Oak And Mist (The Ambeth Chronicles Book 1)

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Oak And Mist (The Ambeth Chronicles Book 1) Page 22

by Helen Jones

  Peering around a tall man in a rose tunic she thought she glimpsed Deryck’s golden hair near the edge of the dance floor. Perfect. Slipping past, she darted around a couple attired in matching shades of violet and purple then stopped dead, almost knocking into another dancing couple. Frowning, they moved around her but she didn’t notice. It was Deryck, immaculate and splendid as usual in midnight blue velvet. But he was otherwise occupied. A tall slender girl stood close to him, her long dark hair trailing down the back of her embroidered pale green gown. Her hand lay on his arm as he smiled down at her, his green eyes warm and full of affection. She said something to him that made him throw his handsome head back and laugh and Alma felt it like a blow to the gut. The two of them were so obviously close, so obviously suited for each other – how could she have thought for one moment that he liked her? The usual crowd of giggling girls congregated around Deryck, each vying for his attention but he only had eyes for the mysterious girl in green. Devastated and shocked by how much he was affecting her, Alma turned away and, pushing blindly through the crowd, headed for the glass doors to the gardens. She needed some fresh air.


  Deryck turned his head as he noticed a slim figure in gold run from the room. Alma. He had been looking for her since he arrived, had been waiting to see her all day and now it seemed he had almost missed her. Excusing himself from his conversation, he made his way to the long window where he had last seen her, stepping out onto the terrace in time to see a flash of golden gown disappear down one of the gravel pathways. Quickly descending the steps that led into the garden, he followed down the same path, hoping to find her. He did not mean to miss his chance with her again.


  Alma walked along the gravel path winding through the garden beds and down to the river, where gaily-coloured boats bobbed at their tethers, waiting to take passengers wherever they wished. The gravel that crunched under her feet was whitest quartz, while around her sweet-scented flowers in all the shades of the rainbow waved and nodded in the warm evening breeze. Exquisitely carved benches invited the wanderer to sit in shadowy alcoves, while in the distance the soft sound of a fountain could be heard. All of this beauty was lost on Alma, caught up as she was in her own sadness. The way he had smiled at her! It was all she could see, Deryck smiling down at the dark-haired girl as they stood close together on the edge of the dance floor. Alma had been sure he was interested in her but saw now he must just have been humouring her, another of the girls who clamoured around him, desperate for the smallest sign of affection. Caleb had warned her, the Elders had gently chided her, but she hadn’t listened – now she just felt like an idiot. Wallowing in self-pity, Alma didn’t hear the footsteps behind her until they drew close. ‘Caleb’ she thought and, without turning, spoke.

  ‘I don’t need you to feel sorry for me-’ She stopped in shock as her bracelet started to burn against her wrist.

  ‘I don’t feel sorry for you. In fact, sorry is not how I feel about you at all.’

  His voice was warm velvet and Alma turned around slowly to see Deryck smiling at her in a way that made her knees go weak.

  ‘Deryck!’ she gasped. Then, not knowing what else to say, she turned away again, wanting to hide her burning cheeks. He moved up behind her, standing close enough that she could feel the warmth of his body and gently brushed her hair aside to kiss the side of her throat. Alma thought she might die. Turning, she found herself in his arms – she felt nervous for a second but then it didn’t matter and she was kissing him, heating up, her arms around his neck as he pressed against her, increasingly intense. His hands moved along her back, holding her hard against him, then came to cup her face as they stopped, both panting, standing close with foreheads touching.

  ‘Where did you go?’ he murmured. ‘I’ve been looking for you – one moment you were there, the next you were gone. And you had promised me a dance, remember?’

  Alma struggled to calm her breathing, still overwhelmed by the rapid turn of events. ‘I… it was… well, you seemed otherwise occupied,’ she said lamely, not wanting sound jealous but unable to help it, despite her situation.

  Deryck smiled, moving his head back to look into her eyes. ‘When I was talking to my sister?’

  ‘Your sister?’ queried Alma, curious.

  ‘Yes, the dark-haired girl I was talking to – I presume that’s who you mean?’ He looked at her quizzically, one corner of his mouth crooked into a smile. Alma could only nod. Deryck tightened his arms around her waist, pulling her close.

  ‘She is my half-sister, to be correct. My father sired her on a trip to your world, so she is half-human. She spent some time there but has recently come to live back here.’

  ‘Really?’ said Alma, interested in the mysterious girl. Hell, she was interested in anything to do with Deryck – he could talk to her about shoe leather and she would be enthralled.

  ‘Yes, really,’ he laughed, mimicking her tone. ‘I’ll introduce you to her. I think you might get along.’ This last he said with a smile that hid something deeper, as though he were privy to some joke Alma was not. ‘But first,’ he said, leaning closer, murmuring in her ear, ‘let us walk together for a while. I would show you more of these gardens, if you would like.’ His lips brushed the side of her cheek, moving to her neck and Alma was lost. She would happily go wherever he liked.

  Walking with Deryck through the darkened gardens, Alma felt as though the night had burst into bloom. The beauty that had eluded her before was now all around her, overwhelming her senses. Her only distraction was the stone at her wrist – rubbing her arm she tried in vain to alleviate the pain from her bracelet, which burned hot against her skin. Deryck, seeing the movement, stopped and took Alma’s hand in his own, careful not to touch the stone as he gently pushed her bracelet up her arm. He frowned as he saw the red mark on her skin, visible even in the moonlight. Reaching into a pocket of his tunic he brought out a square of pale cotton, which he handed to Alma. ‘Here,’ he said, ‘put this around the stone. I dare not do it myself, in case I touch it accidentally.’

  Thanking him, Alma folded the soft handkerchief and twisted it around her bracelet, tucking the ends securely through the tiny links that held the stone in place, relieved to no longer feel its heat against her skin. Then she looked at Deryck with a slight frown.

  ‘Why don’t you want to touch the stone? I mean, you are of the Dark, and…’ She trailed off, not sure how to ask the question without seeming rude, not wanting to rob the night of any of its magic. But Deryck seemed to understand what she was getting at.

  ‘You mean, why don’t I touch the stone and break the power of your bracelet?’ Smiling, he moved closer to her, taking her hands in his own and bringing them around his back so she was forced to move towards him, to feel the length of him against her. Not that Alma minded at all. She managed to nod as he bent to kiss her gently before releasing her. She took a step back, needing to take a breath, amazed at how lightheaded she felt. Laughing a little, Deryck reached up to touch her face, his thumb sliding along her cheekbone and across her lips. Alma closed her eyes, overcome with her feelings for him. She felt his arms slide around her again, his body against hers, his voice soft as he murmured against her hair.

  ‘You really have no idea how much I like you, do you? If I destroy your bracelet, you won’t be able to come and see me anymore. So we need to protect it, and you, from me.’ He bent his head to kiss her again, effectively silencing her. Not that she minded.

  Deryck was completely taken, his desire for Alma coursing through him, feeling her arms around his neck, her body against his. As she kissed him, soft and warm in his arms, he knew he wanted nothing more than to be with her. All thoughts of the Regalia and his father were pushed to one side. Surrendering to the moment, he kissed her hard, his lips moving to take in her jawline and neck, then moving downwards and making her gasp. Realising with his last shred of rational thought that they were in a public place, that they needed to slow down, Deryck pu
lled back from Alma reluctantly. Still holding her close, his hands moving gently across her back, he whispered, ‘We should get back.’

  Alma nodded but didn’t move, her head resting on Deryck’s shoulder. She was tall but he was taller still and her head fit perfectly under his chin, her cheek resting on midnight blue velvet as his breath slowly calmed. His hands played with her long red hair as they stood there together.

  ‘Besides,’ she whispered, her voice sounding shaky, ‘you said you would introduce me to your sister.’

  ‘That I did,’ replied Deryck. He really didn’t want to go back to the ballroom – instead, he wished he could take Alma back to his own chambers to continue what they had started. He wrenched his mind away from that line of reasoning – there was still a plan to follow and it was vital he kept that in his head. Whatever his heart was feeling had to come second. With a sigh he let go of Alma, feeling cold as he did so, both of them shivering a little in the night air. Wrapping one arm around her shoulders he kept her close as they walked back towards the light and noise of the celebration.


  Stepping into the ballroom with Deryck was like entering a kaleidoscope, with people swirling in colour and beauty through the warm perfumed air, and candles and lanterns casting a golden glow across the revellers. Alma thrilled at the feeling of Deryck’s arm around her waist. She smiled into his green eyes and he smiled back, expertly weaving his way through the crowd. They crossed the dance floor, attracting more than a few curious glances and one of concern from Thorion who stood with Artos and Adara. He broke the conversation to stare at them both as they passed, oblivious to anyone but each other.

  But it was poor Caleb who had the worst shock. Still searching for Alma, drinks in hand, saw her enter the room, her cheeks flushed and eyes bright, more beautiful than he had ever seen her before… entwined with Deryck. It was like a knife to the heart. Stumbling a little, he put the drinks down, pushing through the crowd to get away so he didn’t have to see them anymore. Thorion took leave from the other Elders to go after him, hoping to stop him from doing anything foolish. He knew, they all knew, how Caleb felt about Alma and how this turn of events would hurt him.

  But Alma had eyes only for Deryck. Laughing as they twirled and stepped around the other dancers, Deryck guided Alma to the other side of the room where his mysterious sister waited, talking animatedly to another girl. Alma could see her now – the slender back with waving dark hair seemed strangely familiar. Deryck reached out, touching her on the shoulder and she turned, her beautiful green dress swirling around her. Alma’s mouth dropped open in shock as a pair of green eyes that she recognised met her own. It was Ellery.


  ‘Thorion should have done more to protect her.’ Lord Artos, his face hard, watched as Deryck and Alma crossed the dance floor together.

  At his side Adara, radiant in lilac silk and velvet, nodded. ‘It is important to him that she has choice.’

  ‘And look what she has chosen!’ said Artos forcefully, the disappointment plain in his voice. ‘She is all but lost to the Dark now – that whelp of Denoris will get his hooks into her and then it will all have been for naught. Galen, Gwion and now Alma, all lost to the Dark!’

  Adara, frowning, shook her head. ‘I do not think Alma will turn to the Dark, Artos,’ she said in her gentle voice, her hand on his arm. ‘She saw how it was at the Gate – I think it affected her more than she admits. I believe she will stay with us, though I confess the situation with Deryck does have me worried. Perhaps Thorion…’ She trailed off and Artos looked at her affectionately, the emotion softening his face and showing a trace of the handsome young man he had once been.

  ‘You will say no word against him, will you.’

  Adara blushed a little, trying to dissemble. But Artos knew he had her. ‘I wish you only happiness, my dear. I know, more than anyone, what you have been through,’ he said, patting her hand. ‘But you must admit that Thorion should have bound her to us! Only then could we be sure of her allegiance.’

  ‘Perhaps,’ was all Adara would say, her loyalty to Thorion stopping her from voicing her concerns. But her face as she watched Alma in Deryck’s arms was worried, the joy of the celebration gone from her.


  Alma’s stomach lurched with fear and she took an involuntary step back, Deryck’s arm the only thing stopping her from going any further. What the hell was Ellery doing here?

  ‘Alma! It’s so nice to see you!’ cried Ellery as she embraced her, kissing her on one cheek. Alma was so shocked she couldn’t even speak. She turned to Deryck, her blue eyes sparking with outrage.

  ‘Alma, what’s wrong?’ He looked at her in surprise.

  Ellery touched her arm. ‘Alma, let me talk to you. I’m-I’m sorry.’

  Deryck looked from Alma to Ellery. ‘What’s this, sister? Do you already know each other?’

  Ellery gave him a look that Alma couldn’t see. ‘Yes, brother, we know each other. From the Human Realm. And, well, I was not so nice to Alma there.’

  ‘Not so nice!’ Alma had found her voice and it was angry. Furious, as a matter of fact. ‘Are you kidding me? You were a complete-’ Then she stopped, conscious of Deryck next to her. He looked at her, then his sister, face full of confusion.

  ‘How about I get both of you a drink?’

  ‘Fine!’ said Ellery, starting to sound annoyed.

  ‘Thanks,’ nodded Alma, frowning. Deryck walked away and Alma watched him go, unable to help herself. She didn’t know what to think about anything anymore. Turning back to Ellery she was surprised to see a smile on her lovely face, as though she was amused by something. This made her even more annoyed.

  ‘What the hell is this, Ellery?’ she hissed, leaning in close, not wanting to make a scene. ‘Why are you here? And why did you push me through the Gate?’

  Ellery’s green eyes narrowed. ‘I did not push you!’

  ‘You did, and you knew what would happen. Do you know how scared I was?’ Alma was actually trembling, she was so angry. Ellery glared at her. Then she took a breath, her face relaxing as she touched Alma’s arm.

  ‘Alma, I’m sorry for the way I treated you,’ said Ellery. ‘Okay? I was just having a bad day, that’s all. And there’s no way I knew you would come through to Ambeth.’ She was starting to look worried, but Alma didn’t care.

  ‘Oh, a bad day! Am I supposed to believe that?’

  ‘Yes! A bad day. You know who my father is, right?’

  ‘Yeah, and?’ Alma was not impressed. Folding her arms, she raised her eyebrows.

  ‘Well, he tolerates me at best, I guess. I had just been to visit him, and it hadn’t gone well.’ She looked down. ‘So, I wasn’t feeling too great and-’

  ‘So you decided to beat me up.’ Alma’s tone was full of derision and Ellery’s face twisted, as though in pain.

  ‘Yes! I mean, no – you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I really am sorry.’ She looked pleadingly at Alma, who shook her head.

  ‘But what about the Gate? This just doesn’t make any sense, Ellery.’

  Deryck arrived just then, drinks in hand for them all, giving one to Alma first, then his sister. Pausing for a moment to thank Deryck, Ellery tried to explain.

  ‘Oh, Alma, you have to understand – of course I knew there was a Gate there, but never in my wildest dreams did I think you would go through it!’

  ‘But… it kind of felt as though you pushed me through,’ said Alma. ‘I mean, I didn’t imagine that, did I?’

  Ellery seemed at a loss for words. Alma could almost hear her thinking frantically. Deryck looked amused and, as she glanced at him, smiled and raised his eyebrows at her. Oh, he was just too annoyingly gorgeous, thought Alma, momentarily distracted. Turning her attention back to Ellery, she saw that she seemed more collected now. Hmmm.

  ‘Well, did I?’ she continued, determined now to get a response. Ellery sighed. She really was beautiful, thought Alma, but then it made sense now that
she knew who her father was.

  ‘All right,’ she said. ‘We were trying to move you into the woods.’ Alma gasped, but Ellery continued. ‘It was only a game.’ She sounded desperate now. ‘We just wanted to scare you a little, we wouldn’t really have hurt you and, like I said, there was no way I thought you could go through to Ambeth. Please, please forgive me, I’m so sorry.’

  Alma looked from Ellery’s pleading face to Deryck, who had added his own begging expression to the mix. Then she started to laugh. This was all too much, really it was. All of a sudden she was tired of it, tired of arguing with Ellery. She just wanted to get back to being alone with Deryck. Ellery and Deryck looked taken aback but Alma just couldn’t help it. Her hysteria finally subsiding, she decided to end the conversation, sensing she had the upper hand.

  ‘Fine, I believe you. Let’s not talk about it anymore.’

  ‘So you forgive me?’ said Ellery, smiling now. Stepping forward, she gave Alma a hug that surprised her, squeezing her hard for a moment. ‘Friends?’ she asked, pouting a little.

  ‘Friends,’ conceded Alma, not wanting to deal with it anymore. Deryck put his hand on Ellery’s arm.

  ‘Now, my dear sister, if you will let Alma go, I would very much like to dance with her. Alone,’ he added, looking at Alma in a way that made her blush.

  Ellery leaned in and kissed her on the cheek again. ‘Look after him,’ she whispered, then was gone, drifting across the dance floor, elegant in her pale green silk.

  Deryck came close, putting his hands on Alma’s waist as he gazed into her eyes. ‘Shall we go outside? There is a walk, by the river, where we can watch the stars.’

  Alma found she could hardly breathe. ‘Yes,’ she managed. Taking her hand, Deryck led her once more through the swell of dancers to the long windows. Stepping through, he turned to help Alma negotiate the low sill. She tripped on the hem of her gown, laughing at her own clumsiness, and Deryck took the opportunity to pull her close and kiss her again. The music changed and Deryck stepped back to offer his arm.


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