The One Awakened: Book 1 in The One Trilogy

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The One Awakened: Book 1 in The One Trilogy Page 10

by Alexandra North

  Turning round to squeeze Finn’s foot, I focus on him and join him in the Bob the Builder theme song. Can we fix it…yes we can! How apt.

  I’m not sure that is the case this time.

  As I settle down for the night I decide to reach out to Abby. We’ve not spoken since last night and she had no idea about what had happened between Sebastian and I or my proposal of a night of passion to him. I type the words and as I do they sting. The fact that Seb didn’t want me enough is soul-destroying in itself but I’m annoyed that I’d put myself out there only to be left feeling vulnerable and weak and more importantly really stupid.

  Seb & I got down & dirty but didn’t finish the deed!

  He chickened out - now I feel like crap!

  Left in limbo. Got stupid text from him saying THANKS!



  What a Seb…ASS…tian!

  Play him at his own game Babe. His interest is peeked; now peek at other male interests. Maybe you & Seb are BEST as BEST FRIENDS without the complication of sex? X

  Abs always gave great advice but the last sentence of her text is something I’m not ready to hear. She may be right but seeing it glaringly illuminated, is way too real.

  Should have probably consulted you before I offered him ‘me on a platter for one night only’, no ties, no commitments just hot sex. x


  You did WHAT? Wow Lulu found her balls at last. Proud of you girl. Its about time you got laid and may as well be with an expert. Too many years being fucked by an amateur, now its time to get down and dirty.x


  I know - that’s what I thought! Ha ha you make me laugh. What about you - anything happen with Nathan?


  Just a peck - Was hoping for his PECKER ha ha!

  He’s asked me to S & G’s on Sat night. Yay!

  I like him Lu Bu - really f**king like him. Crap!

  Better go I’m knackered. Love U. Mwah !

  It’s only as I’m about to connect my phone up to my charger I realise that I’ve another text come through, whilst I’ve been messaging Abs. It’s from Niall.

  I messed up Saturday. Let me come over Mu Mu?

  I slam the phone down and turn the light off. Total douche-bag! It is Sunday night, Finn’s in bed and I’ve work in the morning. I’m annoyed with myself that deep down, I know that if the text had been from Seb, I’d have unlocked the door and forgone my beauty sleep, especially if he was there to give me an answer to my proposition.

  Popping the top off a small Belgium beer, I pad through to the living room. Chris was out for the night leaving me alone with my thoughts. I’m glad of the silence. After Lu had dropped me off, I’d headed straight for bed and slept for five hours straight. Yet I still felt drained; my mind filled at every moment with her text.

  One night with Lucia Myers - the girl I’d lusted after, for over a decade.

  I have to admit she had nerve, to put herself out there like that. Especially after I’d fucked things up so badly last night. What was wrong with me?

  I had wanted to kiss her all night, thought about nothing else really since I left her Friday. I’d watched her bumping and grinding with Abby on the dance floor; couldn’t take my eyes off her and neither could Chris! That had been an unexpected annoyance. At least that new boyfriend of hers hadn’t shown up!

  I’d managed to cleverly manipulate the situation so that I was in their cab, ended up back hers and even sharing her bed and yet she still couldn’t see how much I desired her. Finally, connecting with her after all these years had been everything I could have hoped for and more - she was receptive and hot and we’d gone much further than I’d ever intended to, our first time - I’d probably pushed her too hard. I think back to the moment I near her scar - she’d flinched. There was definitely more to that issue - Niall had been an odd ball about it, I know that much. Gino had told me in the past but I’d never discussed it with Lu before. We were close as mates but something’s you didn’t talk about with the opposite sex unless you were bedding them!

  I didn’t give a flying fuck about her scar. She’d had a horrific time when Finn was born - scared the hell out of me at the time but I want her to be uninhibited when we finally have sex. I’ve waited too long for it not to be right.

  This morning had been shit. I’d waffled on about marmite and booze and knew she was desperate to get rid of me; I was desperate to escape and if it had been any other woman would have snuck out whilst she slept. But I couldn’t do that to Lu. My cheeks still ached from the fake bright smile I’d plastered across them. And that drive to mine - it was the most uncomfortable experience of my life. I wracked my brain, considering what if anything could be said that would make this whole situation any better.

  I should never have forced the situation so soon. I should never have tried it on with her.

  Dropping down onto the sofa, I switch the TV on with a flick of the wrist; scrolling through the planner and shaking my head at my stupidity, I groan aloud.

  Cheers? What the fuck was I thinking?

  I’d forced her into a compromising position, felt her come alive and let go in my arms and then left her hanging. Then I’d asked her for a bloody lift home!


  I can still see her face, her response, as I waggle the phone signal at her - utter contempt didn’t cut it. It was at that second my mobile had buzzed and everything had changed. I’d been bowled over by her proposition - never seen it coming and pretty much everything else, had gone out the window from thereon. I found it hard to breathe, dry mouth, sweaty palms, there was no way I could think on my feet. How could I control this situation and get things back on my terms?

  Fucking Cheers!

  She’d left before he could respond, driving like a lunatic as per usual, to go collect Finn. Now, as I glance at my phone, my mind working overtime, I make the positive decision to send out an olive branch to her and punch out a reply - I’m still not sure how to play this? Yeah, best keep it safe! I’ve got to send something, have some connection with her - no connection would be like sticking two fingers up at her!

  I need to sleep on things before going all in or keeping things friendly. I want to take her to bed badly but I’m still not sure if I want long-term and am I just being a selfish git - is this just about the challenge again - as it had been with so many other women? If I go all in, this is it. Keeping it friendly, I’m not sure I can do that either? Problem is, she’s all I can think about - her lime green eyes, those kissable lips, those amazing breasts and having her naked beneath me, open to everything, with no ties, no commitment, just friends becoming fuck buddies - Jesus, she was making it easy for me - I’d be a fool not to accept!

  Tomorrow I’ll make it clear to her what my ultimate decision is. The chance is there to take, without ties, so what is stopping you?

  I’d been manic at work all morning and finally pushing my chair back, I stretch and head for a much needed cuppa. Monday’s were always hectic but today more than usual.

  “Oooh are you brewing up?” Jackie begs pouting in desperation, as she glues a pantone colour swatch onto the mood board for our latest client.

  We’ve both been busily putting the finishing touches to the portfolio of ideas for our Holdgate Hotel The Ashton. I am so excited about my concepts for this current job - they are rocking – all baroque, damask and flock. I’m literally salivating at the thought of it all coming together. One word sumptuous; that’s the theme I’m going for. The dramatic vision I have created for their new honeymoon suite is something I’ve had in my head for months, but not had the right project to apply the creative juices to. If this goes well, we are guaranteed to get each and every other room in the hotel, which is being re-vamped by the new owner, James Marcell. Plus he knew everyone, so the word-of-mouth marketing would be fabulous. Colin will flip if we get this coup.

  “Quick cuppa and a bite to eat and then I must go face the client.”

  I wa
nder into the little kitchenette at the back of our studio and ready our drinks. I still haven’t replied to Seb’s text and wonder where he is at the moment. My thoughts are interrupted when Colin comes hurtling through the door.

  “Oh. My. God.” His hands are held up in front of him and move dramatically, pausing with each dragged out word. “What a weekend. Did you go out Babe?”

  He looks at me for the first time properly. “What the hell’s up with your face? I know I’m late and I know we have The Ashton thingie but I had to get my hair blow-dried for it. Please don’t be mad!”

  He whines and despite my gloomy mood, I smile and relax a little. Pouring out the teas, I add another bag to a china cup for him. “Your hair looks fab Hun. I’m not pissed at all, just glad that you’re here and ready to blow this one out of the park.”

  “I’ll be happy to blow James Marcell, in the park, if it will help us get more work, the man is blu…ddy gorgeous,” he comments seriously in his camp Yorkshire drawl.

  I chuckle. “Er no, that’s not necessary Darling, not until this job is done.” Reprimanding him lightly. “Colin Duttine, you are a raging hormonal, proud, gay man, but we need this job and there will be no extra curricular activities with it.”

  He had history in this department. Bless, he was fucked if he ever got kidnapped. Stockholm syndrome seemed to take effect with every difficult male client we took on. The more pernickety the boss, the deeper he fell... well until the next contract anyway.

  Col pouts prettily but grabs his and Jackie’s cups and wiggles his way out towards his desk throwing out, “Someone didn’t get any…again, this weekend!” in a petulant snide.

  “Hey, no fair, actually I kind of did but I’m not sure what to do with it now.”

  “Stop the bus. You dirty bitch, tell me everything.”

  I suddenly remember the embarrassing ringtone. “You need to leave my phone alone you naughty boy.”

  “Ah you liked this one did you? Very appropriate me thinks…”

  “Col - leave my phone be - Finn could have heard it!” I give him my best schoolteacher face but his fluttering eyelashes undo me.

  “Soz Babe - tickled me pink - I nearly set your text to ‘me fucky sucky’ but was actually thinking about the boy then, so played it safe.”

  “No more.”

  “Yes Boss. Who heard it?”


  Col clasps his hands together at this tidbit and hollows his cheeks dramatically. “Well… my lovelies, my work here is done. About fucking time you two got it on - you did didn’t you?”

  God, Colin is funny. He really was a tonic on a crappy Monday morning but I am not about to divulge my inner most thoughts to such an opinionated gossip, even if his opinions were probably correct. I’m just not ready yet, but maybe a little teaser…

  “No. I’m not divulging.” I say firmly. “There is a time and a place and now is not it! Needless to say, I never would have thought that Sebastian Silver, my best friend of years, would be such… a good… kisser.”

  Bullshit - you always knew he’d be amazing!

  I shrug off the comment and bite my lip in memory, instinctively rubbing my thumbnail along my bottom lip with the concentration. I’m overwhelmed by short film snippets of the live sex show that was my life on Saturday night, replaying in my mind. I feel myself growing warm with the memories and at the same remind myself that I’m acting like a giddy teenager!

  “Party pooper!” Colin shakes his head and tuts but thankfully lets it go – he obviously hasn’t noticed the heat generating from my vicinity.

  “Oh Lucia before you go, I forgot to mention there’s a delivery arrived for you from Fresh Water Couture!” Jackie yells across to me, with an excited raise of her eyebrows.

  “Lucky Bitch – someone’s flashing the cash.” Colin’s mouth is reduced to a small bum hole in annoyance.

  I giggle at his pretend spitefulness and head over to Jackie who disappears underneath the reception desk and hands me a long narrow black velvet box, tied with a red satin ribbon. Like an excited little girl on Christmas morning I make fast work of untying the elegant fastening. Fresh Water Couture or FWC as the beautiful, monogrammed crest is branded, is a luxury boutique florist in the centre of Lords and my favourite of all time!

  I ease the velvet lid off and peer inside. Sitting on silver branded tissue paper, is a deep red, almost black velvet rose, its stem continually supplied with water for its transit by a small glass vial at the base of the box. I marvel at the beauty and simplicity of the bud. Its blood red and plum petals are nestled softly against the lush fabric and a diamante Swarovski crystal is pinned in the centre of the stigma, where the rose is a pure ruby.

  I take a moment to take the lovely gesture in.

  It’s completely interrupted by Colin’s petulant sulky voice. “Well? Who’s it from Lady boss? Do tell? We’re waiting here on bloody baited breath!”

  Underneath the silver tissue, I reveal a minute envelope, which houses a thick cream note card with a printed message, in a beautiful scripted font.

  It reads…

  I hear my breath hitch, as I gasp and quickly remembering where I am, then smile and hold the note up to rest on my lips in thought. How lovely & romantic and so unlike Sebastian – or maybe not? I’d never been privy to this sexier side of him.

  “Well? Don’t keep us hanging?” Colin practically screams at me.

  I return to Jackie and Colin’s desperate stares. “I’m not sure. There’s no message.”

  My reply is tinged with guilt, as I tap the side of my nose coyly. This is met by a resounding noise of boos and hisses but I laugh them off, and grab my bag, placing the card safely and secretly inside and the rose back into the display box. I pat the note through the fabric of my Gucci and slap Colin’s behind.

  “Chop Chop my lovely. Time to go woo Mr. Marcell.”

  Colin is alert and ready within seconds, making wooing sounds similar to the coo of a pigeon; he’s completely off his rocker! I burst out laughing again. I knew the mention of our male client would put a firecracker up his tight little behind and change the subject, swiftly diverting attention from me to him – his favourite subject matter!

  Cruising along the long sweeping gravelled path, up to The Ashton, Colin whistles loudly next to me in appreciation. I grin knowingly, as I’d forgotten that he hasn’t been to the hotel yet. He’s worked on the project for a few weeks now, but only from photographic evidence in the studio, as I had taken the initial briefing last month.

  “It’s fabulous isn’t it?”

  I still couldn’t believe we had the chance to add this place to our portfolio. I really couldn’t mess this one up. Our overdrawn business account was counting upon it.

  “It’s the bloody bomb!” he yells giddily. “Ooh, am I going to have to have a wild passionate night here!” He rubs his dancing hands together excitedly and wiggles his shoulders, first left then right. “I’m totally emosh!”

  I glance from him back to the hideaway haven, which sits majestically in front of us; its Regency Style design appears both traditional and contemporary, due to the recently sandblasted stonework. The result is clean and fresh and showed the four huge Tuscan columns, which supported the Portico central front porch, to perfection. There are two huge semi-circled turrets and dozens of beautiful floor to ceiling picture sash windows, which wrap around the Pride and Prejudice style architecture. The effect is breathtaking. All it needed was Mr. Darcy to walk, dripping from the nearby tranquil lake, in white shirt and breeches and I’d be completely in heaven. Colin would have to fight me for him.

  “This really is out of this world!” Colin comments again dreamily as I swing my Audi into what I hope is an allocated space. We head up to the huge twelve foot double doors, which are painted a glossy black and flanked by two pretty bay trees in black and chrome steel planters, each tied with a white ribbon. The door is instantly opened, allowing entry to one of the gr
andest hallways I’ve ever seen and our names promptly taken; the efficiency from start to finish is exemplary. Colin has noticed it too, as he pulls his Kenneth Williams face at me and I disguise my unprofessional, escaping giggle.

  The Reception continues the monochrome theme, with regency busts, pillars and high-shine marble black and white tiles. In the centre of the room a huge glass circular table sits with the largest black & white striped rococo urn I’ve come across. It reminds me of a huge humbug and is filled with all kinds of fresh flowers, lilies, roses and hydrangeas, all pure white and neatly packed around cascading ivy, which spills out of the vase and onto the tabletop.

  Pure elegant chic – I am decidedly buzzing with creative inspiration.

  Directly above the table is a magnificent smoked crystal chandelier and similar lighting adorns the walls. The chandelier is more modern than would be expected and a teardrop design; at a guess it would be about ten feet high and is truly a focal piece; its hundreds of bulbs winking above, each like individual high carat diamonds. The main lighting is cleverly hidden behind shelving and with littered glass hurricane lamps, giving what could be a cool interior the warmth required to relax its clientele. I look upwards to the domed ceiling, where the light seeps down through a turret of glass and then lower my focus with an immediate reactive gasp at the beautiful long staircase. Separating into two further mini staircases on the landing, both left and right it then flows out at the bottom, like a regal bride’s veil. The central part of the stairs is protected by a ream of black and white striped thick pile carpet, which rolls over the marble steps, secured by chrome and crystal stair rods. The effect is exquisite. It would make a fabulous wedding venue.

  “I wonder who worked on this place before us?” Col thinks out loud, echoing my own thoughts, whilst ogling his surroundings.


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