The One Awakened: Book 1 in The One Trilogy

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The One Awakened: Book 1 in The One Trilogy Page 22

by Alexandra North

  Who had called in the middle of sex?

  I check my phone and see the missed call, from 1.18am. Chris? Why would have been calling me?

  It’s already 9am now - I really need to get a wriggle on, if I’m to pick Finn up in a few hours. I decide to ignore all my negative thoughts and stop over-thinking things before slipping to the bathroom before he stirs. I flick the shower on to warm up and scrub my teeth, wincing as the jiggling movement alerts me to the gentle thump in my head - definitely a combo of booze and lack of sleep.

  Sooo worth it though - the lack of sleep bit anyway!

  Stepping into the shower, I gently pull the double doors to a close and stand statuesque under the watering can head, letting the hot comforting water cascade over every part of my rather well worshipped body. Smiling at the warm glow building, as memories of how worshipped I’d been by Sebastian begin to fill my fuzzy head; I ponder on how amazing we were together. Not that I’d had oodles of sexual partners to compare it to, actually, only four, including Sebastian, but I am positive that what we shared together last night was incredibly unique. I’d certainly never connected so powerfully with Niall. Sebastian and I had been better together than I could ever have hoped for in my wildest imaginings! It had been instinctive.

  Isn’t it strange how two people who have never had any physical connection, other than friendly pecks and the odd hug here and there, could unite sexually and it be so mind-blowingly raw, passionate and… well, desperate? It could very easily have gone the other way and that could have ruined our past, present and future friendship.

  It is whilst I wash my body, wiping away any scent of sex, that I open my dreamy eyes to the clatter of the shower door being yanked open behind me, and before I have had the chance to turn, I am immediately enveloped in a warm, exceedingly male and attentive embrace and pulled backwards against his solid form. The doors shut behind us, enclosing us in total privacy. The temperature of the cubicle goes up several degrees and I hurriedly switch the tap to a cooler level.

  “Morning Beautiful!” his voice is gravelly with sleep and he wraps his arms around my waist loosely, whilst he bends in to plant a barrage of soft, wet kisses on my shoulder. I melt again and lean back into his firm body. I’m immediately met by his straining morning glory, as it rests its jutting, searching head against my lower back. The reaction I have to this is almost primal. This is much better than the last morning he stayed, I remember to myself. The walk of shame had been cataclysmic.

  “You didn’t think you could escape a repeat of last night did you?” I feel his satisfied grin, as his new-growth bristles prickle against my sensitive jaw and cheek.

  The humidity rises further, steam cloaking our bodies, secluding us from the outside world. There is no longer a need for words. Sebastian continues kissing my neck, sending shivers and a heightened sexual buzz along my lightly goose-bumped skin. My nipples pebble instantly at his touch – I’m so responsive to him, it scares the hell out of me. I groan aloud and quickly close my mouth in annoyance. I didn’t expect this so soon, if ever, but I need him, like it’s the first time all over again.

  Once is definitely not enough!

  The water streams over and trickles down our joined bodies, soaking them, and creating a suction effect between us. The silky, satiny smooth feeling of the water filtering over our skin is so sensual I shudder with the sensation. Taking the shower foam I’m holding in my hand, Sebastian squirts some onto his palms, instantly creating a foaming lather, which he transfers to my breasts, delicately smoothing it over them in repetitive circles, kneading them, in unison. The foam expands and pretty soon my breasts are being lovingly massaged with masses of bubbling soap. They feel slightly tender, with an almost bruised sensation, from last night’s exploits but this only adds to their heightened receptiveness and I am surprised at his tenderness. I lean in to him further to allow him better access. His balls are sitting against my bottom; they feel huge and tight. How is that possible after what we did last night?

  He is hard and lean everywhere and craving to touch him I lift my palms and place them over his keeping the pressure there where I need it. His big hands fit my more than ample cups perfectly and I run my hands up his arms, the water and soap softening the hair on them. He is solid in every way!

  He whispers words of encouragement into my ear, pulling simultaneously on both nipples, teasing the sensitive tips and continuing the process over and over again. It’s as if there is a direct link to my core. If he doesn’t do something soon, I’d disgrace myself and come with just my breasts being caressed.

  My cervix aches and I clench to alleviate the throb now beginning between my legs. He acknowledges my need and slides one arm down my waist, across my stomach, trailing along my scar gently and towards the apex of my thighs. I do not flinch this time and open myself to him freely.

  As he parts my folds and leans forward into me, to slide one finger inside, he sucks on an earlobe, licking down my neck, his finger slowly sliding in and out, his thumb circling my jewel, whilst his tongue travels my skin; the combined actions are so erotic I can feel my womb contract in delight. I feel myself growing wetter by the second as his finger, delves in and upwards towards my g-spot; flicking back and forth, pressing the now swollen fleshy mound there. He washes me intimately, with more shower gel, using his free hand, to part my lips further, so he can continue his thorough exploration with the other. The result pushes my clit out further, and provides much better access underneath the small strip of soft hair there. I blush at the carnal act.

  I move my arm to hook around his butt, grabbing his taut buttocks in ecstasy. He removes his finger and flicks it upwards towards my now pulsing clit, working around it rhythmically in small dipping circles. The whole time we haven’t kissed and I crave his lips, his tongue - to be more connected to him. I lick my own lips in desperation, as I near my desired end goal.

  “Come on baby let yourself go!” he encouragingly coaxes me, breathing in my ear. “Now!”

  That last order undoes me and I try to respond, gulping as I find my mouth dry and voice broken. I can’t speak or focus on anything but the spiralling waves, building within me.

  “I need your mout… ahhh,” I groan out the words but can’t finish, as the crest of pleasure begin to build and ache. Moving my hips to assist him in getting me off; his magic fingers plunge into me again and again and with one excruciatingly slow move he moves a slippery finger, presses hard back and forth over my screaming for attention clit and the fourth orgasm in 24hrs, tears into me.

  I explode into a zillion splintering pieces. My release is so violent that I jerk uncontrollably, spasming and twitching as I fall down the tunnel of glitter. I throw my head back and cry out with pure emotion and the complete abandonment of all my inhibitions.

  “That’s it baby, come hard for me,” his voice is guttural and demanding.

  I am struggling to stand as my knees begin to buckle, my body boneless and the blissful ebbs surround me, as he decreases the pressure there and then stops, just before it becomes too much.

  The man was a master of sex.

  In the next second, he spins me around to meet him and his beautiful, rock-hard and ready cock. Sebastian gently places a finger beneath my chin, lifting my face up to his penetrating piercing gaze. With the other hand he delicately moves a wet strand of hair from my eyes, behind my ear; his gaze connecting with mine at all times.

  God this is intense!

  This gentler, lazier side to Sebastian is as sexy as his raw and rampant one and I watch in awe, as droplets of water bounce off his head, chin and then down onto my eagerly awaiting breasts. The simple movement is undeniably erotic.

  I reach out to catch a glittering drop with my tongue and in one fell-swoop; his tongue is inside me, duelling with mine. He crushes his palms either side of my now soaking head and the kiss amplifies. It is beautiful, intense and all consuming. We are demanding, and infinitely hungry for one another; it is a
s though we can’t get enough from mere touch and taste alone. I feel him reach around me, and his firm touch, as he grabs both cheeks of my bottom and instinctively I know he wants me to lift me, wants my legs wrapped around his waist. I want that too.

  Letting go, I allow him to support me and as I bounce back down I’m pushed hard against the travertine tiles on the wall of the shower. The shock of the coolness of them, makes my nipples stand proud and more erect. He lifts me higher and bends to suckle on one of them his eyes are fascinated with their bobbing movement as he fits my areola into his sexy mouth perfectly. I watch him in flicking his tongue back and forth over my ruched peaks and at that exact moment he looks up at me, and smiles, like he has a dirty little secret.

  “You like to watch me lavish your body!” I nod shyly and close my eyes in retaliation to his control over me. I hear him laugh huskily.

  Oh Sebastian, what are you doing to me?

  I can feel his eager cock is patiently waiting at my entrance, the feeling is so right.

  He is meant to be there. I need to have him inside me. This overwhelming drive to have him buried deep within me at that moment is urgent. I need him now!

  His hands lightly massage my rear cheeks, still cradling me and with one slight pullback, he thrusts into me. I’m impaled on the full length of Silver charm and flinch at the depth and the soft tissues of my oversensitive pussy wince slightly as it stretches in pain. This quickly subsides to a pleasure-pain as I take a moment to adapt to the fullness.

  At my pause, he questions, “Are you Ok Baby? I’m going to fuck you hard. NOW!” His voice slides over me like thick velvet but I can hear the control that he has to maintain, from pushing into me, to the root.

  “Just fuck me!” I don’t recognise my voice but I stare right back and wriggle alluringly in circles of encouragement.

  Taking his cue he does just that, pumping so deep I wonder if I can take anymore. The crudeness and raw passion there is such a turn on as I bob up and down on his glorious cock, I do not want it to end. I watch his straining face, as he throws back his head, his neck taut and yells out

  “Fuck! That’s it, Baby!”

  He climaxes hard and powerfully, pouring himself into me as we come together, my inner muscles clenching around him, his scorching semen a welcome warmth on my now cooling body. I feel him twitch with the last remnants of his orgasm, our breaths ragged and lips parted, gasping, as his buttocks clench one last time.

  He eases me backwards towards the wall and he carefully lowers me to the floor. I know tomorrow, will be an interesting day in the aching department, as I flinch at the stiffness of my hips and thigh muscles. They really aren’t used to this type of exercise.

  Hell… if a gym workout was like this I’d be there everyday. Sign me up now!

  He protectively holds me to him, assisting my balance, and we lean against one another, under the water, now warm again, at his sweep of the switch. The quiet is our haven, the only sounds are our heavily panting breaths, and he whispers into my wet hair

  “Thank you Baby, you were incredible. Good Morning!” I shiver at his breath on my neck.

  It is only at that moment as I surround myself with his maleness, which dominates my thoughts, my body and my shower that it abruptly dawns on me, that we didn’t use any protection… again!

  Oh Shit!

  What a way to begin the morning I smile to myself happily. There is nothing like a huge amount of toe-curling sex to enhance the glow of your skin – better than any expensive face serum in my opinion. It’s knocked years off my complexion.

  Must be that new L’Oreal Orgasmic Face Cream? I smile inwardly to myself at our in-house joke.

  Sebastian has already left to go back home and change, whilst I ready myself in private. I am glad for the hour of clarity. I’m meeting him soon for breakfast with Abby and Nathan, who have both already text us consecutively with an invite and I’m looking forward to it. I’m also pleased to be arriving separately to our chosen meeting place The Brew-Up. A trendy modern take on the greasy-spoon Café, which had taken to opening on Sundays, due to customer demand a few months earlier.

  I remind myself that we haven’t really focused on anything other than our own sexual appetites and fulfilling them, for the past 24hours! I am not expecting that our escapades now guarantee a ring on my left finger; I’m just relieved to have moved forward sexually and feel very fortunate to have been taken to bed by a man who knows women.

  Jesus does Sebastian Silver know how to please a women. He had moves. I’ll give him that.

  The thought disturbs me; already I fear the time when it will not be me underneath him. When his sexy hands will be playing over another woman’s breast, his magnificent cock buried deep inside another. My body had never reacted to a man, the way it had last night and then again this morning. It still felt electrified and hummed pleasantly in all the right places - entirely awakened from the deepest sleep. It had probably never fully reached its potential, since losing my virginity. He’d managed to give me a orgasm bar superior to anything I could ever have given myself and that was the true test, for who knew a woman’s body better than herself?

  My mind is drawn to the one thing I didn’t want to focus on, but know that I must.

  What had I been thinking?

  Stupid question Myers. You know what you were thinking with and it wasn’t your head!

  He definitely didn’t use a condom. I’d have known and we were in the shower, for God’s sake. How could I be so careless? I know it was Sebastian and I suppose that there is an element of casualness over protection, because he is my best friend but he’s got a very sexual past and after having Finn, I know that I’m fertile at least.

  I’m a single Mum and should have been more responsible. Hell he should have been more responsible! I just can’t seem to think straight where he is concerned.

  I’m going to have to pay a visit to the chemist on Monday, and collect the morning after pill. Walk the walk of shame. Great, I’ve got the week from hell work wise and now I’d be spending the first few days of it throwing up!

  I finish my hair and make-up, on that upsetting thought, and tuck it away to consider later. Selecting a jersey maxi dress in a muted khaki shade from the wardrobe, I pair it with a tan plaited belt, dull gold flops and a faded denim jacket, collar up. I grab my bag and lock-up. Finn isn’t due back from Niall’s until 3pm, so the day is mine to do as I please. It’s nice feel so free. If I hadn’t been preoccupied so long in the shower, I might have had time for a run on the treadmill. Maybe later, I really do need to get back into my exercise routine but am reminded that the thorough workout I’d experienced this morning was probably better for burning off the calories of last night’s alcohol, than any 5mile run could ever achieve - blissfully more appealing.

  I literally spring down the steps, towards my car; sunglasses propped upon my head. I really need to calm the re-energised Lulu down, or everyone will know what has caused my new radiance. Just as I reach my door, I see something out of the corner of my eye.

  Sitting on my bonnet in the dip where the wipers are situated, is a black velvet box, like the one I’d had delivered to work last Monday and Wednesday. I grab it excitedly and jump into the car to open it more comfortably. This time the box is sealed with a purple satin ribbon and untying it, I find a third black velvet rose with the now familiar sparkly diamante crystal in its centre. I look underneath for the expected note card and see the baroque-style, scripted font.

  It reads…

  My core clenches in agreement. I feel exactly the same.

  With my good mood only increasing I turn the key, starting the engine. Moloko’s The Time is Now, immediately fires up through the radio, full blast - the only volume option when I drive. As I swing out our road I consider how very apt the song is for the morning after I have stepped over into the unknown in relation to Sebastian and I.

  His words replay in my mind. “We are going to do wha
t we should have done years ago. It’s time now; our time.”

  Where we go from here is anyone’s guess but in the bedroom, we weren’t strangers anymore but lovers. As friends, I’m not sure what we are.

  Entering The Brew Up I immediately spot Abby waving manically at me from a table, towards the back of the café. It is not our usual corner so they must be busy. I can see Nathan in talks with Sebastian, who has his back to me. My mouth dries and I take a deep breath, smile and exchange niceties with the owner, Rory and make my way over to them; bubbles of nervous excitement, carrying me along for courage.

  “Quick the waitress has just taken our order Babe,” Abby shrugs apologetically, “I’m bloody starving; couldn’t wait another second.”

  “Sorry everyone. Parking was shocking.” I take a seat at the already extracted chair – Sebastian’s tanned muscular arm rests lightly along the back of it.

  “Lubeedoo - looking good!” Nathan whistles and I flick his gesture away with my hand, secretly delighted; I could kiss him for showing that I appeal to other men, on this morning of all occasions.

  “What?” he puts his hands in the air in mock-surprise “You do. How is that - after the amount we supped at Suzie & the Gstar’s?” He pats his flattened midriff. “That’s two weekends on the trot now! At our age we need to start pacing ourselves.”

  Abby swats him playfully in response. “Speak for yourself!”

  I relax and smile at my friends but am aware that the man himself is unusually quiet.

  “What do you want Lu?” Sebastian’s deep sexy voice interrupts our general banter, caressing every nerve ending. Seriously can that man read my mind?

  Fuck woman, he’s only asking for your breakfast order not your life plan – answer him! Hmm you served up on a plate please!


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