The One Awakened: Book 1 in The One Trilogy

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The One Awakened: Book 1 in The One Trilogy Page 20

by Alexandra North

  “It seems they’re playing our song Babe,” he grins at me, moving sexily to the beat.

  He’d picked up on the words then, recognised their relevance to our situation.

  “I’ve been watching you wiggle your sexy curvaceous butt for the past five minutes. In fact, I was accompanied, by several other, admiring voyeurs. Was that your intention?” he drawls, grabbing both hips in his hands. “Either way, I am here to save you from one of them. Lean back into me.”

  It was a demand, a compliment and an insult all in one; I couldn’t decipher which annoyed me more or what his intention was. However, I do as I’m told and lean back into him and we continue to dance together. He moved like he kissed. He had a modern sway to him, which was both sexy and forceful and the position we were in, cried out erotic. It was so nice when a man could actually dance. No silly moves, just great timing and pure confidence, mouthing the words of the track, directly to me… ‘Ooh Ooh, you got me in the mood… Oooh we’re in danger, sleeping with a friend.’

  I’m totally turned on, my belly tightening in excitement. Something about the music, the beat, the words, our bodies grinding, just makes me feel naughty.

  I twist my neck to look up at him and he leans in towards me and moans into my neck. “You have no idea what you do to me.”

  I tremble. God I’m already damp with expectation. If I’m honest I had been all night.

  Why is he constantly giving me such mixed signals?

  He moves to twist a strand of my hair around his finger and I back away, reluctant to lose myself in a moment, which is so unexpected and probably would not end well.

  I decide instead to tease him and move away further into the makeshift dance area to escape, as my mood is not one that wants to submit too soon. Suddenly another guy leaps at the chance to join me and moves in close, trying to gyrate against me. I do my best to disentangle myself from him but he is incredibly persistent and very pushy. Abby’s gone and I can’t see Seb. I think I recognize the gyrator as one of Suzie & Gino’s neighbours. Working my way backwards towards the edge of the floor, the guy is leaning in and trying to lunge at me, whilst suggestively forming the hourglass shape with his hands. Yuk! He really needs to get new material. Abruptly the man is shoved aside, as Seb places himself between us, with a triumphant but annoyed expression.

  “I think you should dance elsewhere mate.”

  At the word mate, the thruster looks a little surprised but doesn’t give up, obviously infused with beer courage. “What the fuck Pal? Who are you?”

  I laugh to myself, at the irony of the question.

  Yes who is Seb? Who is he to me? What am I to him?

  “I’m the guy she’s with. She’s mine. Ok…mate?” he laces that last word with serious contempt.

  The guy gives a light shrug and skulks off in answer, with a nod of understanding that only men would appreciate. I’m not sure what to say or if I can speak. I’m both relieved that Seb has pushed away a potential problem and yet annoyed that he feels he has the right to do so on my behalf. I can also feel the tell-tale thrum of excitement weaving its way around my body, as I recognise this to be a monumental turning point in my life.

  The music thumps around us forming a kind of invisible bubble, away from everyone else, as I turn to stare at Seb. His eyes bore right back into mine, with particular focus on my mouth and I lean in to speak to him, to be heard over the music.

  “Thank you.” That’s all I can think of to say.

  He looks angry and slightly annoyed and seems to be struggling for control himself.

  “Told you that arse would get you into trouble Lucia. Let’s go get a drink. We need to talk.”

  Feeling completely reprimanded I dutifully take the hand he offers me and follow him to a quieter part of the garden. He is looking at me in such a territorial way – there is definite passion there, even if I question what is happening to us, I don’t question my eyesight.

  “I think about you all the time. Not as a friend.”

  He looks pained and nervously rubs his hand over his head. “I think about your mouth, the way I know other men do and imagine what you could do with it. What you could do with it on me.” He sighs exasperated, “Now I can’t get it out of my head.”

  He steps back onto his foot, allowing us both some breathing space but immediately thinks better of it and shifting balance he clasps the fence post that stands behind me. It was odd seeing him so unnerved but I didn’t want to interrupt. This had to come from him. I continue to chew my lip, intent on his face. Amazingly calm and quiet for me. His eyes seemed to bore holes into my face, as he searches every part of it, seemingly looking for answers to his own confusion.

  “Since you sent me that request all I’ve wanted to do is take you home and fuck you until you can’t walk. I want to make love to you slowly, passionately, until you shatter around me. I want you - no, I need you Lu.” He brushes his thumb over my lip and rests his forehead against mine. “I didn’t see this coming but to be completely honest I’ve wanted it forever.”

  Nervous bubbles of excitement began to build up inside my tummy, sending an electric fizz along every part of my skin. He slips both hands underneath my hair to cup the back of my neck, easing me closer to him.

  “I’m coming home with you tonight Lu. Tonight is the when & where.” he demands assertively.

  The cocky arrogant bastard; he never asks he just demands. Rule number 1, I suppose.

  “What about your date?” I raise a brow in question.



  “Toni isn’t my date tonight. We came together in a cab, with Chris but that’s all.”

  I nod my understanding and glance across to where Chris and Toni are currently attempting twister, then look up into deep black pools, willing him to kiss me.

  “What about Mr. Interesting?”

  “Leo left ages ago - it was never going to work between us.”

  With the gentlest of touches he plays his mouth over mine, increasing the pressure and connection between us, as he feels me relax. This quickly turns into a devastating slide of lips, which whispers untold promises and I weaken. As he deepens the kiss, a hot sensation pools low down in my belly, and washes over my entire body; exploring every part of my mouth thoroughly and slowly. I can feel the passion building to a craving so desperate, that I become weak and yet completely addicted. I don’t want it to end. I wrap my arms around his neck, drawing him into me and sigh as his chest grazes mine, where my nipples scream to be touched and swollen breasts ache to be enclosed in his large palms. Wanting more, I grab his shoulders and feel his hand lightly graze the side of one breast, before continuing on to cup my bottom possessively, his finger pushing gently at the inner part of my perineum, through the fabric. Shivers rock over me indecently as his tongue flicks over mine playfully and I melt as the spark ignites and fizzes. If he lifted my skirt right here and now I’d go with it.

  I’m not given the chance, as he pushes me away from him and moistens his mouth.

  “Stop chewing your lip Lu - you’ve no idea what it does to me. Time to go.”

  Duly reprimanded I immediately do that and gazing into his blackened eyes, I tremble and take a breath. The severe throb between my legs is controlling every thought, beating in time to the music ebbing around us. Frustratingly at that moment, we are interrupted and Sebastian turns at the sound of his name.

  “Oi Seb; Beer?” Chris hollers in his pissed-up state, waggling his own empty bottle in reference.

  I cringe and am gutted at his timing - just as it is getting good and I’m thinking with my body rather than my brain for once.

  “Not for me Chris – Ta – I’m good.” He salutes him across the garden.

  This unfortunately doesn’t deter Chris and he hurdles over one of the rattan chairs, nearly breaking a leg in the process and launches himself at Seb.

  “Ah come on mate – have a nuvva, the night is young!�
� he whines in a put-on southern accent. “We haven’t let loose in a while, besides that girl Mel is it? - Suzie knows her anyway? - She is really into you – Fink you’re on a promise with that un and Toni. Take your pick!”

  I know he’s drunk but I’m finding it harder and harder to like this guy. He always seems to be…well… there - in the way. And appears determined to stop us becoming, an us!

  “Lucia, tell him!” he wraps an arm around my waist, far too close for comfort for my liking and looking at Seb’s face - his too.

  I untangle myself from Chris’ hold. “Sebastian’s his own man Chris. He knows what he wants and knows how to get it.” I say the words directly to Seb, as though Chris isn’t even present and turn to head back up to the house. I’m suddenly very weary of the games and decide that it’s now or never.

  “Yeah, Yeah. Anyway Seb, come on! I’ve got her lined up. Come show us how it’s done.”

  I hear Chris brag and look back to see him arching his brow and nodding in the direction of two blonde women. I follow his path. Both ladies, if you can call them that are in the process of trying to dip their now bare feet into the fountain, whilst showing everyone who cares to look, what they had for tea; the neon lights glowing through and up their now transparent minuscule dresses. Time to make a move, with or without him.

  I couldn’t be arsed with this anymore and couldn’t compete with a wet t-shirt competition, been there, done that, a long-time ago and it hadn’t got me into his bed then!

  Fifteen minutes later, I’m mulling over how much had changed in one week. We’re now in practically the exact same predicament we had been last Saturday and are sharing a taxi, after Seb has surprised Jess & I, as we clambered into the cab and hijacked our ride home. In my mind, I’m clear about being dropped off at Rose Avenue, first; he could do whatever he likes. The man frustrates me too much to share anything other than a lift - I’m too annoyed at his constant player tendencies.

  The air is fraught, as I nervously fiddle with my bag, desperate to have something to do with my hands. He had to be the one sitting next to me in the back – Jess is in the front, chattering away to the poor overworked driver and is clueless to the tension exuding from us.

  “Have you been busy?” she rabbits away mouthing the usual Groundhog Day patter that I’m sure every cab owner hates.

  I am wound so tight that my back aches from holding myself so rigid. How come he’d left Chris I wonder and The Promise in the minuscule dress? At the same time, I’m honest with myself and I don’t really care about the why’s and why not’s – I’m just grateful he’s going home… alone.

  We pull up outside my house and I scrabble out, frantic to get away, so that he can’t see how much I want him and how weak I am at that moment. One look at my face and Sebastian will know how devastated I am, that he isn’t standing by his earlier decision to stay at mine.

  Jess isn’t letting me escape in a hurry though and flinging her arms around Seb and I, she pulls us all into an uncomfortable threesome; a clumsy huddle of banged heads and squished bodies.

  “Night Bitches!’ she shouts at the top of her voice, walking backwards barefoot towards her street, which adjoins mine at the junction, her wedges swinging from her waving hand. She salutes us à la Simon Cowell, and disappears around the corner, giggling tipsily, evidently amused at herself.

  It’s only as I cheerfully wave her off in amusement and turn, I realise that Seb is now perched on my top step, his arms resting lightly on his knees and his black brooding eyes focused completely and directly on me. The Taxi is dust.

  “Give me your keys you silly woman,” he commands obviously irritated and staring blankly back at him, I just hand them over, without argument; clearly the lack of comeback, is due to the extreme shock I’m experiencing. The audacity of this man is un…fucking…believable

  He opens the door, waits for me to enter ahead of him and then does the same, locking it behind him. I glance up, admiring his ability to look so fucking hot at 2am in the morning. God only knows what I look like. He walks towards me, forcing me to move backwards until I meet the lounge wall, which backs onto the hallway stairs, hitting it with a clap. I’ve a serious moment of déjà vu, with flickers of last night’s knee trembling orgasm running over me.

  “You and I have unfinished business lady. I agreed to a night of sex…that will make you melt.”

  He stands in front of me, his arm propping him up against the wall. He smells divine, all fresh and musky and male. My instinct is to buckle under the extreme glare of his now sparkling black orbs but my legs are too wobbly to move.

  “You’ve paraded yourself in front of me all night, in that tight little number.” He looks me up and down and his eyes stop at my mouth, which I unknowingly moisten, rubbing my lips together.

  I stutter dryly. “But Chris…?”

  “Chris can be a dick… and his timing is shite. I told you tonight was FBR No.1!”

  I’m racking my brain to form words into a sentence. I’m fresh and antsy and so bloody horny I’m on fire. My inner voice is berating me and reminds me that this is exactly what I want, have wanted since last Friday night, perhaps since we met? Our body language has altered hugely and we’ve been dancing around the tension all night, literally. What a hussy I am! I went to the bloody party with another man and am now here, home with Sebastian.

  I look up at him, aching to feel his lips on mine, at last.

  “I’m going to fuck you Lucia; long and slow and hard,” his deep voice emphasises the last words, drawing them out, exquisitely unhurried, to enhance my reaction. I swallow and take a deep breath inwards. It worked as I feel my panties soak and core clench, in expectation.

  Oh. My. Word.

  “We are going to do what we should have done years ago. It’s time now; our time.”

  His mouth twitches at the corner, smug and sexy in its pose and reaching down to clasp my hand, he draws it up to rest on his teeth, grazing my knuckles lightly with them. Sharp tingles of desire shoot through my body and I shiver at the simplicity of the gesture.

  “The only question is, am I going to carry you up the stairs or do you think your legs are steady enough to walk?”

  I’m open-mouthed at his pompousness and annoyed that his interpretation of my inability to move is correct. God this man loved himself but boy did I want him and unfortunately I know that he is totally aware of the effect he is having on me.

  I retract myself from his grip, slowly and calmly and smooth down my dress. Just a few steps and I’m in the hallway, where I casually kick my bright turquoise suede heels off, at the bottom of the stairs. Looking over my shoulder back at his handsome face, where he’s focused on my every move - eyes intent on my legs, I tremble. He is expectant but still so sure of himself. For a second I want to tell him where to go - just a second.

  “Give me a couple of minutes then come show me what you’re made of!”

  I thank God that my bedroom has not been left as it usually is after getting ready for a night out, as though I’ve been burgled, with clothes and make-up strewn all over. Nodding at my quick perusal of the tidy bedding and scene setting, I quickly nip to the loo to freshen up. I clean my teeth and jush my hair in the mirror and double-check that…yes, I have my amazing bra & knickers set on, the one with the black and lime satin lace combo.

  It is then that I see him leaning against the doorway. He has removed his shirt, and his well-developed arms, from years of construction work are perfectly showcased against a more than perfectly ripped torso and chest. My eyes continue to enjoy the scenery, leisurely traveling over his battered blue-wash ripped jeans and stopping as long as I dare at the large evidence of his arousal at his crotch. A glance at the floor tells me he’s also removed his shoes and socks and is now dominantly barefoot; he really is a walking-talking Athena poster.

  My mouth is watering as I allow myself this moment to unapologetically absorb his male perfection. He smiles confidently at my
obvious approval and stares right back at me, branding me with a look so hot, I sizzle. I’m undone already and he hasn’t even touched me physically.

  My mind is battling big time. Part of me wants to just grab him and connect. The other side of me is screaming out, “This is Sebastian, your friend. What are you doing?”

  Do I really want to destroy our friendship just to appease the throbbing ache I have in between my legs?

  I think Sebastian senses that I’m wavering and he decides to make the first move. With his eyes fixed on me at all times he lowers his fingers to unbutton his jeans.

  Oh my fucking word.

  I bite my lip in anticipation and watch as he begins to slide the denims over his lean hips, looping his fingers inside the elastic of his boxers and dragging those down in unison. I can feel myself panting too quickly and draw a steady breath just as he has finished his strip, the remnants of his clothing kicked to one side. I hear myself gasp. Or eyes remain locked – jet-black v brilliant emerald.

  He determinedly stands there in all his glory, allowing me the time to take it ALL in. His beautiful body, on show just for me and my very own, pleasure. I can feel the heat coming off him, smell his masculine scent and I’ve never been more turned on.

  There was no going back now.

  His confidence is apparent and why shouldn’t he be with a body that could probably get you off without touching you? My greedy eyes are again drawn directly to his groin, where his immense cock, which bounces as he walks over to me, stands upright, straining, veins engorged, the head slightly moist already with his arousal. When erect it nearly meets his navel and his heavy sac swings tight and full, ready to be emptied …into me. I cannot seem to tear my eyes away from it and guiltily blush as his husky voice interrupts my thorough inspection.

  “Like what you see?”

  I nod and lick my lips in appreciation and anticipation. I know he is assessing me too. I can feel my nipples harden and my other set of lips dampen at the very thought of connecting so intimately with this male perfection.


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