The Eternal War Series Box Set

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The Eternal War Series Box Set Page 31

by Holly Vane

  “But they can never agree on a thing, there are too many egos.” Dominic added grimly. “It will cause more harm than good. They won’t listen to you Legion, and what’s worse is you’ve handed Holly straight to them.”

  “What?” Fear unfurled inside her.

  “I asked Cas to keep her out of it, but in his great wisdom he’s decided otherwise.” Legion said with a touch of sarcasm to his voice. “There’s no way around it now Holly, I’m afraid you will have to attend.”

  “She is not going.” Dominic said firmly.

  “You know as well as I do that she has no choice. One cannot simply decline a summons Dominic.”

  “Why not?” Holly asked simply.

  The brothers shared a look. “You tell her. You’re the one that got her into this mess.” Dom told him with barely contained fury.

  “That’s not fair.”

  “Guys!” Legion took a deep breath.

  “The invitation.” He held up the envelope. “Is laced with a very old and powerful incantation. It gives the Council the right to…extinguish…”

  “He means Kill.” Dominic clarified. Legion shot daggers at him before continuing. “Any person who does not answer the Order’s call.” Holly crumpled onto the couch with sheer disbelief.

  “You have to understand Holly.” Legion implored her. “These rules were put in place to keep the members in line. Some of whom are the worst offenders of genocide, murder and such. They have to be severe.”

  “I’m going to go to bed…”

  “Holly please…” Legion held her arm but she yanked free.

  “I’m tired. I’m going to bed.” She repeated slowly trying to control her flaring temper. He let go and Holly felt his eyes on her until she got to the bedroom.


  “Nice one.” Dominic snorted at his older brother after the bedroom door slammed shut behind her. “What were you thinking?” He added with a sigh. The small apartment was a glow with the soft crisp light of the glass lamp in the corner. And outside on the street car engines filled the uneasy silence that had now fell over the two brothers.

  “It’s a risk we have to take.” Legion finally whispered. Dom could almost feel the regret coming from him and his anger died down a little.

  “They’ve just been waiting for an excuse to get their claws into her, and you’ve given them the perfect ammunition. I know you didn’t mean for this to happen Li, but quite frankly I’m amazed how you could be so dumb.” Legion’s head snapped up and Dominic saw rage dance in his cold eyes for a moment. “The Order,” Dom carried on. “Will take the easiest route they can. War with Lucifer is the hard way.”

  “What are you getting at?” Legion snapped.

  “You really don’t see it do you? They’ll order Holly’s execution rather than face Lucifer on the battlefield. Kill Holly and this whole thing goes away. She’s the last of her kind. Lucifer’s hopes are all pinned on her.”

  “But they have sworn to protect her.” Dominic laughed at his reply. “Like it or not they have protected her for eighteen years.”

  “Oh really. What about Michael? Castillo? Have you forgotten Cas let a whole town die just to prove a point.”

  “And I know he feels remorse for his actions. Cas is on our side. And as far as Michael goes, his vendetta against Holly was not backed by Heaven.”

  “They did fuck all to stop him.” Dominic tossed at him. Legion sighed and joined Dominic on the couch.

  “You know I would never let any of them touch her. You know why I have invested myself in the girl you love. I would die before I let history repeat itself.” Dominic sank further into despair at the mention of the past. He hadn’t always been the guy Holly had fell in love with; he had kept his past from her because the Prince of Hell was scared of losing her if she found out about it. But he also realized that if they were to work he would have to come clean eventually.

  “It’s about time you let it go.” Legion told him firmly. And Dom knew his face gave him away. “You weren’t to blame for what happened, you didn’t know.”

  “It’s about time you stopped blaming Caleb.” Dominic counted getting to his feet. “I was the one who killed her not him, and I’ll tell you this now. If anything happens to Holly because of you…”

  “You best hope you never see me again.”


  Holly opened her eyes and sighed as last night’s events rolled through her mind. After tossing and turning for hours she had finally managed to fall into a troubled sleep. “Have you slept at all?” She asked, finally turning her head to look at Dominic. He was lying on his side with his head propped up by a hand. He was still dressed in the jeans and sweater from last night.

  “Too busy watching you.” Her heart picked up when his eyes swept over her with admiration. He leaned in and brushed his irresistible lips against hers, want and need overwhelmed her and Holly wrapped her arms around his neck taking his mouth passionately.

  Not matter how much they made love she still craved more, Dominic made her heart do things no one else could. “Is Legion gone?” She whispered. A wicked smirk broke out on his face and he pulled her on top of him. Straddling his lap Holly slid her hands underneath his sweater and groped his firm hard body.

  A commotion outside the door made her freeze. “What was that?” Dominic hesitated then grimaced. Leaning back Holly glared at him through narrow eyes.

  “Dom?” He looked away while holding her hips and sat up, before he said anything the bedroom door burst open and Layla Rodriquez and Miles Benson, Holly’s friends from St. Heralds, stood in the doorway.

  “Surprize!” Holly could only stare at them with her mouth hanging open. She had never expected to see them again. “Sorry.” Miles said to Dom who looked a little pissed. “She couldn’t wait anymore.” He motioned to the Latin goddess standing next to him.

  “That’s right blame me,” Layla said. “I didn’t hear you object.” She crossed the room and flung herself down on the bed. “Relax Dom. You can bang her anytime.” Holly regained her senses and looked down at the comprising position she was in, and thanked her lucky stars she still had her pyjamas on.

  “What are you guys doing here?” Layla shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal.

  “Moral support.”


  “Okay.” Dominic said moving out from underneath Holly. “I think this will be best left till later, don’t you Layla?” Holly saw the two of them exchange looks, and grew even more confused.

  “Hungry?” Miles asked moving towards the kitchen where Holly heard even more voices. Grabbing her robe she followed and nearly had a stroke. Everyone she had ever cared about was sitting round the small kitchen island, gossiping over eggs and bacon.

  “Holly.” Andrea said warmly making the others look up. Andrea looked flawless as ever with her long blonde hair and stunning features. She was the headmistress of St. Heralds and Holly owed her a lot. Professor Brooks sat next to her with his golden curls and unusual eyes magnified by steel rimmed glasses. It wasn’t hard to believe that he had once been an Angel. Brooks had chosen to fall after Michael had murdered Holly’s biological parents.

  “Good morning.” He greeted with a mouth full of tomatoes. Legion sat at the opposite end and smiled nervously at her.

  “You didn’t have to slap her…” Holly could have almost cried with joy but the second voice that wafted in from the opening front door made her breath catch.

  “She was a second away from suffocating you with her mouth!” Jade Summers came into view and Holly’s joy melted immediately. She caught sight of Holly and the two glared at each other. Caleb’s broad frame filled the space behind her, and Holly tore her eyes away from her arch nemesis to the person that, besides Dominic, meant everything to her.

  Caleb Williams closed the door while balancing a huge box of Krispy Kreme donuts in his hands. His sapphire eyes seemed to glow brighter through the dull light of the morning that filtered in through the blinds. Since deciding to st
ay behind in Oregon with Jade almost three months ago, Holly had missed him more than words could say. He was a part of her and truth be told knew her better than anyone. Jade took the box off him and strolled over to the others, giving Holly a black look as she passed.

  “Hey Holly.” Caleb said carefully, they were both aware of the eyes that rested on them. A lump stuck in her throat and without thinking she threw herself into his strong protective arms.

  Holly couldn’t begin to express what she was feeling but hoped her body could. Caleb was her ex Guardian Angel and despite the connection that linked them so closely being severed, there was an unspoken understanding that Caleb would always be her angel.

  Someone cleared their throat and Holly thought it sounded like Jade, Caleb’s new charge, amongst other things. Making herself step away she looked up and basked in Caleb. He was more tanned than she remembered and his golden hair had grown, laying over his forehead. He looked better than ever.

  “Can I interrupt this love feast for a second?” Dominic quipped coming up beside her. He tried to make his voice light but she heard a touch of hardness to his tone. Caleb dropped his eyes and joined the others while Dominic guided Holly outside the apartment to the corridor.

  “What…? How…?” Holly gasped once the door was closed. Dominic had changed into dark jeans, vest and leather jacket, he adjusted the collar while she leaned against the far wall for support. Never in her wildest dreams had she thought any of this could be possible.

  “Legion blinked them all here last night, while you were sleeping. Jade insisted on inviting herself.”

  “But why?” Holly was overjoyed that they were here but she knew Legion and Dominic pretty well by now. If they were gathering the troops something was coming. Dom sighed and looked down at the floor.

  “The Devine Order is tonight Holly.” She gaped at him in horror.


  “And there’s so much you have to learn before then, Andrea and the others are here to guide you through it.”

  “Guide me through what?” Where are you going?” Holly’s head spun and she hugged the wall. Dominic came closer but stopped shy of touching her.

  “The Divine Order is rarely called, I think in the past millennia it’s only been held twice. So it’s something of an event. They make a big deal of it, black suits, ballroom dancing, the works.” The door to the apartment opened and Legion slipped through.

  “I can’t do this…” She breathed feeling dizzy, Dom steadied her.

  “Listen to me I wouldn’t leave unless I had to. There’s…” Holly saw him hesitate as he looked at his brother. “Stuff that needs to be sorted before tonight. But I swear I’ll be there waiting for you.”

  “Tell me everything’s going to be okay.” She had this feeling of complete and utter dread. They hadn’t spent a day apart in a long time, and Holly didn’t know if she could cope with all that she would need to without him. It sounded weak and pathetic but he had become her rock. If he ever left she would fall on her face.

  “Do you trust me?” She looked up at him and saw sheer determination in his expression. “You know I do.” He moved closer and their bodies touched.

  “Then everything will work out. I promise you.” He slipped his arms around her waist and kissed her with such intensity that her legs buckled. As he pulled away he let his left hand hover over her stomach. “I’ll see you tonight.”

  She watched him walk away; as they reached the elevator he turned back and flashed Holly his usual devilish smile that would make the biggest iceberg melt in seconds. “Princess do me a favour and do what they say.” Holly stuck her tongue out at him and she heard him laugh as the lift doors closed.

  Taking a deep breath she headed back inside where breakfast had ended and Miles was washing up. “Right Holly,” Andrea chimed. “Why don’t you get dressed and then we’ll get going.”

  “Where?” Andrea shot her a mystified look.

  “To the shops of course, you have to have something to wear tonight.” Holly swallowed hard as sheer terror settled on her. “Don’t worry. Dom left his credit card.” Without another word she went back to perking up the sofa cushions. It wasn’t money that worried Holly; Dominic had a bottomless piggy bank.

  Holly tossed on a baggy jumper and jeans that were way too big for her. She brushed her wild curls into a messy bun and threw on some eyeliner before brushing her teeth. “Jeez Holly your look like a hobo.” Layla said with disgust when she stepped into the living area.

  “Layla.” Andrea snapped, before turning back to Holly. “Ready to go?” She was far from ready but wanting to get this over with Holly nodded and grabbed her coat from beside the door. “Where’s Caleb?”

  “He took Jade out.” Miles offered. “She was whining about something or other.”

  Andrea and Layla ushered Holly out of the apartment while Miles and Brooks stayed behind; claiming clothes shopping with a group of women resembled their worst nightmare.

  “This is going to be awesome.” Layla told them in the elevator. “I’ve never been to New York before. Imagine all those shoes…”

  “We’re not here for a shopping spree.” Andrea said reproachfully. “Holly has a lot to get through and not a lot of time. We get the dress then leave, understand?” Layla nodded disappointedly.

  Holly practically ran out of the lift when the doors opened, she didn’t like keeping things from her nearest and dearest, especially when they had all given up their time to help her.

  They scoured boutiques and department stores, Holly in her rush to find a dress without incident insisted on buying the first one they came too, but Andrea had told her it was too dowdy. Holly needed to make an impression. After entering the sixth store that was stocked full of beautiful elegant dresses Holly had to sit down. She felt completely drained.

  “What about this one?” Andrea appeared with a mountain of cloth over her arm. She held a green gown that shimmered with diamonds underneath the strobe lighting. “It’s great.” Holly said.

  “Nah.” Layla disagreed holding up a rather feisty red one. “This is the one you need if you want to pack a punch.” Andrea frowned at her.

  “Let’s see what they look like on, and then we’ll see whose is best.” Layla shot at her. Holly grimaced, but let them guide her to the changing room. Layla waited outside while Andrea helped her into the gowns. Her green one was first and she had a hard time getting it past Holly’s stomach. “We’ll try another size.” Andrea remarked finally giving up a losing battle.

  “I need something more…billowy.” Andrea looked at her then smiled. “Just because you gained a…little weight doesn’t mean you have to hide yourself Holly. Your beautiful.”

  “No. It’s not…” Holly sighed and slumped down on the chair that was propped in the corner beside the mirror. Her hair had fallen out, her feet ached and she was hot and starving. “Andrea…I’m pregnant.” Pure shock passed over the headmistresses face and it was sometime before she spoke.

  “Dominic’s?” Holly gave her an irritated glance. “Who else would it be?” She snapped.

  “I’m sorry Holly, it’s just…this changes everything.” The dresses fell from Andrea’s hand and she slumped against the wall.

  “Tell me about it.” Holly muttered.

  “How far along are you?”

  “Four month.” Holly registered Andrea’s look of disbelief.

  “You look five.”

  “I know that’s why I need to hide it. Legion warned me not to tell anyone.”

  “He’s right. If the order found out…” Andrea trailed off, she didn’t need to spell it out Holly already had a pretty good idea what they would do.

  “Andrea what is it about this baby that I have to hide?” Holly asked her. She had struggled with this for months; she had all these questions but no one to ask. Dominic had been against keeping it in the first place which made no sense, since Legion had said that Dom had never wanted anything more badly than a family. And after his warni
ng to tell no one Holly knew there was more to this than she was being told.

  Andrea’s face softened. “I would love nothing more than to tell you Holly. I can’t imagine what you’re going through, both of you. But I don’t think it’s my place and we are running on a tight schedule. Before I leave we’ll sit down and have a chat.” She added after seeing Holly’s dismay. “I’ll go find what we need, you stay here.”

  Holly heard Layla’s objections about her red dress not being suitable, then Andrea’s footsteps as they padded away on the plush carpet. Holly found the resulting silence deafening. The last thing she had wanted to do was betray Legion but what he didn’t realize was that Holly needed answers. She let her thoughts travel to her parents and wondered what their views on her being knocked up by the Prince of Hell at the age of eighteen would be.

  Shortly Andrea came back carrying three puffed out dresses that would certainly hide Holly’s baby bump. After finding the perfect one they quickly paid and caught the tube back to the apartment.

  The smell of roasted chicken filled their nostrils and Holly followed the smell inside. “Ah just in time.” Brooks said with a warm smile. He carried a rather large roasted chicken to the island and placed it beside a bowl of steaming vegetables, mash potatoes and a jug full of gravy. “I had nothing else to do.” He shrugged at Holly’s look of awe.

  After a double helping Holly helped Andrea with the dishes. “After this we will need to get on with waltzing.”


  “It is a formal event Holly, there will be dancing, and I’m assuming you’ve never waltzed in your life.”

  “Never really had the need to.” Holly joked and got a disapproving glare.

  “There’s nothing to it.” Caleb’s voice said as the door opened.

  “Caleb’s somewhat of a master at waltzing.” Andrea murmured affectionately. “I’m sure he can show you the basics.”

  “I’ll bet.” Jade mumbled sweeping past them and headed for the bathroom. Caleb gave her a stern look but she had already shut the door.


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