Venomous: Erotic Science Fiction Romance (Alien Warrior Book 1)

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Venomous: Erotic Science Fiction Romance (Alien Warrior Book 1) Page 40

by Fletcher, Penelope

There was no point yelling.

  I needed to stay quiet, and think my way out of this, for the hatchling.

  For Venomous and Fiercely.

  If I got myself killed, they’d never forgive themselves.

  The Great Alpha Verak jerked his head at his subordinates.

  They moved with military precision to secure me.

  Feline features set in scowls, their eyes narrowed, and they bared sharp teeth at the a’Rä who stood silent and menacing either side of Venin Stings the Sweetest.

  The second largest Verak, a male with a silver-white mane that hit his knees, and snowy chest fur, clasped my bound wrists in one of his huge hands with an expression of distaste.

  Was his expression displeasure at my appalling treatment, or of my otherworldliness?

  The shortest Verak, standing only seven foot high or so, tossed a sealed pouch at Venin Stings the Sweetest.

  It clinked and chimed as it landed in her outstretched palm.

  She clutched the offering then ripped open the purse, eyes gleaming.

  Her brow scales rose in appreciation as she poured out a dozen multicoloured jewels. “Superior quality.”

  “You expected different?” the Great Alpha said, dismissive. It was clear he held little respect for her judging by how he kept his distance.

  “Our transaction is complete. Do not forget to dispose of the crossbreed offspring.”

  The Great Alpha blinked. “We are done here. She no longer concerns you.” Turning, he walked back towards his ship.

  She, Venin Stings the Sweetest didn’t look at me, or offer a farewell. “Come, Roam,” she ordered when one of the a’Rä hesitated.

  Expression unhappy, it turned then left without a second glance.

  Stumbling when the white-maned Verak tugged on my restraints to get me moving, I followed behind them.

  I kept quiet and mentally prepared myself for what happened next.

  It’s not like last time.

  Last time you were alone.

  This time you have two mates who will move heaven and earth to find you.

  Stay calm and stay in one piece.

  I was guided into the spaceship with more care than expected.

  A gentle humming and vibration amplified beneath my feet.

  Knowing the craft left the ground as I marched meekly to my new fate, I whimpered a protest.

  I was taken through the luxurious hallways to a plush sleeping chamber, which had a viewing screen that acted as an outer hull wall.

  As we left the planet atmosphere, I watched Rök become a whitish sphere then a shining speck as the blackness of space closed around me.

  I stared after my new home world long after it winked from sight.

  Would Venomous know to look offworld for me, manage to get the truth from Venin Stings the Sweetest, who I knew would withhold who she sold me to, even if her evil plot was discovered?

  Would they figure out Singing Water played a part in it?

  Behind me the portal hissed open then in strode the Verak Great Alpha.

  The hatch twisted closed behind him, circular panels shrinking to a knot in the centre.

  The mechanics of the portal were entirely different from the haze, and I stared dumbly before starting then refocusing on the living, breathing threat stalking closer.

  Pausing, he studied me with unnerving intensity.

  The glory of his burnished mane was brilliant in the light.

  He tilted his head inquiringly, motioned to my restraints. “If I remove these will you attack?”

  My lips worked silently on a response.

  The male had yet to hurt me, but the truth was the second I figured out how to get free of him, I’d do it.

  If attacking him meant I’d be safer, damn straight I’d go for the balls and have him talking soprano for the rest of his life.

  Veraks were taller than the average Rä, not more muscular though.

  After spending months in the presence of big males, I was able to hold my own without feeling insignificant.

  I wasn’t fooling myself, his hulking size was dangerous.

  However, it didn’t intimidate me into a quaking mess, as I’d been when I first met Venomous.

  Instead of giving a reply that would see me tossed into the bowels of the ship, I asked a question of my own.

  My chin lifted in defiance. “Are you going to rape me now?”

  He sucked in a breath. His head drooped. “It chills me one so delicate must ask such a question of the male she should expect to care for her.”

  “Pretty words.” My face was as hard as my voice. “You didn’t answer my question.”

  The Verak’s lips curved. “I see why Obryn wanted you.”

  I stared blankly.

  “My cousin,” he clarified. “Such spirit you have.”

  “If your cousin is who I think he is, he fought after seeing nothing more than my skin. He didn’t know me.”

  After a long pause where his face turned scary, he blew hard through the wide nostrils of his muzzled nose. “I fear you have seen the worst of my kind in that place.” He slowly drew closer to make sure I knew he wasn’t attacking.

  Reaching out, he ran a finger under one of the manacles.

  They snapped open then fell to the floor with a solid clunk.

  Experiencing a cool swell of relief, I checked out the damage.

  My sore wrists needed a bandage.

  Seeing he watched me, waiting for my response to his earlier comment, I shook my head.

  “I saw the worst of many species,” I murmured dabbing my wrists with my fingertips and wincing at the sting. “Not just yours.”

  I shivered at the memory of what I witnessed on the slave planet.

  The violence, the rape, the miasma of despair and pain that seeped from the rock into your bones.

  Venomous surviving with his honour in tact for as long as he had was a testament to his strength.

  “Thanks,” I said lifting my hands to indicate my freed limbs.

  He crossed over to a floating shelving unit, grabbed a tube of ointment then convinced me to smear some on my wounds.

  There was a burning sensation when the cream hit the raw flesh, but within moments, the injury was gone, new, sensitive skin left behind.

  “I grieved when I heard of Obryn’s capture and death,” he said. “Yet as I look into your eyes, I think I would not have liked the male he’d become. Such places destroy the soul. They make the good do bad to survive.” The Verak nodded as if he’d made up his mind. “On his behalf, for any harm he inflicted upon you, I apologise.” He went to one knee. “As restitution for my cousin’s disgrace, I offer you a place as one of my concubines.”

  I shuffled back. “Um, I think ... ugh....”

  “I offer my seed. You will be my favourite for as long as you can hold the position. This is the highest honour a male or female of my world can receive from one of the five Mighty Houses.” His furred chest puffed until the fabric cape about his shoulders threatened to tear. “I come from the noblest House, that of spirit. I am the Great Alpha. You will want for nothing for the rest of your life.”

  I confess it took me a moment to catch up.

  I was stuck back at, ‘I offer my seed.’


  He jerked when I hesitated then shook his head, disbelieving I wasn’t falling over myself to accept.

  His gaze fixed on mine, mouth quirked. “We are not like the serpents. Our world is open. Many of us take otherworlders as concubines and lovers. I like you. You smell good, and my ship’s scanners confirm you are compatible. We will make strong cubs.”

  “I see.” No, I did not see.

  I was freaking the fuck out.

  Chewing my lip, I took in his alien, yet undeniably handsome face and wondered how differently things might have turned out if he’d been in that pit fighting against Venomous instead of his brother Obryn.

  “My name is Lumen ... of the Stars.” I gave a little wave. “Yours?�

  “Beowyn ThunderClaw. An honour, my Lumen.”

  My heart squeezed, and my eyes flooded with tears.

  I missed the way Venomous said those words in his deep, husky timbre.

  Even the way Fiercely spat it out in his harsh tone, when he was pissed at me, would be a thousand times better.

  Beowyn’s voice was silken, velvety.


  I wanted my aliens to hold me, and call me theirs, their firm skin hot against mine.

  I wanted Venomous’ bottomless eyes to peer at me as he told me how I became the reason for his hearts’ beat.

  Fiercely’s big knuckles rubbing my cheek in affection, even as he searched my face for welcome.

  Sniffles turned into shoulder shaking sobs.

  Face creased in concern, Beowyn stood and swept me up into his arms.

  He sat on the overwhelmingly large bed and patted my back.

  “This is not what usually happens when I ask a male or female to join with me.” Concern threaded his tone, but amusement too.

  “I-It’s not y-you. You’re actually really s-s-sweet. Even as you a-ask me to join y-y-your harem.”

  His calloused thumb captured a tear. “Then why weep?”

  “I m-miss my m-m-males.” I wailed the last syllable and buried my face in his furry chest, bawling my eyes out. “I don’t understand why when everything starts looking good it turns to steaming, sticky shit. What did I do to deserve this?” I dragged in a quaking breath. “They must be worried sick. And I know Venin is filling Venomous’ head with lies. Why is she such a fucking beast? Why, why, why?” I ranted. “Tell me why? I just wanted them to like me.”


  “The Rä,” I yelled and flung out an arm. “I wanted Venomous’ kindred to give me a chance. Who knows how Fiercely’s people will react when they arrive for the bonding ceremony, to meet his freaky human. If we ever get around to it because I still don’t want a lesser male.” I sunk further into my pity party. “Everybody hates me. They will too.”

  “Surely not,” Beowyn muttered.

  “Yes,” I screeched back. “It’s bullshit. Even the one Rä I thought could be a friend betrayed me. I’m not asking for much. I just want to fit in as much as a two armed, smooth-skinned, no-forked-tongue girl can. I hate that my males might be ashamed to be seen with me in public. I hate this is hard on them. I’m terrified to bring my hatchling up in a world where he or she will always be thought of as less because they’re half human. I just want them to accept me without having to fuck a stranger. Is that too much to ask?”

  Beowyn stopped patting my back and tensed.

  Chest heaving from my ear-splitting outburst, I looked up through my tears. “Beowyn?”

  “I know what I must do.” He sighed. “I do not wish to do it. That is a problem. I get what I want.”

  Sniffing, I rubbed my stuffy nose. “What?”

  Beowyn’s eyes burned, and took on a depth of colour and magnitude of presence that had the air seizing in my lungs.

  Incredibly beautiful incredibly deadly.

  I gasped as I was tossed over his shoulder onto the enormous bed.

  Bouncing slightly on my back, terror scuttled over my flesh, and I froze.

  Prowling on all fours up my body, his gigantic frame caged me in.

  Citrusy musk teased my nose, and the heat from his downy flesh made me flush.

  Our gazes locked.

  Mine skittered with shock, while his grew piercing with arousal.

  Star shaped pupils dilated, sparked with primal intent.

  His chest vibrated as he lowered his maned head then sniffed my front, nuzzling the upper slope of my breast, before burying his head in my cleavage.

  When I pushed at his shoulder, he made a low, rumbling purr.

  I coiled further into myself.

  Something happened during my tirade, and I hadn’t been paying attention. “Beowyn?”

  “Perhaps, I can change your mind.” He murmured so quietly, it was more speaking aloud to himself rather than answering me. “If I show you pleasure you will stay with me.”

  Not expecting that from him, my mouth dropped open and flapped.

  Hadn’t my devastated sobbing clued him in?

  The only place I wanted to be was on Rök in the arms of my Rä’Veks.

  I can’t believe this is happening again.

  All be it the Verak went about it in a much nicer way than Yofk or even my Venomous ever did.

  “Beowyn,” I forced my quivery voice firm, “I do not want you. Seducing me won’t change my mind. It will achieve the opposite of making me want you. I have a male.” Fiercely’s tentative smile flashed in my mind’s eye. “Two, in fact. I want to go home to them.”

  He lay fully on top of me, rocking his hips into the apex of my thighs. “I smell your sex.”

  “That’s kind of rude.”

  “You want me.”

  “You’re tricking my body into a response.”

  His black-tipped eyebrow quirked. “You claim not to desire me? If I tongue your slit will cream not drench my tongue?”

  “Okay, you know what? Forget this. Get off me.”

  Angry and mortified, I struggled under him.

  After a minute I gave up with a huff.

  He hadn’t budged an inch, not a single flex of muscle to betray an effort at keeping me pinned.

  Saving face, I flopped back and glared. “You know exactly what you’re doing. So do I. Stop it. This is not a game.” When he smirked, I decided to take away the power of the unspoken. “Fine, you win. I’m aroused and attracted to you.”

  Beowyn’s grin was jubilant.

  His head lowered as if he was going to kiss me then fuck that arousal into submission.

  “But as the moment passes and my heart and mind take back control from my hormones, I want nothing more than for you to get off of me. I’m pledged to two males who can do what you’ve achieved and more. I want to go back to them.”

  Beowyn’s mouth stopped an inch before touching mine.

  Malty breath gusted over my face as he pushed air through his flared nostrils.

  “Be my lover then,” he said tightly, letting me see how much the concession cost his pride, “if you do not wish to be my concubine. You confess you want me.” He inhaled and circled his hips against mine, sending ripples of pleasure through us both. “You need a male right now.” He drew even closer then whispered, “Take what you want.”

  Breathless, shifting my hips against his, I swallowed.

  Beowyn ThunderClaw radiated strength and raw, feral sexuality.

  If I were weaker and not infatuated with my Rä mates, I’d be a moaning, writhing mess being pounded into the mattress.

  “You’re ... persuasive,” I managed. “Beautiful. Exotic. Powerful.” I touched his cheek. “Kind.”

  His striking eyes widened at that last one.

  Ebony lashes double blinked, lessening the intensity of his sensual assault.

  “I’d be dysfunctional not to be attracted to you,” I admitted. “That attraction does not mean I don’t possess enough self control to resist your charm. My heart belongs elsewhere. It will still do so after the sordid act between us is done, should I succumb.”

  “Sordid,” he murmured a flash of hurt crossing his now stony expression.

  “It would be,” I whispered, “because of how I feel about them.”

  “I could belong to you.” His voice lowered. “As lovers we’d be equal and free to be with others. I want to taste you. Drive inside you until I am crazed with it.” He shuddered. “You smell incredible, and you are beautiful to my eyes.”

  “I’m flattered. Truly. But–”

  His eyes flashed fury. “Do not deny me.”

  A dart of fear was fleeting.

  To back down would be to lose another piece of my soul I simply wasn’t prepared to sacrifice. “As I already said, I’m taken.”

  Golden eyes narrowing, Beowyn brought his blunted nose
to mine.

  His voice turned low and smooth, cajoling. “I will please you. I will take you to my harem, and let you witness true mating.” He gyrated against me. “I will breed them all, and you will see my prowess. I will prove I can pleasure you in all ways.”

  I got the impression while Verak concubines weren’t quite sex slaves, they weren’t quite free either.

  His new plan of seduction was to fuck his sort-of-wives and sort-of-husbands in front of me as proof of his virility?

  “This conversation has officially turned weird.” I placed my hands on his boulder-sized shoulders and grazed his horns. When he purred and rutted into the mattress, I snatched my hands back. “Beowyn, I’m having their hatchling. You’re not going to win here.”

  His mouth snapped shut then his gaze turned calculating. “No mother should be parted from her young. I will welcome the offspring, and raise it as my own.”

  This time, I double blinked. “Wow. That’s generous of you. Really. But I–”

  “You will want for nothing,” he interrupted sensing weakness and pouncing like the predator he was. “I would never leave you unprotected. It is known the harem of a Verak is the safest place in the universe.”

  “Now hold on.” I bristled. “Venomous didn’t know what his mother was up to. Neither did Fiercely. The second they figure it out, they’ll come after me, and you’ll be in a world of hurt.”

  His expression was as dubious as his reply. “If you say so.”

  “They will!” I shot him a cross look for making me bring it up. “Must I remind you what Venomous did to your cousin?”

  Beowyn looked unconvinced. “Obryn always was weak. It’s why he was enslaved. The Rä bested him in fair contest, proving he does possess some strength, but he did not keep you safe. You wish to return to those who cannot keep you from danger?”

  “I love them.” The sincerity of my words couldn’t be denied.

  Beowyn’s glossy mane caught the light as his head cocked.

  I spotted a slim silver translator hooked around his pointed ear. “This does not translate.”

  “Bloody translators.” I grunted my annoyance. I understood him though? I wondered how many languages Nāga had put in my head, and how to access the speaking part. “My heart is theirs, and theirs are mine. Understand?”

  Stiffening, Beowyn sat up on his knees bringing me with him.


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