Promise Me Tomorrow: Book 3 in the Witness Series (Volume 3)

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Promise Me Tomorrow: Book 3 in the Witness Series (Volume 3) Page 9

by Heather D'Agostino

  I needed to get out of here. Jax could be a witness against Si in the murder of my parents. There was no statute of limitations on murder. I finally had what I needed to take Simon down for good. The question now was how was I going to keep Jax alive long enough to help me and could I trust him?

  Chapter 10


  It took some work, but I was able to convince Si that keeping Jax alive was in our best interest. I’d stroked his ego most of the evening after he’d returned, and we’d locked Jax in one of the empty rooms. I’d done my best to not do too much damage, but Jax’s face did look like he’d gone a few rounds with a professional boxer and hadn’t bothered to fight back. It gave me some satisfaction knowing he was in pain, but knowing that soon, both he and Simon would be locked up was the best revenge I could think of.

  “We’re heading out. You’re on watch duty.” Mitch pointed at me as he slipped into his coat. “Si’s got me stationed down on Milton tonight and Malcom’s taking Westchester.”

  “Have fun.” I rolled my eyes as I lifted the bottle in front of me to my lips. I was biding my time until they left. I needed to check in with Dev, and let him know that they could move in tomorrow. One more night in this hellhole and I could be sleeping in Tiff’s bed again. I felt like a transient with the way I’d moved around. Between slumming it at the Rosemont, and then here, I just wanted a warm bed and hot shower on a regular basis.

  “Oh, it’ll be fun,” he grinned. “Got some honeys waiting to thank me when I’m done for the night.”

  “Thank you?” I shook my head as I chuckled.

  “Yeah. Thank me for a good ride,” he thrust his hips forward and pumped his fists in the air. “You should give that job to one of the rookies and come with us,” he shook his head at me.

  “Nah man, I’m tired. I had quite a workout today,” I laughed as I lifted my hand and flexed my fingers. “Fucker’s got a hard head.”

  “Whatever man. See ya,” he waved in the air before slamming the door behind him. I sat there and counted to twenty in my head as I heard the cars outside roar to life. I was surprised that Simon was going tonight, but he’d seemed to be on edge lately. It was like he was worried about something, but didn’t want to let any of us know what it was. He hadn’t checked behind us before, but now he went out on every deal. I was floored that he’d left me here with Jax. I mean, I’d established this trust weeks ago, but I was still new.

  After I was sure they were gone, I snuck out and walked a few blocks over. I wasn’t sure if Si had any surveillance, but I wasn’t taking my chances. You’d think I knew this sort of thing, but like I said, I was still new. After ducking under a bridge, I pulled out my cell and texted Dev 411. This was the signal that I had information. I always had him call me. The phone was my burner phone, and I was never to make outgoing calls. It would look suspicious. Dealers didn’t call people, people called them. Besides, I was with the crew pretty much 24/7. I had no need to make calls.

  The phone rang almost immediately, and I leaned against the bridge as I picked up. “We’re on,” I muttered as I lifted it to my ear.

  “How many?” I could hear Dev moving around, and when I glanced at my watch and saw the time, I knew he was at home.

  “Fuck man,” I hissed. “I’m sorry I bugged you at home.”

  “You’re my partner. You’re working. It’s not a bother,” he grumbled. “Now get your fucking head in the game. How many!”

  “Six, but that’s counting Jax and me.” I shuffled my feet. “There’s a room up front where Simon usually hangs out. “Two others are usually in there. The others will be in the back. I’ve got Jax locked in a room right now. I’m supposed to be getting answers from him. I’ll be stationed as a guard tomorrow.”

  “You’ve got him there? Did he come back on his own?” He sounded confused, and I wasn’t really sure where to start with this information.

  “I have no fucking clue. I was ordered to get answers from a rat. I round the corner, and there he was, tied to a chair. Listen man, can we talk about this later? I don’t have fucking time. I don’t want to get caught out here,” I hissed.

  Dev sighed before continuing, “When do they usually get up in the morning?” More shuffling then I heard Sam in the background asking Dev who it was.

  “Tonight’s a selling night so probably late. They usually don’t come back on these nights until around three a.m.” I glanced back over my shoulder in the direction I’d come. “What time is this going down? I gotta get back.”

  “I’ll send you a text when we’re in position. Be ready,” he warned.

  “I will. Later.” I clicked off the phone, stuffed it in my pocket, and began jogging back to the warehouse. I needed to decide what to tell Jax and figure out a way to stay alive through this take down. Si would not go down without a fight, and I wanted him taken alive. Death would be too kind for him. He needed to serve his time.


  I awoke the next morning from my phone vibrating in my pocket. I’d fallen asleep propped up against the wall outside the room Jax was being held. I scrubbed my hands down my face as I read the text. ‘Coming in soft. Be ready.’ I deleted it, shoved it back in my pocket, and crept over to the window to peer outside. When I shielded my eyes against the morning sun, I could make out three snipers on the roof beside us and caught the backs of several officers as they crouched along the building. I moved back to my previous position and waited for all hell to break loose. As soon as Si heard the breech, I was sure he’d be running.

  Within a few seconds, I heard the CPD announce themselves as a crash sounded in the distance. “CPD freeze,” Dev’s voice boomed, and I jumped into action. I pulled my weapon from my waist as I unlocked the door where Jax was held. He peered up at me as a mix of confusion and relief crossed his face. “You can prove how sorry your ass is when you turn against this group,” I growled as I yanked him to his feet. His hands were bound in a zip tie behind his back, and I chuckled when he winced at my forcefulness.

  “They’ll kill me. I can’t be a rat,” he gasped and shook his head.

  “You will be a fucking rat, or I’ll kill you myself,” I growled as I began dragging him out. I could hear the commotion going on around us, and I wanted to get outside as soon as I could. I was the only one in this part of the warehouse, and I really didn’t want to be present for any of flash bangs that might be sent our way.

  I’d been itching to get out of this fucking situation ever since Tiff and I had talked, and now that we had everything we needed for the DA to file charges, I just wanted to wash my hands of it. “After what you did, you’re lucky I didn’t kill ya. It’s taking everything in me not to, brother. You hear me?” I tightened my grip as I shoved him through the door and out into the sunlight.

  We were immediately surrounded by CPD as I tossed him in the direction of two officers standing by a waiting cruiser.

  “You fucking snitch!” I heard Simon shout from behind me. I turned to see him pointing at Jax as he tried to break free of the hold the officers had on him. “Who the fuck did you talk to?”

  “Hi, Si.” I shook my head as Dev came up and handed me my badge. I hung it around my neck, and I turned to face the men I’d called partners for the last four months.

  “You!” he sneered. “You’re fucking dead! Do you hear me? Fucking dead!” He lunged again, but was quickly forced into the van holding the other members of the team.

  “It’s over man,” Dev slung his arm around my shoulders. “DA has what they need,” he pulled me to the side as he lowered his voice, “Why didn’t you tell me how you knew them? What they did? Did you think I wouldn’t understand?”

  “I,” I paused before glancing at him. “I thought you’d try and stop me.”

  “We’re partners. We’ve known each other for years. We’ve gone under together. Dude, I would’ve come with you.” Dev shook his head at me before pinching the bridge of his nose.

  “I think I kinda knew that. I couldn�
��t ask you to do that, not after what you promised Sam. I’m getting out. I’m not doing this anymore,” I blew out a breath. “I’m thinking of moving into homicide. Wanna come with?” I smirked.

  “So now you ask?” Dev chuckled.

  “No. Now I go home,” I pulled the beanie from my head, and ran my fingers through my messy hair before following Dev over to where my bike was parked with Si’s car. “I’ll meet you tonight after I finish debriefing. I owe a certain someone a lot of personal time.”

  “I don’t want to hear about your ‘personal time’.” He curled his lip as he made air quotes. “Just don’t hurt her anymore.”

  “Later, dude.” I waved him off as I slipped on my helmet and took off toward the station. I could feel my body responding just thinking about spending the evening with Tiff and the night in her bed, but first I needed a shave. Tiff didn’t like the beard, and I was growing rather tired of it as well.


  When I got back to the station, the first thing I did was clean myself up. I stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom as I rubbed my fingers across my clean shaven jaw. I chuckled to myself as I thought about nuzzling between Tiff’s warm thighs, but quickly pushed the image away as the door to the bathroom opened. My captain was standing there with a scowl on his face. “Something I can help you with, Captain?” I tossed the towel I was holding onto the counter and zipped the shower bag that had been sitting there.

  “I should put you on desk duty for the stunt you pulled.” He shook his head as I started to open my mouth. His hand lifted as he stared at me, “What you did was dangerous. You can’t take risks like that. Your daddy would’ve torn me a new one if he was still alive.”

  “I’m sorry, Sir, but you have to understand why I did it. I couldn’t let someone else go in there. I promised myself years ago that I’d be the one. I’d take down the asshole who destroyed my family.” I took a few deep breaths, trying to calm myself. Getting worked up right now wasn’t going to solve anything, and I still needed to be debriefed so I could leave.

  “I understand where you’re coming from. Your brother folded like a house of cards. He’s being checked out by a doc and on his way to the tombs. One day out, and he’s going back in. Seems some of these guys can’t survive on the outside anymore.” I sighed as shook my head.

  “Simon is in interrogation. We’re getting ready to inform him that we won’t be making a deal with him because between you and Jax, we have everything we need.” He smirked as he clapped me on the shoulder.

  I nodded as I started to walk out of the bathroom, “Can I be the one to tell him?” I chuckled as I looked over at the Captain. “You have no idea how bad I want to see his face when he figures out he’s screwed; and I’m the one screwing him over.”

  “Here,” the Captain shoved a case folder into my chest. “He’s all yours.”

  When I rounded the corner to the interrogation rooms, I paused and took a deep breath. I ran my fingers through my hair and adjusted my badge on my chest. I laughed to myself as I thought back to all the times I’d imagined this. I never thought it would actually happen, but I’d hoped it would. I rolled the folder in my hands as I knocked on the door and slipped inside.

  Simon was sitting at the metal table with his hands cuffed and resting on top of it. He didn’t look up at me. He just muttered, “I’m not saying shit without my attorney present.”

  I tossed the folder on the table before crossing my arms over my chest. “That’s fine,” I shrugged. “I’ll do all the talking. You don’t recognize me do you?” At that moment, he looked up and narrowed his eyes at me. I could tell he was trying to figure it out, but wasn’t sure.

  “I’ll help you out,” I moved to stand across from him, placed my palms flat on the table, and leaned forward. “My name is Detective Jase Stevenson. You killed my parents fourteen years ago, and now, I’m making sure you get exactly what you deserve.”

  “Wow kid,” he smirked. “You finally grew a pair.” He leaned back in his chair as he appraised me, his eyes scanning up and down my frame as his lips curled. “Can we get on with it? My lawyer should be here shortly. I’d like to get home before business hours, if you know what I mean.”

  I made a tsking sound as I shook my head at him. “You actually think you’re walking out of here, don’t you? The only place you’re going is to a cell, preferably one that’s far away from any human contact.” I picked up the folder before turning and moving toward the door as he shifted again.

  “You know whatever charges you think you have on me won’t stick. I didn’t do it,” he paused as he laughed lightly. “Your fucking brother did.” He ran his tongue over his front teeth; his eyes dared me to make a move.

  “My brother is the one helping put you away,” I chuckled as I opened the door. “You can work out your shit with him on the inside,” I stepped out the room and began walking toward the front door. I tossed the folder I was carrying on the front desk as I passed by, and began slipping my leather jacket on as my feet led me to freedom.

  I’d been pretending to be someone else for so long that it felt strange as I climbed on my bike. I’d carried the sadness and guilt of my parent’s death for so long that I’d forgotten what it felt like to be free. Free of the guilt. Free of the resentment I held toward my brother. Just free.

  As the bike purred between my thighs, I strapped on my helmet and headed for the one place I wanted to be. Tiff’s place. A place that I hoped would help me become the man she deserved. A place I could one day call home.

  Chapter 11


  It had been a busy night at the bar. I don’t think I’d even had time to stop and breathe. Customers were constantly lining up several deep and waving dollar bills in the air. I couldn’t remember the last time it was this busy. Lena and I worked in sync as Sam breezed in and out all night. She’d gotten better about letting someone else be in charge and had taken on the role of owner more.

  “I can’t believe this crowd,” Lena shouted over the noise in the bar. Chris’ band was warming up, and soon the crowds would get even worse.

  “It’s spring break right now. All the college kids are coming because places around the university are closed. It’s going to be like this all summer. Just wait,” I laughed as I wiped my hands on the towel that was tucked in my waistband.

  “Seriously?” she whined as she slid a beer to a guy who looked like he was ready to jump the bar and serve himself.

  “This is a good thing,” I smiled. I was tired and feeling exactly like she was, but I was used to this. Being busy also helped keep my mind off Jase. If I could work myself to the point of exhaustion then I wouldn’t have to battle all the thoughts that flitted through my head at night when I was alone in bed.

  Ever since he’d finally opened up to me, it was like I couldn’t think of anything else. I wanted to pull back the layers and see what was underneath. I wanted to know what made him tick. I was itching to discover the real man behind all the bravado.

  “Incoming!” Lena shouted as she scooted behind me. My head snapped up to see who she was talking about. Incoming was our code for someone we knew coming into the bar. It wasn’t always someone we wanted to see either. Sometimes, it was a customer that really got on our nerves, and I really hoped that wasn’t the case tonight. I didn’t have the time or energy to deal with it, and my brain wasn’t as sharp as it usually is.

  My head snapped up just in time for my eyes to connect with Dev’s. He was dressed more casually that usual, and he grinned when he noticed I was looking. His stance was more relaxed, and instead of the usual jeans and button down, he was wearing shorts and a t-shirt.

  “What’s with the look?” I giggled as he maneuvered through the crowd. He got a few looks from some of the patrons that he bumped into, but when he turned to stare at them, they quickly backed off. Dev was never pushy and he didn’t use his badge to get his way, but there was something about his stare that automatically caused people to back down.

  “I’m celebrating tonight. Big case is closed,” he chuckled as I handed him a beer. He started to hand me a few bills when I shook my head at him causing him to stuff them back in his pocket.

  “Your wife owns the place. You don’t pay anymore,” I rolled my eyes.

  “I don’t want to start a riot with the customers though,” he shrugged as he sipped his beer.

  “You won’t,” I turned and tossed the cap before reaching in the cooler to serve the next in line. “Pay her when you get home tonight,” I winked before moving down the bar and working through more of the crowd.

  The night seemed to drag on forever, and as we neared closing, I looked up to notice that we were still a good three people deep. “Holy shit,” I muttered as I popped the top on another beer. “I gotta get a case from the back,” I called to Lena. “Give me like five minutes.” I waved my hand as I rounded the pass through and headed for the stock room. I took a few deep breaths as I searched for the extra cases. Our supply truck wasn’t due in until tomorrow. Supplies always came on Sunday, when the bar was closed. Coming up empty, I shook my head. This was not going to go over well with the crowd. Being out of a crowd favorite was a big no-no. I was sure at some point, I’d have to ask Mason to escort someone out because it never failed that someone would want to take it too far.

  When I slipped back behind the bar, Lena looked at me expectedly. I shook my head as I pointed at the cooler. “That’s it. When it’s gone, it’s gone.”

  She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before turning back to talk to the customer in front of her. At that moment, Dev appeared in front of me again. “Same thing?” I questioned as I placed the beer on the bar in between us.

  “How’dya know?” He chuckled as he watched me pop the top.

  He turned, and as I ducked down to grab a cloth to wipe down the bar, a deep voice caught me off guard, causing me to jump. “I’ll have what he’s having, and you can put it on his tab.” I dropped the cloth along with my bottle opener as I lost my footing and almost busted my ass right there. “Shit!” he hissed. “Are you ok?”


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