Venomous: Erotic Science Fiction Romance (Alien Warrior Book 1)

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Venomous: Erotic Science Fiction Romance (Alien Warrior Book 1) Page 34

by Fletcher, Penelope

  Venomous stalked to the recessed doorway then pressed his palm to a sensor pad.

  The doors ground open, leaving behind the fluid swirl of the haze.

  Taking my hand, Venomous led me inside.

  Head cranking back, I twirled, my lips parting because the ceiling looked as if a giant geode had been cracked in half, pointed prisms thrusting from glowing creepers, their soft radiance lighting the spacious area.

  “Oh, la, I whispered then took in the rest.

  The furnishings were sparse, but well crafted.

  From the lack of dust, grime and mint scented air, I could tell everything had been recently cleaned, the fixtures scrubbed, the surfaces wiped.

  The lair was earthy, yet stylish, modern, yet snug.

  Comfortable looking divans upholstered in dark, silver specked flocking were placed in front of a dozen shelves bracketing an oval holoscreen as tall as I was.

  Displayed on the floating shelves were metal and wood puzzles that twisted and interlocked in confusing patterns.

  A shaggy hide rug dominated the floor, and puffy, embroidered cushions were stacked against the base of a solitary plinth upon which was a piece of artwork, a twisting stone figurine shot through with luminous orange, as if the person was being consumed in flame.

  It was a pretty, creepy piece I made a mental note to hide in a dark corner somewhere.

  The floor was once again polished feldspar, and the walls were opaque quartz.

  There were four arched doorways leading off into other rooms.

  I poked my head into one and found what looked like a kitchen from the gleaming black surfaces, hinged compartment filled with cold ore, and open-faced oven filled with hot rocks.

  The room was curved, and was another door opening on its innermost plane, but I backed out to investigate the rest.

  Seeming familiar with the place, Fiercely sat on the divan and watched me.

  Venomous went to a console mounted on the wall next to the haze, and it lit up as he swiped his fingers over its rounded surface.

  Blue light limned his features.

  “My kindred let the Sylphs in to clean,” he revealed. “The nest should be fresh, and the garden weeded and replanted.”

  “Garden?” I murmured walking through another doorway, which ended up being no more than a storage space.

  I tried another, and found the bathroom.

  “Oh.” I walked over to a newly added fixture. It looked like a toilet. I confirmed as such when I waved my hand over a circular nub on a bowl-like reservoir, and it flushed. “Well that’s a relief.”

  I glanced about and saw there was a bath, its rim flush with the corrugated tile flooring, a wall to ceiling mirror, and a sink area; a wall of water falling into a thin, long basin.

  Wandering back into the main living area, I saw I was alone, so passed under the last archway to find Venomous and Fiercely talking between themselves, standing before what I assumed would be our nest.

  At the sight of the squashy bundle, my head grew heavy with a wave of drowsiness, so I trudged over to it then flopped down.

  Rolling onto my side, I gathered the blankets, snuggling, then stiffened when something shifted near my leg.

  Is that a warm spot?

  Feeling a twinge of worry a creepy-crawly was in the furs with me, I groaned as I leaned up on my elbow to see if my imagination played tricks.

  I blinked away the rasping burn at the rims of my eyes to focus.

  Body uncoiling, large head slinking towards me, a sinuous, muscled length rose up.

  A heart-shaped hood flared brilliant crimson, and a banded tail rattled.

  Making pitched, squeaking noises that contracted my stomach as I tried to catch a breath, it lowered to my height, looked me right-in-the-eye, then hissed, baring fangs.

  Managing a short, sharp scream, I leapt off the nest onto Venomous, the nimble movement astounding us all.

  I scrambled to climb him like a tree. “What the fuck! What the fuck?”

  “It is fine.” He plucked me off him then turned me to face the monster slithering closer. “It is our Zýt.”

  “Our what?” My pattering feet slipped and slid as I pushed back, but moved nowhere. “It’s coming closer.”

  “It is saying good greetings.”

  “It’s going to eat me.”

  Fiercely choked laughter then approached the entity.

  He rubbed its wedge-shaped head, roughly, as one would a treasured pet. “No, Rä’Na. The Zýt eat lower creatures. They do not consider us food, not since our age of enlightenment when we stopped hunting them, so they stopped hunting us back.” The Zýt coiled around his body and bumped its head under his chin. Fiercely smiled. “Come greet her.”

  Breathing under control, I stopped trying to escape. “How do you know it’s a her?”

  “The normal way.” He pointed to its rattling tail. “No seed stems.”

  “Oh.” Still cringing into the safety of Venomous’ embrace, I looked the Zýt over.

  It looked like the mythical, giant anaconda, only had a spread neck, a ‘hood’, a rattling tail and was slashed with vivid blue and green.

  It was longer than me by ten feet.

  I was not convinced live-in, feral animals were meant to be bigger than their hosts, and able to swallow them whole.

  “It’s human friendly?” Swallowing was tough. “It won’t try to, oh, you know.”

  I made chomping noises.

  Laughing, Venomous nudged me. “Say good greetings. She will know you, and all will be well.”

  Mincing closer, I jerked out a hand, and the Zýt advanced, its body undulating laterally.

  It rose up, its spine arched, head cocked.

  Dark eyes with slitted pupils glimmered with intelligence, and its cherry-tinted tongue flickered.

  “I’m Lumen,” I whispered touching my fingertips to its ridged belly. “S-sorry if I scared you. You did s-scare me first.”

  My palm flattened against it.

  It had a coarse texture.

  The sensation was tolerable, nice, even.

  The Zýt scutes didn’t feel glossy and supple like Rä scales, but were pleasant in their own way.

  Gaining confidence, I pressed harder and gave it a pat.

  Shivering, it darted closer then pushed the top of its head under my chin before dropping down, coiling around my ankles then slithering off.

  Muscles unlocking, I released a stunted breath as I staggered towards the nest, deciding life couldn’t get weirder.

  My hand reached to set down on the raised platform, but I froze, uncertain about climbing back on.

  I glanced over my shoulder, eyes wide and glassy. “T-There’s only o-one.” My voice quavered. “Right?”

  Shaking his head, Venomous stalked from the room throwing over his shoulder, “I will secure the lair.”

  Fiercely, sniggering, snatched me up to topple us onto the furs. “It is time for you to sleep, Rä’Na. Your eyes are red and heavy.”


  “There is only one. Zýt do not share territory unless to mate.”

  I relaxed and shifted closer, just in case. “We’re still dressed.”

  “There are worse things.”



  “Can I have a kiss?”

  A lengthy silence.

  “This is the mouth touch you do with my nest mate, yesss?”

  I nodded.


  “Um, why what?”

  “Why do you want to kiss?”

  “To see if I’m as attracted to you as I think I am.”

  His gaze dropped to my mouth.

  After a wavering pause, he angled his face to offer his closed lips.

  Okay, if he’s just going to lie there, I’m going to take advantage.

  I scooted closer until my breasts plumped against his strapping chest then hooked a leg over his powerfully hard, tensed thigh.

  He startled, made a
noise of confusion.

  I clasped his head, behind those spiky ears, then I settled my mouth atop his.

  I bore down until his lips parted then snuck inside.

  Fiercely stiffened.

  He eased back, hand coming to my waist to apply pushing pressure.

  Desire a smouldering ember that kindled, I held on, and glided my tongue over the rough, catchy surface of his.

  I lapped until he, cautiously, pushed back.

  The hand on my waist tugged.

  Our bodies connected.

  My hips rocked, and by instinct, his knee lifted to press my cleft.

  He tasted peppery, a flavour that deepened to malted vanilla, his mouth hot and moist.

  The smooth, warm gold ring piercing his septum rubbed against my philtrum, and I licked it, making him hum a breathy noise.

  I raked my teeth on his bottom lip then plunged inside again.

  He met me with a firm brush of his tongue, and I moaned, hearing a reciprocal, throaty sound torn from him.

  Molten heat spread from my pussy, and my limbs grew heavy, weak.

  Tingling, sex clenching, I pulled free to pant against his parted lips.

  I fell onto my back, noticing the glister creep had dimmed, until all I perceived was a faint delineation of his profile.

  Hearing him swallow, I felt him shift his hips. “Your tongue was in my mouth.”

  Breathless, I jerked my head. “So it was.”

  “It licked me.”

  “You licked back.”

  “It seemed rude not to.”


  “I did not expect the biting.”

  “Didn’t you like it?”

  “Like is not the word.” He paused. “My ... cock is hard.”

  “And my pussy is wet, but we’re nowhere near there yet, so make it lie down.”

  “I do not know how.”

  “Think of a Dei San.”

  He sighed, forlorn. “I have a limp dick now.”

  I bit my lip, smiling into the dark. “You do good pillow talk, sweetheart.”

  “I did not know I was good at it. I have always slept alone before this.”

  “How are you finding it?”


  I snorted laughter into his shoulder.

  “I like it,” he whispered.

  Coming back to the nest, sniffing then chuckling, Venomous joined us on my other side then wrapped an arm around my waist.

  His hard-on dug into my ass.

  I wriggled against it, but he tightened his grip to hold me still.

  He kissed the top of my head and muttered, “Sleep.”

  So I did.


  I wiggled my toes in my new, custom made strappy sandals then skipped to catch Venomous and Fiercely. “Okay, I’m ready.”

  I jumped to a stop, my riding softsuit bouncing around my ankles.

  It was a plain woven dress in sunny yellow, skirts divided, so I could straddle a saddle. “Show me the goodbeast.”

  A Sylph scuttled from the dung-scented building leading two readied mounts.

  Getting my first decent look at a goodbeast, I grinned.

  The first thing I noticed was their big, big eyes, the sea blue pools screaming, “Love me, love me, love me.”

  I focused on the lead animal, inching closer.

  It had a stocky trunk with bloated sides, stout and short, in relation to its own body, legs, and cloven hoofs for feet with sharp dew claws.

  Face ebon and thick skinned, it was sort of squished.

  It bore coiling horns over its floppy ears, tusks that curved a foot from its mouth, shaggy cream fur tipped with grey, and a squat, bushy tail that swept side to side.

  Venomous took the reins as he thanked the Sylph that bowed then scuppered back into the stables.

  Shivering, I forced myself to watch it leave until it was out of sight.

  I didn’t care how benign they were, the pale Sylph’s bore resemblance to arachnids.

  They were taller than me on all fours.

  Shoulder height to the Rä, true, but as they scared the panties off me, their large dimensions didn’t help none.

  Everything about them was eerie, from their oval, multifaceted eyes, pale, skeletal frames to their damp, mineral scent.

  The worst was their movement.

  Scurrying and scampering in quick, darting spurts that made the sinewy muscle of their androgynous bodies slip and slide under hairless, waxy flesh.

  When they spoke it sounded like dry leaves rustling.

  Nope, can’t hack it.

  Of all the strange wonders I’d seen, I reached my ‘this shit is real’ limit with them.

  I’d accept them, didn’t have much of a choice, but I needed time.

  A lot of time.

  Waiting docile to be ridden, the goodbeasts panted in the heat, veined blue tongues lolling from their mouths.

  Groaning, the lead animal hunkered so Venomous could put me on.

  He gripped the pommel, swung up behind me then made a clicking sound the animal responded to with another doleful moan.

  It rose rump first, so we jerked forward then back when its front legs straightened.

  Deft from practice, Fiercely mounted then we were away.

  The heavy, thudding footfalls of the goodbeast was lulling, and I settled back against Venomous’ chest to watch third moon rise.

  It had been an amazing day.

  I’d seen more of the city, and bought essentials I’d badly needed.

  No hairbrushes on Rök, though, as quills were smoothed with oil, pierced or cut.

  Seeing my disappointment, Fiercely had had one commissioned as a gift.

  It earned him an excited squeal, and a chaste kiss, one he enjoyed so much, he grabbed me as I pulled away to lay a hot, heavy one on me.

  This spurred Venomous to snatch me up and plunder my mouth, leaving me light-headed and stumbling as they strutted off.

  Unpredictably, they showed an eager enthusiasm as we shopped, and when I hesitated to buy, fretting over cost, they chided me before purchasing the style I wanted, in several shades with matching accessories.

  Venomous’ explanation had been simple. “On the slave planet, you wore rags, the best I could provide. Now you wear riches, the best I can provide.”

  I had a whole trunk of gorgeous softsuits and hooded robes, but no underwear, as trying to explain a bra had caused an awkward silence, so even thinking of describing a thong made me uncomfortable.

  Boots were on order, and a downy mountain of adorable, hatchling rompers being hand sewn.

  Spotting an Artisan working her craft, I’d gone nuts for her designs.

  Holding the wee bodysuits had reminded me how much my life had changed, and was going to change.

  Now, we headed to a festival Venomous had belatedly accepted an invitation to, thinking it a good idea for me to see a bonding ceremony.

  Afterwards, we had a private audience with the Senate to discuss my arrival, and what was ‘required’ of me to become a citizen.

  Stabling our mounts, we meandered inside arm in arm.

  Fiercely peeled off at the entrance with a promise he’d return.

  “I hope you meet my life giver this moon,” Venomous muttered his gaze roaming.

  I made a noise I hoped sounded like a murmur of agreement rather than a doubtful snort.

  Judging by the look he dropped me, I didn’t carry it off, so avoided his eyes to focus on the decorations.

  Spiral streamers made a canopy under glowing glister creep, and a light, sugary musk wafted from white and silver flower arrangements.

  Water features gurgled, and stone tables piled with cold ore and refreshments dotted the crammed room.

  Luxurious robes rustled, fang-filled smiles were broad, and laughter filled the air over a rhythmic drumbeat.

  My arrival heralded stares and whispers, but I shrugged them off and tried to look welcoming should anyone want to come over and say hello to
my life mate, as I knew before his slavery, he’d been well-liked.

  Venomous turned us, and from a break in the crowd came Fiercely, three people following behind.

  Smiling, my gaze skipped past him.

  I stilled.

  My heart skipped then broke out in a sprint.

  Plainly, I’d grown too used to aliens tossing me over their shoulders, or hauling me in to declare their intentions.

  I’d forgotten the primal surge of attraction I might feel watching a male prowl towards me.

  Fiercely reached my side then gestured to the male. “Lumen, this is He, Cobra that Strikes, Master of the Northern Hunters Caste, and my good friend. Cobra, you remember my nest mate, Venomous One. This is our Rä’Na, She Lumen of the Stars.”

  Venomous and Cobra exchanged greetings, but it was so much white noise.

  The male before me needed to carry a warning sign.

  ‘Beware, glorious face alert, please take care not to trip, walk into walls or swallow your own tongue.’

  A face of deep hollows under sharp cheekbones, severe brow shadowing slanted, onyx eyes of bespoken storms, and features brutal in their quest for perfection.

  Cobra smelt of freshly split wood and clean burning smoke.

  Air around him was crisp with ether, as if he’d run a misty, moonlit forest.

  Sooty, slinky quills were pulled into a topknot at the back of his head and secured by a leather thong.

  A shorter length fell free of the binding to run the hard angle of his jaw, his squared chin an arrogant jut.

  The thick, lustrous lock was pierced by silver hooks tipped with engraved beads.

  The silver snagged my attention utterly.

  Rä were all about gold, and his boldness in breaking the mould impressed me.

  A row of silver studs lined his ears, and ivory teeth speared both lobes.

  Cobra was not as giant as Fiercely, nor as brawny, but a rousing balance of tall stature and wiry strength, hinting stealth and whispering power, rather than roaring it, as Venomous’ musculature did.

  His hardsuit was not black, but dark grey, and sleeveless leaving his strong, blue arms bared, a band of silver coiled around his lower left one.

  Arresting was the wild beauty I sensed within him, an aura that made a female long to touch, long to shelter within its feral energy.


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