Their Spoiled Brat (A MFM Twin Brothers Billionaire Romance)

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Their Spoiled Brat (A MFM Twin Brothers Billionaire Romance) Page 2

by J. L. Beck

  “Spill the beans. I know something is up with you. You’re a ball of nerves.” She took the words right out of my mouth. I squeezed my eyes shut stopping dead in my tracks on the walking trail. I didn’t want to be a Debbie downer but I was getting cold feet over this. Yeah, I needed the money but not at the risk of possibly falling in love. That was literally the last thing I needed.

  “I’m getting cold feet. I want to do this, I really do but I worry about the consequences. Like what if we end up liking each other? Am I ready for a relationship, am I ready to even enter the dating scene?” A million questions were running through my head.

  “Shut up Stephanie, and I do mean that in the best friend kind of way. You’re twenty-one and a virgin. You’re ready to enter the dating scene and this guy regardless of the money he is willing to pay to go out on a date with you seems like the perfect guy to start things off with.” I bit my bottom lip weighing my options. Zoey was right, she was always right, and sometimes I fucking hated it.

  “Okay, you’re right but what if it leads to more. I already feel this strange connection to him and we haven’t even met, and what if he finds out the reason that I need the money?” Moment’s like these were the ones I was glad I had Zoey for. She could keep me sane, and away from the edge of the cliff.

  “Then he finds out. You know what I’m coming over, and were going to contact this guy together. I’m going to be your wing woman. Got it?” There was no saying no to Zoey not when she had that I’m-on-a-mission tone to her voice.

  “Uh, I guess?” I started walking again hoping to make it back to the apartment before Zoey did, though truthfully Zoey probably never left her apartment for the day.

  “No guesses. We’re getting you a date, then money, then laid. It’s time that Stephanie becomes a full-fledged woman.” I wished like hell that I could have half the confidence that Zoey did, instead of being the meek, shy girl in the corner of the library, peering over her book at you. Zoey helped me open up, now I just needed to follow through on whatever instructions she gave me.

  “Okay, I’ll be there in five,” I mumbled into the phone, before hanging up. There was no going back now. I was going to be going on a date with Rider one way or another. When I finally arrived at my house, Zoey had already made herself at home having poured a glass of Riesling for both of us. I downed the glass faster than I should have. I felt warm, and fuzzy with a buzz that I hoped would give me the liquid courage I needed to talk to Rider. My only fear was that he wouldn’t show interest back and then what? What if he decided to ignore me or shoot me down? I shoved the negative thoughts to the back of my mind, at least for now while my eyes drifted over to Zoey. She was wearing flower print leggings and a gray t-shirt. She looked sexy and trendy all the time and I wish I had that same flawless ability to look hot in something so simple and thrown together on a whim. She jumped onto the couch and tucked her legs behind her then patted at the empty spot next to her motioning for me to take a seat beside her.

  She pulled out her laptop. “Come on babe, it’s now or never!”

  I exhaled as I took a step in her direction, but not before grabbing the bottle of wine that Zoey had opened off the counter. was loading on the page when I finally took my seat. “So, have you thought about what you are going to say when you reach out to Mr. Right?” She eyed me curiously with a smirk poised on her red lips.

  “Well, get this. How ironic that his last name is actually Wright. But with a W, not an R.” Zoey and I busted into hysterical laughter as the wine ran through our veins warming and relaxing us both into comfortable states.

  “Hello, I’m Stephanie and your boyish grin has me curious to get to know you better. I would love to meet up for dinner sometime. If you’re interested please respond back to this message and we can set something up.” I said the words aloud as I typed them into the screen, then I squealed and hit send. I blew out another breath, feeling the stress lift from my shoulders. Now the bigger question was: would he respond? If he didn’t, I would just move on to the next guy, or at least until someone did. That sounded so pathetic, but I was determined to stay in school after all I’d been through and how far I’d come. I was still angry at my father for cutting me off, but I knew that he had no other choice and had his own minefield of problems to dodge at the moment.

  Seconds later a small little number one popped up beside the inbox button signaling a response. My hands were shaking as I moved the cursor over the inbox button. I clicked it once, my eyes refusing to leave the screen as the next page loaded.

  I let Zoey read his response to me out loud as I tried to calm my beating heart. “Hey Stephanie, you are beautiful. I love your long blonde hair, as shown in your profile picture. I would love to have dinner with you this weekend if you are up for it? Just let me know. Thanks, Rider.”

  I jumped off the couch and started pacing the floor. This was it, the solution to at the very least half my problems. All I had to do was agree to this date, go on it and then collect my payment. “Steph, do you even realize what has just happened here? Can you really believe how easy that was? You are going to get to stay in school just by going on dates with guys. I mean seriously Stephanie. You are going to be paid five thousand dollars to go to dinner with some rich trust fund asshole. It doesn’t get much better than this”

  Zoey might have been even more excited than I was. I was happy to have the opportunity to make fast cash, but I was also extremely terrified. What if this guy was a sexual predator and raped and killed me? I had to make sure Zoey had all the information and details about where I would be so that if she didn’t hear from me after an allotted amount of time she would know where to start looking. I tried to push those thoughts away though and just allow myself to be happy in the moment, because in the end I did just solve some of my own problems and all because of one website, and one date.

  All I would have to do is act bubbly, and friendly while flashing a little boob, and maybe even a smile here and there. I would have to act pretty and flirty, thought the truth was I didn’t know how to act pretty because I didn’t feel pretty. I was used to hanging out at the library where you literally wouldn’t even find a jock or half-way cute guy. Plus I didn’t have the trendy clothes or fashion sense that Zoey had. I started to panic inside thinking about what I was going to wear and I hadn’t even finalized plans with Rider yet.

  I typed: I would love to get together and have dinner with you. Just tell me when and where, and I’ll be there.” My gazed collided with Zoey’s to determine whether she approved? A sour look crossed her features and I knew what I typed out was no good.

  “Stephanie, that’s lame and desperate. How about we say this instead; Hey Rider, I would love to have dinner with you. Just let me know the details and we can plan from there. She took the laptop out of my hands and typed it in. I shrugged my shoulder and went along with whatever she said, because when it came to the dating game she knew what she was doing, and honestly I was riding on this date so I could pay for the rest of this year's classes.

  Just like the first time, moments later we had a response, except this time I took the laptop back from Zoey and read his response for myself.

  Rider: Perfect! I can’t wait to meet you, how about Luigi’s on Market Street, at seven this Friday? I blinked as I stared at the screen in awe, Zoey pulled the laptop out of my hands once again and read what Rider had said.

  “Holy fuck, that place is fancy, I remember hearing somewhere that each entrée costs like fifty dollars. He’s totally going to try and wine and dine you right out of your good girl panties.” I had heard of Luigi’s a time or two since my father always met his business partners there, and I knew it was a super ritzy Italian restaurant downtown since they advertised it on TV all the time. I clasped my hands together, all while my anxiety seemed to climb. This was all so surreal now.

  “This is it. I’m really going to do it, Zoey. I’m really going to go out on a date with some rich asshole just so I can finish payin
g for school.” I couldn’t believe it. I brought the wine bottle to my lips and took a long pull from it, letting the smooth wine slip down my throat with ease, praying it would wash away all my fears.

  “Slow it down Princess, wine hangovers are a real thing. Remember that one time?” Zoey reminded me as she grabbed the bottle of wine, taking it away from me.

  I nodded my head, yes, swallowing the wine in my mouth before speaking. “I’m so worried that I won’t be good enough for him Zoe. I spend my time studying and planning a future. This isn’t me. I don’t go on dates, or dress up.” I pouted.

  “Shhh… You’ll do just fine. If you need anything you know you can come to me and I’ll help you out. I’ve got your back girl, that’s what friends are for,” Zoe assured me, letting my lean my head on her shoulder. I guess things could be worse, he could be ugly? Right?

  Okay, maybe that was mean but either way, I needed to find a positive look on things because I was on the verge of an anxiety attack.


  The week moved faster than I ever expected it to and once Friday had come I was sure I had no fingernails. I rifled through my closet tossing dress, after dress over my shoulder. Nothing seemed to stand out like it should. I wanted to knock this guy off his feet, not make him run for the door.

  I exhaled a breath and gathered my wits, exiting my apartment and heading a floor down to Zoey’s. My fist landed on the door harder than necessary. Zoey whipped the door open as if I were Cinderella. Then like a buzz kill, her smile turned to a frown in ten seconds flat.

  “Really Steph, you are as white as a ghost, and I don’t mean that in a good way. Get in here and let me help you get ready.” Immediately, Zoey shoved a glass of white wine at me and I took a few sips of it but put it back down on the counter. I felt nauseated. I was sure at this point a full out family of butterflies was jumping on a trampoline inside of my stomach.

  I wrung my hands together once more, staring my best friend. “I don’t know if I can do this. I feel like I’m going to puke.” I looked down at the floor feeling as if I had made a terrible mistake. Maybe it would be a better idea to get a job bartending or even waitressing.

  Zoey, being the amazing friend she was, took me by the hand and stared me directly in the eyes. She was always brutally honest, and I knew I could trust any advice she had to offer me. “Listen to me, Stephanie. You’re beautiful and sexy, and so damn smart. You have so much potential that you don’t even see in yourself. Let’s pick out something for you to wear that’s going to make this guy drool all over you the first minute he lays eyes on you.” I gave her a half smile, loving that she could pull me from my self-induced stupor. If I didn’t go on a date now, then I never would.

  Zoey practically dragged me into her bedroom, opening the doors to her walk-in closet, a closet that was chalk full of clothes.

  “Seriously Zoey?” I raised an eyebrow at her obscene amount of clothing and shoes. She shrugged and went to work on finding me something that would make Rider drop dead. Ten minutes later and we picked out a red strapless dress.

  I wanted to wear the black one but Zoey told me we had to make a bold statement right from the get-go. Not to mention, she said since we were going to be eating Italian food it was an added bonus to wearing red in case I spilled red wine or spaghetti on myself. She was only kidding but her little joke helped lighten my spirit a little. I watched the time on my cell phone as I let her work her magic on me. She curled my hair perfectly, making my straight blonde locks come to life. Then she transitioned to my make-up, giving me the little touches that I needed. Once I was all made up, she pulled me over to her floor length mirror and made me stare back at my own reflection. She stood behind me and chanted to me over and over how pretty I was, and that I needed to start recognizing it for myself.

  As I looked at the blonde girl in the mirror, I was shocked to believe it was really me? I was slender but with curves in the right places. My hair looked phenomenal. What guy wouldn't crave a blonde bombshell?

  “Alright babe, it’s time to go make some money.” Zoey winked at me with a twinkle in her eye. I thanked her for being such a great friend and gathered my clutch and cell phone before saying goodbye and walking out the front door. I exhaled a breath, shoving all the negative thoughts from my mind. Even if I didn’t want to admit it I was doing this for so much more than just the money. Not having a boyfriend when you were a junior in college just seemed wrong, and I needed to make it a right.

  Chapter Three


  “Hey bro, we’ve reeled in a bombshell this time,” I called out to my twin brother from the kitchen where he was setting out chips and dip to watch the baseball game that was coming on in a few minutes.

  “Oh yes, what’s her name?” Rider questioned with a mouth full of chip and dip.

  It was my idea to put the ad out to find a woman that we both could play with, a woman that would meet both our needs time, and time again. I had plans for this one though ones that included never letting her go. Rider and I have a sexual appetite that urges constant fulfillment, and Stephanie looks just innocent enough for my big bad brother and me to taint.

  Rider walked into the living room seconds later where I had her profile pulled up on the screen. He leaned in over the couch to take a look as I held up the phone.

  “Stephanie. Mmmm… I wonder if she likes it times two?” Rider grinned and stuck his tongue out and we both high fived.

  “I’m going to respond back still pretending to be you, and ask her to meet you at Luigi’s this Friday at seven. Only when she shows up she’ll either think we’re double trouble or double the fun?” I typed the suggestion for dinner into the message and hit send.

  “You should stop with the cliché’s they are really corny.” Rider smacked me upside the head and took a bite of a chip, and then a swig of his beer.

  “You won’t think I’m corny when we’ve got her laying naked on our bed, legs wide open while she pants for both of us to take her, so why don’t you leave the smooth talking to me?” I countered with a raised eyebrow daring him to push back.

  Rider and I come from a background of elite businessmen. We hit the genetic lottery you might say when it came to the family we were born into. Our father did most of the hard work while we whored around. We couldn’t shake the lifestyle, and most of the time the girls were eager to be our playmates for some extra cash which we had plenty of to throw around. Our dad got mad at us sometimes but as long as we showed up and put in some effort he had no leg to stand on when it came to telling us what to do.

  We lived together in a four thousand square foot condo downtown that I had owned originally but then sold to Rider.

  “It’s been awhile since we shared bro, are you sure you’re up to sharing again?” Rider taunted, and all I could do was roll my eyes. There was nothing like having a woman at your mercy while your brother and you brought every single one of her dreams true.

  “Threesome’s are my thing Rider. Hell, I’m the one that got you into them, and this little Stephanie is going to be no different for us. We’ll get her all hot, and soaking wet for us, and then we will make every single fantasy she’s ever had come to life.” My cock was getting hard just talking about it. Rider had that far away look in his eyes, and I knew he too was imagining her beneath us, taking both our cocks in her hands.

  I could tell she was innocent just from her photo, the question was: was she that innocent? Did she still have her v-card? Would she let my brother fuck her while I played with her ass? Truthfully I didn’t know, but one way or another we were going to find out because I had already decided I wasn’t going to take no for an answer. I needed to get to know her, inside and out, with my cock, hands, and mouth.

  “You think she’s as sweet and innocent as her photo makes her out to be? Blondes seem to be more sweet, and delicate, I don’t know that she’s going to be up for two stallions like us?” Rider questioned, sinking down onto the couch next to me.

  I rubbed a
t my chin, licking my lips in anticipation. “I’ll have her begging, and pleading for my cock, it’s you who should be worried.” I snickered. “Because once she sees how big I am I doubt she will even glance in your direction.”

  Rider slugged me in the arm hard enough to leave a bruise. “Dude, don’t be a dick. If we bring her back here we share her. We both get to spread her legs and taste her sweetness.”

  Stephanie wasn’t the first chick we had met on the website, but looking at her picture I felt something more than just an attraction to her. It was as if I could see deeper than the skin as if I could feel the goodness deep inside her. I exhaled a breath.

  “What’s wrong? Are you doubting your skills?” Rider laughed like an asshole. He hadn’t been the one interacting with her but come Friday he would find out just how sweet, and innocent our little brat was. He would discover that this one might just be the one to be our undoing.

  “No, I’m not doubting my skills. Hell, I bet I’ll get her out of her panties before you.” Rider loved a good bet.

  “You’re on asshole.” He laughed, shoving a handful of chips into his mouth. I directed my attention to the game but couldn’t get Stephanie out of my head, and I had a feeling that once I tasted her nothing would ever be the same.


  Friday seemed like it was so far away until the day finally came. I had never been the type to be nervous over a date but I was feeling a little jittery. Rider and I might be twins but we have very different likes, well except the women we shared. I was more of a clean cut guy, while my brother always dressed like a badass, I was a bit envious of him sometimes, especially today when he came out wearing a dark navy shirt with a black tie and a blazer.

  “Jesus fuck brother, are you trying to show me up?” I joked. He laughed and punched me in the arm.


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