That Sweet Burn

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That Sweet Burn Page 5

by Temple Madison

  “I struggled with that as well, that’s true, but I couldn’t see myself turning you down. And even though I am inexperienced I was hoping that wouldn’t matter. It seems that we’re both in unfamiliar territory tonight.”

  Franco smiled. “Part of your charm is that you’re just as private a person as I am. Another was that we have similar dreams, similar fantasies. I think we’ll probably learn a lot about each other tonight,” Franco said as he looked around the room. “So what do you think?”

  Dimitri looked around, and then shifted his teasing gaze back toward Franco. “What? No flowers, no champagne, no pretty words? You must think I’m easy.”

  “Very funny, now shut up.”

  “Okay, what’s wrong?”

  “Dimitri, first, before anything happens, we need to talk.”

  “Hell, Franco, we’ve been talking. You mean there’s more?”

  He led Dimitri toward the bed where they sat down. “There’s just one more thing. It won’t take a minute. First of all, I think you know that I guard my personal life very carefully. It’s nobody’s business what I like, who I like, and how I like it. It’s my business, and no one else’s. And I expect my privacy to remain that way.”

  “Yet you’re here with me.”

  “Yes, and that says a lot about the trust I have in you. Dimitri, you’ve got to be sure that you’re up for this because once we do it, there’ll be no turning back. No more nights with Rolly, no more hiding your gay propensities in a straight world.”

  “Propensities? Look at him, he’s using big words and everything.”

  “You got a smart mouth, you know that? I’m trying to be serious, and all you can do is joke around.”

  Dimitri looked at him as if he were stupid. “Hell, Franco, don’t you think I’ve already thought of that? Dammit, man, I’ve been waiting for this moment. You ought to know I haven’t been happy in my pretend world, but I…Hell, I don’t even know any gay guys, at least none who admit it. You’re the first, and you were a surprise, believe me.”

  “And you were a surprise to me. When Rolly told me who he was going out to dinner with that night, I didn’t expect much. Hell, I thought you were some stupid kid that didn’t know his head from a hole in the ground. And then I saw you.” He smiled. “Looking good, and so scared of me you couldn’t even remember your own name. I swear I’ll never forget that night.”

  “We’re wasting time,” Dimitri whispered, throwing out a challenge.

  With hunger in his eyes Franco said, “Come here.”

  As their lips met, the electricity almost crackled between them.

  “This is awkward,” Franco whispered against Dimitri’s lips. “We need to get on the bed so we can stretch out and I can fuck the hell out of you.”

  Once he had Dimitri under him, his eager lips began pecking along his face, the salty, rich taste bursting in his mouth. He wanted more so he opened his mouth and began licking. Dimitri’s flesh was warm, his cologne mixed in the taste. Nothing flowery like a woman would wear, but the rich, good boy—bad boy, masculine flavor. Nothing had ever smelled so good. The kiss they shared was soft and slow at first, and then got hot—a kiss between two men who’d spent time dreaming of each other.

  Now, with the straight world kept at bay outside their windows, both were ready for the unconventional—to feel something more, to go a step further. Franco moved his hands down toward Dimitri’s shirt and began to unbutton it, but he became impatient and finally grabbed the fabric in both fists and pulled. The buttons popped off, scattering everywhere.

  * * * *

  Dimitri’s heart raced at Franco’s forcefulness. Should he be scared? He didn’t know how he felt. First he was nervous, thinking maybe he should back away, but then he became afraid that Franco would change his mind. All he knew was he wanted Franco, and if he was ever going to do this, it had to be now. Tonight.

  His heart raced at the hardness of Franco’s cock that he felt beneath his trousers. He moved his hands along his shirt and pulled it back to expose his naked chest. He thrilled at his heated flesh and beautiful muscles.

  When Dimitri trembled, Franco whispered, “Are you okay? We don’t have to do this, Dimitri.”

  “No. I want to. I’m just…well, it’s my first time. I’m just a little clumsy and awkward, I’m sorry.”

  “Oh, baby, don’t be scared. I’ll be gentle. It’s just us now, Dimitri. The rest of the world is far, far away. We’re all alone. Just you and me, and that overpowering need that won’t go away until we do it.”

  “Is it all right to feel so…I don’t know…raw? My emotions are going wild. I feel like some fuckin’ creature from the stone age,” Dimitri said. “Hell, I’m swimming in it. Oh, God, Franco, I want you so much, but I feel like I’m ruining it for you.”

  “You don’t know how much I love hearing that,” Franco whispered.

  The next thing Dimitri knew Franco began loosening the rest of his clothes. His breath hitched every time he felt Franco’s hands on his flesh. It might have been nothing more than a light touch, a caress, or maybe a thoughtless movement of his clothing, but Dimitri knew what it was leading to—and then Dimitri lay naked before Franco.

  He closed his eyes when he felt Franco lean over him and begin to kiss his chest and his neck. His breath hitched when he felt Franco grab his cock. He gasped at the feeling and arched into his touch. The warmth of Franco’s palm could no way be compared to anything he could have imagined. He looked up and saw Franco’s handsome Latin face above his, so close, and so sexy as his lush lips sought his own. And then as their lips touched, Dimitri reached up and gripped the muscled arms above his and squeezed. He loved the feeling of muscled power beneath his fingers. Suddenly, the rhythm of Franco’s tongue became magic, and their tongues tangled, the warm sweetness of Franco’s mouth making him hot all over. He couldn’t help it. He moaned, cried out in pure pleasure.


  Dimitri’s sweet surrender made Franco dizzy.

  As they lay there facing each other, their breath mingled and their lips sought, one after the other until Franco moved over Dimitri and began to lick him all the way down his stomach until he reached his cock.

  “Oh, my God,” Dimitri whispered as Franco’s mouth opened and took him in.

  Franco sucked and licked while Dimitri moaned, his body writhing at first, and then bucked beneath the savoring of Franco’s mouth on him. Suddenly, Franco felt Dimitri’s hands on his head, holding him as he continued to eat and savor Dimitri’s musky, sweet taste.

  When Franco knew Dimitri was ready, he rose up on his knees, opened his legs even further, found his hole, and plunged his fingers into it. He suddenly realized he would need lubrication, and looked over at his trousers, dug down into them for the tube he had brought with him and quickly applied it to his cock.

  Once he was lubed up, he leaned down and licked Dimitri’s neck. When he came close to his ear, he whispered, “I’m about to stick it in. You’ll feel a burn at first, but then…”

  Franco couldn’t wait. Before he finished speaking, he plunged his cock, long and hard, into Dimitri, and felt him come alive.

  “Ohhhh!” Dimitri cried out. “Oh, God!”

  “Are you all right?” Franco asked, his breath becoming heavy with moans and whimpers.

  “Oh, God, yes!” Dimitri cried out. “I-I’ve never felt anything like it, Franco. My God, is this what I’ve been missing? What a fuckin’ sweet burn.”

  “You bet it is, baby, and it only gets better.”

  Dimitri was writhing in pleasure, the wild, wonderful, crazy sensations of male sex erupting all through him. He’d never felt anything like it. Was he in heaven or hell?

  Franco’s plunges became raw and hot, the thin, cheap mattress bouncing with them. Their moans filled the small room where the smell of sex permeated the modest space, each reaching for the ultimate delight, and then suddenly they hit the mountaintop and their desires spewed out in a
splash and a fury while they held each other in their arms.

  When the delight faded into complete satisfaction, the two lay in each other’s arms, and just looked at each other, savoring the knowledge that they’d found bliss among the tattered room of a cheap motel.

  “My God, Franco, why isn’t the whole world gay?”

  Franco smiled. “Because some men would rather have that experience with a woman, and they do.”

  “Hell, Franco, I’ve been with women. Believe me, it’s nothing like that.”

  “There are some differences, I suppose. It just depends on what you want, I guess.”

  “You know what I like most about it?”

  Franco smiled. “No, what?”

  “It’s that burn…that sweet, hot, burn when you first go in. God, I could get addicted to that.”

  “So, no lubrication for you, huh?”

  “Not if it will take away the burn.”

  “You’re a strange one. Someone new like you might even bleed.”

  “How could you know all this, Franco, if you haven’t come out yet?”

  “It’s true that I’ve never made my preferences known, but I didn’t say I had never had sex with a man. I’ve had my…men friends, but it had to be on the sly, which I didn’t like, but I needed it, believe me.”

  “That must have been tough, but if you knew what you were, why didn’t you come out before you met your wife?”

  “That’s rather a bad memory for me. You see, back when I was…oh, about fourteen, and just beginning to question my feelings—I was raped. Through that experience I got the idea that all sex with men was like that, so I went the other way, never being completely satisfied, and never being fulfilled until I met someone who showed me that sex with men was a great experience. By that time it was too late to come out. I had a wife, and was well on my way with my career, and to do so then would have ruined a lot of lives.”

  “You were literally living a lie.”

  “I didn’t look at it like that. I loved my wife very much, and when she died I felt like a rug had been yanked out from under me. I was lost; I had no one to hold onto, no one to come home to. A lot of feelings came and went during that time. I would never say that I made a mistake by marrying, but the liaisons I had were needed. It kept me happy, and I never resented my wife, or ever wanted to bring my marriage to an end because of it. Besides, there were other people involved. I just couldn’t hurt my family. I didn’t have it in me. And that brings us back to our situation here. Now that we know we’re so…so very right for each other that makes it harder. As much as we both hate to hurt Rolly, he’s going to have to know.”

  “I don’t understand why you think this is going to be so hard. We just went out once. There’s nothing between us.”

  “I think Rolly knows that, he’s just found someone he likes, and wants it to grow into a relationship. The problem is he’s at a very vulnerable state right now, and if we don’t handle this just right, it might really hurt him. Rolly’s a friend, and the last thing I want to do is hurt him, but…” he looked over at Dimitri “…what can I do?”

  “So what are we going to do? Should we hide…”

  “That won’t work. For one thing, you’re going to be in my life now, and with Rolly living so close it’ll be hard to hide the way we feel, in fact impossible. That means we’ll just have to tell him, and I sure as hell don’t like losing a friend, or hurting one.”

  “If it comes to that, won’t you have to tell him about you too?”

  “Yeah, I’m afraid I will. This is not going to be easy for either one of us. We need to do it quick, Dimitri, so he’ll know there’s no chance for the two of you, and then he can be free to find someone else. It might seem cruel, but it’s best in the long run.”

  “I really do hate to hurt him,” Dimitri said sadly.

  “I know,” Franco said. “I feel the same way, but tonight let’s shove the dark clouds aside, and enjoy each other.”

  “Oh, yes,” Dimitri whispered as their lips met, and their bodies crushed against each other. While the sensations began whirling inside them once again, their cocks began stretching and twitching as they grew and hardened.

  “You ready for a little more?” Franco whispered as he licked and kissed Dimitri’s face.

  “Oh, God yes!” Dimitri whispered.

  “Put this leg up while I…do this.”

  Dimitri gasped when Franco put their cocks together and rubbed. As the feeling increased, and their passions rose, Franco mounted Dimitri, their hips gyrating wildly as they rubbed their cocks together. Their eyes closed as their breathing became labored. By this time both Dimitri’s legs were around Franco while their cocks and balls met, and with a little assist from Franco, continued rubbing. Finally, when they were firm and long, Franco turned Dimitri over, pulled his ass up, and plunged in. After fucking him that way for a little while, he then rolled over, pulled Dimitri with him until he had him sitting on his cock while he leaned against the headboard.

  “Rock your ass with me.”

  “Oh, God, this is good,” Dimitri said while leaning back against Franco’s chest and doing a sexy bump and grind while they both moaned, and floated in and out of ecstasy.

  They rocked on the bouncing bed until finally, Franco turned Dimitri over, fucked him from the side while he grabbed his cock, jerked on it, and sent them both over the edge and into a hot, burning hell of satisfaction.

  When Dimitri spewed out his cream, he fell as if lifeless. “God, I can’t move.”

  Franco lay down over him, kissing the side of his face. “Damn, baby, you ain’t seen nothing yet.”

  Chapter 5

  AS the night grew later, and the sex got hotter and more frequent, they didn’t stop, they couldn’t. But when they saw the sky growing lighter, they knew it was time to go.

  “I’ve got to go,” Franco whispered.

  “Why? You have a curfew?”

  “We have a Neighborhood Watch program that patrols the streets. If by some chance they don’t recognize me, they might think I’m a burglar and call the cops.”

  “Do you often go out and stay gone the entire night?” Dimitri smiled. “Be careful how you answer that, I can be awful jealous.”

  “No need for that,” Franco whispered. “There’s no one else in my life, and there never will be.”

  Dimitri’s eyes closed as Franco began to nibble on his ear. “Oh, God, Franco, I hate to leave.”

  “I know. Me too.” He looked at Dimitri, noticing a sad look on his face. “Hey, what’s wrong?”

  “I don’t know, it’s just a feeling I have.”

  “Want to tell me about it?”

  “It’s just…I don’t know, I have a feeling this whole thing is going to blow up in our faces.”

  “Because of Rolly? Hey, nobody said it was going to be easy, but hell, we’ve got to tell him and the sooner we do, the better.”

  “I want to show you something,” Dimitri said, while reaching for his pants and dragging them over to him. He began digging in the pocket where he found the little white strip, and handed it to Franco.

  “What’s this?” Franco asked as he read it. “You are…” He looked over at Dimitri with a look of amazement on his face. “It’s a message out of a fortune cookie, for God’s sake. Is this what’s got you on pins and needles? Don’t tell me you believe in these things.”

  “No, not really, but what it says about the secret love affair came true.”

  “So what? It’s just a coincidence, that’s all. Hell, someone’s old gray haired uncle probably wrote these. Don’t pay any attention to it. When did you get this, anyway?”

  “The night Rolly and I…” He looked up at Franco, and with a soft, frightened sound in his voice, he said, “The night we met.”

  “You and me?”

  “Yes! Don’t you see? It was the night we first saw each other. The night we—”

  “Stop it, Dimitri
. It’s a fortune cookie, for God’s sake. It doesn’t mean anything. Look, if it’ll make you feel better, I’ve got an idea, so don’t make any plans for tomorrow night, okay?”

  “Why? What’s going on tomorrow night?”

  “Dinner at my place. Will you come?”

  “Will Rolly be there?”

  “I haven’t asked him yet, but if I tell him you’re coming, I’m sure he’ll change whatever plans he has.”

  “I’m not looking for…”

  As if an idea had just popped into his head, Franco quirked an eyebrow at Dimitri, and said, “I know you still have the message that came out of that fortune cookie, but do you still have the cookie that it came out of?”

  “How the hell did you know…I haven’t told anyone.”

  “I know you, I know the type, and I know how you think.” He looked around. “Where is it? Did you bring it with you?”

  “It’s always with me. Here it is,” he said, reaching in his pocket.

  “Give it to me.”

  “Why? What…”

  “I’m going to do something stupid, but something that has to be done. Now, give it to me.”

  Dimitri reached into his pocket and brought it out.

  “My God, look at that thing. It’s all crumbly, and yet you kept it in the cellophane.”

  “It’s mostly intact.”

  “Yeah, well, not for long,” Franco said as he put it down on the table, got a heavy object and slammed it down on the cookie, and then tossed it in the trash can. He looked over at Dimitri. “You don’t need that thing, Dimitri. For the most part people who collect souvenirs do it to remember something special. Let me be your souvenir, let me be that something special in your life, your fortune cookie. Let yourself believe that even if you’d never seen that Chinese cookie we would still have met and gotten together…and lived happily ever after.”

  Dimitri smiled.

  * * * *

  The following night…

  Among the smells of delicious food, every now and then the musty odor of a cheap motel room would enter into Dimitri’s memory, and a slow smile would appear on his face.


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