Red Planet: The Rebel War (Tamarians Book 3)

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Red Planet: The Rebel War (Tamarians Book 3) Page 20

by Snow, Jessica

  “I know. And maybe... well, at least he'll have a sort of cousin in Olivia,” Kelbara says, smiling. “Talk with you guys later. Tauren... thank you again.”

  “Thank you, Kelbara. And if you ever want to come by for a yard session again... I'll make sure to challenge your upper body too,” Tauren says with a painful grin as he twists his body side to side. “Have a safe flight home.”

  Kelbara leaves, and I give my husband a knowing look. “She's a dynamo, isn't she?”

  Tauren nods, snickering painfully. “The only reason she's thirty-fifth in the Rangers fitness wise is because she's fifteen centimeters shorter and thirty kilos lighter than most of them. She hugged me today, it was nice.”

  “She does have a soft side to her. So, she's okay with your plan?” I ask, thinking of what Tauren told me hastily while we were alone. “It's pretty ballsy.”

  “She is, which is why it's going to work. We have to do it as a family, and I have my family with me,” Tauren replies, then takes a deep breath. “Which is why I need to talk you about some other things after this is over. Things about being a good king.”

  I force myself to my feet, walking over and taking his hand. “That's what you've got a Slave Queen for, remember?”

  Tauren smiles, leaning in for a kiss that is soft and perfect. “You know every time you call yourself that it just turns me on, right?”

  “I know,” I tease, ruffling his hair. “Every good Slave Queen knows exactly how to keep her king happily wrapped around her little finger.”

  Tauren laughs, shaking his head before giving me another quick kiss. “You do, but we have things to do. Can you help me out with Tryion? I think he'll be cooperative, but he'll do better with a softer touch than Jensen or I. If you don't mind, and that'll leave me to take care of Liston while Jensen can get the Rangers ready.”

  “I can do that. Am I allowed to shoot him?” I tease, and Tauren chuckles.

  “Only if he deserves it,” Tauren says. I follow Tauren downstairs to the detention level, where Tryion is sitting in a cell in a different wing, his long fingered hands resting on his knees, tapping out something. Tauren leaves me, and I see a Royal Lancer assume a waiting position on the end of the hallway.

  “What are you doing?” I ask, and Tryion looks up, his smile soft. He's so young, barely older than Kelbara, but he's holding up well despite being torn apart by guilt.

  “I play the piano, Highness. When I get nervous or scared, I start playing in my memory. I was just doing Lichter's Concerto Number 15. Have you heard it?”

  I shake my head, finding a chair and sitting down. “No, unfortunately, I haven't. Neyilla wasn't into music beyond what looked good for her reputation, and Tauren's been a little busy to take me to classical concerts. Tauren asked me to help you with maybe speeding this up, giving me a chance to perhaps listen to a concerto or two. Tauren says he told you what he wanted?”

  Tryion nods then cleared his throat. “He did. How do you want to do this?”

  “Right here, the wall behind you is pretty nondescript. Ambaris' cell was a lot more luxurious than this, actually. You give her a call; we see what happens.”

  Tryion reaches out, and I pass him the flexi. He looks around, suspicious. “Will the signal get through?”

  “I've used one down here before,” I reassure him. “The detention level was built with a repeater that takes the local signals and routes them through a hard wire to the roof of the palace. Only works with certain flexis of course. Go ahead.”

  Tryion nods, then turned on the flexi, opening a communications channel. He's sitting in such a way that I can see through the clear panel, seeing a reverse of what he's doing. The image pops up soon, and I see Lord Imogen is on the other side. “Tryion, how are you doing? How's Liston?”

  “Dad, that's what I wanted to call about. Some stuff happened today at the Noble Council, and I think you and Queen Tauria need to know about it. Can you get her?” Tryion asks, and I'm surprised at how good an actor he is, although I guess pretending to be nervous isn't that difficult right now. “It's the sort of thing she needs to hear right away.”

  “Her Highness is here,” Imogen says, leaving the screen for a moment before coming back, giving up his seat to Tauria. I can't see much, not from this angle, but she's dressed finely that's for sure. “Go ahead Tryion.”

  “Highness, it is good to see your beautiful visage again,” Tryion flatters, and I see instantly that he's used to dealing with Tauria. Being Neyilla's body servant for so many years, I got used to dealing with the constant need for ass kissing. Tauria's even worse than Neyilla if that's possible. “I look forward to the time that I can return home and see you up close rather than over a flexi.”

  “And if your mission goes well, we might get to see just how close you can get,” Tauria purrs, making me roll my eyes. Doesn't this woman get enough dick from her slaves that I know she's keeping still? It's not even a good come-on. Then again, I guess when you're in her position all you need to do is snap your fingers and point, and someone's going to scratch what itches. “What do you have to report?”

  “My Queen, your son has truly lost his mind,” Tryion says, smiling. “Although you have an opportunity to gain from this. A bit of luck fell our way.”

  “Explain,” Tauria says, and Tryion launches into a quick summary of what he did to Jensen's security system. “What I didn't know at the time was that Lady Gwyndolen was caught leaving the parlor just at the time that the loop stretched to cover the time of the bombing. The rumors about her being detained for it were true. Tauren has blamed her for the bombing.”

  “That'll fracture that fucked up abomination of a family some more,” Tauria gleefully cackles, and I need to restrain the urge to shoot the flexi. “But you said this is an opportunity, how so?”

  “Tauren has ordered the public execution of Gwyndolen. He says that he wants to send a message against those who stand against his rule and that terrorism won't be tolerated,” Tryion says with a sarcastic hint of the same passion that Tauren himself used in the Noble Council deception. “I apologize for not being able to turn Gwyndolen to our side, but this might be even more useful.”

  “Mmmm.... so, it is,” Tauria says, chuckling. “I never liked that pin-up bitch anyway. Always thought she was too good looking for her position. Besides, there can be much more exciting times in your future, Tryion. However, that's for later. Has Tauren declared when he's doing it?”

  “No, my Queen,” Tryion says. “He stated in the Council that he is afraid of it being leaked out and you taking advantage of it, so he's going to only announce it twelve hours prior to the Council.”

  “Never mind, twelve hours is enough to do what I want,” Tauria says, grinning madly. “Here's the plan, Tryion. As soon as you hear the time, I want you to notify me, regardless of the risk. Tauren will want to use the emergency broadcast system for this, so we'll corrupt it, and right before he goes to make his announcement, I'll get on and make the announcement of New Tamar, and call for a general uprising. That'll take the wind out of his sails.”

  “An excellent plan, Highness,” Tryion says. “And Gwyndolen?”

  “If she survives the chaos, you can keep her as a pet. Enough hypnotics and libido enhancers, and she'll fuck at the drop of a hat. Maybe we'll even share her a little,” Tauria laughs evilly. “If Kelbara survives, maybe I'll fuck her too. That's quite an accomplishment, fucking the father, mother, and child. A new one for me, even.”

  “Arousing, Highness,” Tryion says, but I can see on his face the disgust he feels. Tauria must not however, she's still lost in her perverted plans of conquest. “My Queen, I must cut this communication short, however. Liston and I have plans to try and secure some more.... well, I apologize, but Liston is in search of some entertainment.”

  Tauria clucks her tongue in mild disapproval, but nods. “Ah, such a shame. If we could take your brain and combine it with his brawn, I'd have someone that could tempt even me. However, I value brains ov
er the body. I can build the body attached to a brain, but it's much harder to train the brain attached to a body.”

  Tryion fakes a shiver of anticipation, licking his lips. “As you wish, my Queen.”

  “Go, for now. Keep your brother out of trouble, my Tryion. Keep it up, and you'll be a Lord before you know it.”

  The flexi goes dark, and Tryion tosses it aside like it's dirty. “Ugh. I need a toothbrush to clean my mouth.”

  “She's just as fucked up in the head as ever,” I note, and Tryion nods. “Did she ever...?”

  “We have,” Tryion admits. “My father would have wanted to do it himself, but that surgery he used as a cover story isn't total bullshit. He's impotent and sterile, an accident that happened soon after I was born. Of course, Tauria's just perverted enough that fucking men younger than her own son would be something that gets her off. It's not something I'm proud of or even wanted to do even at the time. But....”

  “But we've all had regrets in that area,” I finish for him. “Considering the number of times Neyilla.... well, that was the past. Thank you, Tryion.”

  “Don't thank me,” Tryion says, standing up. “I didn't do it for you, or for Tauren.”

  “Then why'd you do it? Tauren was under the impression that you decided to be loyal to the crown.”

  Tryion nods, picking up the flexi and sticking it through the bars of the cell, handing it back to me. “I'm loyal to the crown, but not because of either of you. I want to see Gwyndolen. Please, Queen Audra?”

  I study his eyes, then nod, wanting to know what's going on. “You'll have to be shackled. I'll get the guard.”

  The Royal Lancer on duty gets Tryion shackled quickly, he doesn't resist, and we lead him to the other cell block, opening the door and dismissing the Lancer. “I'll stay here, but she's down the hallway.”

  Tryion shuffles his way down, and while I stay at the door, I can hear them clearly, it's not that long a hallway. “Lady Gwyndolen.”

  I can't see her, but Gwyndolen sounds surprised. “Tryion? What are you doing here?”

  “I asked to see you, after making a little flexi call to Tauria. Are you well?”

  “I am. Tryion.... why'd you do it?” Gwyndolen asks, and I see her reach through the bars. Kelbara told me she'd given her mother the key, but I can understand her desire to keep that information secret. “Why'd you turn Liston in? You didn't know what Mogar had found when you talked.”

  Tryion looks down, and I can see it even before he opens his mouth, he's nervous. Finally, he looks up, trying to meet Gwyndolen's eyes I assume. “Tauren and Audra asked me the same thing, actually. If they forced me, I'd say that I did it because I don't agree with my father. I never did, really. The racism is one thing, but also... Tauria's crazy. Flat out fucking bonkers. I've seen that up close, and only someone as obsessed as my father would overlook it.”

  “Then what's the real reason, Tryion?” Gwyndolen asks and Tryion looks up at her, his face working.

  “The first night we met, I could tell.... you wanted me. That first date, you wanted me to take you to bed, but...” he starts, pausing as he gathers his nerve. “But it would have been just sex to you. Even then Gwyndolen, I wanted more. I've had my fill of meaningless fucking, including one time fucking Tauria as much as I regret it. I want more than that. I want what I see in the King's eyes when he looks at Audra, or to be on the receiving end of looks like what your daughter's given Jensen. I want those kinds of looks.... from you.”

  “So you held out,” Gwyndolen says in a voice so low it's barely audible at the end of the hallway. “You didn't want to just fuck. You wanted....”

  “What I almost had, except it was built on a lie,” Tryion says. “That was what held me back after a while. I couldn't corrupt you, you're too pure and beautiful. I couldn't have you on a lie, and when you were arrested, I couldn't let you be punished for an evil you didn't do.”

  “Tryion, I'm not innocent, none of us are,” Gwyndolen says, then sighs. “You realize you may have thrown your life away confessing? For a woman that you seem to think is perfect? I'm not.”

  Tryion nods. “I know you're not. As for my life... one of the things I never agreed with my father on was his definition of a man. He thought a man was supposed to gain power regardless of how it came about. I feel... I know a man is different. A man pays his own debts. If doing this costs me my life, I can die at peace with that. If I go to jail... well, maybe you'll write me some time. I can hope for that, at least.”

  Gwyndolen doesn't say anything, but I'm moved by Tryion's words, and he smiles. “No tears, beautiful Lady. You're going to get out of here, and you get to give your daughter away at her wedding. Who knows, maybe the heaven and stars will smile on you and give you a grandchild soon as well. Enjoy those. I should go now; I know you need time to think about everything I've just said.”

  Tryion turns and shuffles back towards me, his head high and at peace. I open the door, saying nothing until he's back in his cell, waiting for the Lancer to remove his shackles and leaving before speaking. “Was it really that?”

  Tryion nods. “It seems that on Tamaria, love can be powerful enough to change the entire government and culture of a planet. Or maybe I'm just young and stupid. Either way.... yes. Just that.”

  I nod, turning away from the bars. “I'll make sure dinner is sent down, and if you want a flexi to read, no communication system, by the way, ask the guard. You've earned that at least.”

  “And Liston?” Tryion asks. “He is my brother, even if he is a murderer.”

  “I'll make sure he's kept healthy. Tryion, there's more to being a good man than paying your debts.... but you know more about it than your father does, that's for sure.”

  Chapter 23


  I look around the briefing room, pleased by what I see. The Rangers have gotten used to the spontaneous, rapidly evolving plans that we've had to use in our battles and raids before, but this is totally different. This plan not only involves the Rangers but involves at least a regiment of Lancers as well. There's going to be outlying attacks by stealth shuttles, harassment by Lancers both in Patpa and in other areas as well, as more. All to capture one person.

  “The target is the city of Pathenopaois, or for those of us who can't get that out of your mouths, Patpa,” I start, gesturing to the big display on the wall. “It's the chief city of the territory of Lord Imogen of the Noble Council, and as we've come to find out, the place that Tauria's been hiding for most of the past six months.”

  A rumble of frustration rolls around the room as the Rangers think about the lives lost in the war, both within the Rangers and among their friends. War always boils down to the personal losses, not the numbers on a flexi. “I understand. But we're going to do this like professionals, got it?”

  The Rangers bark their assent, and I take heart, looking around. I won't take any Ranger with me who's not going to set their anger aside for the plan this time. “Okay then. This time is going to be different. In two days, King Tauren's going to be making an announcement, where he's going to blame an innocent person for the bombing at my estate. It's total bullshit... but Tauria doesn't know that. Sub-Commander Kelbara will explain.”

  Kelbara stands up, looking around. “We've been able to trick Tauria. She thinks that she's going to be able to jack the emergency nets like she did last time, and then she's going to try and blow Tauren's cover, make him seem nuts. At the same time, she's going to call for a general uprising and declare an independent kingdom on the far continent that she wants to call New Tamar, with Patpa as the capital, renaming it Taurianopolis. She wants to do it from her own brand spanking new throne room in the middle of Imogen's estate.”

  “Arrogant bitch, isn't she? Naming the whole capital after herself,” someone mutters, earning general laughter. Even Kelbara chuckles, nodding, and I take back over.

  “Our job is to make sure she doesn't get the chance to make that announcement, or more precisely, to upstage her ass
. She's going to get onto the emergency nets, but instead of a nice declaration, all Tamaria's going to watch the Rangers take her into custody. Note, I said custody, not kill her! I don't want anyone fucking up and broadcasting her head exploding all over the planet. So, when we go, our lances are going to be plasma only, reconfigured to give you extra plasma capacity.”

  There's general grumbling, but the Rangers have worked with these models before. A hand in the back goes up, and a voice calls out. “Commander?”

  “Go ahead.”

  “What about her troops, sir? I mean, she's going to have her version of Royal Lancers around her I assume?”

  “You assume right,” I reply, looking around. “And later in this briefing, I'm going to go over the ways that we're going to try and make sure that we are successful, but I'm not going to bullshit any of you.... this is going to be the toughest fight that the Rangers have ever faced. More than the tunnel op, more than any raid. For you rookies who don't know, the Sub-Commander used to ask before her Rangers stepped off a shuttle how many would be getting back on, and the answer was always the same that step off. Not this time. You're going to be taking on battle-hardened troops, some of the best Tauria has. Not everyone's going to be coming home. But.... if we do this right, the war can be over. That's something I'm willing to lay my life down for.”

  The Rangers think about this for a moment, and I let my words sink in before continuing. “Now, let's get down to the nuts and bolts of this fucking thing....”

  After the briefing, the Rangers are in a somber but focused mood. I don't want to fuck with this, so after a little bit of going around, I retreat to my shelter, Kelbara coming with me.

  “Tomorrow, we need to make sure everyone's focused,” Kelbara says as we walk through the darkness. The Ranger camp has always had dirt paths instead of paved roads, we're keeping a low profile. “Although I think once they get into it, they'll be sharp. I assume you want to give them the day before the op to recover physically?”


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