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Cocky's Fight (Devils Rejects MC Book 6)

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by Glenna Maynard

  Jimmy races from the car and runs around the yard. “I think he likes it already.”

  “He does like having a yard to play in.”

  “We could get him a swing set. Maybe a trampoline.” She rolls her eyes at me, wanting to hate the idea but unable to. “Come on.” I grab her by the hand and pull her toward the front door.

  Melissa and Jimmy walk through and the kid has already claimed his room. I am glad he picked the second bedroom because I would hate to disappoint him by telling him the bigger one is for his Mom and me.

  “So, what do you think?”

  “It’s great. But what’s that weird stain on the kitchen floor?”

  I take a deep breath and place her hand in mine. “Don’t freak out but I bought this house from Cupid.”

  “You what!” She shouts.

  “Hey, I said don’t freak out. I don’t want to scare Jimmy.”

  “Heck, I’m scared. You know I am terrified of ghost.”

  I whisper in her ear, “It’s not haunted, and I am getting some of Reaper’s crew to gut the kitchen. Say yes. You don’t have to move in until the kitchen is finished.”

  “No, I’m being silly. Let’s do it.”


  “Yeah.” She kisses me, and I feel like my life is finally coming together. I’m getting a later start with Melissa than what I planned but she’s mine.




  Chapter 9


  Spraying the perfume on the nightie I have laid out, I place the black heels on the bed next to the sexy little number. I sprinkle the rose petals and light the candles. The mood has to be just right. Everything needs to be perfect. I grab the picture I have and hug it to my chest. Soon. You’ll be mine soon. I smile to myself in the mirror. I can’t afford to make any mistakes. Melissa is going to get what she deserves and so am I. Payback is a bitch and that cunt is going to get it.

  Picking up the knife off the dresser, I press my finger to the tip, testing the sharpness of the blade. My finger pricks with blood. The red liquid plops onto the cement floor leaving splashes of droplet sized stains. I can’t wait to see her blood drain from her body. To witness the light in her eyes go dull. To see the look on her face when she takes her final breath. I want her end to be slow and painful.

  Once she is out of the way I can show Jimmy what a real family is.

  Once she is gone nothing will get in my way.

  Chapter 10


  How did I get here so quickly with Shawn? One minute I was scared to be with him and now I have gone from having sex with the guy to moving in with him. It’s crazy and sudden but yet I feel like maybe this time I will get things right. He doesn’t want me dancing but I can’t let him pay mine and Jimmy’s way, so we are compromising. I will dance this weekend and at the New Year’s Eve party but after that I will still be the daytime manger part-time, so I can go back to school. I just worry that when I enroll Jimmy in preschool that it will make it easier for Jim to find us.

  It’s weird that I haven’t heard from him. I figured the that the first thing he’d do was track down any of my relatives to see if I had run to them. Though I pretended to be indifferent to Shawn when I spoke of him to Jim. But still there has been nothing. Most days he doesn’t cross my mind but today as Shawn and I decide to take a big step he’s in the back of my mind haunting me.

  I lean on the counter waiting for Jimmy’s fish sticks to get done. I look at the time on my phone’s display and get irritated. I have no new messages. I try Carmen one more time to see if her daughter can keep Jimmy tonight. I’m frowning at my phone when Shawn looks over my shoulder. “What’s wrong?”

  “It’s Carmen. She’s still ignoring me about Marcella watching Jimmy tonight.”

  “Listen, about that. It’s not you. It’s me.” I look back at him as he rubs my shoulders.

  “Why do you say that?” I get an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach.

  “She’s got a thing for me. I keep telling her to leave me the fuck alone, but she won’t listen, and I checked the records at the Cherry Room. I couldn’t find any proof of her working there. I am afraid she’s stalking me or some shit.”

  “Stalking you?” I laugh. “Seriously?” I crinkle my nose thinking he’s exaggerating. “Have you given her any encouragement?”

  “I’m not going to lie to you. She gave me a blowjob.”

  My chest tightens and a pain I wasn’t expecting to feel strikes me right in the heart. “Are you for real? When? No. You know what, Shawn…don’t tell me.” I push him away and go to the oven to get Jimmy’s fish sticks out.

  “Don’t be mad. We weren’t together.”

  “Were you even going to tell me? Ouch. Shit!” I burnt my finger on the pan. I suck the throbbing digit into my mouth and Shawn comes up behind me hugging me around the waist. His lips brush over my ear and he squeezes my hips.

  “I was watching you dance, and she just happened to be there.”

  “Was this last night?” Tears burn in the corners of my eyes. His silence is all the confirmation that I need. I played with fire and like always I got fucking burned. Will I ever learn? “So you had your dick in her mouth then came here last night and we… I think you should go.”

  “Lissa,” he grits in my ear and I try to push him away. “I’m not leaving.”

  I spin around and shove against his chest. “Leave!” I cry and punch his chest. “Just go.”

  One second Jimmy is watching us and the next he is kicking Shawn in the back of the shins.

  “Fuck. Stop that!” Shawn turns on him and Jimmy’s eyes are wide. “Hey. You take your butt back to the living room.” He points at Jimmy. “And you and me are gonna talk in private.” I nod though my first instinct is to run. Damn him. Why? I want to shout at him. I want to kick him in the balls. No, I want to cut them off and shove them down his throat right now. I take a deep breath and bite back my tears.

  “It’s okay, Jim Jam. Here.” I fix his plate and take it to the living room, so he can watch cartoons while he eats.

  Shawn follows me to the bedroom. I lean against the wall and he crowds me. Placing a hand on either side of my face, caging me in. His voice is low and gravelly, and even though I am mad at him his voice does things to me that I can’t explain. Then there is his intoxicating scent wrapping around me and making me dizzy. I hate him and want to fuck him at the same time. “You think you can just get mad and tell me to go and that I am going to walk away? Baby, I told you that I will fight for you with all that I have, and don't forget you gave your pussy to me.” He grabs me between the legs. “You’re mine and only mine. You wanna be mad at me. That’s cool. You be mad. You can scream at me, you can hit me, swear you are done with me, but nobody will want you the way that I do. I’ll fuck every ounce of anger and hurt out of you. I’m your man. I belong to you in here.” He touches my hand to his heart and I want to smack the fuck out of him. His lips touch mine and I bite at him. “You wanna be rough. I can do rough.” Shawn grabs a fistful of my hair and pulls. Not hard enough to hurt but firm enough to get my attention. “The whole time she was touching me, all I could see was you. Doesn’t make it right but it’s the fucking truth. All I wanted was you. Just you.”

  I look away from him feeling my anger resolve itself, but I’m still upset with him. He grabs hold of my face and keeps me pinned where he wants me, so he can kiss me again and this time I let him. Not because I am settling but because I know that I love him, and I don’t want to fight. I want to erase every bit of her touch from his body. I want to take him in my mouth and suck him till he forgets his own name. I can’t do that though. My son is in the living room and I have a responsibility to him.

  I shouldn’t have blown up at Shawn in front of Jimmy like I did. My reaction tells me one thing though—I care way more than I wanted to allow myself to. A shudder rips through my chest and I try not to cry. Shawn technically didn’t ch
eat on me, but it hurts all the same.

  I go into the bathroom to calm down. As I am splashing cold water on my face, I hear him talking to Jimmy in the living room. “I’m sorry I yelled at you. That wasn’t cool of me, but it also wasn’t cool of you to kick me. I’d never hurt your Mom or you. I get that you’re mad at me and that’s okay. You can be mad at me but I’m not going anywhere so you and me gotta find a way to be cool with each other.”

  I take three deep breaths and rejoin them.

  “I can take the night off if you are set on dancing. Me and Jim Jam can go to the movies. See the new Spiderman flick.”

  “You sure you guys will be okay just the two of you?”

  “We’ll be fine. Besides we got some dude stuff to do.”

  I laugh. “Dude stuff?”

  “Yup. We have some shopping to do.”

  “Hmm.” I shake my head and get ready for work. I’m not okay with what happened but I can’t say much. He stood by and watched me with Justin and I know that it killed him to do so. At least I didn’t see it. That makes the situation easier to digest and like I said, I know that what we have is worth fighting for even if the sight of him right now has me ready to throttle the hell out of him with my fist then take him to bed and remind him of what we mean to each other. Though I gotta say the way he looks at me I know his feelings for me are pure. It’s the way he is staring at me right now as I walk out of the bathroom with my hair straightened wearing a black bra under a black half jacket and high waisted black pants. Shawn gets up from the couch, leaving Jimmy to finish his puzzle, and stalks toward me with a dangerous glint in his eyes. His mouth is tight, and he is adjusting his manhood as he approaches me.

  “Go change.” He grabs my butt and pulls me against him, my crotch rubbing right up against his hard on. A low growl rumbles from deep in his chest. “I don’t want anyone seeing you dressed like this but me. Fucking sexy, baby. Goddamn, you’re fine.”

  I smirk, loving that he’s jealous. “You do know that no matter what I wear I’ll be taking my clothes off for money tonight.”

  “I’ll pay you triple to stay home.”

  “Tempting offer. Do you pay cash or credit?”

  He reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a clip of money. “Name your price.”

  “Jimmy. I need Shawn to help me with something. We’ll be right back. You stay in here and work on your puzzle for me, okay.” Jimmy grins at me and I grab Shawn by the hand. “Come with me.”

  Pulling him down the hallway, I take him to the bedroom, and close the door, but leave it cracked enough I can hear Jimmy in the living room working his puzzle.

  Dropping to my knees, I stare up at the one man who has the power to destroy me or love me like no other. I unzip his jeans and lick my lips as his erection juts out. I’m going to make damn sure he never wants another woman’s mouth on him. I stroke him soft and slow then hard and fast. “This belongs to me. No one else is to ever touch you.” I squeeze his balls with my other hand. My tongue licks up and down his shaft, my lips wrapped around his girth sucking him into the back of my throat.

  One hand grips my hair at the scalp as he controls the pace, fucking my mouth.

  “Goddamn, Lissa. Fuck,” he hisses between his lips. My fingernails dig into ass cheeks with raw possession, marking him deep like I have claws, drawing his blood as I scratch his skin. Just as he says I belong to him it goes both ways.

  Shawn is mine.


  Christmas Eve is here, and Shawn and I are still adjusting to being in a relationship. We haven’t made any appearances at the clubhouse together but tonight we will be and I’m nervous. Sara and Hades are gone to spend the holiday with her family, so I won’t have her support. Though Shawn says Uno and Stephanie won’t be there either. I guess he is still in the hospital. Not that it matters. I shouldn’t be nervous. I lived at the clubhouse when I first came to town. Shelly and Amber will be there. I’m not sure if Harley and Reaper are coming. They are travelling to Drag Creek soon too. They are getting married on New Year’s Eve and she wants to be married in the same church her parents were hitched in surrounded by her Black Rebel Riders’ MC family.

  The club members still in town for the holiday are bringing their wives and kids. Boogeyman and Shelly are dressing up like Santa and Mrs. Clause to hand out toys to the kids. I am sure the costumes are more of a kink for the two of them. Shelly says they have a very active and adventurous sex life.

  Shawn said he had something to do so Jimmy and I are meeting him there. The one bright spot is clubwhores aren’t allowed at the family function which means no seeing Carmen and wanting to rip her head off for putting her mouth on my man.

  When we arrive, Shawn isn’t here yet and I don’t see anyone I know that well except for Justin. I freeze unsure of how to proceed. I don’t want to come off rude and ignore the guy, but we did say our goodbye when I visited him in the hospital. Stephanie doesn’t appear to be with him and I wonder what he is doing here. I thought he was leaving for Texas first thing. I remind myself that whatever he has going on it is none of my business.

  Jimmy recognizes him and darts through the crowd and goes straight for him. They high five then fist bump. I decide saying hello is the polite thing to do. “Hey, Uno.” I address him by his road name. Surprise registers on his face. We aren’t on personal terms anymore and I don’t think Shawn would appreciate the intimacy.

  “Hey yourself.” He smiles at me, and I can see his gaze settling on my breasts instead of my eyes, and the butterflies I was afraid would come are nowhere to be felt.

  “You look better. I’m glad to see you out of the hospital.” I mean it. I want him to be healthy and happy.

  “You seem…different. I hear you and Cocky are moving in together.”

  “Good news travels fast, I guess. But yeah, he makes me happy.”

  “That’s good.”

  “It is.” I look around the room for a familiar face as an awkward silence stretches between us. It’s funny to think just a few weeks ago I was banking my future on him and now he feels like a stranger or someone I used to know. I have no desire to stand here and make pleasant conversation with him. Boogeyman announces that it’s time for the kids to receive their gifts and I excuse Jimmy and me.

  Shelly comes over to me. “Saw you talking to Uno.”

  “Yeah. I was only saying hello.”

  “He’s still watching you. You move…his eyes follow your ass.”

  “Well he can watch all he wants but I’m not going back there. I’ve moved on.”

  “So I hear. We need a girl’s night out soon.”

  “Yeah we do,” I agree, as Jimmy sits on Boogeyman’s lap. Boogey says something and Jimmy lights up. “He’s good with kids?” My statement comes out as more of a question than I intended it to.

  She licks her lips. “My man is great with kids.” They haven’t gotten pregnant yet. Shelly likes having Boogeyman to herself for now, but I can see it on her face she is definitely up for the challenge of trying. Boogeyman puts Jimmy down after giving him a wrapped present. Then the beast of a man winks at Shelly and motions his head toward the stairs. Shelly looks at me and I laugh.

  “Go get your present,” I tease.

  “Damn right I am.” She struts toward him. Her red velvet skirt moving with the sway of her hips, teasing at exposing her ass.

  Jimmy crashes into my legs. “Look!” he holds up his package and I take him over by the tree with the other kids, so he can open his with everyone else.

  Shawn doesn’t show until thirty minutes later.

  “Sorry I’m late.”

  “Where’ve you been?”

  “Playing Santa for little man.” He grins, and I melt, loving that he is so thoughtful when it comes to Jimmy and making Christmas magical for him. “There might be something under that tree for you too. But I got a secret for you.”

  “Oh yeah. What’s that?”

  “This Santa only likes naughty girls. So how bad
have you been?”

  “As bad as you want me to be.”

  “That’s my girl.” He kisses me long and deep. I can feel Uno’s eyes on us, but I ignore him. He made his choice and I made mine.

  Shawn’s hand comes down on my ass and squeezes tight. “Let’s go home. All I want for Christmas is your pussy. Want you riding my face.”

  My insides quiver at the thought.

  We get Jimmy and go back to the apartment. Shawn truly went overboard. It’s too much but it makes me thankful and grateful for him in my life. Jimmy sits cross legged on the floor practically squirming out of his skin with excitement. There’s the big red fire truck he’s been begging for with a bow on top. My man thought of everything. I’m doing good not to cry until Jimmy runs to his room and brings me a poorly wrapped box.

  “He wrapped it himself and paid for it with his own money,” Shawn tells me, and my son has a look of pure pride on his face waiting for me to open the box.

  “Thank you, Jim Jam.” I kiss the three freckles on his nose.

  Chapter 11


  Look at them acting all cozy. Appearing like a perfect little family around the Christmas tree opening their presents. Melissa disgusts me. She is nothing but a whore. She moves from one man to the next. She uses them for what she can get then drops them. She’ll learn that you can’t get away with being such a dirty cunt. I’ll teach her. I wanted to grab her tonight but it’s too soon to make a move. Not much longer though. Everything is almost in place to make her disappear.

  I flip through the envelopes in the box I stole from her apartment and pluck one out.


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