Yes, Master (D'Amato Brothers/S&M Crossover Book 2)

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Yes, Master (D'Amato Brothers/S&M Crossover Book 2) Page 7

by Vera Roberts

  Faith came out wearing a bright green mask. “I tell her everything!”

  “Maybe she just wants to keep it private?” Eli shrugged. “There’s nothing wrong with being private about some things.”

  Faith crawled into bed with her husband. “This is not like her, babe. What if the guy is dangerous? What if he’s a mass murderer?” Eli shot his wife a disbelieving look. “Look, it could happen!”

  “You’ve been watching too much damn Lifetime.” He muttered.

  “If she gets hurt and I could’ve prevented it, I would feel awful!”” Faith gave one last plead. Help me, babe.”

  “Help you with what?” Eli found SportsCenter and watched the replays.

  “Help me investigate! We can be sneaky about it and won’t tell anyone!”

  “We won’t tell anyone because this conversation won’t come to fruition.” He stated. “I am not participating in your dramatical exploits.”

  “You don’t love me, don’t you?” Faith asked and Eli heavily sighed. “If you loved me, you would help me.”

  “I do love you,” He nodded. “I’m not in the bathroom drinking cyanide right now, am I?”

  Faith gasped and moved away from her husband. She folded her arms tight across her chest and huffed. She continued to huff until the noise was overpowering Eli’s enjoyment of watching his sports program. Eli looked over to his wife and turned off the T.V. “Listen, Faye. I’m not going to help you with this. Now if you’re still mad at me, you can kick me out and I’ll sleep on the couch tonight. If you accept the fact that this little venture is all on you, I’ll lick your pussy until the sun comes up. What do you want?”

  Faith continued to wrap her arms around her waist and kicked her feet a bit. “I’m still mad at you.”

  “Go wash off your face and come back here,” Eli turned off the T.V. and turned on the stereo. “We’ll forget about Krista for the night.”

  Faith hurriedly washed off her mask and returned back to bed. She stripped off her clothing and got on the bed. “I’m still going to investigate, Eli.”

  Eli spread his wife’s legs apart and kissed her inner thighs. He gave a long lick from her honey to her pearl. He lightly suckled on the clit before he twirled around his tongue, softly bouncing it. “I know you will.”


  It was huge.

  It was probably bigger than anything she’s ever had inside her before.

  It matched Saint Nick perfectly. It was also pretty similar to Master Scott.

  Krista let out a deep breath as she studied the lifelike long and thick dildo in front of her. For a hefty price tag, the saleswoman guaranteed it was one of the best and Krista was sold. Now she had buyer’s remorse and worst yet, she couldn’t return it for a refund.

  Whether she wanted to use the phallus or not, she was stuck with it. She did chuckle at the thought of the dildo making a good weapon in case anyone wanted to break it into her apartment.

  She removed it from the packaging and carefully washed it, getting into all of the grooves and corners. After drying it off, she just stared at it.

  And stared.

  And stared some more.

  After convincing herself that it wouldn’t magically find its way inside her mouth and therefore teaching her how to do a proper deep throat technique, Krista was ready. She had a small glass of wine and lit a few candles, creating a romantic atmosphere.

  It was now or never.

  She watched many videos online, both instructional and of the porn variety. It all made deep throating seem like it was the easiest thing to do and that every woman is a natural at it. Hah! She wanted to laugh. It was so easy and every woman was a natural, why were there so many damn videos on how to do it?

  Deep throating wasn’t the issue that bothered Krista. It was deep throating her Masters, which caused her to worry. If she performed badly on Saint Nick, it meant she could kiss her trip to L.A. goodbye. There was a lot at stake for Krista and the pressure was on.

  She followed the instructions of one of the videos and started by licking the top of the shaft first. She then licked the tip of it and began to suck it, taking a little more of the shaft with each movement. Finally, she remembered exhale and slid a bit more inside, causing her to gag. The video said the gagging would cause throat to relax more and lubricate with saliva.

  She pulled the shaft out and licked the underside, cupping the balls and kissing the head. Now it was time to try again.

  She was determined to give both men the best blowjobs they’ve ever had.


  He couldn’t quite explain it but there was something drastically different about his Krista.

  Granted, Krista didn’t technically belong to Tony but he secretly labeled that she did. They always hung out after hours and he even helped her out occasionally with bills. He never expected sex or any type of sexual favor in return and she was always so grateful to him. They were best friends and Tony wondered what hellish act did he perform in his past to be stuck in the friend zone with one of the most beautiful women he’d seen.

  Now his Krista was…different.

  She was a little slimmer than before and now she wore her hair a bit differently. Her hairstyle was always in small, loose natural curls and now it was completely straightened. Her makeup used to be bright and bold; now it was soft and subtle.

  It was almost as if Krista was a brand-new woman.

  “You’re looking nice tonight,” Tony commented.

  Krista brightly smiled at her best friend. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome,” Tony eyed Krista and took a bite of pizza. The question was on the tip of his tongue and he wondered how crushed he would be to actually hear the answer he’d been dreading. Still, it was better to get it over with so he can move on to someone else. “What’s his name?”

  “I don’t have a boyfriend, Tony.” She replied.

  “You look different. You hair’s different. You lost some weight.” Krista smiled as Tony rattled off more changes. “The only reason why a woman would make such a drastic change is either midlife crisis or because of a new man.”

  “Excuse you,” she shook her head and gave him a slick smile, “a woman makes a change because she wants to.”

  Tony wasn’t convinced. Krista was known to fly under the radar so any sudden changes would be immediately noticeable. “So you’re too young for a midlife crisis and even Faye has asked me if I knew something about what you’re doing.”

  Krista raised an arched eyebrow and turned to him. “Oh, really now?”

  “So I’m just wondering…” He paused. “…What’s up?”

  “I don’t have a man, Tony,” she repeated, “If I did, you would be the first to know.”

  Tony didn’t necessarily like the sound of that for many reasons but he kept them private. “Why all of the changes?”

  “I’m just experimenting with some things, that’s all.” It wasn’t a lie. Ever since Master put her on a lifestyle change, she’d been consuming more water and went on daily mile-long walks, per her assignments. She also started doing a bit of yoga and was surprised at how much she perspired during each session.

  As a result, Krista lost a few pounds and trimmed several inches off her waist. Even if she weren’t into BDSM, she would keep up the changes that Saint Nick implemented. She liked this new and improved version of herself.

  What she didn’t care for was the daily hair routine. She usually stuck to the wash and go technique for her curly locks, which required very little maintenance. Her Masters, however, wanted her to have straightened hair – Their preference – and Krista spent more time in front of the mirror than she cared for.

  “Drugs?” He asked.

  “What? No!” She was hurt by the accusation. “I think you would know me better than that especially with my background.”

  “You’re being awfully secretive and this isn’t like you, dolce mio,” Tony gathered her hand within his and lightly kissed it, “everyone’s ju
st wondering what’s going on.”

  Krista wanted to tell Tony. She’s never held anything back from him and he knew so many of her secrets that if she got famous, she would be seriously concerned at the prospect of him releasing a tell-all book about her.

  Still, telling Tony that she was currently involved in a D/s relationship with his brother didn’t sound smart and she didn’t want to contribute to any future strife between the brothers. “Nothing’s going on, Tony. There is no man, there is nothing illegal going on, and I’m just undergoing a temporary change. I promise you that is the extent of it.”

  “If you say nothing’s going on then I believe you. I just wanted to let you know that a lot of people care about you and if something is going on, you can tell any of us.” He kissed her hand again.

  Krista appreciated the sweet gesture. “I assure you that nothing is going on.”

  “Then that’s that,” Tony sat back on his sofa and Krista snuggled next to him, “what movie are we watching tonight?”

  “Maid in Manhattan.”

  “Oh, the one with Vanessa Del Rio?”

  “Um, no. The one with J.Lo.”


  Faith went through Krista’s locker, hoping to find a clue to her new mystery man. There was nothing. No notes. No gifts. No reminders to do anything. She was tempted to go inside Krista’s apartment to do a search when she was at work but Faith couldn’t find the time to escape from the salon. Plus, Eli wouldn’t allow her to go over to Krista’s apartment. Even he had to put his foot down on that action.

  If I were Krista, what would I be hiding from everyone?

  It wasn’t like Krista to undergo a change without a reason behind it. It wasn’t just her physical appearance; it seemed her entire aura had changed and Faith couldn’t put a finger on what was going on. The fact that Krista was clearly hiding something made Faith even more suspicious.

  She needed to go deeper.

  If Krista were up to something, she wouldn’t bring it to work. Other than the visit from the models, there was nothing in Krista’s locker that indicated anything else was going on. She showed up to work on time and even left work at her scheduled time.

  If she were doing something, she would do it at home.

  Faith decided she was going to follow Krista after work. Since it was the weekend, whatever Krista did was going to lead her to Mystery Man. Faith would finally be able to drop the subject and she could focus on other things.

  Like the many different ways she could rub the news in her husband’s face.


  “Welcome, Sugar.” Whitney and Stacey greeted Krista at Nick’s home. “We’ve been expecting you.”

  “Thank you, ladies,” Krista walked in and took off her coat. After practicing on the dildo all week and watching various porn instructional videos, Krista felt confident enough in her skills. She was still nervous about performing them on Saint Nick but she hoped they were strong enough for her to go to L.A. the next week. “How are you ladies doing tonight?”

  “We’re doing very well. Thank you for asking.” Whitney replied. She took Krista’s coat and hung it up in the closet. "Master is waiting for you outside on the balcony.” She pointed to the outside. “Go join Him.”

  Krista sighed. She saw Nick sipping a glass of wine and looking out into the starry New York sky. He obviously wanted to talk to her before her task. She wondered what He wanted to talk to her about.


  Faith followed the Town Car and watched as the driver stepped out of the vehicle and opened the rear passenger door for Krista. Krista then went inside the building as the driver sped off. Faith really wondered whom the wealthy Mystery Man Krista was seeing. She looked up at the building and was in shock by what she saw.

  What’s she doing at Nick’s building?

  Nick never brought a woman home and was notoriously private about his personal life. He thought he convinced everyone in the family that he was just more focused on academia but many suspected the real reason was he just wasn’t ready to come out of the closet.

  Now she needed to ask her brother-in-law if he had seen anything.


  “There are times I wish I went into astronomy,” Nick began as he continued to look up at the stars, “I was always so fascinated with stars and believed there was something more out there. I can’t say for sure I believe in aliens in the traditional form but I always felt we were never alone in the universe.”

  Krista was a little taken aback by Nick’s deep observation. It wasn’t typical conversation she would expect before a scene. “I didn’t know you were into stars, Master.”

  “I’m into everything that challenges My mind. The thirst for knowledge and discovery is never ending. Just when you think you know everything, it turns out you know nothing.” He gently swirled the wine. “It’s very humbling.”

  “That’s true, Sir,” Krista stood next to Him and looked up at the stars. She felt a calm wash over her and more at ease than before. She took a few deep breaths and felt her shoulders drop. Gone were the insecurities and nervousness; replaced was relaxation and awareness.

  “You’re going to L.A. regardless of how you perform tonight,” Nick clarified, “but it would behoove you to perform well.”

  “Yes, Master.” She nodded.

  Nick turned to Krista. “I know you won’t become a full-time submissive and you know this as well.”

  Krista was surprised by Nick’s sudden declaration. She wanted to argue with Him but decided against it. She knew she wasn’t going to become a submissive as well. “Yet you still invited me over, Sir?”

  “My goal switched from making you into something you obviously don’t want to be to turning you into something I’m sure every woman desires to be,” He paused, “to be the best in bed. This is something I have spoken to Master Scott and He agrees. However, you still need to submit to Master Scott if you want your fantasy.”

  “There is something I want to talk to you about,” Krista took a sip of wine and found the courage in the warm liquid. “Your brother, Tony. We’re very close. He’s not my boyfriend but he might be in the future.”

  Nick already knew what Krista was going to say before she finished her sentence. “You’re inquiring if I should say something to my brother about your past?”

  “You’re not bothered about the relationship I have with your brother, Sir?”

  “What relationship do you have with my baby brother, sugar?” Nick asked. “You two aren’t dating and last time I checked, you were just best friends, though it’s pretty clear Tony does like you.”

  “Tony likes everyone, Sir.” Krista was well aware of Tony’s reputation.

  “That is true,” Nick smiled, “but Krista, if you were that concerned about my brother, you wouldn’t be here right now. You’re worried about a future event that you just admitted may not even occur.”

  “I just don’t want to cause any drama between you two,” she admitted, “I don’t want what we’re doing to get in the way of that.”

  “Sugar, the only way Tony would know about what we’re doing is via you.” Nick stated. “I don’t go bragging to my brothers about what I do for it truly is none of their business.”

  Krista remembered the numerous conversations held at both her salon and Tony’s, inquiring about Nick’s secret love life. Tony and Faith were convinced he was gay, though there was no evidence to suggest that. On the contrary, there was nothing to confirm that he wasn’t. “You’re okay that your family thinks you’re gay?” She questioned.

  “I never cared about what they think,” Nick glanced up to the stars once again, “I’ve told them that I wasn’t and for whatever reason, they’ve insisted that I am. I think only My mother was convinced that I just haven’t met the right woman yet. Their opinion of Me never shaped My view of Me. They have their opinions about Me and I have My truth about Me. Sugar, you will learn that you can’t depend on anyone else’s opinion about you when they don’t know the
full story. We often form opinions about people we barely know only by glimpses of their personality. We don’t know how they are in other situations or people. We just know what they present to us. That asshole that cut you off might have been in a hurry to get to his son’s play. That woman who was incredibly nasty might have just found out she’s being laid off and she’s wondering how she’s going to pay bills. That guy who always tells jokes and never takes anything seriously might be doing so to keep himself from swallowing a silver bullet because he hates his life.”

  It was then Krista really appreciated Saint Nick. He wasn’t molding her into something or someone that wasn’t her but rather, showing her there were other perspectives in life. She now understood why He was called Saint Nick. “You’re amazing, Sir.”

  “I wouldn’t say I’m amazing,” Nick smiled, showcasing perfect teeth, “just experienced.”

  “I love Your experience, Sir.”

  “I’m glad to hear that, Sugar.” Nick finished His wine. “Now that we’ve had a lesson in worldly views, let’s have a bit of fun.”

  Krista finished her wine and was more than ready to show her Master what she’d learned. “Yes, Sir.”

  Nick wrapped His arms around Krista and held her close to His body. Krista sighed as she breathed in His musky scent. His body felt absolutely wonderful pressed against hers and became lost in Him. “We’re going to try something different tonight. You’re going to deep throat Me in the 69 position. That’s actually the preferred position for deep throating as the throat curves and is more accepting of the penis, as oppose to kneeling or even standing.” He whispered in her ear, His lips brushed against hers, “Stacey and Whitney agreed to help you shower and get clean before they leave for a short while.” He pulled away and swept His lips across Krista’s, taking over hers in sweet and sensual kisses. “Now go run along now.”

  Krista opened her eyes and tried to get a bearing of her senses. She was completely aroused and her body was on fire. Now Saint Nick wanted her to cool down.

  She was convinced He was the ultimate cock tease.



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