7 Erotica Short Stories: Pleasures in Pain, Punishment, and Submission: (7 Story BDSM Anthology, Bare Bottom Spanking, Submissive Training, Domination and Submission, Domestic Discipline)

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7 Erotica Short Stories: Pleasures in Pain, Punishment, and Submission: (7 Story BDSM Anthology, Bare Bottom Spanking, Submissive Training, Domination and Submission, Domestic Discipline) Page 3

by Lexie Syrah

  She quickly rubbed it faster and faster, and then all of a sudden the pressure eased up. My pussy was crying out in pleasure, and my body was writhing on the table. The pressure wasn’t nearly as strong, but I felt fuller than I’d ever been in my life.

  As I looked into the tigress’s eyes, she told me, “Yes, my entire fist is in your perfect cunt. Don’t you love it my little sex kitten? Don’t you just love the way I’m into you up to my forearm?”

  As she started pressing on my stomach, applying gentle pressure, I heard a scream, a scream so loud I had to look around to figure out who was screaming. That’s when I noticed that there was a huge crowd gathering around me. It was me that was screaming. I was gushing so hard that it was going high into the air and anybody within a foot or two would surely have been splashed with the biggest orgasm of my life.

  It had me screaming and crying out in pure bliss. Just before the waves of ecstasy had left me, she slowly took her hand out of me and all of the pressure drifted away. I was now laying on a table drenched in my cum, yet there was no way I could get up. My body was so exhausted, so confused from everything that it had endured in these last five hours. As the tigress started to walk away, she gently leaned down and kissed me softly, leaving just a hint of cinnamon on my lips. “Thank you,” she whispered, and her hand drifted down my silk covered cheek as though wiping a non-existent tear away before turning to work her magic on some other helpless prey.

  My body was wrecked. There was no way that I could stand. I tried to lift myself from the table, but every time I did, I just started shaking. My body had quit on me, and I didn’t know what to do. Embarrassment flooded my exhausted body as I became terrified of what these beautiful people would think of me whether they would allow me back into their incredible home to join in this beautiful party again. I didn’t even know how I could make it back to Misty’s house.

  As I laid there in a mix of shame and pleasure, a very strong man came over to me. I was terrified of what he was going to do with me. I couldn’t handle anything else.

  “There is nothing else my used body can endure,” I said as loudly as I could, which happened to be a simple horse whisper, begging the behemoth of a man not to fuck me.

  I still remember his deep laugh as he told me, “I am not here to please myself with you, ma’am. I’m here to carry you home. Your friend asked me to find you and said that you would most likely be laying here. She told me that you would be wearing a pink kitty mask.”

  I was so relieved at the fact that somehow I was going to be able to get back to Misty’s, and at the same time, not sure how I felt knowing that Misty was certainly watching me have the largest gush known to man.

  Being carried to the limousine by this big strong man was so comforting. My face was pressed against his shoulder, and I could feel the rippling muscles throughout his body. I was sad to think that I’d never be allowed anything like this again. I would never get to party with these beautiful billionaires after the huge commotion I had caused.

  Misty was already in the car and looked like she was on the verge of passing out. Slowly, drunkenly she tapped the seat right beside her to let me know to sit right there. My big strong companion sat in the seat beside her. We fell all over each other as our near lifeless bodies collapsed from what each of us had enjoyed that night. At that point, I was looking back on the night like it was a distant memory like it was an extraordinarily vivid dream.

  As we pulled up to Misty’s apartment, the tall older man was there to walk us to the door.

  As Misty clumsily fumbled for her keys when she went to open the door, the older gentleman said, “Excuse me, ma’am, I have this for you.”

  There I saw it, the beautiful golden envelope he placed in my hand as he walked away made me feel like I was flying. It was like someone had given me a breath for the first time, and I could not wait to open the envelope to find out when the next beautiful people party was. By the time I got inside, I had collapsed on the couch without ever opening the invitation to this realm of debauchery and pure bliss that I was now a part of.

  Book One: Chapter 7

  Back To Reality

  The next morning, I snuck out her front door and made my way home. I just knew Brian was going to be furious, and I figured I would tell him that I didn’t want to drive drunk. I had told him that I was just going to drink some wine and watch movies with Misty, so at least I had that to fall back on. I at least had my excuse already planned out.

  Going into the house, I could see he definitely came home drunk yet again, but at least I wasn’t sitting here waiting for him this time. I’d only gotten about four hours of sleep, but I was completely awake. I felt alive for the first time in years, and I peeked into our bedroom door. Brian was passed out across the bed, still in his clothes, shoes and all. I accidentally jiggled the handle and it startled him awake.

  All he said was, “Is breakfast ready yet?”

  I ran quickly into the laundry room and ripped off all the clothes that smelled of pure sexual bliss in hopes to hide my night of perfection. I grabbed a nightgown from the dryer then quickly ran into the kitchen to resume my life filled with careful scheduling.

  As I was making his egg omelet, I kept going over the last night’s events. I kept wondering if I would be able to make myself go to the next one, or if I could keep myself from going to the next one. I wasn’t completely sure which I wanted. That was the first time I noticed that the needs of my husband simply didn’t matter to me at all. When Brian came in to sit at the table, I brought him his egg omelet and he sat there eating it quietly.

  I just watched him, waiting for him to explode. I just knew that he was going to yell, scream, or something. As he shoved another fork filled with egg into his mouth, he asked if I had a great time last night.

  “It was nice to hang out with my friend.”

  I replied before asking him what time he’d come home. He looked at me and said, “What? Do you not remember? Did I manage to not wake you up when I crawled into bed?”

  Just as easy as it was to fuck all the strangers the night before, the lie flew from my mouth, “Oh you’re right honey. I almost forgot. I was sleeping so deeply.”

  Book Two

  Punishment Of The Cheating Wife

  Book Two: Chapter 1

  The Agreement

  “Sit down Susan,” my husband Paul said from his oversized recliner as I walked into the house.

  “Oh shit. He was supposed to be on a business trip,” I thought to myself.

  “Okay honey, but I thought you were supposed to be in Memphis on business tonight? Did it get canceled?”

  I said as I sat on the matching charcoal gray loveseat.

  “It’s 3 am, and you’re just getting home. Is there any particular reason you’re out so late?”

  He seemed suspiciously calm for someone who had been waiting on his wife until 3 am.

  “I was just chatting with Margaret after dinner and time slipped away. I didn’t think there was anyone waiting for me at home. If I’d known that you’d be home, I’d have left much earlier.”

  Paul didn’t respond. He turned away from me and stared at the deep red brick fireplace in thought.

  After several minutes of silence, I couldn’t take the waiting and broke the silence with the question, “Is there something wrong, Paul?”

  He turned in my direction without seeing me, as though I was invisible.

  “Yes Susan, there’s something very wrong, and I’ve been sitting here for six hours, painstakingly attempting to figure out what to do about it. You’ve been cheating on me with David, and until tonight I’ve only suspected it. Susan, I forgave you once before for cheating on me with him, but I will not forgive you for this…not again. I’m moving out tomorrow, and I will file for divorce on Monday.”

  The silence was deafening as I let the words of the moment sink in. I’d cheated on him before, and he’d forgiven me. I’d sworn that I would never see David again, but the sex with Dav
id was just so incredible that I couldn’t stay away. Yes, I was a cheating whore, and Paul deserved someone better, but I loved him and couldn’t imagine my life without him. David was just a sexual toy for me, like most women’s vibrators, but Paul was my heart and soul.

  “Paul, please don’t leave me. I promise I won’t see David anymore. I swear I’ll never cheat again!”

  It was the same lie that I’d told Paul the last time. I loved Paul, but the sex with David was so much better, and my cheating cunt craved someone who would bend me over and fuck me without caring about me. I wanted to be used, and Paul was such a gentle lover.

  “You swore that you wouldn’t cheat again the last time I caught you. There’s no way to prove to me that you aren’t going to run back to David as soon as I leave again on business.”

  His eyes still were peering through me as though I wasn’t there. It was as though I was already dead to him.

  “Please, Paul! I’ll do anything to keep you. I couldn’t imagine life without you.”

  Tears ran down my face as I pleaded with him. It was as though he suddenly registered that I was in the room. He stared at me, and I could see the gears turning in his head as he came to some decision about me.

  “I still love you Susan, but I can’t trust the words of a proven liar. I need physical proof that you’re going to end things with David, and I need you to be punished for your transgressions.”

  He took a deep breath and slowly let it out as he built up the courage to say whatever it was that he had decided.

  “I’ll stay. On one condition.”

  “Anything Paul. I’ll do anything to keep you from leaving.”

  The tears were slowing down as I realized that there was some hope to keep our marriage alive.

  “It’s simple. For the next two days, you will do anything I tell you to. It doesn’t matter what I say; you’ll do it. No arguing. No disagreeing. No matter what.”

  “Oh Paul, I’ll do that for the next two days and longer if you want. I’ll make you the happiest man alive.”

  He looked at me with only a smirk.

  “Okay Susan, take off all of your clothes.”

  His voice was commanding for the first time in our marriage, and it turned me on. “Maybe this will be fun,” I thought to myself, not understanding how far he was going to take this “punishment.” I quickly removed my day dress and underwear to stand in front of him completely naked.

  “How do you want me,” I asked with a seductive smile.

  “I want you to take off my shoes and socks, slut.”

  He shocked me with his words. I had never even heard him use the word slut, much less directed at me, but I knelt down and removed his shoes and socks as he’d commanded. My pussy was getting wet at the way he was treating me. It was almost like he was trying to fulfill my fantasies as my punishment by being so forceful.

  “Now clean my feet with your tongue.”

  “What?” My confusion at his request was genuine.

  He had never asked me to do anything like this. Feet were gross. Why would he want me to lick his?

  “You heard me, clean my feet with your tongue. Worship my feet. You’re going to be my slave for these two days, and this is only the beginning of it. If you can’t do this simple task, then I might as well go.”

  I took a deep breath and hesitantly began to lick the top of his feet. There wasn’t that much of a taste to them, but they smelled like sweat. My stomach began to churn as I hesitantly moved my tongue down to his toes, gently placing the tip of my tongue on his toes hoping this would satisfy his command. Then he shoved the toes into my mouth in a reaction to my meekness. Realizing there would be no courtesy in my husband, I began to work my tongue in and around his toes sucking on them, only the thought of how turned on I was allowing me to get through this filthy act.

  The taste and smell really weren’t that bad, but my lifelong idea that feet were the dirtiest part of a person was making me extremely nauseous. As I moved to the bottoms, I could feel every wrinkle on them as my tongue swept over them. I looked up at him and could tell that he was thoroughly enjoying the sensations and the power he had over me. I tried to finish as quickly as possible without missing any parts, hopeful that this would be the only thing I had to do before he wanted to fuck me. At least that would be enjoyable.

  “Good job, slut. Now I want you to bend over the arm of the couch for your first spanking. You’ll be getting a spanking every night before bed to remind you never to cheat again.”

  I stood up and bent over the couch. The sound of him taking off his belt made me even wetter. I had no idea why the idea of pain was making the blood rush to my pussy, but I was beginning to be split between fear and lust as I felt his hand on my round ass. I could feel his fingers trace the curves before leaving my body. I felt the first slash with the belt like he was wielding a flaming whip. My ass was on fire already when I heard the belt connect with my skin. My scream filled the room. And he laughed at me.

  Paul. My loving husband. He was laughing at my pain, and I knew that there was a part of him that I’d never seen before. I know now that it was the part of him that was good at business, the cutthroat and ruthless side of him that had let him destroy the completion at work. I had never feared him before, but in this single instant, when he wielded a belt made of fire that my perception of him changed forever.

  “Only nine more, slut. I guess it’s a good thing that we live in the country so that no one can hear your screams.”

  The belt slashed through the air again and again as my world shattered, and my ass changed color from a deep cream to a blistering crimson. When he was finally done beating my ass, I collapsed to the floor in pain. My hand went to my butt, trying to soothe the fire, but Paul wasn’t done with me, and he had no sympathy for my pain.

  He quickly took off his clothes and pulled me to my hands and knees by my hair. Paul led me to the bedroom, using my hair as a leash, where he pulled me up to bend over the bed.

  “Spread your legs whore,” he said.

  Without thinking, I did as he said and with a single thrust, he shoved his hard cock into my sopping wet pussy and began to pound me. His hand never left my hair as he rode me, treating me like the whore that I’d proven myself to be. My neck was bent back, and my scalp was in constant pain as he jerked on my hair over and over again, but it didn’t change the fact that I was about to cum around him. My voice had changed from moans of the pain to moans of pleasure.

  Out of nowhere, Paul pulled out of my cunt and shoved his member into my ass. I had never had anal before, and I wasn’t expecting it at all. Pain shot through my body and the orgasm that I was about to experience evaporated as the agony flooded my body. He let go of my hair and grabbed my waist to better pound me.

  I instinctively tried to get away from the pain but he’d trapped me against the bed, and the only thing I could do was scream and try to push him away with my hands. It seemed like he’d been fucking me for hours when in reality, he had only been using my ass for five or six minutes when he finally came deep inside of me.

  He collapsed on me as his cock slowly softened.

  When he rolled off me, he said, “Now come over here and clean it with your mouth.”

  I was still overwhelmed by the pain in my ass, but I moved my head over to his crotch and began to suck the mix of juices off of his dick. I couldn’t taste anything while I still felt like he had shoved a hot poker up my ass. I wasn’t completely aware of what was going on at that point. All I knew was that this was not the man that I had married. I knew a calm and quiet man who never raised his voice at anything.

  “Good, now lay down on the ground at the foot of the bed. You will not be showering for the next two days. You’re a disgusting whore, and you need to feel as dirty as you’ve acted. When you wake up in the morning, the first thing that you’ll do is crawl under the covers and suck my dick until I either cum or tell you to stop. If you do anything before that, you’ll get 20 more licks with
the belt. Now go to sleep.”

  I got one of the pillows from my side of the bed before laying down in on the floor like an animal. I closed my eyes and sleep overtook me almost instantly.

  Book Two: Chapter 2

  The Breaking Down

  My eyes opened as I tried to roll over and felt the aftermath of last night’s abuse. My ass was definitely bruised, and my asshole was sore from Paul’s assault on my anal cherry. I had to pee and almost got out of bed to relieve myself before I remembered Paul’s command. I laid my head across his leg and took his morning wood in my mouth. I heard Paul make small moans as I began to bob my head up and down on him. I caressed him with my tongue, feeling all of the small veins that ran up and down him. My hand crept under his balls to softly tickle them as I began to move quicker, hoping that he would cum quickly so that I could go pee. I had always loved giving blowjobs, but I was going to piss myself if I didn’t make it to a toilet soon.


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