Playboy Ever After

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Playboy Ever After Page 53

by Chance Carter

  “Yeah, I think she will respond well to him. He has been sniffing around the fence when she is in the paddock and she has been showing signs of approval. Can’t hurt to try. We can always pair her with Zeus on her next cycle if she doesn’t take to Amedeo. He’s always a sure thing, the horny beast.”

  He grinned. Alice chuckled in agreement.

  “Ok, let’s get them together,” Alice proposed confidently. “Also, since this will be our last breeding season, I think we should breed Skye. It’s been almost three years since she has foaled. Pair her with Fergus again. That was an excellent match.”

  Joe sat forward and nodded, playing with the edge of his hat, his eyes downcast. Alice waited to see if he had anything else to offer before she spoke again, breaking the silence.

  “So, what did you want to talk to me about last night, Joe?” she prodded cautiously.

  Joe looked up at her, but didn’t speak. She could tell he had a lot going on behind those eyes. She waited patiently. Joe was a man of few words, and he always put a lot of thought into them before sharing them.

  “I have been on the ranch here with you a long time, Alice, and for your daddy before you,” he began.

  Alice nodded kindly, encouraging him to continue.

  “I have always been loyal and I’ve just done what needed doing. I suppose that will never change. I like being here. I guess I feel like this is home,” he shared quietly.

  Alice’s smile was guarded, wondering where he was going. He continued.

  “Things are changing around here, good or bad, who is to say. This is your business, Alice, but I like to think that in some ways, we are family. I have always tried to give you good advice and look after you,”

  He paused and carefully looked at her. Alice nodded but offered no verbal reply, waiting for him to continue.

  “Well, I guess two things are on my mind. I have been wondering, with all of the changes happening, where I fit in. I’m a rancher through and through. I’m just not sure I’m cut out for resort life. I’m not exactly a social director,” he said, smiling sheepishly.

  Alice softly raised her brows and smiled back kindly.

  “The truth is, I’m better with horses than with people, and the thought of tourists rotating in and out of here on a constant basis kind of makes me jumpy,” he admitted.

  He picked his hat back up and brushed the rim with his fingertips nervously. Alice smiled and leaned forward.

  “I get that, Joe, but you don’t need to fret about it. I know that you aren’t comfortable around people, but there will be plenty for you to do around here. The horses are still going to need a handler and someone to care for them, and no one knows their temperaments better than you, Joe,” she assured. “We won’t be breeding anymore, true, but I’ll still need you.”

  Joe looked down and nodded his head solemnly.

  “Do you Alice? Do you need me?” he asked, his voice barely a whisper.

  Alice looked at him carefully, uncertain of the depth of his question. She paused for a moment considering her response.

  “Of course I do, Joe. Like you said, we are family,” she offered kindly.

  Joe looked up, his eyes swirling with emotion. He looked confused, yet hopeful at the same time. Alice smiled at him cautiously, uncertain what he needed from her.

  “You’re like a brother to me, Joe. I can’t imagine you not being here,” she added.

  Joe let out a quick sigh and shrugged his shoulders, leaving Alice to interpret his body language. What more could she do to reassure him, she wondered.

  “I see,” he said, nodding softly. “Well I guess that’s fine then.”

  “Please don’t worry, Joe, everything will be fine as soon as we put all this construction behind us. You’ll see. Things will be great. I just know they will. The arena will be done before the end of summer and I’ll be looking to you to manage the operations,” she assured him enthusiastically.

  Joe raised his brows and looked at her cynically.

  “You think this will all be done in five to six weeks?” he asked skeptically.

  Alice shrugged.

  “Sure. We’ll be installing the plumbing and electrical in a few weeks. You can see the framing is almost up and the roof is being installed next week. We have already placed an order for the wood and drywall panels for the offices and for your living quarters in the back. Billy said we will be able to open for business by the end of September,” she offered confidently.

  When Joe winced at the sound of Billy’s name, it didn’t go unnoticed. Alice cocked her head and regarded him for a moment, uncertain if she should question his doubt. Joe offered his opinion anyway.

  “Billy said that, did he?” he asked, unamused.

  Alice nodded cautiously.

  “Yes. We went over everything last night and he updated me on the progress,” she replied, trying to keep her voice steady.

  She knew Joe had reservations about Billy and didn’t want to trigger an argument.

  “Is that all you did last night?” he asked tersely.

  He met her eyes, challenging her.

  Alice sat back in her chair and tightened her lips, sighing deeply. His question was laced with accusation, but it was his tone that confused her. He sounded more jealous than concerned and this was completely out of character for him.

  Joe shook his head a let out a sardonic snort. Alice looked away and shook her own head slowly, unsure how to respond. She remained silent for a minute until she heard him take a deep breath. She looked back at him, trying to hide her discomfort.

  “You two are getting quite cozy with each other is all,” he said, a little less abrupt, perhaps regretting his terseness.

  Alice questioned him with raised brows.

  “I’m not blind, Alice. I see the way y’all look at each other and the boy had his arm around you when you were on your way back to the house. Is there something going on?” he asked flatly.

  As much as Alice wanted to deny it, she couldn’t lie to him, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t understate it a little. Alice had been single for many years, dating only here and there, but nothing serious, and she had never brought a man around the ranch. Maybe Joe was feeling threatened by Billy, but for what reason exactly? The worst part was that he was treating her like she was stupid, and he should know better, she thought. Alice tried to calm her frustration before offering him an answer.

  “I guess there is some flirting going on. I won’t deny that I like him, but I’m not a silly young girl anymore, Joe. I’m well aware that he has a job to do, and I don’t mean to interfere with that. He told me early on that he means to keep moving, so I’m not about to fall head over heels,” she sugar-coated.

  She was falling head over heels and doing her best to keep herself in check.

  Joe nodded his head, trying to keep his expression flat, his feelings hidden, but Alice could see he wasn’t happy. She waited for him to speak.

  “Just be careful, Alice. I still don’t trust the guy,” he warned. “Plus, you need to keep a level head so he doesn’t forget who’s boss. It don’t take much for a man to forget his place.”

  Alice shrugged and slowly crossed her arms in front of her, partially concerned but mostly just frustrated. She needed Joe to relax about the whole thing. She had enough on her plate without having to placate him too. At the same time, she knew he was just watching out for her.

  “I know how you feel, Joe, trust me. My head is in the game,” she assured him, her voice thick with forced confidence.

  Maybe she was distracted, she thought. When Billy was around all she wanted was to get lost in his kisses, and when he wasn’t around she couldn’t stop thinking about his mouth, and his hands, and his...

  “Alright, Alice. I guess I’ll get back to work,” Joe said, placing his hat on his head.

  He stood up and moved the chair back under the desk.

  “What was the second thing, Joe?” Alice asked, remembering he said there were two things on hi
s mind.

  Joe looked at her, his brows raised.

  “What’s that, Alice?” he asked.

  She got the sense he was stalling, considering something important.

  “You said there were two things on your mind,” she reminded him.

  Joe shrugged and let out an impatient sigh.

  “Nothing. It was nothing. I’ll see you later,” he replied, and quickly showed himself out.

  Alice filled her afternoon with plenty of hard work, staying out of the way of the construction site. She did catch a glimpse of Billy here and there but he was busy himself, only having time to wave at her from a distance.

  She didn’t mind. After her conversation with Joe, she was feeling conflicted. Maybe Joe was right. Maybe she needed to stay focused and keep things professional with him. In a few weeks, things were going to become even more complicated, and a romantic fling didn’t fit into the picture.

  Chapter 14


  Alice was in the barn cleaning stalls when Billy came up behind her. He pulled her into an embrace and kissed her playfully on the neck. She relaxed into him for a moment, but then quickly stiffened up. Billy turned her around and took the shovel from her hand leaning in to kiss her, but Alice turned her cheek and dropped her head down. Billy ducked down, trying to make eye contact with her.

  “What is it, Alice? Don’t worry, I made sure we were alone. Nobody here but you and me and some nosy horses,” he said with a cheeky grin.

  Alice looked at him, offering a thin smile. Billy stepped back a little, respecting her space, but his expression held confusion.

  “I’m sorry, Billy. I guess my head is just a little muddled right now. I have a lot to finish up before supper and it is already getting so late,” she offered weakly.

  Billy brushed her bangs back with his fingertips, looking carefully into her eyes. She smiled awkwardly and broke eye contact, as if trying to hide her true feelings. He smiled back at her gently.

  “Not even time for a little kiss?” he asked playfully.

  Alice shrugged and laughed nervously, stepping a little further away from him.

  “Honestly, Billy, I should really get back to work,” she said softly, holding her hand out for the shovel.

  Billy shook his head and smiled at her playfully, trying to wear her down.

  “No, ma’am. Not until I get a kiss.”

  Alice smiled despite herself, and finally leaned in. Billy placed his free hand in the small of her back and tried to pull her closer, but she quickly pulled away, ending the kiss as fast as it began.

  “Shovel,” she said with mock sternness.

  Billy was confused by the sudden chill, a vast contrast from the passion she shared with him the night before. He wondered what had changed overnight and sifted through his memories to recall something he might have done or said to upset her. Satisfied that they parted on good terms, he decided to press her for answers.

  “Did I do something to upset you, Alice?” he asked cautiously.

  Alice sighed and shook her head slowly. She looked unsettled. Billy suddenly felt uneasy.

  “No, it isn’t you, Billy. I just have a lot on my mind. I’m sorry,” she admitted.

  “Alice, I’m confused. I feel like every time we move forward a little, you pull yourself back. I thought we really connected yesterday,” he said, choosing his words carefully and offering them cautiously.

  He didn’t want to spook her, but at this point, they couldn’t afford to go backward.

  “I think we just need to cool things off a little, that’s all. I don’t want us to get distracted or do anything to slow down the progress of the project,” she said, her feelings guarded.

  Billy’s gut told him there was something more.

  “That won’t happen, Alice. We are both mature adults. I think we can enjoy each other’s company and still be professional, don’t you?” he said, offering her an encouraging look.

  Alice sighed again, as though struggling for words. Billy reached out and took her hand, grateful that she allowed it. She bit her lip and then quickly stopped, as though remembering the effect that it had on him. He chuckled softly and squeezed her fingertips.

  “I’m just not sure, Billy. I’m not feeling confident that we can. It is getting harder and harder to be discreet, and my feelings are becoming less and less professional,” she admitted, gently prying her hand away. “We can still enjoy each other as friends. Just without the benefits.”

  Despite the fact that playing her was part of the plan, deep down Billy took great pleasure in the fact that she just admitted her feelings for him. At least his ego did. In his heart he felt a brief pang of guilt, which he quickly pushed down. If he were being honest, his desire for her had a hold on him as well and he wasn’t sure it would let him go that easily.

  “Hm, I’m not sure I can promise to keep my hands off you, woman,” he teased, trying to lighten the mood.

  Alice raised her brows and grinned at him, shaking her head.

  “You’re going to have to try,” she answered, her voice playful yet stern. “At least for the time being.”

  Billy sighed thoughtfully, afraid that she meant what she said. He would just have to rethink his strategy and give her a little space. He could break her down again, with a little patience.

  “Does this have anything to do with last night? With Joe waiting for you at the house?” he asked cautiously.

  Alice let out a little sigh and shrugged.

  “Maybe a little, but it is not as simple as that,” she said, struggling with her words.

  She was about to offer more but stopped herself, looking behind him.

  Billy turned around to see Joe leading a mare into the barn. Billy was certain it was Jewel, although he was still getting to know one from the other. He turned back to Alice and smiled, knowing their conversation was over for now.

  “Why don’t you let me finish up in here. Go and get yourself some dinner,” he said sweetly.

  Alice looked grateful, but declined nevertheless.

  “No, no, Billy. You have had a busy day,” she said, reaching for the broom.

  Billy held it just out of her reach.

  “Go. I got this,” he said with finality. “I can come by later and we can finish talking.”

  Alice shook her head.

  “I don’t think that is a good idea,” she said with a kind smile.

  Joe walked the horse past them and nodded.

  “Is Jewel’s stall ready?” he asked, avoiding eye contact with Billy.

  Alice assured him it was and then turned back to Billy as Joe led Jewel down the aisle.

  “Thanks for understanding,” she said warmly. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Billy watched her walk out of the barn, shamelessly focusing on her swaying hips. He picked up the shovel and went to work.

  Only a few minutes passed when Joe approached him and tapped him on the shoulder. Billy turned around and met his stare. They regarded one another for a moment longer than typically comfortable before Joe finally spoke.

  “What you are doing here for Alice, it’s a nice thing,” he grumbled under his breath.

  Billy nodded, assuming he meant with the arena. He was a little surprised by the sentiment.

  “I know she has been wanting this for a long time,” he continued.

  Billy offered no response, waiting for the but.

  “But when it is all done, you’ll need to be on your way,” Joe said flatly.

  Billy raised his brows, surprised by his bluntness.

  “Or what?” Billy retorted, controlling his tone.

  He wasn’t one to back down from a threat, but at the same time, he wasn’t about to jeopardize his position, especially considering that he and Alice just took a small step back.

  “Or nothing,” Joe said, spitting into the dirt. “You just need to keep moving.”

  Joe turned and walked out of the barn, followed by Billy’s incredulous look. He shook his head in d

  “What was that?” he whispered under his breath, even though he knew exactly what that was.

  Joe was acting like a man afraid of losing something. Or someone.

  * * *

  Several weeks had gone by and construction was progressing along well. Too well in fact. Billy had instructed his crew to slow down a little and take their time. No one questioned his motives. They were happy to do what they were told.

  Billy wanted to stall completion of the arena as long as he could, draining Alice’s coffers as much as possible. He would be asking her for another installment very soon, and the next one would most certainly take her over budget, especially with the added labor costs from his crew.

  Things with Alice were just as she promised. Although they still flirted mercilessly with one another, and maintained a playful friendship, Alice kept refusing his romantic gestures. If he were being honest, the chase lit him up.

  He loved seeing her blush when he moved a little too close to her, or the way she would giggle and roll her eyes playfully at his naughty proposals and suggestions.

  She wanted him too, but she was holding back, and he meant to wear her down. He was enjoying this game of cat and mouse.

  She had not invited him to the house since the night she made the second installment, the same night they enjoyed their skinny dip at the pond, the night Joe interfered. Billy knew that an invitation to the house was key, that not only would she be opening her home to him, but her heart too.

  But why should that matter to him?

  The truth was, he had built enough trust with her at this point to see the plan through to the end. He didn’t need to make her fall in love with him. She was clearly onboard with everything. No, he was the one seeking her out, instigating the flirtation, wanting her approval. His day wasn’t complete without some sort of connection with her.

  She had pushed him away and he meant to win her back. But why? To what end? The end result would be the same whether she wanted him or not. He would be leaving without her. None of it made any sense, and yet he couldn’t seem to stop himself. He wanted her in his arms once more, wanted to be inside her again.


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