The Eternal War Series Box Set

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The Eternal War Series Box Set Page 17

by Holly Vane

  Holly shrugged, tears falling down her cheeks. “Go ahead. It means nothing without him anyway.”

  Castillo's eyes hardened. “Don't play with me girl. If have utter disregard for your life. Then think of your friends, you're parents. Demons love to kill. You think that once we leave this town to their mercy, they'll stop at you?”

  Holly only had to look in Dominic's eyes to know that Castillo was telling her the truth.

  “That's cold.” Dominic spat at Castillo.

  “And as for you.” Castillo turned his attention to him. “Taking into account you're recent services. We will spare you're life. But if you attempt to interact with Holly, in any way. We will not hesitate.”

  Castillo looked at Holly. Who stood shivering in the cold night air. She looked shattered and lost. “You left us no choice Holly. We tried the subtle approach and look where's it's got us. It's time you stopped thinking that this is just about you and Caleb. The whole universe is at stake here. Not just two hearts. For what it's worth I truly am sorry it had to come to this.”

  There was a beam of light as Castillo made his exit.

  The silence was deafening. Holly's heart had shattered into a million pieces. Why was loving Caleb so wrong? Other Angels had fell for love. Her own mother did! So why wouldn't Heaven let Caleb do the same. They were taking away his freedom of choice.

  “Holy Hell what happened to you Holly? You look like you've seen a ghost.” Jo's voice called to her. Holly didn't turn to her. If she had, she would have seen Jo wearing nothing but Dominic's shirt. But broken and dazed she shuffled through the garden gate and out of their sight. Not caring where her feet was taking her.

  Chapter Twelve



  Holly's life hit the fan.

  She was heartsick, depressed and angry.

  Miss Wilson had her coped up in the library all day, every day. She let her have her lunch break with Jo then it was back to study, study, and study.

  Miss Wilson would even check-up that she was home at night, and not out consorting with Dominic.

  Their deal was very clear; do this our way, or watch everyone you care about die violently.

  They were holding the lives of her family and friends in ransom to get her to comply.

  And after two month it was starting to wear her down.

  Holly had tried to fight back. Shouting Caleb's name into the sky till she lost her voice. But they was no answer. Wherever he was he couldn't hear her any-more or he wasn't able to come to her. Holly dreaded to think what it would to take to keep Caleb from coming to her. What had they done to him?

  She tried showing them that they couldn't rule her life this life. They would not stop her seeing Dominic, who felt so much a part of her now that her body ached without him around. But he had seemed to have vanished from Cherry Falls, leaving behind no sigh that he had even been there in the first place.

  Whenever she was actually allowed time with her friends, all Jo talked about was her night of passion with Dominic, and how he had exceeded her every expectation.

  Holly's life officially couldn't get any worse. Or so she thought until one lunch time Jo had reminded her that prom was only a week away.

  “I'm officially boy-couting it.” Ricky told them. Stuffing his face full of Twinkie.

  “That's because you haven't got a date.” Jo told him, a grin showing on her lips.

  “Oh and you have?” Ricky tossed back at her.

  Jo's face fell. “Not yet. Dominic's done a vanishing act on me.”

  “Well then we're all losers.” Ricky said in a sad voice. “Holly's been discarded probably for one of those French-maids, you have just been used and abused...”

  “And you can't even pay a girl to be you're date.” Jo slung at him angrily.

  “Jeez calm down. I was trying to make a joke, point is not of us has been asked to prom. So we should stay home and watch cheers re-runs together.”

  Jo threw a disgusted glance his way. “I have a better idea. The three of us should go together. What do you think Holly?”

  “Hum?” She had been watching a crisp packet floating on the breeze. Not focusing on anything.

  “The three of us going to prom. Just because we don't have dates doesn't mean we should sit home like rejects. In fact a night of carefree drinking and dancing is just what we need right now. Take our minds off the what jerks guys can be.”

  Holly shrugged. “Whatever.” She said without any feeling.

  “Fine it's settled then.”

  When the bell rang Holly slogged her way back to the library she was beginning to hate. An open Chemistry text book lay open at her table. “You're grades could use a bit of work in that subject dear.” Miss Wilson said as shuffled away. Holly glared at her with vehemence.

  When she glanced up fifteen minutes later she thought she saw Dominic's thin frame slip between two stacks but it was probably her eyes playing tricks on her. He was long gone, after the threat Castillo had given she couldn't blame him.

  “Hey Holly.”

  Holly steered her head back round and faced Tyler Smith, quarterback of Cherry Falls football team. She had tutored him last year in English.

  “Hey.” She said back unenthusiastic.

  He seemed nervous. He looked at her then pulled out a chair. “I was em...wondering if you had a date for prom yet?”

  “No. I'm...going with a friend.” Holly said hurriedly. Trying to tell him nicely she wasn't interested.

  “Oh, well em... if that friend falls through. We could maybe go. Together.” He added quickly.

  Holly didn't want to hurt his feelings. Tyler was an okay guy. But she wanted to make it clear that there was no way they would go to prom together. The only guy she wanted to take her to prom was the one she couldn't have.

  “Thanks for the offer Tyler really, but I'm really not looking to get involved with any-one.”

  He nodded. “It's cool. Just thought I'd ask. See you around.” He quickly made his exit.

  Holly watched him go with a sigh. Was this how her life was going to be? Cold, miserable and lonely?

  “Dominic wanted me to give this.” Heather appeared pushing a piece of white, folded paper at her. Holly's heart leapt at the sound of his name.

  “Dominic? Where is he?” She asked looking around.

  Heather shrugged. “He told me not to say. And just for the record it wasn't a cucumber. You might want to tell your friend that she should get her facts straight, before slagging me off.”

  Heather bounced away.

  Holly's heart pounded. She looked over at Miss Wilson, to see if she was watching. She wasn't. A student had asked her about a book and she was leading him through the stacks.

  She quickly opened the note:

  Hey princess,

  keep your head up, don't let them break you.

  I'm working on getting you out of here.


  Holly felt tears forming. He hadn't forgotten about her. He was still here. Watching from a distance. It gave Holly a renewed energy. She was determined that Heaven, Castillo or Miss Wilson wasn't going to win.

  Dominic hadn't given up, so neither could she.


  Thursday after school, Holly found herself on main street. Trailing through countless boutiques with Jo, trying to find something to wear to prom.

  They had tried on countless dresses. And were running out stores. Prom was tomorrow night.

  Holly sighed and slipped on the last dress in the changing room. It was strapless, black, with a ruffled out waves of red at the bottom. It was too racy for her. But she had tried on all the rest. The dress clung to her like a second skin.

  “Whoa...You've found you're dress Holly.” Jo's head peeked around the curtain.

  “Really? It's kinda tight.” Holly said smoothing it out. The material felt cool in her hands.

  “Promise you. Wear that tomorrow and you'll make all the boys go non-verbal when they see you.”

  Holly unzipped it. “I don't care about that.” She muttered.

  Jo sighed. “Holly I know Caleb broke you're heart but you have to let it go. Move on. I guarantee you he already has.”

  Had he? Was he somewhere right now falling in love with his charge? On Christmas Eve, the last time she had seen him. He had said that she was in trouble, before fleeing to her rescue. Maybe Castillo had been trying to spare Holly's feelings. Maybe Caleb didn't want to come back to her.

  She looked at her left hand. She still wore the ring he had given her. It was the only of him she had left. No! She wouldn't believe it, couldn't believe. Heaven was keeping them apart not Caleb.

  Somehow she would find him. She would.


  Prom was depressingly romantic.

  Holly sat at her table watching the couples smooch on the floor.

  She saw Jo remove Ricky's hands from her bottom back to her waist, giving him an evil glance.

  Holly smiled. At least Ricky was enjoying himself.

  Something dark moved over Holly temporary blocking the light. When she glanced at the chair opposite her, her breath caught: Dominic.

  He looked devilishly hot in a black suite. Underneath was a crisp, white unbuttoned shirt. She saw the pale flawless skin of his chest. He looked more like a seductive devil than a teenage boy tonight. There was something unchained in his brown eyes.

  Holly breathed deeply and looked away, back to the make-shift dance floor. “You shouldn't be here.” She told him breathlessly. Her chest heaved.

  “I know. But I had to see you.” He told her softly following her gaze.

  She shut her eyes, forcing the flames of desire back down inside her. “Don't do this to me, please.” They both knew she didn't have enough self-control to walk away. He had to be the one to leave.

  “You look...good enough to eat.” He told her. He was across the table, but his voice felt unbearably close, almost whispering in her ear.

  Her heart pounded. “You don't look too bad yourself.”

  He smiled.

  Heather came out of the crowd she swept her gaze across the gym. Her eyes narrowed when they fell on Dominic and Holly. She made her way over to them. She ran her hands underneath his shirt, “I want to dance.” She told him, her green eyes full of lust.

  Dominic sighed. “I'll be there in a minute.”

  Heather chewed on his ear lobe before he dashed a -his-mine- look at Holly. He flinched away from her. But she was already walking towards the dance floor.

  Holly's throat constricted. “You're here with Heather?”

  “Don't get you're panties in a twist princess.” He shrugged casually. “It's just a bit of fun.”

  He got up and walked to her, Holly's body froze. She wanted his touch, his arms around her, she wanted him to tell her things will be okay. Even though it be a lie.

  But he simply said. “Be ready.” Before stalking after Heather.

  Be ready? For what? She shook her head, frustrated that Jo had talked her into wearing this constricting dress. Angry at Dominic for being here with Heather. Angry at why everyone seemed to have a date but her.

  The band changed tempo. A haunting, slow rendition of You've lost that loving feeling filled Holly's ears. She sighed, if she was going to survive this love feast for two more hours, she needed a drink.

  A boy at the punch table handed her a red plastic cup, she downed the contents in one gulp. It didn't even have any alcohol in it, but as long as Holly made believe it did, it made her feel better.

  She grabbed another cup. She faced front and the cups froze halfway to her lips.

  Before her the crowd seemed to part. Standing in the space they created was...Caleb.

  He was dressed in fitted tux x. Emotion burned through Holly like never before. Her breathing stopped. She felt suspended like time had ceased to exist.

  Before her mind told her that this might not be real. She ran to him.

  His arms wrapped around her and hugged her tight. Holly ran her hands over him; he was real! He was here! With her!

  “How are you here?” She looked up into his eyes, that blinded her with intense blue light.

  His lips found hers and the gym span around them.

  She locked her fingers behind his neck, her lips pressing on his like she was starving.

  His fingers trailed down her spine, making her shiver with pleasure.

  “I will never leave you.” He whispered in her ear. “Heaven can do as it pleases, I will not part from you ever again.”

  He pushed away her curls and nuzzled her neck.

  A tremor caused them both to look down. Caleb held onto her so tight it hurt.

  The right side of the gym wall exploded in on itself, sending debris flying through the air.

  Screams and shrieks of terror filled the gym. Students rushed to the exits, trampling falling bodies in their wake.

  As the dust settled Holly saw Michael step through the rumble like it was water.

  “Caleb.” Her voice was eerily calm, but her body stiffened with fear.

  But Caleb wasn't looking at Michael. Angels closed in on them from all sides.

  Holly saw Dominic step from the shadows.

  “Holly.” Caleb shook her gently to get her to focus on him. “I need you to run, and whatever you do, don't look back.”

  “I'm not leaving you.” Holly yelled at him.

  “Holly please don't force me to make you leave.”

  From across the gym Dominic uttered a war cry. He pounced on the first Angel he came to snapping it's neck. “Holly.” He said to her calmly, “listen to your man. Just this once.”

  “I need to help him Holly. Run now!” Caleb pushed her into the direction of the double wooden doors.

  A furious looking Angel blocked her path. A ball of light struck him in the chest and he fell in a crumpled heap. Holly jumped over him and threw open the doors.

  And stepped into chaos.

  Chapter Thirteen



  Darkness had descended on Cherry Falls.

  Bodies covered the ground. Blood mixed with mud seeped into the wet grass.

  Screams rose in the near distance.

  Holly gulped, knowing what she had to do. She picked up the helm of her dress and carefully stepped over the carnage.

  Some still had their eyes open, the icy terror still in their dead gaze. Throats were cut open, limbs were missing, and entrails stretched out on the ground before her like links of sausages.

  Her stomach lurched into her mouth when she recognised Tyler smith's face looking up at her, his mouth open in a silent pleading. His dead, hazel eyes dangled down from their sockets.

  Holly vomited. Who could have done this? Angels?

  Before she could straighten up a shaky hand gripped her arm. She spun and collided with Jo. Who was shivering in her pink prom dress. Red blood was slashed across the foot.

  “Jo are you hurt?” Holly asked her, trying to keep her voice even.

  Jo shook her head. “It's Ricky's...” Holly froze. “Jo where is he?”

  “I don't know.” Jo sobbed against her. “It all happened so fast...One minute he was next to me , the next gone.”

  Holly held her trying to keep her own hysteria from rising. Ricky couldn't be dead.

  “Okay” Holly grabbed Jo's head in her shaking hands. “We need to get to my house. It's the closet. We can barricade ourselves in and call the police. Okay?”

  Jo nodded. Holly lead her out of the school grounds, keeping low, moving fast. They crossed the street and hid in an alley as a car zoomed past them. A few seconds later they heard gunshots crack through the air like thunder.

  “What's going on?” Jo asked her quietly.

  “The shield...” Holly trailed off, lost in her thoughts. Caleb had defied Heaven. He had come back to her. Castillo had lowered the shield in retaliation. That's why Michael was here. Along with god knows how many Demons.

  “Oh god Holly...the
gang, they want you.” Jo looked up at her with wild eyes.

  Holly grabbed her hand and ran as hard as she could.

  They were only streets away from safety.


  In the gym the body count was rising.

  Caleb let the limp body in his hands fall to the wood floor. It gleamed in the strobe lights, slick with blood.

  He looked around, accessing the situation; Michael had gone a while ago, Caleb knew he was using these Angels to hold them at bay while Holly was somewhere in Cherry Falls, unprotected.

  He could just say sense her, Heaven's punishment had weakened him greatly. But at least she was still alive. For now.

  Dominic was being circled by six Angels. He nodded at Caleb. “Go! I can handle these clowns.”

  Caleb dashed through the gaping hole in the gym wall. Death was everywhere he looked. Heaven had strayed far from its path. Allowing a whole town of innocents to be massacred just to punish Caleb for defecting.

  He tore off his tux x jacket and shirt, unfurled his wings and prayed he could get to her in time.


  Holly slammed the door shut behind Jo. Bolting and locking it. They managed with some difficulty to slid the hallway cabinet against it.

  “Okay Jo check the locks on the windows upstairs, I’ll finish down here.” Holly knew if Angels or Demons wanted in they would find a way, but they were doing their best.

  “Mum? Dad?” Holly yelled searching downstairs. She checked the kitchen a lump formed in her throat, when she saw the blood streaked across the kitchen wall. “Please no” Holly whispered, forcing herself to move closer.

  Her mother's pale face looked up at her. Her grey eyes were dull, her skin deathly pale. There was blood squirting from a wound in her chest. Holly's legs buckled, she grabbed the counter and dragged herself over to her mother.

  “Mum...No.” Tears welled down her face. She pressed her hands down on the wound, trying to stem the flow.

  “Holly...l-look at m-me.” Her mother’s voice was low but peacefully. She didn't sound in any pain.

  “I was wrong...t-to tell you to stay a-away from him. You should a-always follow...” Her mother faltered.

  “Don't you dare.” Holly said through gritted teeth. “Don't you dare leave me.”


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