Changed Wolf

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Changed Wolf Page 9

by Chloe Peterson

  The worst part was, she couldn't even blame Zoe. Giselle had lived a life that made them a horrible match. Hadn't Zoe made it clear the day before that she wanted nothing more than sex? Giselle couldn't cry foul over words she'd uttered dozens of times.

  I did this. I broke my own heart by reading into things. Now I have to fix it.

  Giselle inhaled sharply. "Fine. Forget about yesterday and what it may or may not have meant. I'm not going to let you leave."

  Zoe started to protest, but Giselle held up a hand. "If your father is as crazy as you say, then you need to know what he's up to before you head out there. The girls and I are already in his plans, so there's no need for you to leave so soon.

  "Besides, I doubt that your father will ignore the Whitehearts just because you left. We have history, and you being here is the second straw for him. Stay and help us. The only way either of us can escape your father is if we face him together."

  With those words, Giselle opened the door and walked out of Zoe's room. She blindly made her way across the hall to Jade's old room and locked the door behind her once she got in.

  "Fuck," Giselle muttered, as she finally let the tears come.

  She'd just given herself the worst heartbreak of her life, and the worst part was the taste Zoe had left in her mouth. The older woman showed Giselle what a relationship with love, respect, kindness, and partnership could be like.

  That was the cruelest thing. Zoe had shown Giselle something she could never have. If the perfect woman couldn't see past Giselle's former lifestyle, no other woman would.

  Even if they could, I wouldn't want them. Now that I've been with Zoe, I know that no one else will do.


  Zoe sat up in bed and checked her phone for the tenth time that hour. She sighed when she found no new messages or calls. She was going out of her mind with all the time she'd been spending in her room.

  It's for the best. I don't want to make Giselle even more uncomfortable.

  The previous morning, Zoe had lied to her friend and told her she had no feelings for her. At the time, Zoe thought that Giselle would take her news in stride. She'd certainly put on a brave face throughout their conversation.

  But as the day carried on, Zoe noticed things were more difficult than Giselle was letting on. For starters, the younger woman wouldn't meet her eyes. It was like any intimacy was too much for her to handle.

  The conversation between Zoe and Giselle had also grown stilted. The few times Zoe tried to talk to Giselle, the younger woman would flinch. Seeing how uncomfortable and hurt Giselle was, Zoe had relegated herself to her room.

  "I have no choice," she mumbled.

  Everything that had happened over the last week or so had taught Zoe one crucial lesson: her actions had consequences. Serious consequences. The intention behind her actions didn't matter. People had gotten hurt because of her.

  Right at that moment, Chase was probably in training with her father, no doubt being yelled at and hit for slight imperfections in technique.

  As if that wasn't bad enough, something worse was happening at that moment. If Zoe had to place a bet, she'd bet that her father was setting up a meeting so that he could get back into the trafficking business.

  Zoe shook her head. "One step forward, ten steps back. All because of one monster."

  At this point, Zoe didn't much care for her safety. She knew that her father would find her eventually. In a twisted way, it was like a part of her knew that this is what her life had been leading up to.

  From a young age, so much had been placed on Zoe's shoulders. All that responsibility got cemented once her mother died. From then on, Zoe understood that her life was not her own.

  She spent the next two decades working to help others while raising her brother. In a way, her father coming after her and ending her life would be the perfect ending to a life filled with sacrifice. Zoe had known very little joy. At least her death would be for a good cause.

  Save the melodrama for another time. First, you need to get out of here.

  Zoe's phone vibrated, and she jumped up. A text came in from Jax:

  I'm by the tree line.

  Zoe pumped a fist in the air. "Yes."

  She'd texted Jax yesterday afternoon after she realized how uncomfortable Giselle was around her. In all honesty, she'd seriously considered staying. Giselle had been right about a few things.

  Zoe's father would likely come after the Whiteheart whether she left or not. It was sad but true. The least Zoe could do was make sure that Giselle was in the right frame of mind for when the fight came.

  Secretly, Zoe couldn't stand to see the hurt on Giselle's face, especially knowing that she'd put it there. She'd hurt someone she had feelings for the greater good. Zoe's clock was ticking down, and there was no need to take Giselle down with her.

  Zoe donned her hoodie and quietly left her room. She didn't want to alert either Brooke or Giselle to her meeting with Jax, or the fact that he was delivering a package that would help her move on.

  Once Zoe left the house, she jogged toward the tree line, then turned left when she heard a whisper.

  "Hey," she said when she joined Jax underneath a large tree.

  Jax folded his arms and glared at her. "Is that really what you want to say to me? I have a feeling 'I'm so sorry for everything would be a better opener."

  Zoe hung her head. Jax was right. It's just that she'd missed her best friend, especially when things with Giselle went south. Jax was her right-hand man. He had been for the last ten years. It was odd to spend so much time apart.

  "Sorry. I'm just happy to see you, is all."

  Jax sighed. "First off, here's your bag." He handed Giselle a duffel bag with the list of items she'd texted him to bring.

  "Did you get the money?"

  Jax nodded. "I'm glad you never listened to me and saved up instead of having a good time. Who knew you'd need it one day?"

  "Not me, that's for sure." Zoe placed a hand on Jax's arm. "I'm so sorry I had to lie to you all this time. You know I did it to protect you, right?"

  Jax scoffed. "You've been full of bad plans lately Zoe because as soon as Jared got home, your father had his men drag me to his house. It took a good ten minutes for Jared to convince him that I wasn't a part of your plot."

  "I'm so sorry," Zoe whispered. She shook her head. "It seems I've miscalculated a lot of things. I thought I was doing a lot of good."

  Jax groaned. "I hate to admit it, but you were. I think you did something amazing."

  Zoe blinked rapidly. "You do?"

  Jax inhaled. "I do. You did some real damage to the illegal part of the Darksong business. Saved a lot of lives too. Unfortunately, I think all of that's gone to waste."

  Zoe's heartbeat picked up the pace. "Why? What do you know?"

  "Nothing solid. Just that your father is planning something serious to get back at you. He's been walking around grinning like a madman. He never smiles. What the hell did you two talk about anyway? Chase told me he left you two alone."

  Zoe waved a dismissive hand. "Nothing I shouldn't have been expecting. He promised to come after me but said he wouldn't do it in an obvious way. He wants the element of surprise."

  Jax scoffed. "Well, that surprise is coming sooner than you think. Your father was gone all day yesterday. No one knows where or for what. I have a feeling he's going to strike any day now. That's why I brought your stuff, even though I'm still mad at you."

  Adrenaline pumped through Zoe's veins. It seemed her father had fooled her into complacency by telling her he wanted to destroy everything she loved first. She had no doubt he'd get to that eventually, but it seemed he still wanted to punish her first.

  Zoe took a deep breath. "Thanks for telling me, and bringing all this stuff. I’d better get a move on."

  Jax nodded. "And I’d better start the long walk back home. I'm pretty sure someone's going to start wondering where I am."

  Zoe winced. "I'm sorry you had to walk all the way

  "Don't be. I'd rather not get a beating from your father. Besides, I wanted to see you. Something tells me it will be a while before we get a chance to go out for a beer."

  Zoe smiled. "Are you that confident that I'll survive?"

  "I am. You've dealt with a lot, Zoe. This is just the final test. You've passed every one until now. I don't see why you wouldn't pass this one. Just don't move too far, okay. I want to be able to drive to see you every once in a while.

  Zoe felt her throat tighten. There was an excellent chance that whatever her father was planning would wipe her out. If it didn't, then Maddox would come for her.

  She probably wouldn't get to settle anywhere near Falhurst, but it was sweet that Jax had so much faith in her. It meant he saw her as someone brave and capable. At one point, Zoe saw herself that way, but all her shortsightedness had exposed a lot of her flaws.

  At least he'll remember me as anything but the loser I've been acting like.

  Zoe let Jax pull her into a hug. She tucked her head against his neck and breathed in his baby powder and coconut shampoo. For years, he'd been by her side, kept her secrets, and saved her life. The fact that he risked his life to see her, without question, spoke volumes.

  "I love you," Zoe muttered.

  Jax hummed. "Love you too."

  With those simple words, he turned back and swiftly made his way through the forest, disappearing from sight. Zoe hoped that wasn't her final goodbye.

  She'd already contacted Molly and asked for advice on where to go and what to do. The older woman had given Zoe a few contacts. The wolf shifter would be safe for a while, and in that time, she hoped to watch and see how her friends and loved ones would cope with her father's anger, stepping in where needed.

  Once they were doing well, she'd disappear properly, then wait for Maddox to find her. One thing was for sure; she wouldn't expose Molly's network. As soon as Maddox sniffed them out, she'd turn herself in. Then it would all be over.

  "Too many dark thoughts for a sunny morning," Zoe mumbled.

  She turned to walk back to the house, only to come face to face with a furious Giselle. The younger woman pointed at her duffel bag.

  "What the hell is that?"

  Zoe sighed. "You already know what it is."

  "We went through this, Zoe. Your leaving won't help a thing. It'll just expose you. I thought we agreed you would stay."

  "Well, I've changed my mind. I appreciate all you've done for me Giselle, but it's time I move on. Jax just told me that my father's planning something. He's going to strike at any moment. I want to draw his heat as far away from you guys as possible."

  Giselle ran a hand through her hair and groaned. "How many times have I told you that we're stronger together? This is what my clan does. We've done it before, and we'll do it for you."

  Zoe could sense Giselle's growing frustration. The younger woman's neck was turning red, and her words came out clipped. This was probably overwhelming for her. Zoe was both friend and enemy.

  I've got to end this once and for all.

  "Look, everyone that your clan has saved has been a mate of one of your members. I'm not anyone's mate, and I don't have any intention of ever being one. You guys were good friends, but we're not that close. I'm leaving. Deal with it."

  Zoe brushed past Giselle, only to stop in her tracks when the younger woman tugged on her arm and spun her around.

  Zoe growled low and menacing. She could feel her wolf get antsy just below the surface. The last thing she wanted to do was leave, but if it took a fight for Giselle to finally believe that Zoe had no feelings for her and that she didn't deserve her clan's help, then so be it.

  "Why are you acting like this?" Giselle asked her voice surprisingly calm.

  "Acting like what?"

  "Rude, hurtful. You're nothing like that, Zoe. I know you." Giselle cocked her head. "Why are you working so hard to make it clear that you have no interest in me?"

  Zoe shrugged. "I can't be perfect all the time. Besides, I'm just telling you how I feel."

  "No. It's more than that. I've seen you hurt and upset, and you've never spoken to me like this."

  Giselle bit her lip and studied Zoe. The older woman felt her heart race and her blood pressure rise. Giselle was a very social person. That gave her an uncanny ability to read people when she really wanted to.

  Giselle gasped. "You're pushing me away because you like me!"

  Zoe scoffed. "What? No."

  "Yes." Giselle took a step forward, her brown eyes glowed, and a grin split her face. "It makes sense. You're always protecting people. You did it that night when you asked me to stay in the truck, and you're doing it now."

  Zoe took a step back. "You're reading into things," she said weakly. "Not everyone wants to be with you."

  Giselle stopped her approach and laughed. "That's true, but you do. I saw it in your eyes the day I touched you. And the way you held me afterward confirmed it. That's the kind of thing a person does when they have feelings for another person."

  Giselle took two steps forward and took Zoe's free hand in hers. "You don't have to worry about the girls and me. We can handle ourselves. I like you, Zoe. Stay."

  Zoe pulled her hand away. "I already told you, I don't want a relationship."

  "You're lying." Giselle shook her head. "I know because I've been doing it all my life. I dated this girl for the first two years of college. She consumed me, and I fell hard and fast. Then I caught her cheating on me."

  Zoe's eyebrows shot up. She'd never thought that Giselle's lifestyle was the result of trauma. The way she spoke so passionately about having options and living life freely made Zoe jealous.

  And all this time it was because she was hurting.

  Giselle scoffed. "I asked her why and all she said was that she'd gotten bored of me. That I wasn't interesting enough for her to want to sacrifice her freedom for."

  "I'm so sorry," Zoe said, her voice low.

  Those were horrible words. The kind that cut into a person's soul. It appeared they had. If Zoe could get her hands on Giselle's first girlfriend, she was pretty sure she'd slap the woman into oblivion.

  Giselle inhaled. "She was a bitch. I know that know, but her words almost ruined me. That's why I convinced myself that I didn't need drama. I refused to open up like that and let someone hurt me. So, I partied and had fun. Now that I think of it, I turned into a version of my ex."

  Giselle laughed. "How ironic?"

  Zoe stood still, unable to walk away. Giselle was vulnerable. She couldn't leave her.

  "At least you know why you've been the way you have. You'll be a lot happier moving forward."

  Giselle took Zoe's hand. "It's all because of you. You tore down those walls, which is why you can't leave. No one has done what you did, Zoe. I've dated good and bad girls. None of them have ever affected me as you did." Giselle's voice dropped. "I think you're my mate."

  Zoe squeezed her eyes shut and willed the butterflies in her stomach to calm down. For so long, she'd tried to find a label fitting for what she felt for Giselle. When the younger woman was around, Zoe felt whole, like nothing could touch her.

  The truth was that it hadn't been too difficult for Zoe to stay in the closet. While she was attracted to women, she never had a real desire to build something permanent with any of the ones she found herself around.

  Things with Giselle were entirely different. One wink, or a knowing smile, was enough to get Zoe going. And the way Giselle had touched her days before confirmed Zoe's worst fears.

  We weren't having sex. We were making love. No wonder it was so good.

  "Please take that back," Zoe pleaded, opening her eyes to meet Giselle's intense stare. "Take it back so that you have a chance at a normal life."

  Giselle shook her head and grinned. "Not a chance. I care about you, Zoe. I won't let you go. Not when you could be my mate."

  The sound of vehicles streaming into the driveway broke the couple apart. Giselle rushed to
the cars and Zoe followed behind after dropping her duffel bag. Her wolf was on high alert.

  Whatever was going on was as a direct result of her presence in the Whiteheart home.

  "What's going on?" Giselle asked.

  Mara hopped out of her truck. "I got attacked by a bear shifter when I went to throw our trash in the alleyway."

  A chill ran up Zoe's spine. Her father's revenge had already started, but he was going after her friends first.

  "Are you okay?" Zoe asked.

  Mara nodded. "It got nasty, and I had to shift. Thankfully, Sarah was out running a delivery. I don't know how I would have explained any of this to her."

  "What's wrong, Jade?" Giselle asked.

  Emma wrapped an arm around her mate's waist. "There was a car outside my work. I'd seen it earlier and hadn't given it much thought. Mara called Jade, and she came to get me from the store. Nothing happened."

  "But it could have," Jade said, her voice edgy.

  Zoe didn't know much about the bear shifter, but she could feel the murderous energy emanating from her.

  Jade wanted blood, and if Zoe had to place a bet, then she would bet that Jade would kill every man that her father sent with great pleasure, hoping that he was the one that threatened her mate.

  "I'm so sorry all of this happened. My father knows I'm staying with you. He confirmed it a couple of days ago when we met. I had hoped to get out of your hair before it became an issue. I should have told you."

  "It's fine," Rowan said, speaking up from her position leaned against her truck.

  Emma nodded beside her mate, her eyes full of empathy. "You couldn't have predicted any of this."

  Mara shook her head. "Wait. Something doesn't add up. The bear I fought had a red hammer tattooed on the inside of his wrist. That's the Red Striking clan's symbol. Why would your father hire an out of town clan that's probably one of his main competitors to carry out a hit on us?"

  Zoe staggered back as a sudden coldness hit her at her core. "No," she whispered.

  "Do you know something?" Rowan asked.


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