Invoking the Witch (The Faction Series Book 1)

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Invoking the Witch (The Faction Series Book 1) Page 4

by Lindsey Jayne

Lifting myself off the sofa, I yelped when he seized my wrist—bone creaking under the pressure while his fingernails dug into my skin.

  “Daniel, wha—”

  He propelled me toward the bottom of the stairs. “Take your shit upstairs and get it unpacked. I’ll be damned if I’m sorting through it, again.”

  Wide-eyed and focused on his red face, I didn’t move. He couldn’t expect me to haul my case upstairs in my condition. I opened my mouth to say something, but only a whimper escaped.

  “What the fuck are you waiting for?” He gestured toward the case and flung a pointed finger in the direction of the stairs. “Move!” His cheeks fired red and glowing while his nostrils flared.

  I reached a shaky hand toward my case. Daniel stood beside me—his hot breath washed over my skin in waves, repulsing me to my core. Time stood still, yet I could hear the ticking of the kitchen clock as though it were attached to my ear, the sound sluggish and distorted. My heart beat thundered in my chest and slammed against my ribcage.

  Hoisting the suitcase to a stand, I lifted it onto the first step. I returned my gaze to Daniel’s beady glare—he watched while I tried to heave my case up. My nerves steeled and my body shook. “Are you going to help me? I’m carrying your child, for God’s sake.” My voice rose while he continued to stare.

  Daniel’s mouth turned up into a gloating sneer. “You can manage. Go on.” He widened his eyes and red-veined orbs bulged back at me.

  He stood before me, a complete stranger who turned my life upside down, moulding me into some weak, subservient shadow of a girl. I used to be so much more than this—smart, outspoken, confident. What became of me made a mockery of the person I used to be.

  “What is wrong with you?” My voice high, my fists balled around the suitcase handle. I straightened, not once taking my eyes from his.

  He drove his body forward to force me back against the wall. The suitcase fell from the step and hit Daniel in the leg.

  Kicking it, he screamed in my face, “You careless bitch!” before he grabbed me round the throat with enough pressure to cause my stomach to lurch, but not so much that I struggled to breath.

  “What the hell has gotten into you, Daniel?” I swallowed hard past the rising bile.

  “I don’t have to answer to you.” He spat the last part out with utter contempt. “Who the hell do you think you—”

  “I’m the pregnant girlfriend you’re scaring the crap out of. Who the hell do you think you are?”

  With bulging eyes full of disgust he glared down at me.

  “I’m sor—”

  The hard slap across my face stunted the apology. I clutched my stinging cheek with one hand and glowered at him in shock. His expression remained one of cold-blooded composure.

  He threw one last glance of wide-eyed hate at me then stormed out the front door—slamming it with enough force to rattle the glass in the porch.

  Sliding down the wall, I crumpled into a heap on the floor, body wracked with uncontrollable sobs.

  I couldn’t deal with the return of his violent behaviour. The last seven months had been bliss. No punches to my arms and legs, no kicks to the ribs, no more hiding behind a locked toilet door while he calmed down and no more emergency trips to the hospital to explain away another ‘fall down the stairs’. I actually thought we’d moved passed that phase when we found out about my pregnancy. I looked forward to finally settling down into a happy family life.

  I couldn’t go back to before. I didn’t have the strength.

  I needed to talk to someone.

  Heading for the living room where I dropped my bag earlier, I grabbed my phone and unlocked the screen. Even though my dad would answer while he worked, I didn’t want to bother him just yet.

  Ever since mom died when I was a baby, my dad and I formed a very close bond. After I met Daniel our relationship changed. We loved each other just the same, but we became less reliant on one another. I guessed he figured, with me growing up, I didn’t need him to protect me all the time. But I did, I just felt too ashamed to admit the daily hell I went through, until now.

  Dad would be busy right now, though. He worked for the Faction—a group of vampires who policed supernatural activity in the area.

  No, Alice would be better. Dad and I would need a more in-depth conversation, and being in no frame of mind to start piecing together how that would go, I typed in my best friend’s number instead.

  “Hey, girly, how’s it going?” Alice’s voice gave me comfort. “You can’t be there already, surely?”

  Oh wow. Where do I start with something like this? Tears formed and my throat constricted on any attempt to get the words to come out.

  “Ellie… ?”

  “Sorry, I… we didn’t go, he… .” The weakling in me burst into tears again.

  “I’m coming right over.”

  Chapter 4

  It took Alice fifteen minutes to get to my Mellor Brook home from her apartment in Barrow, Lancashire. Alice pulled her car onto my empty drive. I threw the door open before she could knock, and she took one wide-eyed look at my face before she paled.

  “Holy shit, Ellie. What the hell happened? I’m gonna kill that no-good, motherfu—”

  “Oh, Al.” The reality settled in. I dropped my gaze and closed my eyes while shame washed over me. Alice pulled me into a tight embrace, rubbing a hand up and down my back while my body convulsed with laboured sobs. “This is all my fault, if I—”

  “Oh hell no, this is so not your fault. Did you ask him to do this? I didn’t think so.” She pulled back and stared into my eyes. “He has no right to treat you this way. You’re coming with me, and I don’t wanna hear you argue about it, okay?” With a set face, she clutched my shoulders. “Go grab some things.” Her smile softened as she rubbed my arms.

  With my suitcase by the stairs, it dawned on me, I didn’t know what Daniel packed. So, I shuffled upstairs, Alice following. I grabbed a large hold-all, and removed clothes and toiletries from drawers while Alice stuffed them inside.

  My body shook and sweat beaded my brow as I anticipated Daniel’s return. Sickness swirled in my gut and my legs turned to lead while Alice helped me down the stairs. Stopping at the bottom she turned to me, her eyes asking the question her lips didn’t need to.

  “I’m ready.” My words lacked conviction. Can I do this, can I walk away?

  Alice left me little choice. With my bag in her hand, she headed out the door to her car. I followed close behind, my eyes darting about for any sign of Daniel.


  Alice never once questioned what happened throughout the journey. When I broke down, I didn’t want it to be in a car while we drove through residential areas where people might see the mess I got in.

  Pulling into her allocated space, we got out and made our way up to her first-floor, two-bed apartment. She opened the door and ushered me in before setting my bag on a table in the hallway.

  “Come on, let’s get you a warm drink, and you can tell me what happened.”

  Alice led me into her huge open-plan kitchen-cum–lounge. I loved it; beautifully laid out and decorated to some very high, modern standards in creams, whites with splashes of blue here, shades of red there. Alice’s parents were well off, but she worked her ass off for everything in this immaculate apartment.

  I envied her in a way, with both parents to dote on her as she grew up. While I appreciated everything my dad did for me, and respected him to no end for taking on the role of Mom and Dad, it still hurt that I didn’t have two parents to look after me, to correct the messes I got myself into.

  I sat down on the plush cream sofa with the oversized duck-egg coloured cushions—I loved this sofa; I imagined sinking into a bank of fluffy clouds would feel much the same. Leaning my head back, I closed my eyes and listened to Alice rustling in the kitchen.

  “Here you go.” She placed a steaming mug of tea on the table in front of me.

  “Thank you, Al. I don’t know what I’d have done if yo
u hadn’t come for me.”

  She nodded. “What happened? Besides the obvious, I mean.”

  “I don’t even know. He was in a foul mood all morning, but when I grabbed a few magazines at the service station he just went absolutely mental. He made a show of marching me out of the shop.” I cringed at the recollection, my face heated. “I was mortified. We got into the car, and he told me to clean myself up, I opened his glove compartment, and a knife fell out, he—”

  “Wait, what? What the hell’s he doing with a knife in his car?”

  “Well, that’s what I wondered, but when I asked he went ballistic.” I related to Alice the whole scary, humiliating story. Watched her eyes widen when tears rolled down my face, recalling his behaviour. I told her about what I said to him during my outburst.

  “You did?” Alice smirked at my confession of a bravery I’d not shown for years. “What did he say?”

  “He hit me.”

  “Oh, sweetie, I’m so sorry. He’s a fuckin’ bastard. Have you called the police?”

  “Good God. No! Are you kidding me? He wouldn’t like that at all.”

  “Who gives a shit, Ellie? He assaulted you, for crying out loud. And I know it’s not the first time, so don’t even lie to me. It’s time you stood up for yourself.”

  The idea that Alice knew of the abuse while I hid it caused a ripple of shame to quiver through me, my eyes welled up. But the thought of going to the police about it made me feel sick. Daniel would worm his way out of it; he always did. Then I’d suffer for it.

  Alice’s face softened. “You can’t let him get away with this anymore.”

  “I know,” I sighed. “Let me sleep on it? This isn’t going to go away in that time.” I pointed at the evidence of Daniel’s still-smarting assault on my face.

  “Fine, but you know you have to do this. Have you called your dad?”

  “No. He’s at work right now. I’ll go see him tomorrow.”

  “Good idea. And I’ll come with you.”

  “Haven’t you got work?”

  “Not tomorrow, no.”

  “I’m sorry for dragging you into this, Al. You’re a good friend. I don’t deserve you.”

  “Hey, hush now, don’t be silly.” She grabbed me in a tight embrace and soothed the back of my head with her hand.


  Opening my eyes, I yawned and stretched before I realised Alice and I had fallen asleep on the sofa. I turned to the window—curtains still open—and noted the dark, starry sky.

  Looking back, I wondered what the heck I’d do without her, my amazing, outspoken, taking-no-crap-from-anyone friend. God only knew—I’d be lost.

  Alice stirred beside me. “Bloody hell, my neck doesn’t half hurt now,” she complained, massaging herself.

  I smiled at her. “We should probably get some proper sleep. I feel exhausted, and I don’t think the sofa is going to help.”

  “You’re right, sweetheart. Let’s get our arses into bed.” She paused and took my hand. “Ellie, my guest room is open to you for however long you need it, okay?”

  “Thanks, Al. I don’t know what I’d do if you weren’t in my life.” My voice trembled and tears threatened to spill. Alice moved her hand from mine and put it around my shoulder.

  “Hey, hey, there’s no need for that, darling. I’ll always be here for you, but you gotta promise to stay strong for me. You’re a tough cookie, deep down. You’ll be okay; I’ll make sure of that, all right?”

  I nodded, fighting back the tears best I could, but the odd one rolled down my cheek.

  “C’mon, let’s get you to bed, eh?”

  With my body drained to the point of collapsing, she helped me into the guest room. I couldn’t even piece together any coherent thoughts; exhausted, I needed rest. Alice, bless her soul, made sure she tucked me in before she gave me a kiss on the cheek and left the room.

  Sometimes I found it hard to believe we were the same age. She knew how to handle situations better and it made her seem so much more grown up. I, on the other hand, allowed myself to be influenced into a person other than the real me.

  It would stop right now.


  My eyes flickered open against the warm sun shining through the curtains. I touched the swell of my cheek and winced against the throbbing pain—the truth of my nightmare as real as the agony.

  I lay awake and stared at the ceiling. A light knock sounded on the door and Alice walked in with a mug of steaming liquid and a small plate.

  “I thought you might like some tea and toast.” She placed my breakfast on the bedside table and sat down next to me. I smiled at her in thanks.

  “What time you wanna go round to your dad’s?”

  “I’ll call him first, but I’m pretty sure he doesn’t work Saturdays.”

  “And about the other thing?”

  I sighed a heavy sound; of course she wouldn’t let me forget. “I’ll call them after we visit Dad.”


  Nodding, I grabbed a slice of toast and took a bite.

  We spent the rest of the morning and most of the afternoon curled up on the sofa engrossed in crappy daytime TV, eating microwave pizzas—something so ordinary, so normal, yet almost alien to me. I hated Daniel even more. It felt good to feel other emotions besides fear, guilt and shame.

  Calling my dad earlier that afternoon, I told him I needed to see him and so he invited me and Alice round for dinner. I stared at the empty pizza boxes and groaned—Dad cooked so much food when he expected guests; I bloated at the thought.


  The clock read quarter to five by the time we pulled up outside Dad’s house. Alice kept glancing at me during the twenty-odd-minute journey to his home in Barnoldswick. I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the wing mirror and saw why—deathly pale skin, dark circles underneath my eyes. I looked a mess; the bruises on my cheek and jaw highlighted against my pallid complexion. I didn’t wear make-up; I saw little point. I preferred the natural look and only wore it after Daniel told me to make more of an effort for him.

  “You ready?” Alice asked, turning to me.

  Nope, but I managed a small smile and a nod before we got out of the car.

  My father lived in a good-sized, Cotswold-bricked cottage which dated back to the seventeenth century. Proud of his home, an immaculate, mini-fenced in garden ran alongside the pebbled drive. It came alive with breathtaking splashes colour.

  We didn’t even make it all the way up the drive when the front door opened, and Daniel stood there, a smile on his face.

  Chapter 5

  Halting in my tracks, Alice bumped into my back.

  “Ellie babe, what the… ?”

  Dread coursed through my veins like iced water and I shuddered. I chanced a glance at Alice to see her wide eyes locked on Daniel. The smile fell from his face when I turned my head back toward him.

  “You… ?” Alice’s breath caught on her words.

  Standing aside her, I caught a glimpse of the hate in her eyes before she launched herself at Daniel and punched him hard, in the mouth.

  My mouth dropped open and my eyes widened. I caught Daniel’s look of similar surprise. It seemed neither of us expected her attack. Nevertheless, my body shook in anticipation of his reaction.

  Daniel stumbled back. I cringed at the sight of him. He stared straight through Alice as though she were nothing to him. He glared at me with such loathing, and the corners of his mouth turned up into a sly smirk.

  “Alice Watkins, what on earth do you think you’re playing at?” My dad’s voice boomed from somewhere in the hallway.

  Daniel’s features softened; his act of airs and graces fell back into place.

  “What is this psychotic bastard doing here, Bernie?” Alice shouted back, Daniel’s six foot one frame blocking most of her view.

  My dad moved from behind him and, though an inch or two shorter, placed a firm hand on Daniel’s arm. Seconds away from leading him back inside he looked
over at me. It took a moment for his grey brow to furrow, then his eyes widened and his face paled. Shame and embarrassment gripped me; my legs went weak and threatened to give way.

  “Elora, sweetheart, are you okay? What happened to you?” His voice came out a choked whisper as he moved toward me, his glassy eyes roaming my cheek and jaw.

  “Why don’t you ask this piece of rectal scum?” Alice shoved Daniel in the arm, but he didn’t retaliate, he just glared at her with a fire in his eyes, daring her to touch him again.

  Dad stood before me and placed a gentle hand to my face. I winced.

  “Did he do this?” He turned to Daniel, running one hand through his shock of silver hair, the other remained on my cheek. “Did you do this?”

  “Of course I didn’t! Why on earth would I hurt her? I love her.” He switched his gaze to me, fury buried behind his stare. “Why are you doing this, Ellie? I was so scared when I got back yesterday and you weren’t there.”

  My mouth fell open at the crap spewing from his. I trembled beneath my dad’s touch and my anger surged. “Is that why you neglected to call me? You were so worried, yet you never phoned me to find out where I was? Stop doing this, Daniel. I’ve put up with it for far too long.”

  His nostrils flared at my response and his eyes flashed angry surprise. “I thought you needed some space. You looked so upset when I had to cancel our holiday because of work. I know how much you’d been looking forward to it, and I said I was sorry.”

  How dare you? My eyes bulged while my rage spiked. “Work? You cancelled our holiday because of work? So it had nothing to do with the knife I found in your car?”

  “Knife?” my dad exclaimed. He looked between Daniel and me.

  “Mr. Lincoln, there was no such thing.” Daniel threw me a quick glare and his chest eased out a heavy breath before he turned back to my dad. “Elora’s just been really tired lately. The baby’s been causing her a bit of stress and keeping her awake at night. She’s started to see things that aren’t there—”

  “No! No more!” The outburst startled everyone, me in particular, since it exploded from my mouth. “You are not going to ruin my life any longer, you sick, twisted psychopath.” I turned to my dad, eyes pleading. “Yes, I did find a knife in his car and, yes, he did this to me because I questioned him over it. It isn’t the first time he’s laid a finger on me, either.”


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