The One Awakened: Book 1 in The One Trilogy

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The One Awakened: Book 1 in The One Trilogy Page 26

by Alexandra North

  “Oh. You OK?”

  “I’m fine - hate leaving him but he’d rather go on holiday with Mum and Dad. I’ll be good, once I’m busy busy. What’s up?” I reply vacantly as I try to reverse out onto a main road, whilst a woman in a people carrier rolls in, oblivious to my difficulties. I look at the amount of kids in her car and just think, let it go she has much bigger, more immediate issues.

  Suzie is chattering away, as I return to concentrate on her spiel again. “I’ve just about recovered from Saturday night. It was wicked wasn’t it? I think I really put my back out on the bronco.” She chuckles and I feel for her, as I know her back gives her gip, after a nasty car crash a few years back.

  “Fantastic night,” I agree. “Another memorable party hosted by the D’Alisa’s”

  My attention is drawn back to the road ahead. Bollocks – huge amounts of traffic. I decide to risk it and take the back route.

  “Am I making it up or do I remember someone riding the Bucking Bronco…naked?” I continue to chatter.

  Suzie bursts out laughing. “Ha ha, I’d forgotten about that. Yes – he had a sock on the end of his willy. What a tosser! Anyway enough delaying tactics. Come on; don’t hold out. Did you have a good night…after you went home?” I can hear the unasked question in her voice.

  I decide to ignore it. “Hey? I don’t know what you mean?”

  “Stop being coy Sis. Er durr! A certain male friend who seemed to stick to you throughout the night like glue and couldn’t take his eyes off you and no I don’t mean Theo the wanker!” she sputters obviously irritated by my unwillingness to spill the beans.

  I smirk, I’d got the vibe that Suzie wasn’t that impressed by Leo but she was normally more forgiving. “You weren’t keen then?”

  “Oh he was alright, I suppose. A bit boring! I don’t know, I can’t quite put my finger on it but I’m just not sure about him? Bit too nice? Him and Chris to be honest! I don’t know, anyway again with the stalling tactics – spill!” My delightful sister holds no bars and commands. “I know it must have been pretty darned good; I could feel the heat between you, from miles away!”

  She was right, on both counts so I comply, knowing that if I don’t she’ll turn up at work and demand a tell-all then and there and I didn’t want Colin and Jackie knowing the intimate details.

  “Nothing to say, really, Babe. We went home, he stayed and we had all-consuming, mind-blowing sex all… night… long; oh and the next morning too…in the shower!” I giggle like a schoolgirl and actually blush at the thought of how wonderful the night and replay had been. I swear my bits do a loop de loop in agreement; their awakening is evident with every naughty thought. I keep Sunday night to myself though, no need to divulge too much.

  “Get the fuck out of here?” Her language is appalling today. “Why didn’t you call me the minute he left? That’s if he left? When did he leave?” she quickly takes a breath in excitement.

  “Calm down Miss Red Bull, less of the questions,” I snigger. “He left on Sunday morning. We later met for breakfast with Nathan and Abs and then Finn came home from his Dad’s. I feel awful as that’s two Saturday’s on the trot I’ve not been with him but he seems OK; especially as Sebastian and I took him to see Despicable me 2 yesterday afternoon.”

  “Seriously? I wanted to see that movie!”

  I can practically hear her sulking. News of Sebastian and I have taken a backseat to Despicable Me – How did that work?

  She corrects herself recognising her mistake. “Wow! You spent the whole weekend together? That’s something Lu. It’s about bloody time! As I’ve told you before, even Single Mums need sex. You’re desperate, not dead!”

  “Cheers Sis, that sounds like a slogan from a t-shirt!”

  Smiling I slow down for someone to pull out in front of me and blare my horn in frustration and anger when they do so and continue at a pace of 10mph. Oh come on!

  “Sorry. Car crash waiting to happen, just pulled out.”

  “Oh I hate that. Is it an old boy? Hey kudos to you Babe; check you out changing the subject. Nicely done,” she graciously offers.

  I laugh loudly but something within me decides its time to ‘fess-up’.

  "I propositioned him Suze."

  "Scuse me? You did what?" Her screech makes me regret opening my big mouth.

  "I asked him for one night of pleasure. You know - to be my fuck buddy. He said yes but on the proviso it was more than one night. I'm good with that."

  "I bet you are you naughty girl."

  “I’m not going to get down to the nitty-gritty yet… I’m still trying to process it all myself. I’m not sure how I feel. Anyway Hun, I’ve got to go; I’m pulling into work. I need to crack on with The Ashton project.”

  “OK OK, I get it. I'm glad that one of you idiots made the first move at last but hurry up and process it all soon…,” she mimics my own words with a patronising tone to them. “…and then you can blabber the juicy details soon. Just answer me this, how big was his co… ?”

  I cut her off cheekily just at the right moment and end the call.

  What I had said was the truth. It is all too fresh to be discussing anything I haven’t come to terms with yet myself. I’d much rather keep the juicy details, as she’d saucily called them, private for now, perhaps forever and enjoy reminiscing in my daydreams but I must admit I’d enjoyed relaying that we’d done the deed, at last. It felt cathartic somehow.

  I lean over to change the track on my Ipod to my play list of the month and the track of the weekend, and feel a fizz of excitement as Sub Focus Endorphins blares out into the car, reminding me of the monumental sex cocktail I’d supped from all weekend and the irony of the title of the song; the endorphin rush I’d experienced had been exhilarating and dangerous, creating a delicious high. I’d definitely been holding on for some kind of miracle and this weekend it had been delivered to me. Now I had problems. I’m completely consumed by a certain sexy contractor and can't see how I could ever return to just friends.

  You can - you just need to suck it up and enjoy the ride in the present. Remember this is about opening yourself up to new possibilities.

  As I sit at my desk, harshly biting down on my lip and chewing in concentration, I consider my sexual antics for the billionth time this morning. Lost in my thoughts I gasp in shock at the sound of a loud reverberating click in front of my eyes.

  Bloody hell!

  Shaking his fingers around in my personal space Colin is manically trying to get my attention.

  “Sorry Babe to make you jump but I’ve been calling you loads – you were miles away! Anywhere nice?”

  He rests his bum on the edge of my desk, slides long chino-clad legs out in front of him and rests his hand flat out underneath his baby smooth chin, in a cute little girl style. I shake my head at his pretty pose.

  “Sorry poser. I was just thinking about the curtains for the master suite at The Ashton,” I lie apologetically up at him, leaning back into my chair.

  His eyes shrewd he considers me, watching my face for hints, then hits my shoulder playfully, “Bollocks. You were thinking about a certain silver-tongued devil. Don’t lie to me Lulu; you’re a terrible liar.”

  Sucking in his mouth, his cheeks hollow and he dramatically places a palm on his pink designer polo shirt covered chest. “Unlike me, who can lie through the eye of a needle. Or... is that piss through the eye of a needle?”

  I giggle at his confusion, bless him he always got his clichés mixed up.

  “Well… either way I can do both.” His eyes shine prettily, his long eyelashes fluttering precociously.

  “You’re in a particularly good mood today Col, I take it you and James are going good?”

  “Oh Darling, you know me. We made it to date number three on Sunday and I’m not bored to death… yet, and I was dragged around a decidedly dull art show but I went and showed my line-free face, for his sake. It was one of his friend’s exhibitions, and
oh... my... God... it was bad. Finn could have put her crappy work to shame!” He claps his hand over his mouth dramatically and just as quickly throws it away. “But – the pièce de résistance was me covered in Nutella - later that night. James was overcome Darling I tell you. Well he came… all… over!” his tongue caresses his top lip saucily and I cringe at his blatant coarseness.

  “Lady Boss, Damien Hirst is not a patch on all of… this!” his finger forms an invisible wiggly-line in the air, which travels down his body.

  I laugh to myself at the gall of this over-confident man and wish I had half of his surety. “So yes… we’ll see. It’s very early days.” His coy smile shows me that he likes his new beau more than he’d care to admit to anyone, including himself. He really is a poppet; a complete drama-queen but a star all the same. It appeared that the love and lust fairy had sprinkled her magic over everyone the past few weeks; Abby & Nathan, I tick off mentally - Colin and James, get added to the list - Sebastian and I? I screw up my nose in annoyance at the uncertainty of it all. Lust 100% but love? I shouldn't even torture myself this way.

  “Come help me choose between sumptuous charcoal grey velvet or deep scarlet silk.” I lead him over towards the large workstation we have in the midst of the studio. “I need to order some lunch. Do you fancy salad or sandwich?”

  “I need carbs today doll, but don’t tell anyone.” His pats his lean washboard tummy, “I’m feeling hormonal and am after some stodge but I’m supposed to be juicing.”

  I laugh and agree. “Me too - in need of stodge that is. I’ll ask Jackie to pick something up for us from The Slug & Lettuce.”

  I’m also sharply reminded that I need to pop out to the chemist asap and purchase the blasted morning after pill – shame I didn’t have a raincoat, trilby and dark glasses to hand. The disguise would really help with the nosey buggers in my near vicinity. The whole drama was probably overkill; we’d only had unprotected sex once - no twice - make that three times, I correct myself, remembering the kitchen incident with crystal clarity.

  No better to be safe, the way my luck has been of late I can’t risk the additional problem of pregnancy.

  Colin is stroking the samples of both fabrics along either side of his sun-bed enhanced face. “The silk, says luxury, sex, and is naughty but nice. The velvet is lush, thick and will look a… maz… ing in 9foot drop curtains - heavy though?” he looks up at me, arching his brow.

  “I agree but I’m leaning towards the velvet as it will be so opulent.” I pout my mouth. "Hmmm. What about if we combine the two and line the velvet with the red silk? That way when they are drawn back around those huge pewter finials we’ve chosen, you can see both fabrics. Hard and soft; perfect for the sensual theme of the suite?”

  “Perfect Darling! Very erotic.” Colin nods his head, licking his lips “Perhaps I can convince James to let us christen the room together, for its maiden voyage. Ahhh, now that’s a thought.”

  I can literally see the cogs turning in his perfectly groomed head and knowing that I’ve lost his interest for the immediate time being I roll my eyes and head over to my assistant to order some much needed sustenance. My stomach is growling. As if she can hear my tummy rumbles, Jackie pops over, smiling fondly at us with her notepad and a huge round vase of white roses, studded with pearls in varying degrees of size.

  “Here you go Lu. You really are popular at the moment!” Her face is genuinely gleeful and she delicately places the thick glass bowl in front of me and I melt at the beauty of the arrangement. It was so unusual and utterly me. I look in between the roses, dazzled at their quantity - there must have been two-dozen large roses tightly packed together, at least. There wasn’t a card, but a silver foiled heart dangles from the grey velvet ribbon around the bowl and turning it over, I see the message I’m keen to locate.

  The message is perfect and warms me to my toes. Even his bold confident scrawl was sexy.

  “Right enough about me.” I shake myself out of my bubble.

  “About bloody time!” Colin moans next me. “A man could die of starvation here - for food and love.”

  I ignore his petulance and thank Jackie, who is still oohing and ahhing over the flowers. Both Colin and I give her our lunch orders and within minutes she’s disappeared to the shops.

  A few hours and soup and a sandwich later and I’m proud of my creative achievements today. I’ve caught up on some paperwork, and checked the calendars for the next few weeks, chased a few overdue accounts and am much further ahead with The Ashton business. I was annoyed with myself this morning, for not finalising some of my designs this weekend but I’d been otherwise occupied, by a certain delicious contractor and his tools, especially now I knew he was thinking of me too. We may be confused but he was showing he had no regrets.

  There it is. Shit!

  I’d done so well and he’s back, fully imposed on my delicate mind, full frontal images of him and his magnificent physique, leaning against my bedroom door, climbing over my naked body, bending me over, soaping me up; the pictures are running carelessly around my head, taunting me, testing me and stressing me out entirely.


  Taking a deep breath I decide to take a ride up to The Ashton and check up on the works there. Anything to get me out and en route I’d pop into the small independent chemist I’d noticed on the corner of the quaint village square, which sat just prior to the left turn up to the hotel. Hopefully I won’t be recognised there. I feel so ashamed but I’d put it off long enough.

  I force a fixed smile back onto my furrowed face.

  “I’ll be back in tomorrow guys – I’m off to check on the Silver Construction lads and then going to get Finn. See you in the morning,” I inform the team as I leave and thinking quickly on my feet add. “I’m actually not feeling that great, so I’m going to put my calls straight to voicemail until tomorrow and try get an early night - got awful tummy ache.”

  Jackie nods her acknowledgement, whilst ending another call and as I near the exit, shouts, “Night Lucia. Take care.”

  Driving, I check in with Abby; I needed her advice big-time. Her bubbly voice answers on the third ring.

  “Hola Honey!”

  I smile despite my gloom and laugh. “Hey Abs. You OK?”

  “All good my end Chickadee but I can sense all is not the same with you. What’s the crack?”

  That’s what I love about Abby; she could read me like a book. I decide to get straight to the point.

  “I need to get the bloody morning after pill? Which was the one you took when you were with Dave?” I can almost see her eye roll down the phone and I inwardly cringe at my stupidity. Dave had been her on off boyfriend for over 4years and she’d finally kicked him to the curb when she’d caught him balls deep in her cousin.

  “Urggghh Dave the Dickless, don’t remind me. Urmmm, let me think… it began with an ‘L’ - Simon Lebon something or other.” She laughs to herself at her own joke. “Wait, did it split? You never said anything yesterday - unless it happened after? What did Sebastian say?”

  I rub my temple in stress, the other hand still on the wheel. “He didn’t say anything. He doesn’t know and I don’t want him too!” My horrified reply is clearly apparent.

  “He must have known at the time though?” I can hear the disbelief in her voice. “Was he that big?”

  I ignore her last comment but so does she, as she has realised how stupid I have been.

  “Oh you didn’t - Lulu what were you thinking?”

  “Er I wasn’t and neither was Sebastian. We just got carried away in the moment. Abs it was primitive.” My voice cracks with emotion and I sense her empathy returning

  “I know I know. We nearly messed up too. These Silver brothers are magnetic, I’ll give them that but I still think Sebastian should know and go through it with you Babe. He’s a good guy and I know it’s a bit of an odd arrangement you two have going at the mo and you don’t want the drama but I’d definitely b
e telling Nathan if it were happening to us.”

  I ponder her words, knowing deep down she was right but she was also right about the drama. I didn’t want to be that girl. I’m strong enough to handle this alone; fuck I’ve managed to set up my own business, run a home, bring up my son, as a single parent and get through a nasty break-up. If I can do all that I can take a God damned pill to show some responsibility - albeit delayed responsibility.

  “Really? Even when this is just sex?” I consider my own question and change my mind immediately. “No! I mean it Abby, Sebastian doesn’t need to know. He tries to control everything and I need to feel like I’m the one in control here. Besides I want to just enjoy our time right now - not get too heavy you know?”

  “Perhaps if he’d been in control at the time of unprotected sex he’d have a leg to stand on but who am I to say?” Her dry judgmental hum is heartfelt but she is on a mission now and gaining momentum. “I mean I love Sebastian but why is it that men get to be all spontaneous, with their big cocks, amazingly buff guns and tight bums; turn-us-on to the point of losing all power over our minds and our sensibilities, and reduce us to melting pots of passion in seconds. We get amazing unforgettable sex and then we're the ones who have to cramp and puke in retribution.”

  I can tell that she is combining her own previous experience with Dave the Dickless, and her present situation with the delicious Nathan Silver. She has it sooo bad!

  “Actually in my case, the sex was rubbish with Dave so I had shit sex, no orgasm and had to pop the pill anyway and thank God I did. Now Nathan on the other hand - I’m going to have to be careful with him. He wants to do it everywhere and on everything and fuck Lu he’s hung like a freaking donk…”

  “Abs Abs, I get it.” I laugh, happy for her and realising I’ve lost her full attention I try to change the subject. “I’ll take it today but I mean it, don’t tell Sebastian, Nathan… anyone!”


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