Changed Wolf

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Changed Wolf Page 3

by Chloe Peterson

  "Fine. But don't make a habit of giving me orders on short notice."

  "I won't. I'll see you tomorrow night, at the usual spot."

  The transporter hung up without a goodbye, and Zoe pursed her lips. She never imagined she'd have the number of an underground courier on her phone, or that they'd be in constant communication.

  She knew full well that if he took her calls so easily, then he moved cargo for many other shifters. The kind whose motivations were less noble.

  Zoe's goods went only to one place: a farm in South Carolina, where Molly, the only woman that had successfully left the Darksong, lived under an alias. Molly would destroy all weapons and drugs and lead any victims of trafficking to sanctuary.

  Zoe knew better than to ask questions. Although she and Molly had been brief lovers, she knew it was best to know as little as possible. That way, if she ever got caught, she would be unable to take down the network that did its best to act as a counterbalance to the most powerful shifter clans.

  Zoe dialed the number for a Pizzeria in South Carolina. A young man answered, and Zoe quickly gave him the passcode. Once he patched her through to another line, she spat out a line she hadn't had to use in a long time.

  "ZDF. HS. Drop off request."

  Zoe Dagiel, Falhurst. Human Shipment. Drop off Request.

  "When?" a female voice asked.

  "Three days’ time."


  The phone went dead, and Zoe inhaled. It was done. Her transporter would be waiting for her by the gas station that served as their meet-up spot in two days’ time until she arrived. In their line of work, setting hard times was a waste. He'd wait for Zoe all night if it took her that long to get there. And now, Molly knew to expect the trafficked women's arrival.

  Everything was going to plan. All that was left was for Zoe and Giselle to break into the warehouse, take out the two guards, and get the women to the drop off point.

  "What did you say to Jax?"

  Zoe jumped, and her eyes widened when she turned around to find her father standing directly behind her. At well over six feet tall, and probably over two hundred pounds of muscle, it was always a surprise at how stealthily he could move.

  "Nothing. Why do you ask?"

  "I saw him storm off," her father said, pointing to his office which had a 270-degree view of the farm, thanks to its large windows.

  Creepy asshole.

  Zoe bit back her tongue. Her father was playing games. Letting her know that he saw and knew everything.

  Zoe had no choice but to indulge him. Getting upset would only lead to repercussions she couldn't handle. And she had no doubt that Chase was the number one weapon her father would wield against her.

  Zoe swallowed thickly. "We just had a little disagreement. Nothing big."

  Her father nodded. "Well, you’d better treat him better, seeing as he'll probably be your mate."

  "Excuse me?" Zoe folded her arms. "Jax and I are friends."

  "Exactly. Who better than Jax to help you out with your little problem? I already spoke to him, and he's ready to do his duty."

  Zoe's eyes bugged out, and her body quivered with anger. She hadn't given much thought to why Jax had shown up to the farm the day before.

  She wasn't the type of leader that kept an eye on her lieutenant's every move. As such, Jax was free to pitch in wherever he was needed.

  Zoe had had no idea that her father had been busy getting to her best friend.

  "I'll pick my mate when I'm ready."

  "I know you will. Jax is just a backup. You don't exactly date much, do you? Why is that?"

  Zoe gritted her teeth, upset that her father had suddenly decided that he could meddle in her life and ask her personal questions. He, of all people, hadn't earned that right.

  Zoe's father was cold, ruthless, and demanding, not to mention selfish. Every answer he sought served only to further his plans. He was incapable of love, as evidenced by the fact that he never once shed a tear after his mate's death.

  Must be hard to do when you're so busy bedding your little harem.

  "As I said, I've been busy as Second. You'll have your heir soon enough. Until then, please trust me with this matter, like you trust me with your other businesses."

  Zoe sidestepped her father and walked away.

  "Stop right there," her father commanded, his voice low and menacing.

  Zoe mouthed the word "fuck" and spun to face him. As her father's daughter, she was allowed a little leeway, but at the end of the day, they both understood that they were nothing but Alpha and Second to each other.

  "Yes, Alpha," Zoe said, her voice terse.

  "I wasn't done speaking." Her father took a giant step toward her and whispered in her ear. "And you hadn't asked permission to leave."

  He leaned back and smiled. "I'm going to blame that slip up on the fact that you and Jax fought."

  Zoe clenched her fists behind her back and forced herself to take a deep breath. Any disrespect would be met with physical abuse. "Sorry, Alpha. What did you want to tell me?"

  "That you won't wiggle your way out of this obligation. If you aren't pregnant by the end of the year, then I will strip you of your rank and give it to your cousin. Then, I'll ask Chase to give me an heir. If he doesn't do it within a year, then I will take on a new mate, and she will give me an heir. You know what that means. So, if you plan on dragging this out with stories of infertility, you’d better think again. You're going to give me what I want, or I'll make you irrelevant."

  Zoe's father walked away, leaving her with watery eyes and a constricted throat. If her father took on a new mate, then she and Chase would lose their positions and respect as the Alpha's children.

  That would mean that the only work left for them to do would be the kind that they despised. Leaving the clan wouldn't be an option.

  For so long, Zoe had thought her father a monster, and he'd proven her right time and time again. Both in their personal relationship and in the way that he dealt with the clan.

  Zoe sneered. "I don't know why it keeps surprising me."

  It looked like Zoe was going to have to make one more sacrifice for both she and Chase's sakes. She'd figure out how to make sure her son didn't turn into a monster later.

  It wasn't fair to throw Chase into a life she'd worked hard to keep him from. If she were honest, Zoe doubted that he ever had the personality for it to begin with.

  Maybe her son would be a little more like her. Able to look evil in the eye and not want to end his life. Able to face his grandfather, carry out his bidding and one day use his male heritage to create change.

  That's a lot of maybes.


  The following night, Giselle drove Mara's truck and followed Zoe's instructions to get to their meet spot just outside of the Jerry farm. She'd already called in sick to work and lied to her friends about going to see an old flame.

  Now, all Giselle had to do was focus on her mission and spend time with her crush.

  It's a win-win.

  When Giselle pulled up to the location Zoe had described, she found the older woman's gray truck parked several feet away from the edge of a cliff, which if Giselle had to bet, overlooked the warehouse.

  "Nice spot," Giselle said, getting out of Mara's truck.

  Zoe grinned. "Thanks. When I was in high school, I heard a few whispers about this place. Apparently, it was a great make-out spot."

  Giselle wiggled her eyebrows. "Want to relive some history?"

  Zoe scoffed "I have no history to relive. I was the Darksong Second from the age of fourteen simply because my father didn't trust anyone in the role. My time outside of school was spent training."

  "Fourteen is pretty young, but we could always make up for lost time." Giselle took a step forward.

  Zoe turned away. "No flirting tonight. I don't have the energy to joke around. I'm so damn tired."

  Giselle's brows furrowed. "I thought you were supposed to take the day off yesterday?"

  "I was, but my father called a stupid meeting for all his top deputies, then told me he expects me to have a mate within six months and give him an heir within a year."

  Giselle blinked rapidly. "He what?"

  "Yup. He's always pushed for it, but now he means business."

  Zoe walked to the edge of the cliff and sat down. Giselle quickly joined her and remained quiet.

  Zoe had never volunteered personal information before. She was always so in control. The fact that she trusted Giselle enough to open up like this was not something Giselle took lightly.

  This was the opportunity Giselle had been waiting for. A chance to get closer to the woman that was starting to make her want things that she hadn't wanted for a long time.

  "Why does he want an heir from you? You have a brother."

  Zoe sighed. "Chase is a gentle soul. He can't do the things my father wants. Part of that is his nature; the other part is my fault. I kept him away from my father. I didn't want my father to kill the light inside him."

  "So, you protected him."

  "I did."

  "And who protected you?" Giselle kept her gaze firmly on Zoe's face.

  For over a month, she'd seen Zoe come to her, tired and exhausted. The Darksong Second seemed to do most of the work that kept her clan afloat. Zoe spearheaded new business ventures and made sure she ran a tight ship.

  From what Giselle had heard, Reirder Dagiel just acted like an enforcer who made ridiculous demands. Something about hearing how Zoe's father was heaping more onto her plate made Giselle break her resolve to sit and listen.

  "I protect myself," Zoe said, looking down.

  "You deserve more." Giselle placed a hand on Zoe's thigh and ignored the jolt of electricity that shot up her arm from the intimate touch. She and Zoe hadn't had any physical contact since the day Giselle rescued her. This was a system overload.

  "You deserve to have others look out for you."

  Zoe shuffled, and Giselle pulled her hand back. She wouldn't make the older woman uncomfortable. Giselle clenched her fist.

  "I know I deserve to have someone look out for me, but the reality is that there isn't anyone. My mother died when I was ten, and even if she'd survived, she couldn't have helped much.

  "My father rules over our clan with an iron fist. If you've heard the rumors, then you'll know that there is no leaving the clan. I do what I have to do to make people's lives better. I have to make sacrifices to make other people's lives just a little bit easier.

  "That's why I negotiated the absorption of the Silver Claw Clan. That's why I keep my brother away from my father. That's why we're out here, stealing from the Darksong. If I don't step in and do something, then things will never change, and my father's power will only grow."

  Giselle sucked in a deep breath and fought back the tears that threatened to fill her eyes. Zoe had spoken with such raw passion that Giselle's heart ached for the older woman. She was caught between a rock and a hard place, doing all she could do to help others and survive.

  The sad truth was that if Zoe didn't act as a counterbalance to her father, then the Darksong clan members would face even more oppression.

  "Sorry," Zoe said, smiling sheepishly. "I unloaded a whole bunch of stuff on you."

  "I'm glad that you did. That's what friends are for. Right?"

  Zoe nodded.

  Giselle stared off. She'd hoped Zoe would do some more talking, but the older woman just sat quietly. She needed to get her to keep talking.

  "So, you were the one that negotiated the absorption of the Silver Claw Clan."

  Zoe smiled. "I did. After the whole situation with Eva and Rowan, I finally had the opening to bring the idea up to my father. He'd wasted a lot of money trying to get Eva back, and his pride was hurt after your clan beat him.

  "Getting the Silver Claw Clan to join us meant that the male wolves among us that were starting to lose their humanity found mates that helped them get stable. The move was also a win-win because the Silver Claw clan didn't have to live in poverty anymore, acting as lackeys. Although I can't say that life in the Darksong is much of an improvement."

  Giselle scooted a little closer. "You did a great job. You helped make life better for others. You should do that for yourself. You're only one person. If you keep going like this, you'll burn out."

  Zoe shrugged. "I know that I need to take care of myself and put myself first sometimes. But the reality is that I have freedoms and privileges that others don't have. I have to use them for good."

  "So, you're really going to have a child within a year? Because your father demands it?"

  The sound of a truck starting interrupted their conversation. Giselle watched a red truck leave the property, as two tall, well-muscled men walked outside and waved at whoever the driver was.

  Floodlights lighted the property, but they still couldn't make out the finer details. The sudden movement reminded Giselle that she and Zoe had bigger concerns at present.

  "Do you recognize that truck?" Giselle asked.

  "No, but Jared is a bit of a car enthusiast. That could be one of his trucks."

  "It’s certainly fancy enough. How do you want to play this?"

  Zoe cocked her head from side to side and hummed. "I say we go for a trap."

  "What kind of trap?"


  Zoe smiled, and Giselle's heart flip-flopped. She was so damn beautiful in the moonlight. The way her dark hair shone made Giselle's fingers tingle with the urge to run through them.

  "What do you have in mind?"

  "Well, from what I've heard, your wolf's white coat is pretty beautiful."

  Giselle smile slowly. "We've only known each other a few weeks, and you already want to see my wolf." She tutted. "I underestimated you, Zoe. You do like to move fast. Lucky for you, I'm always down for anything."

  Zoe gently shoved Giselle to the side. "I'm being tactical here. My black coat would blend into the night and serve as a poor distraction."

  "Oh, I don't know about that." Giselle reached out and twirled a strand of Zoe's hair. "If it's anything like your hair, then it would be pretty distracting."

  Zoe slapped Giselle's hand away. "Focus."

  Giselle held her hands up defensively. "I'm focused."

  "Good. I've only been here an hour longer than you, but I haven't seen anyone come or leave. That means that chances are that those two men are the only ones left. Due to our quick turnaround, I was only able to get enough Pula for one person. That means that we'll have to get physical. That's where the distraction comes in."

  Giselle nodded and listened to the rest of Zoe's plan. She was shocked by how quickly the older woman came up with it on the fly, and how thorough she was.

  Zoe would voice an idea, then think of the reasons why it wouldn't work and come up with a better one.

  Five minutes later, Giselle stood just outside the gate of the warehouse, stripping her clothes off. She carefully folded them, then initiated her shift.

  She'd done it so much over the years that the pain was gone. Then again, she was a smaller wolf. That probably helped minimize the pain. She couldn't imagine what Rowan and Brooke went through as their bodies more than tripled in size to take on their dragon forms.

  Giselle mentally smiled when she looked down at one of her white paws. Her white coat was pretty beautiful. She'd have to let Zoe stare as much as she wanted once this was over. Although she'd rather have Zoe enjoy her naked human form.

  Focus. We don't have much time. That third guy could come back for something he forgot. Then, you'd be screwed.

  Zoe had a non-negotiable no-killing policy. After Giselle had rescued her all those weeks ago, they'd talked about what it was Zoe was doing. That's when Giselle came up with the idea for Zoe to attack her own clan's stash. That way, she'd always know what she was going into, and it would minimize the risk.

  It has taken some convincing, but Zoe had agreed and asked Giselle to help. The one condition Zoe gave is that there w
ould be no killing. She refused to shed the blood of her people.

  Giselle gently made her way to one of the bushes at the edge of the warehouse. Branches scratched at her sides, but she fought her urge to leave. She needed to make enough noise to draw the attention of the guard that paced the front of the property.

  Giselle growled low and made a few sudden movements. With her enhanced hearing, she heard the man mutter something underneath his breath before he took a couple of steps in her direction.

  Giselle carried out the move twice before she ran out of the bush. Once out in the open, she moaned and pretended to lick at a wound on her leg.

  The next thing she heard was three quick, but quiet footsteps, then the sound of a male groan.

  Giselle looked up to see the guard crumple to the ground as Zoe held a hand over her mouth and nose to keep from breathing in the Pula. It was difficult, not to mention expensive, to obtain crushed Pula.

  The plant grew in challenging to reach terrains, and it took a master to dry it, crush it, and contain it, without getting killed in the process or making the Pula lose its effectiveness.

  Something about wolf shifters made them susceptible to Pula. Where it made other shifters unconscious; with wolves, it could lead to death if inhaled in great quantity.

  "He's a bear shifter," Giselle said when she shifted to her human form.

  Zoe nodded, looking anywhere but at Giselle. "It makes sense. My father doesn't want anyone in our clan to know about this mission. Hiring another type of shifter minimizes that risk."

  Giselle chuckled under her breath. "Let me get dressed before your face gets even redder."

  Zoe grunted, and Giselle ran to the bush to gather her clothes. The second guard would come looking for his partner in no time. They needed to knock him out before they could get the women and leave the farm before the third guard returned.

  They had no time to play.

  "Nice job," Zoe whispered, her eyes running up and down Giselle's body, sending a delicious shiver down her spine. "You had me believing you were hurt."

  Giselle grinned. "That's why I make a great bartender. My acting skills are out of this world."


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