Red Planet: The Rebel War (Tamarians Book 3)

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Red Planet: The Rebel War (Tamarians Book 3) Page 5

by Snow, Jessica

  Jensen keeps tickling, making getting my pants off hilarious, torturous, and hot, our bodies rubbing together the whole time. When I finally get my underwear off I realize we're still in the corridor, and this isn't the place. “Jensen, I want you, but.... take me somewhere else?”

  “Like this?” he asks, quickly bending and sweeping me off my feet, carrying me in his arms down the hall. I think he's carrying me to the bedroom, but at the last second, he turns, skipping the stairs to the second floor to carry me out into the garden that we've turned into an exercise yard. “This is our playroom.”

  “Mmmm, you know it,” I laugh, grabbing the rings as we go by and pulling myself out of Jensen's arms. The motion sends me spinning, but Jensen quickly returns, lifting my legs up and putting my knees over his shoulders. “What are you doing?”

  “Having a second dessert,” Jensen jokes, cupping my ass and lifting my pussy to his mouth. The first touch of his lips on mine is thrilling, and I'm so stunned that I nearly let go of the rings, realizing how much trouble I've gotten myself in. If I let go of the rings, I'm going to fall, but Jensen's tongue traces my pussy, penetrating in between my wet lips to slide over my hot inner flesh, my nerves lighting on fire as he licks me deeply, his tongue brushing against my clit as he eats me out with total thoroughness. I'm barely able to focus, it feels so good, and I curl my legs tighter, pulling him in more and helping support my weight as the waves of pleasure roll upward from my pussy to my head. I throw my head back, trying to focus on keeping my grip but only just doing so, Jensen chuckling as he realizes the torture he's putting me through. He pulls his tongue out and looks up at me as I look down, perplexed. “Wonderful. I'm not letting you down, by the way.”

  “I'm so teasing you until you beg me to let you come after this,” I growl, tightening my grip as Jensen leans in again, this time his tongue swirling around my clit. The tip of his strong tongue circles my aching button, again and again, close and sending shocks up to explode in my brain but never quite there, never letting me release totally. Instead, I'm riding his face, moaning, and whimpering, and I know what he wants. “Please, sir.... please make me come.”

  “Mmmmmm,” Jensen purrs, his lips vibrating on my clit suddenly. It's paralyzing, it feels so good, and my heart stops in my chest as I throw my head back, my eyes wide open to stare at the moon above us, unable to even scream it's so amazing. I'm coming, and Jensen holds me tight, carefully supporting me as even my hands let go and I sit on his shoulders, my arms were thrown to the sky in worship of the sensations Jensen's sending through my body until everything seems to unlock all at once and I turn into a boneless, warm pile of jelly.

  Still, somehow, Jensen catches me and guides me down his body, holding me close as my legs fold up and around him. “My love,” he whispers, kissing my throat when it comes close enough. “Are you okay?”

  “Okay? I'm perfect,” I hum happily, wrapping my arms around his neck. “How did you think of that?”

  “Watching you on the rings today,” Jensen admits, humming happily when we get close enough to kiss. I can taste my tang on his lips, but it just reminds me how wonderful this man is to me. I love him with all my heart, that's for sure. “Although, that's not all I thought of.”

  “Oh?” I ask, gasping when Jensen reaches down, and I suddenly feel the head of his cock angling upward to press against my pussy lips. Jensen laughs lightly, his arms relaxing as I start to slide down, sinking into another wave of pleasure. “Ohhhhhhh....”

  Chapter 5


  “So I'll join you this afternoon as soon as I complete the business here,” I tell Kelbara on the shuttle pad. She's dressed for duty, and to be honest she looks just as cute in field gear as she does in anything else. Her hair's pulled back as she prefers it while on duty, and even though she looks strong and fierce, it's a cute, sexy powerful look to me. “Are you sure you're good for training today?”

  Kelbara laughs, giving me a hug and a kiss. “If you mean that I only got three hours of sleep last night because somebody kept me awake for hours... I'm just fine.”

  I chuckle lightly and brush a lock of hair off her forehead, looking into her beautiful iridescent green eyes. “That's not how I remember it. I remember trying to go to sleep at midnight, only to feel a nubile little body rubbing against me.”

  “Mmm.... and if we can figure out a way to sneak away from camp a little tonight, maybe we can do that again,” Kelbara teases, biting her lip and smiling. “Even if it's just a little play?”

  “We'll see,” I reassure her, knowing that for Kelbara, the idea of a little play often turns into multiple hours. “If I can get things wrapped up here quickly, maybe.”

  “Okay,” Kelbara says, standing on her tiptoes to give me a kiss. “I'll get going then. I love you.”

  “I love you too,” I reply, giving her a hug. Kelbara gets onto her hoverbike to fly out to the Ranger camp, where she'll join one of the unit transports out to the training area. I watch her disappear into the city traffic before turning and going inside, surprised when I see Justine waiting for me at the door. “You know Justine, you don't have to wait around every second for me. You're not even supposed to be on duty for another two hours.”

  “Time doesn't matter, my Lord,” Justine says with a chuckle. She still refuses to use my name when she's working, although when she's not she seems comfortable enough to use my name then. “Today's a work day, and you're a busy man if I overheard you and Lady Kelbara correctly.”

  I blush lightly, but Justine's been one of our biggest supporters, forming a friendship with Kelbara that I think has done more to heal her emotional scars than even the trust and position I've given her. She doesn't tease me at all about my relationship, and if anything, just encourages us. “Well, thank you then. So how was your day off?”

  “Good. I went shopping in the High District, it felt good to walk into all the stores and not get stared at,” Justine says, then laughs. “Well, I got stared at, but I got that from the other humans as much as the Tamarians, and it was more curiosity, nothing else. I don't think a lot of people have seen a brown person before.”

  “You are unique and special,” I compliment her, Justine smiling. She is very beautiful, and we're secure enough in our positions that I can pay compliments to her without her or Kelbara taking it the wrong way. Very helpful. “So, over the next two days...”

  “If Lord Imogen's son arrives early, you'll greet them and then turn it over to me,” Justine finishes, referencing the flexi in her hands. “There's a delivery of food coming in this afternoon that I'm overseeing with Chef, and the handymen are going to look at the leak that someone reported in the staff wing. And of course, there are the daily reports from your territory.”

  I shake my head, still wondering how that happened. Technically, I'm the Lord of a territory starting about five hundred kilometers from the capital, but it's totally self-sustaining. I only seem to get notified when things go wrong there, and I deal with it. Justine handles most of them, she's that good. “Anything I need to be aware of? Outside of the stuff that's affecting everyone planet wide.”

  “Nothing much. I'm keeping my eyes on the prices some of the merchants are charging, but so far nobody's doing any price gouging. A general rise, but that's in line with what I saw yesterday.”

  “Okay. I guess that puts the onus on me to get this fucking war finished quickly then,” I say quietly, shaking my head. “Easier said than done.”

  “I see the effort you're putting into this, my Lord. Never doubt that,” Justine says with admiration. “Uh, about that, I know you left me a message about King Tauren's request that we spend a bit more to keep the local businesses feeling the pinch less, but the estate's finances....”

  “What?” I ask, raising an eyebrow. “Am I running out of money?”

  “Compared to what you had before? No,” Justine says, referring to my time as the leader of the Resistance. “On the other hand my Lord, if you want to make sure that
your finances don't get to that point... may I suggest you start taking a cut of the funds you get from selling off all of Neyton's stuff? The staff account is just fine, seriously.”

  I shake my head, once. “Justine, I don't want that shit. If it was possible, I'd take it all out into the back pasture, douse it in accelerant and have a bonfire so large that the entire capital would be showing up with marshmallows. But that stuff, you earned it, in a way that I can never, ever repay. So, if you must, adjust spending on my personal accounts, but don't divert any of those funds over to me. That's an order, not a request, too.”

  Justine nods respectfully. “As you wish, my Lord. Lord Imogen's son should be arriving soon. We should greet him.”

  We go back out to the shuttle pad just in time to see a hoverbike settle down. The man that gets off is about average in height for a Tamarian, even with me, with black hair, and the broad shoulders of a natural athlete. More remarkable about him though is his skin. While most Tamarians range from what Audra calls 'bubblegum pink' to almost red, he's pale, and from a distance, you could mistake him for a human with a slight sunburn. Still, when he comes closer I can see the iridescent shine to his blue eyes, and he bows with a distinct flair that makes me chuckle. “Lord Jensen, it's a pleasure. I'm Liston, out of Yolanda by Imogen.”

  “Sir Liston, it's a pleasure,” I reply, offering a hand to shake. Liston smiled, taking my hand. His grip is strong, and there're some callouses on his fingers, he's not just gym muscle. Or maybe he is, but he's built it the old-fashioned way. “Thank you for coming by so early.”

  “You're heading out for training, I totally understand. And who is this lovely flower?” Liston asks, giving Justine a smile that leaves her blushing vividly. He's a charmer, that's for sure. “Tell me this is your sister who is available for dinner tonight.”

  “As if!” Justine says, laughing. “I'm Justine, Lord Jensen's... well, what do you call me, my Lord?”

  “Usually just Justine, but if we need to make a title for you, we can call you my chief of staff. So, Sir Liston, this is Justine, my chief of staff, head of household, whatever you wish use. I am surprised, though, at your arrival on a hoverbike. Aren't you going to be picking up items today?”

  Liston nods, giving me an easy grin. “Of course. However, the men I hired to help me move all that stuff don't start work until later. They'll be bringing in a proper cargo shuttle. I figured I could meet you, and arrange the financial transfers in the meantime.”

  “Well, I have to go, but I'm sure that Justine can handle that. If that isn't a problem, Justine?”

  Justine smiles, and I swear she cuts her eyes over to Liston for a moment before shaking her head. “No, not at all my Lord. Sir Liston, if you'd come with me, please? We can talk in the office.”

  “Please,” Liston says as they enter the house, “just call me Liston. If you don't mind me just calling you Justine.”

  * * *

  “Down!” I yell, watching as the dozen Rangers I'm leading all dive into the sand, hugging dirt as the line of plasma charges whiz over our heads. I've researched about the way troops trained in the ancient days, and I think the ability to fire weapons during training with rounds we use actually, is helpful. In this case, we're using plasma charges, which cast shadows over our heads as we crawl through the still blazing hot sand.

  “We really could use some desert colored uniforms!” someone yells, earning laughs all around. With our distinct 'beetle shells,' we do stick out against the desert terrain, maybe we do need some help with that. “Someone give Mogar a call!”

  “Keep it down!” I holler, shutting everyone up. I get on the squad radio, whispering so we can't be heard. “Alpha squad, I want you to swing right, while Bravo and Charlie squads fix the enemy. Remember guys, these are our comrades, keep it on plasma.”

  I go with Alpha squad; we're split into squads of four people as we make our way along the small wadi that flanks the target area. We need to make our way with no cover for ten meters after the wadi peters out, though, crawling low as we reach our assault position. The grit gets in my teeth as we get ready. I can see the 'enemy' position, already Bravo and Charlie squads have inflicted a few casualties, people passed out after getting hit with a plasma round. That's the nice thing about low-level plasma, it'll knock you out with little more than a headache the next day. There's only one person facing our direction, and I tap my radio again. “Bravo, Charlie.... grenades.”

  A new development by the royal ordinance guys, grenades were considered unnecessary and even obsolete until the recent war, where too many fights have been taking place in places where the rapid assaults and long range shots that shuttles, hoverbikes, and other more modern technology have proven unavailable because of halnocite. Bravo and Charlie pop up in pairs, throwing their grenades just as Alpha starts the assault, charging through just as the last of the flashes dim and our enemies should at least temporarily, be flash blind.

  We sweep through, and while I see two of Alpha go down, within thirty seconds we secure the target, hitting the buzzer that ends the exercise. Lights go on around the area, and medics start moving around, waking up those who were hit. Kelbara, who acted as the evaluator for this practice, comes to the middle of the group. “Okay Rangers, take a seat!”

  I'm impressed not only with the professionalism of the Rangers but also in Kelbara's ability to command as she looks around. “First off, nice job by the assault force. You took the target, achieved the mission. But....”

  There's a collective groan all around, and even I must hold back a smile. Kelbara's gotten a reputation within the Rangers as being the one person who misses absolutely nothing. Kelbara notices, smirking. “And here I was thinking we'd be able to knock off before midnight. Assault force, while you achieved your target, the fact is you lost half your forces. Six of you are sitting around with headaches when in real-life you'd be dead right now. Defense team, your situation is even worse. You had grenades, yet you kept trying to pick off individual members of the assault team. Then, you left only one person on each of your flanks, getting them steamrolled as soon as the sweep wing came through. Which is why almost all of you are aching right now.”

  “Okay, you all are going to get a break,” I say as Kelbara wraps up, “get some chow. It'll be the Sub-Commander's turn next. I'll be evaluating them. Sub-Commander, call it in the air.”

  I reach into my pocket and pull out a three-credit coin, flipping it before catching it. Kelbara watches, then shrugs. “Heads. Assault.”

  I reveal that it's tails. “Sorry Sub-Commander, you've got defense next time. Have fun with that one.”

  The defense for the next assault groans, knowing what a lost coin flip means. It was an idea I came up with to introduce an element of chaos and uncertainty to any training mission. By losing the coin flip, not only does Kelbara not get to take command of the force she wanted but now the assault force will be boosted by ten more people, putting her defenses at an even deeper disadvantage. I'd assaulted a position of twelve with twelve of my own, but for Kelbara, she's going to be facing twenty-one with only ten on her side. Kelbara takes it with a shrug, though, and knowing her, she'll give everyone a good fight even if she's probably going to end up eating a plasma round at some point.

  “Okay then, everyone take a break now for chow, next defense teams can start their prep at site two in thirty minutes.”

  The Rangers break away to eat some rations, Kelbara watching them go before turning to me. “I just had to call heads, didn't I?”

  “You can't win every flip, you know,” I tell her with a small laugh. “I expected you were going to be harsher on the eval, you know.”

  “There were fifteen people sitting around with headaches, they know they fucked up. And it doesn't help to go into details with the darkness coming and headaches throbbing,” Kelbara says. She shakes her head again. “Like the one I'm going to have in about ninety minutes.”

  “Knowing you, you're probably going to take all twenty-o
ne of them with you,” I reassure her, making Kelbara smile. A light comes from the horizon, and I look, listening as my radio crackles. “Yes?”

  “It's Justine, my Lord. Do you have time for a report?”

  “Of course, we're on dinner break. Land at my signal, Kelbara and I can talk a little.”

  The radio clicks off, and Kelbara raises an eyebrow. “Justine?”

  I nod. “Guess the sale went through well enough, although I didn't think she'd come out tonight. Let's see what else went on.”

  Justine's piloting a small shuttle, supersonic but not hypersonic which is probably what took her so long. I watch the shuttle settle down, and she comes out, smiling. “My Lord, my Lady.”

  “How was the day, Justine?” Kelbara asks, and I swear Justine blushed in the dim light. Kelbara sees it too. “Justine?”

  “Uh... sorry. Business first. Sir Liston delivered full payment, his crew took out the items already, I'll give you an updated inventory tomorrow when you return. They bought a lot, I was surprised. Liston even purchased some of Neyton's clothing, he says that his father could use it.”

  “Great,” I reply earnestly. “And, Chef, the workers?”

  “Chef's telling me he'll have something special for you when you get back tomorrow, so I guess he's happy,” Justine says, referring to her flexi, “and the leak was found and fixed, it was just a pipe joint that needed tightening. They do recommend that we look at some general upkeep with spring coming.”

  “Good, I'm sure you'll get that set up just fine. There’s one more thing, I didn't mention it this morning. Last night, when Lady Gwyndolen came by, we took her on a tour. If you can, please have the handymen consider improving the soundproofing on the playroom? We were able to hear a couple using it last night.”

  Justine nod then smiles bashfully. “Uhm.... that was me, my Lord. I was helping one of the other staff. I apologize if we were too loud.”


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