My Baby Is A West Coast King 3

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My Baby Is A West Coast King 3 Page 22

by Shvonne Latrice

  She looked at me over her shoulder for a moment, and then turned around to listen to whatever the fuck hating ass Veronica was telling her. My lawyer and I walked out, exchanged a few words, and then I was on my way feeling good… great.

  When I was around the corner from my new condo, I texted Erynne to tell her I had some good news and that I wanted to celebrate. She told me she’d be here soon since she was on her last client, and my dick was happy as fuck to hear that shit.

  As soon as I got into my condo, I hopped into the shower. Once I was clean to my liking, I got out and wrapped a towel around my waist, just as the doorbell sounded off. Walking through the living room, I looked through the peephole and saw Elicia standing outside, smiling like some fucking weirdo.

  “Yeah, what’s up, E?” I hollered from behind the door.

  “Oh, well, Kordell told me that you had a meeting with your ex-wife today and I just wanted to know how it all went.” I watched her smooth down her hair through the peephole. “I brought a cake. I heard you liked pineapples so it’s a pineapple upside down cake.”

  I went to my bedroom and put on some boxers, sweats, socks, and a t-shirt, before returning to my living room to open the door.

  “Elicia, come in.”

  “Thanks. I make the best pineapple upside down cakes so you’re gonna love this I promise.”

  “Sit down,” I told her. She paused for a second, letting her smile fade, and then she did as she was told, cake in hand. Pinching the bridge of my nose I asked, “Wha-what do you think is going on here?”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “I mean, don’t you think you’re doing a little too much? Popping up at my crib with cakes, and then you text me shit that doesn’t have anything to do with work. I just want to make sure you don’t have the wrong impression.”

  “I mean, yeah, I like you, but I don’t expect for us to get married next week or anything.” She giggled, setting the cake on the coffee table.

  “You shouldn’t expect anything from me. I told you I have a girlfriend. Technically, I have a wife and a girlfriend right now.”

  “I know, but being involved didn’t stop you before.”

  My frown softened as those words came from her mouth. This bitch had to go.

  “You don’t know the situation between my wife and I, and you don’t know shit about Erynne. I need you to get up and leave. I think Kordell and I will find someone else to help us do whatever the fuck Ishmael hired yo’ ass for.”

  “No, no, it’s not that serious, Chaz. I like you but if you don’t feel the same then—”

  “Nah, I don’t feel the same! And the fact that you believe you have a chance because you think I have a history of leaving bitches is pretty serious to me. So please.” I opened the door, just as Erynne was about to stick her key in.


  “Oh hi, Erynne!” Elicia grinned, letting out a nervous chuckle, making us look guilty as hell. Or maybe I was just paranoid.

  “Hey, Elicia, right?”

  “Yes, yes, did you need help with your bag?” Elicia moved towards Erynne and reached for it, but I took it from Erynne before Elicia could get it.

  “Nah, she’s good. Ishmael will talk to you later, Elicia.” I nodded towards the open door after placing the brown paper bag on the counter.

  “Sure, yeah. Umm, I will be at the video shoot this weekend, and don’t worry about anything because I will have it all together.”

  “Mhm.” I gripped the doorknob, hoping she got a hint, which thankfully she did because she pranced her ass right on out the door.

  “I see you guys spend a lot of time together.” Erynne grinned with her pretty ass, as she ate one of the strawberries from the carton she’d bought.

  “You don’t have anything to worry about. The only time we spend together is to discuss business, I swear.”

  “Who said I was worried? I had you from the first time you saw me, and I hadn’t even said anything.” She chuckled, using her perfect top row of teeth to slowly chomp down into the fruit, making me want to stick something in her.

  “Come here.” I grabbed her and put her up on the counter. Wedging myself between her legs, I allowed my hands to run freely up her sexy chocolate thighs; the sight making my mouth water.


  “I’m hungry and I wanna eat the food I brought home first. Aaaaand I bought some champagne from BevMo.”

  “Why you say first?”

  “Because by the way you’re looking at me and groping me while biting your lip, I can tell you’re ready to do something that’s gonna have me sleep for the rest of the day.”

  I leaned in, pulling her to the edge of the counter so that her pussy was against me. It was already warm, prompting my dick to stand at attention. Burying my nose into her neck, I inhaled her sweet scent, admiring the memories that shit brought to a nigga, mainly the ones where I was deep off inside of her.

  “Jade agreed to everything,” I whispered, sucking on her neck and reaching up under her skirt to grab the waistband of her panties.

  “Yeah?” she moaned, trying to keep up with the conversation as I slowly moved her thin panties down her thighs.

  I didn’t want to back away from her, so I got her panties far enough away from her pussy so that I’d have access to it. I swiped my fingers between the slit, enjoying the sound of her coos in my ear. Her shit was sopping wet already.

  “So this week we’re signing everything.” My voice was low as I sucked on her full lips, playing in her pussy nice and slowly.

  “And you’ll be— ahh...” She looked into my eyes intensely as I plunged my fingers inside of her. “You-you’ll be divorced. Mmm, shit,” she tucked her bottom lip in once I found her G-spot and began to attack it.

  “Yep.” I nodded, cocking my head and leaning in to suck on her neck.

  She came in record time, so I released my dick, ripped her panties, and barged my way inside of her tight wet walls. Gripping her ass, I pressed her further into me so that my dick could dig further inside of her.

  I thrust into her at a medium pace, liking the sound of how soaking wet she was. Once she shivered from releasing, I lifted her from the counter a bit and began to pound her mercilessly, enjoying her cries and the way she hugged my neck.

  “Ahhh, Chaz, mmm,” she whimpered, body jerking as she came.

  I hugged her body into me, put her up against the wall, and went hard on her middle, holding one leg over my arm as the other stayed locked around my body. After a good few rough pumps, I let loose, pinning her hands against the wall as our chests rose and fell together.

  “Aye, I love you too.” I picked my head up from being nuzzled into her neck.

  “Finally.” She smiled before I slipped my tongue into her mouth to kiss her nastily.


  Today was the day that would change my life. The judge would tell me if I got sole custody of Melody, or if I had to share her. I wasn’t worried about losing her because I trusted Johnathan’s opinion at this point.

  I explained to him Kordell’s charges, and that he’d been arrested in the past for drug possession. I just knew Johnathan was gonna tell me to stop dating him until the trial was over, but he told me not to worry about it. He said I would have to be in really bad shape to lose my daughter, and I wasn’t even close. I made good money modeling, especially now that I had a new manager thanks to Kordell, and I had a good home for Melody. The only thing working against me was the fact that I’d kidnapped her, but Johnathan said my reasoning was legit so it shouldn’t hurt me too badly.

  “Don’t be nervous, honey.” My mother pushed my hair behind my shoulders as I kissed Melody’s cheek.

  “You know you’re gonna have her,” Kordell added.

  “Yes, but I don’t want shared custody. I don’t even want him having legal custody. I want him out of her life for good.”

  “We may be able to get that. Come on.” My lawyer, Johnathan, walked up, and opened the door to courtroom f
or my mother, Kordell, and me. I didn’t know what he meant, but by the smile on his face, I could tell he had something he felt was good.

  We all walked in, and Melody sat in Kordell’s lap, who sat next to my mother. I spotted Miles sitting up in the front with his lawyer already, and they were whispering. Miles was smiling, which had me feeling uneasy because maybe he was gonna spring some shit up on me. I hoped not.

  My lawyer and I sat down at the table a little ways to the left, and waited until the bailiff told us to stand up for the judge. In walked an older white guy, with salt and pepper hair, and not a drop of facial hair. He greeted us and allowed us to sit back down, before he quietly looked through some paperwork, wearing a slight frown.

  “Okay, we’re here to decide on the custody of Melody Cassandra Reid, am I correct?” He looked up and both Miles and I replied with a ‘yes’. “I see here that Miss Reid would like sole physical and legal custody, only allowing Mr. Cambridge supervised visitation. And Mr. Cambridge would also like sole physical and legal custody.” He sighed and shook his head as he sifted through the papers some more. “Wow, so neither of you could agree on shared?” He sat back in his chair and folded his arms.

  “Your honor, my client has evidence to prove that the child would not be safe with Mr. Cambridge, unless supervised,” Johnathan responded.

  “And my client has a mountain of evidence to prove that Miss Reid here is an unfit mother. She makes reckless decisions to—”

  “We haven’t gotten there yet, Mr. Carter.” The judge held his hand up to stop Miles’ lawyer from talking.

  I wonder why he didn’t use Ned. Shoot, Ned probably wasn’t even a damn lawyer. Weird ass fake ass nigga. However, the office I visited him in looked pretty legit so who knows.

  The judge looked through the paperwork some more, and then he sat back in his chair again, folding his arms. “Mr. Henri, please present what evidence you have and when done, I will have Mr. Cambridge explain himself if he can.”

  “Certainly your honor.” Johnathan rose to his feet and began looking through his notes before buttoning his expensive suit jacket. He smelled good as hell; looked good too. “For starters, Mr. Cambridge was verbally and physically abusive to my client for the duration of their relationship. Also, recently, when they got back in contact, he and my client got into an altercation where Mr. Cambridge smacked her across the face multiple times in front of the child.”

  “That’s a lie!” Miles barked, glaring at me for a moment, before looking at his lawyer who had his hand on his shoulder, trying to calm him.

  “Mr. Cambridge, this is gonna be the first and last time I ask you to be quiet unless I’ve spoken to you. Are we clear?”

  Miles nodded, and then the judge gestured for Johnathan to continue.

  “I have photo evidence of the injuries that Mr. Cambridge inflicted recently, and some video footage of a few of the ones he caused when the two were still involved.”

  “Please bring them to me.”

  Johnathan walked the folder to the judge, along with some small device he had that played video. I’d sent him the ones I recorded while still living in Memphis, and the recent one. I didn’t shoot the videos for any particular reason, other than to see all the damage that Miles had done to me. I was glad I did though.

  “Miss Reid, has he ever struck the child or raised his voice at her?”

  “No, but he’s—”

  “Just a yes or no answer, thank you.” The judge cut me off and then turned his attention towards Miles. “Mr. Cambridge, I can’t see you being able to explain these, but I’m gonna allow you to humor me.”

  “I didn’t… do that your honor.” The last part of his sentence trailed off as the judge sucked his teeth and waved him off, basically calling him a liar. “Honest, I don’t know who did that to her, but I—”

  “Mr. Carter, show these pictures to your client, please.” The judge pushed the folder to the edge and Miles’ lawyer retrieved them once he reached them.

  He carried them back to Miles, and opened the folder to display the pictures I’d taken of the latest injuries he’d inflicted on me. The judge then directed my lawyer to pass the video over. When Miles could barely look at the photos and videos, the judge and everyone else knew right then that he’d in fact done that to me.

  Handing the folder back over to Johnathan, along with the video device, Miles’ lawyer said, “Your honor, Miss Reid here ran off to another state with the child. Hence the reason we are almost two thousand miles away from the home the child was born and raised in.”

  “She’s a baby, she hasn’t been raised anywhere quite yet,” the judge retorted, making me chuckle lightly.

  “If I may your honor, my client only fled because of the abuse she was receiving at the hands of Mr. Cambridge. She feared for her life, and for the life of their child, so she needed to get away,” Johnathan explained.

  “But almost two thousand miles, Mr. Henri? That seems a bit far.” The judge frowned, making me nervous.

  “It was so she could forward her career in modeling, your honor, it was not for the safety of the child. Miss Reid makes impulsive decisions, like running off to California and joining some escort business!” Miles’ lawyer ran off. I looked over at him to make sure he wasn’t foaming at the mouth because of how angrily he spoke.

  “Let Miss Reid tell me herself why she decided to move so far away.” The judge looked at me. I hadn’t spoken this whole time, and now I was scared to.

  “Well, I did choose California because I felt I could better pursue my dream of becoming a model. However, my sole reason for leaving when I did was for my daughter. And I didn’t go straight to California, your honor. I lived in other southern states on the way. I felt I could provide better for my child in California because I would be working in my field of expertise.”

  “Well, I think I’m ready to rule.”

  “Your honor, one more thing. Mr. Cambridge has yet to register in this state of Tennessee as a sex offender. He created this child with Miss Reid while she was under the age of eighteen, and while he was in his early forties.”

  Even though the courtroom wasn’t noisy to begin with, you could hear a pin needle drop. I was even surprised because I hadn’t expected Johnathan to use that. No wonder he was all smiles when I told him the reason for Melody taking my last name. This nigga Johnathan was a savage for trying to get Miles on the sex offender list. I liked him.

  “Your honor, the sex was consensual,” Miles’ lawyer chimed in, appearing to be sweating bullets.

  “Between a seventeen year old and a what, forty-two-year-old man? There is nothing consensual about that, Mr. Carter! He was old enough to be her father then, and still even now except she’s a grown woman.” The judge sighed and then put his hands in the prayer motion, before pressing them against his lips. “I—”

  “Judge, Miss Reid is currently dating and cohabiting with a man who has charges against him for assault,” Miles’ lawyer interjected.

  “The assault is alleged, and this man has been caring for Melody for the past months, very well. So much so that she recognizes him as her father,” Johnathan chimed in. “He’s also a very successful musician, with more than enough funds to support Miss Reid and her child, if needed.”

  “Your honor, Miss Reid was a very promiscuous teen—”

  “You’re lying!” I hollered, cutting off Miles’ lawyer.

  “She’s part of an escort team called The Models, and they don’t even model! They sell themselves to—”

  “Enough!” the judge shouted, banging his gavel. “I’ve seen the girl somewhere so I know she’s modeling for somebody, Mr. Carter!” the judge barked, making me smile at the fact that he’d seen me before. “I am granting Miss Reid with physical and legal custody. However, Mr. Cambridge will be allowed to see the baby supervised. My reason for this ruling is because, Mr. Cambridge, it is obvious that not only do you have a violent temper, despite you being an outstanding lawyer, but also you enjoy ta
king advantage of young women. I myself wouldn’t trust you around that little girl, and therefore, I won’t allow you to have her alone. You must also register as a sex offender in either Tennessee or here in California, wherever you choose to reside, and it must happen within thirty days.”

  “I don’t like little kids! And she’s my fucking child!” Miles screamed, with his lawyer gripping his shoulder.

  “You may not like little kids, but you do know that Melody will eventually become seventeen like Miss Reid once was, don’t you? And don’t bring up the fact that she’s your daughter because I have a feeling you’re not too much into moral values. We’re done here.” The judge banged his gavel before Miles could respond, and was walking off the stand before I could even exhale.

  I smiled widely, hugging Johnathan as Miles damn near kicked open the barn-like doors to leave. I rushed to pick up Melody, and to give Kordell a kiss on the lips, before hugging my mother.

  “Now can I have a date?” Johnathan looked to my mom. “You said if she won I could get a date.” He grinned.

  “I guess a deal is a deal.”

  “Congrats, baby, even though I knew the shit would go down like this.” Kordell placed his arm around my shoulders.

  “Thanks. Wanna celebrate?”

  “You know I do.” Kordell took Melody from me and kissed her cheek as we left the courthouse and entered the parking lot. “I love you, Mel.”

  “Love you, Daddy!” she squealed.

  I knew Kordell wanted to adopt her—we’d talked about it—but there was no way Miles would sign shit over. If only…


  Static wanted me to release an album, which would basically be an album of various artists of my choosing, singing or rapping on my beats. I thought it was a dope idea, and a good ass way for the both of us to make a lot of fucking money.

  I guess you could say a nigga was famous now… and rich. I’d never seen so much money in my bank account, and the shit didn’t seem real yet. And before I could spend one check, I would receive two or three more. Because of that, I went ahead and copped me a fire red 1971 Chevy Chevelle. Shit was gangsta as fuck, and just the type of whip a nigga like me should be rolling in.


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