Oak And Mist (The Ambeth Chronicles Book 1)

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Oak And Mist (The Ambeth Chronicles Book 1) Page 2

by Helen Jones

  ‘Yes, my Lord,’ he replied, fighting to keep his tone moderate. ‘If that is all…?’

  ‘Well, there was one more thing,’ started Thorion. Then he stopped, considering. ‘No, I think I’ve kept you long enough. You may go, with my thanks, Deryck.’

  With a muttered reply, Deryck bowed to the King, then turned on the path and started back towards the woods, aware that he must not run, must not be seen to hurry or else he would give the game away. With an inward curse, he realised he wasn’t going to make it – he was too late.

  Gate of Oak

  As she staggered between the trees, Alma felt so dizzy she didn’t know which way was up. Light seemed to swirl around her, sparkles moving across her vision and blinding her. She stopped and sank to her knees, putting her hands on the ground. Really, on top of everything else, fainting was the last thing she needed to do. As the spinning sensation gradually decreased Alma scrambled to her feet, ready to run. Then she took in her surroundings and stopped short.

  Something was terribly wrong. It was no longer autumn. The air was warm and blossom drifted around her, swirling in delicate drifts to settle softly onto the leafy forest floor. And she was not alone. A boy stood watching her, dressed in tunic and breeches of green and brown that echoed the colours of the forest.

  ‘Hello,’ he said, nodding his head, an amiable expression on his face. Alma stared at him a moment before looking behind her, expecting to see Ellery and her friends pushing through the bushes in search of her. But instead she saw only more forest.

  ‘Where…where am I?’ she stammered, starting to panic. ‘Where is the park?’

  The strange boy moved closer, smiling, and held out his hand. Not knowing what else to do, Alma took it.

  ‘Caleb’s the name,’ he said. ‘I’ve been waiting for you’.


  Thorion made his way along the winding paths he knew so well, the gardens stretching green around him. He chose not to see the flirtatious glances thrown his way by both male and female members of the court, indifferent as always to their romances and intrigues. There were rumours, of course, that he had once loved someone, that she was lost and that he grieved for her still. But today as always, Thorion kept himself apart, murmuring only the occasional word of greeting to those he passed. As he trailed his hand across the feathery tops of wild grasses, Thorion recalled his studies many years before and the words of his old master, Merios…

  ‘Since the dawn of time we have been here,’ the ancient Elder said, his deep voice rumbling, eyes bright in his wrinkled face. ‘Guardians of the great life force, always at odds with each other. The Dark always seeking to gain an advantage over the Light, yet both sides in their own way working to maintain the Balance so necessary to the world as we know it.’ His eyes twinkled as he looked around the Great Hall at the eager young faces, avid for the knowledge he could impart. Slowly getting to his feet, he paced the floor, gesturing animatedly with his hands as he talked. ‘Understand, if you will, that both sides studied the skies at first – watched the stars as they burned and wheeled through the heavens, traced the paths of the planets, followed comets as they streaked across the skies. This knowledge was sought and recorded by both Light and Dark, each working towards their own goals, yet weaving together perfectly so that there was a Balance in all things.’

  He stopped, looking back for a moment to a time long gone. One of the original Elders of their realm, his age was immeasurable. Returning his gaze to the roomful of rapt acolytes he went on.

  ‘Then the first of the humans was born. Child of Light and Dark, conceived unknowingly, cast out, unwanted in our perfect world. Dark of skin and hair she was, as beautiful as night, so who could blame her when, belonging neither with Light nor Dark, she found love with the only other one of her kind, born soon after she was, an outcast himself. But blame her they did. The Elders banished them both to the wilderness beyond the Gates, to find their way in the other world alone.’ For a moment his ancient lined face was filled with sorrow and the students held their collective breath, waiting. ‘There are those who mourn that decision still, laying flowers at the Gate each Feast Day, regretting the lost chance to forge a closer relationship with the humans who, surging in numbers, created a society that both feeds us and feeds from our lands.’ His voice grew stronger as he went on. ‘Humans are linked back to us, Light and Dark, by their original ancestors. As they love and worship and are born and die, as they murder and fight and hinder and heal, their human energy becomes part of the great life force – all that is positive flowing to the Light, all that is negative bringing power to the Dark.’ Loudly now, marking each of them in turn with his bright glance, Merios finished his lesson. ‘This is why preserving the Balance is so vitally important. This transfer of energy is circular and unbreakable, flowing from humans to Ambeth, then from Ambeth back into the human world. If the Dark are allowed to gain the ascension, we all suffer, while if the Balance prevails, life is as it should be, with enough Darkness allowed in that we may appreciate the Light. Truly, we are all connected and have been so from the very start.’

  ‘Ah well,’ Thorion sighed to himself, his stern expression causing a lady of the court to sigh in response as he moved past her. ‘What will be will be. We can only shape events so far before they happen.’ Then, turning with purpose down a narrow path running alongside a tall hedge, he prepared himself to meet one who could be the saving of them all.


  ‘Um, I’m Alma.’

  Caleb shook Alma’s hand gently, his smile fading as he took in her agitated state.

  ‘Pleased to meet you, Alma. And please don’t worry,’ he added. ‘I’m here to look after you – to show you around.’

  ‘Show me around? But…where am I?’ asked Alma, her voice rising. What was happening to her?

  ‘Why, Ambeth, of course,’ replied Caleb, his hand warm as it held hers.

  ‘Of course…’ whispered Alma, her knees suddenly weak. Letting go of Caleb’s hand she sank down to a sitting position, putting her head down as dizziness washed over her again. Caleb squatted down next to her and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder.

  ‘It’s going to be all right, I promise. You’re safe with me. Trust me.’

  Alma peeked from behind her hair to see Caleb’s concerned face close to hers. She shook her head, still unsure.

  ‘Come with me,’ Caleb urged. “I’ll explain all I can, I promise.’ But Alma could only stare at him. She started to shake. ‘You are safe with me, I promise you,’ he went on. Please, come with me and I can help you.’ He sounded really worried now. He had a nice face, she decided. The way his blue eyes crinkled at the corners when he smiled, you could almost see his good nature coming out through his skin. Realising she didn’t really have any other option she smiled uncertainly, taking his hand as he helped her to her feet. She brushed the leaves from her jeans and tried to pull herself together.

  ‘I’m sorry, this is all so strange – I mean, I still don’t understand.’

  ‘I know,’ he said, sounding sympathetic, rubbing a hand through his unruly blonde hair. ‘But, will you walk with me? I’ll try to explain.’

  ‘Wait – where to?’ asked Alma, looking around nervously.

  ‘It’s OK,’ he said again. ‘Really it is. Just come with me and I’ll show you.’

  Sure, why not. Feeling as though she had fallen into a dream, Alma started through the woods, keeping close to Caleb. Tall trees stretched to the sky all around her and flowers filled the air with their sweet scent. It was beautiful. Wondering if perhaps she’d hit her head and passed out, she pinched herself hard on the arm and then grimaced in pain. Well, wherever she was, it was definitely real. Caleb shot a concerned glance at her and she shook her head, smiling, not wanting him to think she’d lost it completely. He grinned back but said nothing, though he kept glancing in her direction as they walked.

  After a few minutes the trees started to thin out. Beyond the edge of the forest lay a huge open
field covered with closely cropped grass, the greenest Alma had ever seen. A white pathway curved through the meadow towards expansive gardens and a distant blue smudge of ocean. The fresh breeze carried the scent of ozone and green growing things. At the centre of it all stood a building so magnificent it stopped Alma in her tracks.

  ‘Wow,’ she breathed. ‘That building… it’s amazing.’ She gazed at it in awe, forgetting her worries for a moment. From out of an immense structure of white stone came towers topped with tiles that gleamed like mother of pearl. Stained glass windows glinted beneath soaring arches set into the thick walls. It shone so brightly in the sun that Alma blinked, shading her eyes.

  ‘It is the Palace of the Elders,’ Caleb said, sounding pleased. ‘You’ll get to meet them, next time you are here.’

  ‘Wait. N-Next time?” Her fear returned, swirling around her stomach and she looked at Caleb, her eyes wide. ‘But… I don’t even know how I got here.’ She stopped, feeling weak at the knees again. ‘I don’t even know who you are, other than your name.’


  Deryck struggled to stifle his rage as he walked through the gardens towards the forest. Of all the bad luck, to run into Thorion. Realising he couldn’t possibly make the intercept he started to slow down – what the hell was he supposed to do now? His father would be furious with him. Hearing voices approaching, he stepped quickly behind a tree. He needed time to think. Peering out from behind the trunk, he watched as Caleb and a girl he didn’t recognise walked slowly along the path. He smirked – so Caleb had finally found himself a girlfriend. Looking at the girl his mouth relaxed, curving in a half-smile. She was strangely dressed and almost as tall as Caleb, her long red hair cut with a fringe that fell in her eyes so she was always pushing it back with her hands. Her skin was pale and her eyes blue in her heart-shaped face. As she spoke to Caleb, the way she moved her arms lent her an impression of grace that was strangely appealing to Deryck. Overall, a very pretty girl, much better than any he imagined would ever be interested in Caleb. Once they had long passed he stepped out from his hiding place and walked away in the opposite direction, deep in thought.

  No Place Like Home

  ‘Please sit down and I’ll try to explain. It’s always weird, the first time you cross over. At least, that’s what I’ve been told.’

  Caleb gently took Alma by the arm, leading her to a nearby bench set against a tall green hedge. He took the seat next to her as she sat down slowly, trying to take it all in.

  ‘Cross over?’ Alma was in a daze. She thought of pinching herself again, then thought better of it. But this was like every story she had ever read rolled into one, only rather than reading of finding doorways through wardrobes or secret knowledge hidden in tree trunks, she was living it. Caleb was still talking to her, so she made an effort to take a deep breath and relax. She wasn’t terribly successful.

  ‘Yes,’ said Caleb patiently, his kind face still concerned, ’you have crossed over. From your world, the human world, into Ambeth.’

  ‘Amb-‘ Alma started, but Caleb interrupted, his eyes starting to twinkle.

  ‘Yes, this is the Realm of Ambeth, and you’re not going to repeat everything I say, are you? It’s just, it will make everything take so much longer.’ He nudged her with his elbow and Alma grinned at the familiar gesture, starting to feel more like herself again. She started to relax.

  ‘Okay, okay,’ she said, hands up, laughing. ‘I promise I won’t do it anymore. I’m… just a bit confused.’

  Caleb laughed too then and the sound was reassuringly normal. He offered her a bottle made of silver metal, beautifully engraved with spiralling patterns.

  ‘Would you like a drink? Oh, don’t worry,’ he said, seeing Alma eye the bottle doubtfully. ‘It won’t turn you into a frog or anything – at least I don’t think so.’

  He winked and Alma realised he was teasing her again. Taking a breath, she raised the bottle to her mouth and took a long draught. The drink tasted like strawberries and mint and she handed the bottle back to Caleb, wiping the rim. ‘Thanks,’ she said, grinning. ‘Yep, still me, no frog’s legs,’ she went on, then blushed at her feeble joke. But Caleb laughed out loud, nudging her with his elbow again and all it once it was like they’d been friends for years.

  ‘So, shall we-’ he started, but Alma lifted her hand to stop him before he could speak.

  ‘Sorry, Caleb, before we go anywhere else I need some answers. Like, how did I get here, and how do I get back?’

  Caleb looked at her strangely, like he didn’t understand. ‘You passed through a Gate, the Oak Gate, to get here. Didn’t you know…?’

  ‘Wait, passed through? I… don’t even remember.’ Caleb waited, watching the emotions cross her expressive face as she figured it out. ‘So, it was when I went between those two oak trees…?’ Alma frowned at Caleb and he nodded. ‘But… I still don’t get it. Is it like… magic?

  ‘Well, I guess,’ started Caleb, starting to frown as well. Then he noticed her wrist and his eyes widened.

  ‘Where did you get that?’ he asked, awe in his voice.

  ‘Get what?’ asked Alma, mystified. Caleb reached out a careful hand to touch her bracelet and they both jumped as a couple of golden sparks shot out of the stone. Alma snatched her arm back quickly.

  ‘Wh-what did you just do?’ she stammered, eyes wide.

  ‘I don’t know,’ said Caleb, looking equally astounded. ‘I really don’t. Seriously, where did you get your bracelet?’

  ‘Um, my mum gave it to me – it’s from my father’s family, an heirloom,’ Alma said, rubbing her fingers slowly across the gemstone.

  ‘Really?’ said Caleb, still looking puzzled. ‘I’ve only ever seen one other like it and it was here. They are quite rare and precious. I wonder how it came to be across in the human realm?’

  Alma stared at him, her mouth open. ‘You mean my bracelet came from here? But… that’s impossible.’

  ‘Impossible or not,’ replied Caleb, ‘that’s what I mean. Are you sure you don’t know anything else about it?’

  ‘No,’ said Alma. ‘All I know is what I’ve told you.’ Her voice increased in volume without her meaning it to. This place was just so confusing. All at once she wanted nothing more than to go home, even if Ellery was waiting for her. Then another voice spoke, deep and strong.

  ‘Well met, Caleb.’

  Alma looked up to see a tall robed figure silhouetted against the sunlight. She blinked, dazzled by the glare, while beside her Caleb stood up and bowed, deeply, from the waist. Alma stood up as well, bobbing her head awkwardly, feeling ridiculous. The figure moved into the shadow of the hedge and then Alma could see his face. She suppressed a gasp. His smile faded for a moment as he looked at her, a frown wrinkling his perfect brow. He looked almost shocked, thought Alma, though she couldn’t imagine why. Then he recovered, holding out a hand to her in greeting.

  ‘Welcome,’ he said. ‘My name is Thorion.’ Alma took his hand, trying to control the pounding of her heart. But he was just so good looking! Shoulder length dark hair framed high cheekbones, a long straight nose and smooth lips that curved above a square jaw. Sea-blue eyes smiled at her. Realising she hadn’t spoken and was still holding Thorion’s hand, she dropped it quickly and introduced herself. Good grief.

  ‘Alma,’ said Caleb, grinning as though highly entertained. ‘Thorion is our High King, Lord over both Light and Dark.’

  ‘Uh, wow,’ said Alma, blushing furiously. Thorion seemed amused by this.

  ‘Thank you, Caleb,’ he said, nodding at the boy, ‘and Alma, it is a pleasure to meet you. We were not sure, you see, whether you would make the crossing or not.’

  ‘Wait – you were… expecting me?’ Then she remembered – Caleb had said as much when he met her in the woods. ‘But… how did you know? And why?’

  Thorion smiled at her again and she almost forgot what her question was. ‘Suffice to say for the moment that you were expected, which is why Caleb was waiting at the G
ate,’ he replied. Then his expression became serious and his blue eyes shifted colour, becoming stormy and dark. ‘What is unexpected, however, is that you are wearing a talaith bracelet. It is a rare gift, a treasure of our Realm and you are lucky to have it.’

  ‘But wait,’ said Alma. ‘How would I have this bracelet anyway? And, like, this is another world, like in a fairy tale? And…’ She stopped as a laughing Thorion, his eyes back to sea blue, raised his hands as though to defend himself. As he did the sleeves of his blue robes fell back to reveal strong muscled arms. But really, what did they expect? Here she was, in a strange place surrounded by strangers (even if they were ridiculously handsome). A few questions were definitely in order. Folding her arms, she waited, resisting the urge to tap her foot.

  ‘Yes, this is another world, Alma. Ambeth is home to the Lords of Light and Dark, lying adjacent to your human world. In fact, several of your fairy tales are based on mortals visiting our realm,’ replied Thorion, a twinkle in his eye.

  ‘But what about my bracelet?’ She held out her wrist to him. The stone glowed a serene blue and the sunlight picked out the silvery links binding it to her wrist.

  ‘I cannot tell you everything today, Alma, but I promise you, I will tell you,’ said Thorion gently. He bent his blue gaze on her again and she suddenly felt the urge to cry. She rubbed her hands over her face and through her hair before emerging to squint at Thorion. What was wrong with her? She shook her head.

  ‘But I don’t understand,’ she whispered. ‘My mother gave it to me,’ she repeated, her tone becoming insistent as she looked from Thorion to Caleb. ‘I think, maybe,’ she went on, trying not to panic again, ‘I should just go home.’ She looked pleadingly at Caleb. ‘You said you’d help me - please will you take me back?’


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