Rose In Bloom

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Rose In Bloom Page 23

by Mia Michelle

  “Mommy!” Langston screams, jumping down off the chair and running to hug her as she walks in the kitchen.

  “Daddy and I cooked you bekfast! See?”

  “Wow! All of this is for me?” she says, winking at me, her face glowing with love.

  Seeing her smiling and holding our daughter makes me happier than anything else in this world. The only thing that can possibly make me happier is when I will see her holding Langston and our new son in her arms. We haven’t said how many kids we want, but I can easily say there will be more to come in our future.

  “Take a bite, Mommy! Daddy let me add extra choc-o-lots to yours. Is it goods?” she asks and Skylar giggles as she opens her mouth to take the huge bite Langston is trying to feed her.

  “Mmm. So good!” she mumbles, struggling with the big bite. “You and Daddy are getting awfully good at this!”

  I bring my plate around and join them. There is nothing sweeter than little sticky fingers to nibble on… Well, then again, there is her mother.

  Since I’m working from home today, I kiss my two girls on the cheek and head to my office. I don’t realized how long I’ve been in here until I hang up the phone.

  “Where are my girls?” I call, walking through the house.

  The evening sky glows through the sunroom, warming me with its orange light. It’s then I see them through the window. Smiling, I walk through the house and stand at the doorway. I watch them in the long mirror as they spin and twirl together. Langston’s sweet laughter fills the studio and warms my heart. When the music ends, I clap loudly, startling both of them.

  “Daddy! Did you see me?” She runs to me, throwing her arms out for me to pick her up and twirl her around.

  “I did! I saw my little princess dancing,” I answer as she places her sweet little arms around my neck.

  “Did you see Mommy dancing, too?”

  “Yes, I sure did,” I say, winking at Skylar.

  “She’s so pretty, Daddy. She’s like the pincess and you’s is the pince.”

  “Oh really?” I say, tickling her.

  Skylar walks over and kisses Langston on her cheek.

  “Are we going to live happily evers after Daddy?” her sweet voice asks.

  Looking into her mother’s eyes, I don’t look away as I answer. “You bet we are!” I say, pulling them both into my arms and placing a hand on Skylar’s stomach.

  “Love is forever. My forever is with all of you!”

  ~ THE END~

  Sebastian & Skylar have become such a part of my soul, but along the way, I discovered that these other amazing characters deserved their story to be told as well. And so, the Rose of Thorne journey continues with Nikolas and Kylie’s story. Coming soon.

  P.S. Don’t worry, both Lucas and Sophie get to tell their own stories too!



  Roses are beautifully strong flowers. They can handle the most extreme elements thrown at them. Sometimes we think it’s impossible for them to survive, yet they do, blooming even more perfect and beautiful than ever before. I’d watch my best friend survive things she shouldn’t have. I’ve seen her soul ripped into and her strong spirit evaporate. In the end, love had healed her and brought her back to life. I’ve never seen her so happy. No one deserves it more than she does, especially not myself.

  Love heals, but love also hurts. I’ve been hurt more times than I ever care to admit. It’s what makes me the way I am. By all counts, I shouldn’t be this way. I have two parents who have been in love since they were fifteen years old. Fifteen fucking years old and they’d found their soul mate. I’d pretty well given up on the idea, settling for one-night stands instead. It is a lot easier than giving your heart to someone who will never return it.

  And then, it happened. Nikolas Thorne happened, that is. He’d walked into my life and knocked me on my ass. I knew, without a shadow of a doubt, he was the only one for me, but I also know you can’t make someone love you. And just as I’d predicted, he’d left me… alone and gutted.

  I’ll never forgive him for doing this to me.

  I’ll never forgive him for making me fall in love.

  I’ll never forgive him for leaving me… wilted.

  I never dreamed that when I published Rose of Thorne in September 2013 how much my world would change in such a short time. A story that had sat in an un-open journal for years had finally came to life. I feel like the dreamer who woke up only to see that her wildest dream was really coming true. Writing is my passion, my way of expressing into words my thoughts and emotions.

  When we set out in life, we don’t really know what direction it will lead us. Sometimes we stand on the edge of our dream and it gets so close we can touch it, taste it, but we’re still too scared to grab hold and fight for it. Doubt can rob you of your dreams; encouragement gives you the key. For me, the key was a friend pushing me toward my dream, instead of letting me run away from it. Carey, just stopping me as we walked one afternoon and telling me you believed in me, made all the doubts inside disappear long enough for me to take the leap to do this. I love you so very much!!

  To My Sexy Husband- I love you so much baby! Thank you for standing behind me to let me live my dream. Words can never express what it meant to receive your text that night saying you were reading my book. And oh how much fun we had with the cheesecake you brought home the next day! Everything I do is for you and our children. You are a part of my soul that I could never breathe without. I will love you forever! P.S. Thank you for your dedicated hours of helping me with research for the book. AHEM. You will always be my Muse, Sebastian!

  For my Beautiful Babies B & B, Mommy loves you more than you will ever know! You both are my biggest blessing and accomplishment in my life. Thank you for forgiving Mommy’s crazy spells where she would lock herself up to meet a deadline. I want you to know you are a part of my dream and I will always encourage you to chase your own.

  To My Momma, You are my best friend and have supported me since the day I was born. I am beyond blessed to have you as my mother. Thank you for showing me to always do right by others and to reach for the stars! I love you!!

  To My Sweet Daddy In Heaven, I miss you every single day. Thank you for loving me and teaching me to help others unselfishly. I only hope I make you proud. I love you!!

  Family & Friends, I love you all so much! Thank you for supporting me in my dream!

  Dana, AKA Dee Dee, you are my sister in every way and have always been such a blessing in my life. When I told you I wanted to do this, I was petrified. Not only do you cheer me on, you believe in me. Thank you for being one of my biggest cheerleaders and reminding me that giving up isn’t an option. I love you so incredibly much!

  Jen, AKA My Fellow Luke Bryan Loving Friend, (First of all can our man twerk that fine ass or what?) When I told you I wanted to give this a shot, you didn’t laugh, but instead you sat during our lunch date and listened to me give you the layout of the story. You loved these characters as much as I do, making your advice priceless to me. You read this story before anyone else, making you my first official fan. Words can’t tell you how much your encouragement means to me. I can’t wait until our next concert adventure! I love you so much girl! MWAH!

  Michelle, AKA My Crisis Counselor & Phenomenally Talented Best Friend, I can’t say how many times you’ve talked me down off the ledge and listened to me cry when I was so stressed and nervous I didn’t think I could do this. Everytime I need something you are right there for me, helping in any and every way possible. I am so beyond blessed to have you in my life. You accept my craziness and love me anyways. Oh what fun we’ve had together over the years! I can’t wait to sink my toes in the water and my ass in the sand with you this summer!!! Thank you for EVERYTHING! I LOVE YOU!! ** Wait… is that Kid Rock I hear? BEALE STREET BABY!!! LMAO!

  White Design & Photography you rock my world! You have created masterpiece after masterpiece with my covers. You’re simply amazing and epically talented and

  Katie Mac, AKA My Kick Ass Editor and Southern Hot Momma, you will NEVER know how fucking much I love you woman! You’re going to get all humble on me reading this, but I’m going to say it anyways! You are such a blessing in my life, my constant through this WHOLE process! Every single day I laugh at our unique conversation topics. You understand my crazy and don’t judge me for it. You remind me to believe in myself when I begin losing faith. Always remember, I have my flying unicorn on call and my bedazzler handy to sparkle up your world!! WINE, CHOCOLATES, & VIBRATORS BABY!! MWAH!

  LuAnn, AKA My BNITCH, I love your crazy ass so damn much! You make me smile every single day. Who would know I would learn a whole new unique secret language this year of Luanese? I will miss that broken keyboard of yours… well not really. You will also get humble on me, but I’m saying it regardless so get over it. Thank you for lifting me up, brushing me off, and reminding me of why I write. You will never ever know how much your unselfish kindness means to me. I love you so much for it!

  Indie Express LLC- OH HOW I LOVE THEE!!

  Julie, You started the journey of Rose of Thorne with me and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate all your input and time on helping me wrap up this series. Everytime I needed something proofed, you were right there on top of things. You rock, Jules!

  Meredith Wild, AKA My Whiskey Sister, Thank you SO MUCH for encouraging me when I was ready to give up! A small act of kindness from you, lifted my spirits when I needed it the most! From our shared trauma over backed up laundry, to insanity of chasing deadlines, we keep each other laughing. I can’t wait to clink shot glasses with you baby girl!! Whooo Hoooo!

  Ella Fox, you rock my world! From the beginning you’ve welcomed me with open arms and cheered me on when I needed it the most. You’re such an honorable girl who stands up for what she believes in and stays loyal to her friends! What more could you ask for in a friend? Thank you girl for everything!

  Missy Johnson, AKA My Aussie Love Bug, I just adore you my friend. From all the way across the globe you both inspire and encourage me. I treasure our friendship so much and can’t wait until we get to finally meet face to face. Huge hugs to you in the land Down Under… wait that sounded dirty didn’t it? LMAO!

  Ryan Michele, who’s your crazy bitch? That’s right, I am! LMAO. You make me laugh when I need it most and remind me to breathe when I get overwhelmed. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for just being my cheerleader on crazy sprint nights! Love you! P.S. I want a G.T./Cruz sandwich immediately please!!

  Lexi Buchanan, Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your sweet emails! Most of all, thank you for taking the time to pre-read Rose in Bloom for me. Huge hugs from me to you! Can’t wait to see you soon!

  Chelle Bliss, Thank you for all of our laughable sprint night conversations! You know you love me my honey bunny!

  Melissa G. & Joni C., You two will never know how your email changed my life all those months ago! Our fun chat messages keep me laughing, especially when outrageous pictures are attached. I treasure our friendship so much! Thank you for EVERYTHING you’ve done for me! I love you!

  Feisty Girls Book Blog- You fucking ROCK my world!

  Jenna Tyler, AKA Comma Bitch, thank you for just being there when I needed to unload all my shit and frustrations. When I have a technical freak out, you are there to save me! Thank you for everything love!! P.S. Adam Levine is calling!

  Francesca C. & Krystle L. AKA My Two Favorite Cheeky Brit Bitches, You two fabulous women keep a smile on my face and my heart warm inside! Guess what you two? We have the sun in America! You should come check it out sometime!! LOL. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your friendships! I am so blessed to have the two of you encourage me from all the way across the world. That is priceless to me! I love you both so very much!

  Angela P. AKA My Eye Candy Supplier, Thank you for keeping me supplied in eye candy scrumptiousness! You keep my eyes healthy and my mouth drooling! HUGE hugs to you baby girl! Keep Bowtie in line! P.S. Nick Bateman is mine!

  LM Mercer, Your Aussie Ass is Fantastic and I Love you! Thank you for my HUGE Aussie Care package that made my year! The shirt you designed for me is epic!!!

  Kathy Coopmans & Panty Dropping Book Blog, I just LOVE you woman! You are one of the kindest women I’ve ever met in this business and I appreciate everything you’ve done to help me! MWAH!!

  Pimpslapped- Bex & Amber kick ass! Thank you for always supporting me!! MWAH!

  Heidi O., Caroline H., Pamela S., LM Mercer, & Ellen S., April B, & Tabitha W, Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being such loyal and wonderful promoters!! HUGE hugs for all you do for me! You have no idea how grateful I am for everything!!

  Thorny Bitches Street Team, I love you ladies so fucking much!!! You guys are right there for me when I need you! For every teaser and link shared, I thank you! More than anything, I thank you for believing enough in me to be a part of my team! TIME TO FLASH THOSE TITS LADIES!!!

  Thank You to all my fans who took a chance on my series. Words can’t express how it feels to know someone out there has read your work. As a writer, our manuscripts are much like our children, each having their own birth as we hit publish. We send our children out into the world, in hopes you the reader enjoy them. It is my hope you enjoyed this series as much as I did writing it. I have several fun projects in the works for later in the year that I can’t wait to share with you.

  Mia fell in love with the literary world at a very young age and began putting her active imagination to pen and paper at the age of six. Over the years, she has filled up numerous shelves with her notebooks and journals of her favorite stories. Twelve years ago, Mia began drafting The Rose of Thorne Series and through encouragement of a close friend, decided to finally take the leap of faith to bring her dream to life. She openly admits to having a hopeless infatuation with her Kindle and suffers from the one-click book addiction (No intervention required).

  Mia is currently a stay at home mom who has mastered the fine art of making a PB&J sandwich in between laundry and shuttling kids to ballet and swimming. In her spare time (“What spare time?” She laughs), she enjoys photography, traveling, and having a girls night out with her pals. She enjoys the simple things in life: such as sleeping more than 3 hours per night and 10 minute showers without being interrupted by children yelling “mommy” from the other side of the bathroom door.

  Mia Michelle resides in Tennessee with her soul mate and husband, along their two beautiful young children. She is currently working on drafting some exciting new projects due soon!





  EMAIL: [email protected]


  Out of Reach

  by Missy Johnson

  Out now at all major online retailers. See below for an excerpt.


  My best friend was dying and I was in love with his girl.

  Andy and I had been best friends since we were eight-years old.

  Watching him slowly fade away, ever closer to his final breath, made me so incredibly angry. I knew there was nothing I could do to change it--I had given in to despair, but Andy had not. He had one last hand to play.

  He wasn't going to simply sit back and wait for Death to claim him--not Andy. He was going to live life until he couldn't hold his eyes open any longer.

  Andy didn't want to die in some sterile hospital and asked me to take him and Emily to the beach. It would be our last road trip together.

  Emily. Emily was a problem for me.

  I harbored a secret that would have torn our friendship apart. I was in love with Andy's girl, and had been since she'd walked into our sixth grade class, so many years ago.

  So what kind of person am I? My best friend is dying, and it
's awful--but my heart still aches for his girl. I hate myself for thinking beyond Andy's death and whether there could ever be a future for Emily and I, but I can't help it.

  I'm in love with her.


  “Are you warm enough?” I tugged at the blankets covering Andy. I was cold. I wasn’t sure how he couldn’t be. He rolled his eyes and pushed the blankets back down.

  “I’m fine, Em. Stop stressing,” he said. He reached up and traced along the side of my cheek. “You’re the one who’s cold. You’re shivering. Maybe you need some Andy loving to warm you up,” he teased. I leaned down to kiss him, forcing myself to smile at his joke.

  “No,” I said, putting my hands up to stop him as he tried to push one of the blankets onto me. “Just do what you’re told for once,” I muttered, kissing him on the nose.

  “Right, because you always do what I tell you to do,” he laughed.

  “That’s different,” I replied smugly, folding his hand into mine. “You’re skin and bones. It’s not like you could stop me.”

  “Harsh,” he said, a faint smile on his lips. “Em? Thanks for this. What you and Seth are doing for me means a lot.”

  “I know it does.” My voice dropped. The tightness in my chest became more apparent. It was always there; a gnawing feeling, like I was just waiting for something bad to happen. And I guess I was.


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