The One Awakened: Book 1 in The One Trilogy

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The One Awakened: Book 1 in The One Trilogy Page 37

by Alexandra North

  “Honestly? I don’t know Seb.” I’m embarrassed by how bad it sounds now, when aired aloud.

  “Well I wouldn’t. This is you and me. You and I started something a few weeks ago - an agreement, a proposition, whatever the hell it was - it’s become… more. We’ve become more - more than just fuck buddies.”

  We stare at one another, both chests heaving, both passionate about our viewpoint. I take a good long hard look at his beautiful face, the face I know so well as a friend and now as my lover and in that moment, I am certain that he speaks the truth.

  “That is the last time I’ll say it and you will believe me Lucia. I didn’t fuck Toni - I never have and I never will. She is not for me.”

  I take a few quick steps and throw myself at his mercy. Our mouths bang together, teeth clashing, in our urgency to unite. I feel his hand work its way around the small of my back, roughness hitting smooth, where my back is naked and his sigh at the contact with silky smooth skin. His other hand reaches into my hair almost roughly and draws me closer to the heat of his body - his grip is intent and commanding.


  I’d tried to resist him, tried to keep away but my self-control has packed up and left for the night. My mind is still bombarded with the vision of him fucking Toni, plunging his cock into her; the rage is unquenchable. But as he moves in, pressing his heat into my body, stroking my back, whispering words of encouragement and making me quiver – I feel myself relax. He didn’t do it. His satisfied groan is beyond irritating but I don’t care. All I want is him.

  “You are not of the hook here.”

  “Look at me Lu. Look what you do to me. You’re driving me crazy but it makes me rock hard!” His hand draws mine over the bulge in his trousers - solid.

  I can see the emotion in his gorgeous face, even if he doesn’t realise it himself and it warms me. My heart pumps madly, as I feel the tension in his arms.

  “You don’t get it do you?”

  My confused frown is enough for him to continue.

  “I’ve never been like before – with anyone. I’ve never needed another woman to surrender to me so badly. I never wanted to bed only one woman and go back for seconds, thirds - fuck; until I can’t get it up anymore!”

  My sex clenches in victory and I moan as he works his lips along my neck, sucks my earlobe and I sigh in thanks when I hear the zipper of my dress. I break free and slip out of it, one strap dropped at a time, slinking and sashaying seductively until it drops to the floor, where I step free sexily, in my hold-ups and suede heels. I smile brazenly at him, as I delicately place the fashion masterpiece on the chair, near the door and walk towards him - offering myself, naked on a silver platter. I revel as the air hit my throbbing pussy; the breeze flickers across my clit, as light as a feather but I’m so wet already I shiver at the chill.

  “God Lucia you can’t believe that I would want another woman? Not when I have you. When we have this…”

  His tongue delves deep inside my mouth again, dancing with my own. I feel his fingers part my lips and ready me for his pleasure.

  “You’re so wet for me– always wet for me Baby!”

  He pushes me towards the bed and I’m flipped so that I bend over the edge, my face on the mattress. I am entirely bare to him now; am open to his hungry eyes and eager cock and my pussy glistens with arousal and expectation. I realise that he is choosing this primitive position as a reminder of our amazing night - to ensure he is entirely in control.

  Licking my lips, I turn to watch him unzip his suit trousers and release his fabulous weapon; its size never ceases to amaze me but he is so hard, so rigid for me, it just turns me on more. This man is solid everywhere.

  Hearing him fumble with a condom, I feel a sense of loss that I won’t be able to feel him completely within me but this quickly passes and I gasp, as he positions the head at my moist entrance. With one hand on my hip he reaches around to pull harshly on my nipple, the erotic gesture sending shockwaves directly to my nub. I groan in angst. I need him to touch me now! I hear myself scream out in frustration and his laugh at my torture. This is my punishment for not believing in him and I deserve it. He is entirely in control again - I am weak and desperate.

  Rubbing my eager nipple repeatedly as he moves leisurely into me, in delicious rotating movements I arch my back in bliss, stretching like a cat and try to grab him to push deeper within me. Instinctively he complies and I hear him suck in his breath.

  “I’m going to fuck the truth into you Lu.” He slams deeper into me. “There can be no distrust between us from now on. Ok?”

  I listen to him, biting my hand as delicious sensations begin to quicken around my g-spot. His cock is hitting it, bang… on… each… time. I know that this is his plan but I am still in awe at his expertise.

  “Lucia – OK?”

  I feel him stop and twist to see why. He looks seriously hot, fully dressed, just his pubic hair and base of his wide cock showing but his face is deadly serious.

  “Ok. I trust you.” Just fuck me you gorgeous control freak.

  I groan desperate for him to continue with the ripples of pleasure overwhelming me. I know that he is trying to fuck some sense into me, to prove that he wants me and only me. To show that he was right and I was wrong. What all this means, will have to be dealt with later.

  I sigh in relief, as he begins to move, rhythmically, this time for seconds before he thrusts so hard inside me, I fear he’ll hit my womb.

  “I’ve wanted to do this to you all day, everyday since the last time – you feel so fucking good.”

  I nod my head in encouragement and pant as he withdraws and thrusts, getting quicker with each push; withdrawing and thrusting, thrusting and withdrawing, torturous in his strokes. I push back onto his length to assist him, allowing him even deeper into my body and I feel my pelvic floor tighten around his girth as I begin the spiralling helter-skelter ride to my release. He crashes into me and I feel him lean forward and brush the pad of his finger firmly across my swollen and needy clit. I cry out in ecstasy, as that final pressure is my undoing; whilst he fucks me harder and harder I shatter around his cock, my dripping entrance making it easier for him to manoeuvre in and out. My climax is so great that I hear his name on my lips and don’t recognise the deep, sexy and broken voice as my own.

  “Sebastian - Please!”

  “Ssh - I know baby – I’ll meet you there.”

  His own release is seconds later, and even through the rubber, I feel him empty himself into me, his twitching body, delivering every last scrap of himself inside, proving 100% that I am his and he is mine.

  “Fuck! Only you and me now,” he whispers hoarsely into my neck.

  I am hit by a huge rush of feeling for him and know that it is futile to deny it any longer my feeling for Sebastian Silver go way beyond any one month proposition - I wanted him for keeps. I brush it to one side, in need of private time to process this realisation and hug it to myself a little longer. After some adjusting of clothes and dispensing with the protection, I am drawn back to his body and we hug like that for some time, standing in silence - many words unspoken. I turn to face him; our mouths meet lovingly and slowly, the intensity satisfied for a short while.

  “I suppose we should go rejoin the party?”

  I murmur into his chest, inhaling his fresh vanilla and musk scent and blush as I wonder if any guests had heard our passion.

  I hear his deep scoff. “I’d rather get you completely naked and into my bed.”

  “Give me a few minutes to freshen up and I’ll meet you back downstairs.”

  “Ok Lady Lu. I’ll give you your few minutes but after that you are not leaving my side. Like I said that dress is lethal - ever wear it again, without me and I’ll arrange for Ralph to accompany you.”

  “Ralph? Your driver?” I refer to the handsome Polish chauffeur who’d escorted me to and from Scarlet House.

  “Ralph is not just a driver Darling
. He’s security.”

  “Oh.” Not sure I’m so pleased about having some guy following me around on Seb’s orders but I’ll deal with that later.

  “Let me give you my gift now Lady, before I forget - I wanted to, on Friday night but you weren’t answering my calls.” His brows furrow in fleeing annoyance but the expression is gone in a second.

  Looking down I watch as he extracts a silver bracelet from his pocket, with a thick chain - a large silver heart, swings from the clasp. It’s from Tiffany’s - I know because I’d told him I wanted one, years ago, when we were at Uni.

  “Oh Sebastian it’s beautiful. Will you put it on me?”

  “Its no way near as beautiful a you, Lulu but I saw it in London and it made me think of you; of us.”

  I’m deeply touched by the present - proof that he’s been thinking about me on his business trips. The thought sends pools of liquid heat to my core. I clasp the heart in my fingers, feeling the weight of the Silver.

  “I’ll buy you charms for the rest of it Baby. The heart is to remind you of us and our proposition. I liked the message, so I added my own…”

  I scan the script clearly. “Please return to Tiffany’s New York…” He knows I lurve New York and was the reason I’d wanted the item of jewellery all those years ago.

  “Now turn it over.”

  I look up at his expectant face and smile. The other side of the heart has a similar style of engraved writing and reads, “Please return Lucia Myers to Sebastian Silver - she’s mine!”

  “What are you like! You controlling bugger - I love it!”

  “I’m glad you do.” His eyes shine with pleasure and he bends to kiss my nose, slipping the bracelet onto my outstretched wrist and fastening it with a soft click. The weight of it sits, as a reminder of him and his feelings for me, securely around my arm and I shake my hand happily.

  He watches me fixedly, with that gold-flecked twinkle in his eyes, before dropping a slow peck on my lips. The moment is so unlike anything we’ve shared together to date… another first - I’m almost at a loss for words. The gift was nothing flashy but so much more than I could have ever asked for. The sentimentality of it spoke volumes.

  Reaching up on tiptoes, I kiss Sebastian one last time and push him jokily towards the door. “Right go! We can’t go back down together – it’ll be obvious what we’ve been doing!” I smile back at him.

  He nods at me in understanding although seems reluctant to leave. “I think everyone will know what we we’ve been doing anyway - and be jealous as hell.”

  His naughty bedroom eyes are enough for me to figure who he means by everyone; Toni. I’m glad he realises how important it is that she is dealt with.

  I smile contentedly. Who could have foreseen that this would be the outcome, after the events of Thursday night? I truly believed him though and now that I wasn’t clouded by sexual emotions I could see that Toni was even more evil and manipulative than I’d first thought. This girl meant business and really needed to be taught a lesson - I’d certainly made an enemy of this bitch!

  I look up as he’s about to slip through the door. “Don’t be long! Oh and Lu one of these days you and I really are going to talk about us.”

  “We do need to talk.” I bite my lip worried that yet again our passions have overcome our sensibilities. More importantly I need to know that he is feeling the same way as me. I need to know that he agrees that this is much more than we could have ever imagined. I know he wants more than fucking but a relationship; maybe love? I’m not sure.

  “Lucia be sure in the knowledge that whilst you and I are having sex, I won’t sleep with anyone else. Just you. You have my word, I promise. I would have thought that a given, with our proposition but after this, you obviously needed to hear it.”

  His face is gentle whilst he delivers this unintentional blow - full on nail-driven-into-coffin-moment. My own blissful split-second shattered, my shoulders slump in sadness. I have some serious decisions to make. Enjoy the time we have left together and prepare for the inevitable devastation or get out now before I lose everything, including our friendship and my self-respect.

  I clenched my fists at my sides, trying desperately to restrain myself and remain calm but invisible steam is erupting from every orifice. Ooh he makes me so mad. My Grandma had always said to me that the best relationship was one built like a seesaw, where love and hate rocked back and forth over the years, toying with one another’s weaknesses. Love reigned the majority of the time, as the heaviest and most grounded party, whilst hate tipped the balance every once in a while, to mix things up, managing to add weight in order to bring passion and communication to the forefront of a long-term relationship. Hate was the reminder needed in every relationship that you loved this person in the first place. One did not work without the other. A relationship without hate was a relationship without depth. They were both necessary to ensure both parties still felt deeply enough about one another. I’d never truly understood her analogy until this very moment, with this man. At this very moment, I both hated him, and loved him, at the exact same time.

  Oh crap! I knew it would happen - was helpless to stop it.

  I’m desperately in love with Sebastian Silver. The one man who doesn’t do commitment!

  “Where have you been Lulu?” I hear Abby’s questioning tone, as soon as my foot hits the bottom step into the hallway. The throng is so busy I am pleased that my arrival goes unnoticed to all but my caring friend.

  “Don’t ask. I kinda got waylaid.” I blush annoyed at my body’s ultimate betrayal of my mind.

  “Seems to me you just got laid. Full stop! You dirty bitch! Speaking of bitches - Did you talk about that cow-bag Toni?”

  I take a gulp of the much –needed drink she places in my hand and pat my hair to check its still holding up.

  “You won’t believe it Abs - she bloody made it up! Totally bullshitted about being in the shower with Seb; he wasn’t even here until the day after!”

  “No. Fucking. Way! Do you believe that? Him?” She bites her lip, and concentrates wholly on my answer, encouraging me to take my time - I don’t need to.

  “He didn’t sleep with her Abs. I know it here!” I place my palm across my heart, completely sure of my instinct and in my trust of Sebastian.

  “Well that’s enough for me - problem is that means that this girl is a whole shed-load worse than we thought – crazy MF!”

  “I know. Then one thing led to another and before you knew it we were having make-up sex.”

  “Dirty bitch!” Abs repeats and grinning clinks her wine glass with mine. “Might just take your lead and ask Nathan to show me the spare room myself! May as well put these gorgeous undies to use,” she cheekily pushes her breasts together and pouts prettily.

  “You do that girl. I need to go find Suzie and tell her the news before I speak to the blonde assassin in person. That woman is going down!” I snap my fingers in a Z shape and we giggle together at my reinvigorated attitude.

  Abby waves me off wishing me luck and I head in the direction of the lounge once again. It is there that I see Chris and Toni head to head, deep in what appears to be a fairly nasty confrontation. He is trying to engage her in some form of physical display but she is definitely having none of it and pushes his tentacles away angrily. Looking around Chris checks to see if anyone has seen them, obviously embarrassed at her dismissal and laughs it off but she continues to give him a severe ticking off, in an albeit lowered voice.

  To the right of them, standing near the grey velvet sofas and the roaring open fire are Suzie, Gino and Sebastian. One look at his face and I melt.

  “Lucia. Come! Come join us!” his voice drawls with heavy emphasis put on the word, come. He is impossible.

  Suzie looks from me to Seb and back again, her eyes nearly popping out in desperation to know what is going on. We chatter about work and Gino’s new dick of a boss and I feel Sebastian’s warm hand at the base of my spine
, tracing delicate circles over and over again across the sensitive skin there, his fingers playing with the ropes of pearls. His hand shows ownership and I go with it but for how long would this be the case?

  The second that Seb and Gino leave us, to get more drinks Suzie pounces on me. “Well?”

  I sip my drink and ponder on how to play this one. Suzie could hold a grudge and I needed her to see that whilst Sebastian and I are yet to be a couple, he did not cheat on me.

  Her beautiful face scrunches in annoyance. “Lulu did you have it out with him or what?”

  “Yes Sis – its sorted. It wasn’t him! Toni delivered bucket loads of shit from the bull!”

  I can tell that she is not entirely sure what to believe but gives me the benefit of the doubt. Her eyes fluttering as she mulls the information over.

  “If it wasn’t Sebastian then who was it?”

  “I think its more along the lines of Miss Toni with an ‘i’, set me up!”

  “What a cow!”

  “Complete and nutter!” I agree and we clink our glasses affirmably, laughing at my play on words.

  “I did say to you that it wasn’t like Seb didn’t I?” she enfolds me in a sisterly hug

  “Oh I’m so pleased, Gino and I were so happy you two were finally getting it on and after Thursday night – we panicked that we’d have to choose between the two of you!”

  I flinch at her words, surely there wouldn’t be a choice, seeing as we were siblings but I choose to ignore the comment and blame it on her pregnancy hormones.

  “Yeah now all I need to do is make sure it’s long-term.”

  “Honey in that dress you’ll have him eating out of your hand – anything else you wish – the man hasn’t taken his eyes off you all evening.”

  I glance over to Seb’s direction and we connect, sharing a knowing sexual smile that’s full of promise and satiated satisfaction.

  “I remember when Gino used to look at me like that.”

  “He still does Darling – God he’s proud as punch about your news.”

  She looks across at him adoringly, lightly placing her hand on her still flat abdomen.


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