the breakfast tray. Her eyes widened, “Is that coffee I smell?” I nodded and gestured at the silver pot for her to help herself. Eagerly, Sophie went to the cart and poured herself a cup of the dark steaming liquid. “I haven’t had coffee in so long…” I smiled at her enthusiasm and at the look on her face as she took a sip of the rich brew. Sophie sighed dramatically and joined me once again in the window seat.

  “You aren’t cross with me, are you, Charlotte?” I shook my head; how could I be angry with my only friend at Barclay House? Sophie’s eyes darted back to the cart. “I saw a letter on the tray… was that breakfast from His Grace?” I nodded and looked down at my lap. “He’s taken quite a liking to you, Charlotte. I’d counsel you to be careful, but it might be time to be practical about these things. Every woman in this house wishes they had received a rose like that.” Sophie pointed a slim finger at the cart and I tried not to blush. I couldn’t think about things like that.

  Sophie drained her cup and placed it on the window sill. She took my hands in hers and looked into my eyes. “Just think about your good fortune. I know I’ve been thanking God every day that I’m here. I have to go and write to William’s mother, but I will come back to see you soon.” She squeezed my hands and rose from her seat. “Now, you should bathe and dress. Something sweet I think. We’ll take a turn about the garden before tea.” Sophie smiled at me and left the room, brushing her fingers over the silken petals of the red rose as she went.

  Could she have been right? Had the Duke singled me out, over all of the other ladies at Barcla
y House? I wondered who else knew about my breakfast delivery, or who else had seen the perfection of that red rose as it made its way to my door. I went to the tray and picked up the note and read it once more. With a small smile on my lips, I lifted the silver vase and placed it on my dressing table before covering my breakfast dishes and pushing the cart back into the hallway.

  I wasn’t sure what to think anymore. But Sophie was right, I needed to wash and try to get a handle on my emotions. There was nothing I could do but wait and find a way to pass the time.

  Chapter 8

  I rang the bell that I knew sounded in the server and before long, a ladies’ maid was tapping gently at my door. At my request the girl brought me hot water, fragrant soap, a luxuriant sea sponge and soft towels. With a faint blush I declined her offer of assistance with my washing regimen, and closed the door softly behind her as she left the room. I washed slowly, enjoying the feel of the hot water against my skin and the smell of the soap in my nostrils. As my fingers slipped over my curves, I found myself thinking again about what I had seen, and how Sophie’s breath had felt against my neck. My fingers dipped between my thighs and I rubbed my slick fingers over my clit and between the swollen lips of my pussy. I bit my lip gently as I remembered how the candlelight had played across the bodies of the women on the bed, and the look on the Duke’s face as he had watched them… as he had watched me watching them. I shuddered as my fingers moved faster and faster and moaned softly as a small orgasm broke over me. My heart beat swiftly and I smiled to myself. Being in the Duke’s house was different than anything I had ever experienced, maybe it was time to give in to its many pleasures…


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