Anything That Burns You

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Anything That Burns You Page 61

by Terese Svoboda

  p. 319 “Boy”: Scott to Ridge, 1921. In letters to Lawson, 22 and 26 July 1931, Ridge writes of her liaison in Corsica, “A little man called Owen Merton, about thirty I should judge…an interesting child with real if not stupendous talent.” And she was not referring to his son.

  p. 319 “The south west is infinitely more bigoted”: Ridge to Lawson, 10 July 1935.

  p. 319 Alfredo walked to the doctor: Ridge to Lawson, 21 July 1925.

  p. 320 “Mis-mated with the industrial world”: Ridge to Marshall, n.d.

  p. 320 Strand offered to find Davy a job: Ridge to Lawson, 4 June 1935.

  p. 320 Ridge discouraged it: Ridge to Lawson, 16 Sept. 1935.

  p. 320 Portrait of Ridge destroyed: Ridge to Lawson, 2 June 1936.

  p. 320 “Too darn popular”: Ridge to Lawson, 10 July 1935.

  p. 320 “What a girl you are!”: Witter Bynner to Ridge, 26 Nov. 1935.

  p. 320 Hoover’s invitation: Ridge to Lawson, 14 June 1935.

  p. 320 Tea with Henderson: Ridge to Lawson, 30 June 1935.

  p. 320 Making a new dress: Ridge to Lawson, 22 June 1935.

  p. 320 “Give up” a $27 woven dress: Ridge to Lawson, 10 July 1935.

  p. 320 $324 in today’s currency:

  p. 320 “Blind attack” for nitroglycerin test: Ridge to Lawson, 5 Aug. 1935.

  p. 320 Low blood pressure: Ridge to Lawson, 21 July 1935.

  p. 320 Sergeant’s invitation: Ridge to Floyd, 5 Aug. 1935.

  p. 320 Exchanged letters with Frost: Robert Frost to Ridge, 24 Apr. 1919.

  p. 320-321 “You of all people”: ibid.

  p. 321 Reviewed Frost lavishly: Ridge The New Republic, 23 June 1920, 131-132.

  p. 321 “Beer over Frost’s head”: Ridge to Lawson, 5 Aug. 1935.

  p. 321 “Too young and innocent”: Thompson and Winnick, 1976.

  p. 321 Her black kimono: Ridge to Lawson, 4 Sept. 1935.

  p. 321 “Rather uncommunicative”: Ridge to Lawson, 21 Aug. 1935.

  p. 321 Ambivalent behavior: Ridge to Lawson, 4 Sept. 1935.

  p. 322 “Want[ed] to do Cortez”: Ridge to Lawson, 22 Apr. 1935.

  p. 322 “Urge to go to Australia”: Ridge to Lawson, 5 Aug. 1935.

  p. 322 255 lines: Ridge to Lawson, [Aug.] 1935.

  p. 322 340 lines: 25 Aug. 1935.

  p. 322 “Magnificent prologue”: Ridge to Lawson, 10 July 1935.

  p. 322 Ten more: Ridge to Lawson, 10 Sept. 1935.

  p. 322 Prelude would work for either poem: ibid.

  p. 322 “Do only what you wish”: Ridge to Lawson, [16 Sept. 1935].

  p. 322 “Best I start for Mexico alone”: ibid.

  p. 323 “You are a self-centered person”: Ridge to Lawson, 1 Oct. 1935.

  p. 323 The Ouija board: Ridge to Lawson, 11 Oct. 1935.




  Chapter 35 — Mexico and Romance

  p. 327 “Mexico City teemed with fanatics”: Albers 2002, 115.

  p. 327 Loy and Cravan in Mexico City: Hanscombe and Smyers 1987, 112-128.

  p. 327 Williams over the border: Williams 1951, 74.

  p. 327 Lawrence in Mexico: Worthen 2005.

  p. 327 MacLeish walked through: “Archibald MacLeish,”

  p. 327 Porter shuttled: Givner 2014.

  p. 327 Crane’s suicide: “Hart Crane,”

  p. 327 “How emphatically I love [Mexico]”: Hart Crane to Lorna Dietz, 12 Apr. 1932.

  p. 327 Pre-Columbian art as quintessentially American: Broom Jan. 1923, 1.

  p. 327 “In self-imposed exile”: Sontag 1966, 69-70.

  p. 328 “Propinquity and mutual isolation”: Williams 2007, 35.

  p. 328 Marsden Hartley: “Marsden Hartley: Biography,”

  p. 328 Monroe/Ridge correspondence: Poetry Magazine Papers, Regenstein Library, University of Chicago, IL. Box 20, folder 16.

  p. 328 “I need a wilderness”: Ridge to Lawson, 24 Sept. 1935.

  p. 328 “Room for the night”: Ridge to Lawson, 7 Apr. 1936.

  p. 328 “I’ve been to Baghdad!”: Ridge to Lawson, 26 May 1935.

  p. 328 “Curious holdup”: Ridge to Lawson, 12 Oct. 1935.

  p. 328-329 “Preaching sedition”: Ridge to Lawson, 17 Oct. 1935.

  p. 329 Cristero Rebellion: La Botz 2010.

  p. 329 Cardenas, nationalization and collectivization: Fox 2010.

  p. 329 Outdoor radio, cranial conveyance water: “Mexico City: ‘The Land of Montezuma’ circa 1935 Rothacker.” Online video clip. YouTube. Google, 22 Apr. 2013.

  p. 329 Cars and snow-capped mountains: Ridge to Lawson, 17 Oct. 1935.

  p. 329 Three days at the Imperial: ibid.

  p. 329 “Comfortable Spanish-German home”: Ridge to Lawson, [20] Oct. 1935.

  p. 329 “Accepted by Mexico”: ibid.

  p. 329 Wasn’t ill for another two months: Ridge to Lawson, 23 Dec. 1935.

  p. 329 “Amazed about D. H. Lawrence”: Ridge to Lawson, 5 Nov. 1935.

  p. 329 Against the Guggenheims: ibid.

  p. 329 “A poet hatching a plot!”: ibid.

  p. 329 Postmaster endorsed her check: Ridge to Lawson, 14 Feb. 1936.

  p. 329 Travel permit lost: Ridge to Lawson, 5 Nov. 1935.

  p. 329 “Harder for me to remain obscure”: Ridge to Lawson, 12 Nov. 1935.

  p. 329-330 “Can’t even get my mind serene”: Ridge to Lawson, 9 Nov. 1935.

  p. 330 “Too divided in copying it”: Ridge to Lawson, [Nov. 1935].

  p. 330 “Prelude”: in the Lola Ridge Papers at the Sophia Smith Collection, Smith College, Northampton, MA.

  p. 331 Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla: “Guadalajara,” Encyclopaedia Britannica Online Academic Edition, 2015.

  p. 331 Independent University: “University of Guadalajara,” Encyclopaedia Britannica Online Academic Edition, 2015.

  p. 331 Largest colonies of foreigners: “All about Guadalajara,” So You Want to Go to México,

  p. 331 Stone published Palms from Guadalajara: “Idella Purnell Stone and Palms: An Inventory of Her Collection at the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center,” Texas Archival Resources Online, Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, University of Texas at Austin.

  p. 331 Witter Bynner as teacher: ibid.

  p. 331 Lawrence designed cover: Brooker and Thacker 2012, 343.

  p. 331 Lawrence offered poem: ibid.

  p. 331 Pound deemed it the best: “Small Magazines.” English Journal 1930, 703.

  p. 331 Published poems anonymously: Little Magazine Collection. UW-Madison Memorial University Library 14 Feb. 2013.

  p. 331 “Drunk with Old Youth”: Ridge 1935, 94.

  p. 332 Scientology, gold mine, riveter, books: Little Magazine Collection 2013.

  p. 332 “Petulant, cranky, rude”: qtd. in Brooker and Thacker 2012, 343 fn 65.

  p. 332 Mexican menus…Adapting Salten’s Bambi: “Idella Purnell,” Wikipedia; and “Walt Disney’s Bambi.” WorldCat.

  p. 332 “Honorable and utterly impractical”: Ridge to Lawson, [Nov. 1935].

  p. 332 “Importer of pottery”: Ridge to Lawson, 23 Dec. 1935.

  p. 332 “Do not worry about me”: Ridge to Lawson, [Nov. 1935].

  p. 332 “I have crossed the country states…”: Ridge to Mr. Moe, enclosed in Ridge to Lawson, 17 Jan. 1936.

  p. 332-333 “How different from our mine strikes!”: Ridge to Lawson, 23 Dec. 1935.

  p. 333 “Parades of workers marching”: ibid.

  p. 333 “The confusion, the intrigue”: Ridge to Content, 21 Jan. 1936.

  p. 333 Six week delay: Ridge to Lawson, 17 Jan. 1936.

  p. 333 “Too unbecoming to me”: ibid.

  p. 333 “At least a year to do my book”: ibid.

sp; p. 333 “Seems not worthwhile”: ibid.

  p. 333 Twenty-two typed pages: Ridge to Lawson, 5 Feb. 1936.

  p. 333 “The reality I need”: Ridge to Content, 21 Jan. 1936.

  p. 333 Rockefeller Center masterpiece: Diego Rivera, “Man at the Crossroads,”

  p. 334 “A Few Small Nips”: Brooks 2005.

  p. 334 “Looks like a Persian”: Ridge to Lawson, 28 July 1936.

  p. 334 Frida would seduce Trotsky: Bright 2013.

  p. 334 Keith dead: Ridge to Lawson, 8 Mar. 1936.

  p. 334 “I now know that he is dead”: Ridge to Lawson, 8 Mar. 1936.

  p. 334 “Strangely secretive”: ibid.

  p. 334 Lost a fountain pen: Ridge to Lawson, 8 Mar. 1936.

  p.334 The mariachis: Ridge to Lawson, 14 Mar. 1936.

  p. 334 “Have faith in me”: Ridge to Lawson, 20 Mar. 1936.

  p. 334 Dr. Alfonso Caso: “Archaeologists and Scholars” Smithsonian Olmec Legacy n.d.

  p. 334 “Long before the Toltecs”: ibid.

  p. 334 Californian engineer’s license: Ridge to Lawson, 23 Mar. 1936.

  p. 334 “Stimulating and creative”: Ridge to Lawson, 27 Mar. 1936.

  p. 334 “Rely on Lenore Marshall”: Ridge to Lawson, 2 Apr. 1936.

  p. 334 Mexican officials waiving the fee: Ridge to Lawson, 4 Apr. 1936.

  p. 334 Frances Toor in Mexico City: Ridge to Lawson, 16 Apr. 1936.

  p. 334-335 “The Indian…as a complete human being”: Schuessler 2008.

  p. 335 “No bed…A cell for a room”: Ridge to Lawson, 16 Apr. 1936.

  p. 335 Refused Stone’s offer: Ridge to Lawson, [Apr.] 1936.

  p. 335 Tepoztlan, history:

  p. 335 1994 golf course uprising: ibid.

  p. 335 15 pesos a month: Ridge to Lawson, 21 May 1936.

  p. 335 “A major poet”: ibid., and Ridge to Marshall, 3 June 1936.

  p. 335 Implications of his experience with nature: “Who is Carlos Pellicer?”

  p. 335 A museum in his name: “Museo Carlos Pellicer,”

  p. 335 “Desires”: Pellicer 1921.

  p. 335 “Lost almost every trinket”: Ridge to Lawson, 4 May 1936.

  p. 335 Requested a translated chapter: ibid.

  p. 336 Climbed a pyramid: Ridge to Idella Purnell, [1936].

  p. 336 “The great strike starts tomorrow”: Ridge to Lawson, [30 Apr. 1936].

  p. 336 “All shops in the nation shut”: Ridge to Lawson, 1 May 1936.

  p. 336 1936 “call”: Berke 1998.

  p. 336-337 “Anti-fascist writers were rescued”: finding aid for the League of American Writers Archives [c. 1935-1942], Bancroft Library, University of California Berkeley.

  p. 337 Those who joined the “call”: Bloom 1987, 400 fn 56.

  p. 337 Frank’s abdication and Hemingway’s speech: U.S. Cong. 1944.

  p. 337 “A lie told by bullies”: qtd. in Klehr 1984, 355.

  p. 337 Blacks and Jews: Hughes 1939.

  p. 337 The League was dissolved: Folsom 1994, 265.

  p. 337 “Innumerable hovels”: Ridge to Lawson, 9 May 1936.

  p. 337 “A wonderful peace”: ibid.

  p. 337 “Great deal of nerve”: Ridge to Lawson, 18 June 1936.

  p. 337 “Killed a black widow”: Ridge to Lawson, 21 May 1936.

  p. 338 “More Mexican than anything else”: Ridge to Lawson, 19 June 1936.

  Chapter 36 — Retreat from Mexico

  p. 339 “Hard to see a way out” Ridge to Lawson, 18 June 1936.

  p. 339 Davy was downcast: Ridge to Content, 11 Oct. 1936.

  p. 339 “It hurts me terribly”: ibid.

  p. 339 “It does not really interest me”: Ridge to Lawson, 2 June 1936.

  p. 339 “Had hot words”: Ridge to Content, 21 Jan. 1936.

  p. 339 “Discontinue writing to you”: Ridge to Lawson, 22 July 1936.

  p. 339 “In the throes of emotional conflict”: Ridge to Marshall 19 July 1936.

  p. 340 “Two days after I left”: Ridge to Lawson, 5 July 1936.

  p. 340 “Hurt me by her jealousy”: Ridge to Lawson, 5 July 1936.

  p. 340 Not to send more money: Ridge to Lawson, 28 July 1936.

  p. 340 “I’m being secret”: Ridge to Lawson, 6 Aug. 1936.

  p. 341 “I’ve a right to live completely”: Ridge to Content, 11 Oct. 1936.

  p. 341 “My life with Davy is broken”: ibid.

  p. 341 “Not a poem, a novel”: ibid.

  p. 341 “Something utterly crushed his childhood”: ibid.

  p. 341 “Don’t you want to tell me?”: Scott to Ridge, [1937].

  p. 341 Sixteen-year-old elopement: Scott to Lawson, 1932 Feb. 14.

  p. 342 “A peso”: Ridge to Content, 17 Oct. 1936.

  p. 342 “Strange letter from Davy”: ibid.

  p. 342 Lawson moved to a heated basement: Ridge to Lawson, [1936].

  p. 342 “Please tell me the truth”: Ridge to Lawson, [Nov. 1936].

  p. 342 “I hope to be able to give it back”: Ridge to Lawson, 28 Nov. 1936.

  p. 343 “I shall be utterly stranded”: Ridge to Marshall, 14 Nov. 1936.

  p. 343 “Forty centavos for a stamp”: Ridge to Lawson, 28 Nov. 1936.

  p. 343 “Beautiful garden and extensive grounds”: ibid.

  p. 343 $50 from Lawson, $35 from Marshall: Ridge to Lawson, [1936].

  p. 343 “I am too fierce”: ibid.

  p. 343 “I must try to go on alone”: ibid.

  p. 344 “What the dickens does she mean?”: ibid.

  p. 344 Lawson sent five dollars: Ridge to Lawson, 26 Dec. 1936.

  p. 344 “Davy I’d die”: Ridge to Lawson, 27 Dec. 1936.

  p. 344 “Much better as regards my chest”: Ridge to Lawson, 19 Jan. 1937.

  p. 344 “Three pesos a day”: ibid.

  p. 344 Very good food: ibid.

  p. 344 Managed to see Strand and his film: ibid, and Ridge to Rebecca Salisbery Strand, 4 July 1939.

  p. 344 Henwar Rodakiewicz: Ridge to Lawson, 19 Jan. 1937, and Rodakiewicz to Ned Scott, 17 Dec. 1933,

  p. 344 “It was corking of you”: Ridge to Lawson, 20 Jan. 1937.

  p. 344 Owed $350 to Smith: Ridge to Lawson, 1 Feb. 1937.

  p. 344 “Angry about everything”: ibid.

  p. 345 She had wanted to write a serious novel: Scott to Ridge, 28 Aug. 1928.

  p. 345 “No more self indulgent than martyrdom”: ibid.

  p. 345 “I cannot think of another to speak”: Ridge to Marshall, 2 Feb. 1937. There are two copies of this letter extant, one with words underlined and one without. I imagine that neither Ridge nor Lawson would have gone back to add the emphases, but rather that a third person must have added them while taking notes.

  p. 345 “Too close to my subject matter”: Ridge to Marshall, 25 Feb. 1937.

  p. 345 “Broken with Alfredo”: Ridge to Lawson, [Feb. 1937, Cuernavaca].

  p. 345 Robert E. Lee hotel: Ridge to Lawson, 13 Mar. 1937.

  p. 345 “Impossible for me to go to N.Y.: Ridge to Lawson, 3 Mar. 1937.

  p. 345 Settled in Laguna Beach: Ridge to Lawson, 20 Mar. 1937.

  p. 345 “Cook my own food”: ibid.

  p. 346 “Beastly cold”: Ridge to Lawson, 20 Mar. 1937.

  p. 346 Low 43, high 86: “Past Monthly Weather Data for Laguna Beach, CA: Mar., 1928-2014,”

  p. 346 Plein air: “History of the Festival,” Festival of Arts of Laguna Beach,

  p. 346 First gallery in 1918: ibid.

  p. 346 Exhibitions, plays, parade, market…: “Laguna Beach – A History of the Arts,”

  p. 346 Playground for Hollywood stars: “An Overview of Laguna Beach History,”

  p. 346 Bogart and Flynn stayed weekends: “History of Hotel Laguna,”

  p. 346 “That de
athless search”: qtd. in Max 2007, 67.

  p. 346 “Do not worry about it”: Ridge to Marshall, 22 Mar. 1937.

  p. 346 “Davy wants me to return”: ibid.

  p. 346 “To be…like Strand”: Ridge to Lawson, 26 Mar. 1937.

  p. 346 “T.B. is on me again”: ibid.

  p. 346 The doctor said her chest was fine: Ridge to Lawson, 14 Nov. 1936.

  p. 347 “Should love to be in the same town with you”: Ridge to Lawson, 26 Mar. 1937.

  p. 347 Two dollars left in the world: Ridge to Lawson, 29 Mar. 1937.

  p. 347 “Who has so little”: Ridge to Lawson, 3 Apr. 1937.

  p. 347 Refused to have Lawson approach Hyman: ibid.

  p. 347 California poet Sara Bard Field: Ridge to Lawson, [1937].

  p. 347 Review of Barabbas: Ridge 1932.

  p. 347 Field and Wood: Bingham 1990, 8; and Scholten 1993, 232-4.

  p. 347 Friends with Benét: Bingham 1990, 10.

  p. 347 “Cap in hand”: Ridge to Lawson, [1937].

  p. 347 “Downright…reactionaries”: Ridge to Lawson, 3 May 1937.

  p. 347 “Hurled the book from her”: ibid.

  p. 347 “Especially not Henrietta!”: ibid.

  p. 348 Remains of her Mexican sojourn: Ridge to Lawson, 20 Apr. 1937.

  p. 348 “The help I’ve got from others”: ibid.

  p. 348 Floyd sent $100: Ridge to Lawson, 3 May 1937.

  p. 348 Considering the Grand Canyon: Ridge to Lawson, 6 May 1937.

  p. 348 Lost glasses, trunk, and pills: Ridge to Lawson, 9 May 1937.

  p. 348 “To 17 restaurants”: ibid.

  p. 348 Midland Club Hotel: ibid.; and Clark 2007, 96.

  p. 348 New York by May 10: Ridge to Lawson, 6 May 1937.

  Chapter 37 — Anti-Woman, Anti-Experiment, Anti-Radical

  p. 349 “House of Rest”: Ridge to Lawson, 5 Aug. 1937; and receipt from the “House of Rest,” in the Lola Ridge Papers at the Sophia Smith Collection, Smith College, Northampton, MA.

  p. 349 Charlotte offered cookies and cake: Wilder to Ridge, 18 Oct. 1937.

  p. 349 Introduced to Wilder by Scott: Scott to Ridge, 5 Dec. 1933.

  p. 349 Supported Wilder’s application: Wilder to Ridge, 22 Oct. 1936.

  p. 349 Wilder won the Shelley: “Shelley Winners,”

  p. 349 “Ever since I left Evelyn’s so abruptly”: Wilder to Ridge, 10 Aug. 1939.

  p. 349 Wilder’s lobotomy: Niven 2013, 513.

  p. 349 Scott’s psychiatric symptoms: Maun 2012, 128.


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