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Brooke, Leah - Raw Desire [Desire, Oklahoma 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 14

by Leah Brooke

  “Do you have more than one husband, too?”

  Jesse eyed her sister and grimaced. “Show off.”

  As Nat slowly drew the creamy chocolate from her mouth, she licked her lips and stuck out her tongue. “I’ve had years of practice. Pay attention to what that woman says, and you can do it, too. Clay and Rio would be thrilled.”

  Jesse stuck her tongue out at her sister. “Bitch.”

  When Nat simply laughed and did it again, Jesse turned back to Alison.

  “No, Nat only has one man. Sometimes she has trouble handling him. I can’t imagine what she’d do with two.”

  A little taken aback by the sadness that appeared and went just as quickly in Nat’s eyes, Alison cleared her throat and started to unwrap her own erotic treat.

  “So every woman doesn’t have to be shared?”

  Kelly had yet to unwrap her chocolate, laying it on the table and smiling serenely.

  “No. Nat and I are each married to one man, and believe me, mine’s more than enough.”

  Not wanting to ruffle any feathers, but curious about how anyone would be able to handle having their husband constantly surrounded by women such as Charlene, Alison leaned toward Kelly.

  “How do you do it? I mean, how can you know that he’s surrounded by all these beautiful women every day, and he’s not—forget it. I’m just thinking about Danny.”

  Jesse slid a look at the others before leaning toward her.

  “You don’t have to be embarrassed because some man was stupid enough to treat you like dirt. This club is here so we all have a place to talk about things like this. Kelly trusts Blade because he loves her. If you saw them together, you would understand. He absolutely adores her, just as much as she adores him. The kind of relationships here in Desire demand trust, not only from the men you’re involved with, but from the entire town. It took me a long time to understand that. It took me an even longer time to believe it. I think that’s why we’re all so close.”

  Alison grimaced. “It’s a little hard for me to understand. I trusted Danny, and realized what a fool I’d been. I don’t think I’ll ever really trust anyone that way again. Men are just so consumed with sex that when the opportunity presents itself…”

  Shooting a glance at Kelly, she cursed. “Hell, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean you.”

  Kelly nodded and smiled. “I know what you meant. Before Blade, I would have thought the same thing, and I never would have believed I’d trust another man.”

  Jesse smiled and patted Alison’s hand. “You will trust again, especially if you fall in love with someone from this town.”

  Alison shrugged, depression settling over her once again. “I doubt it. I won’t be here long enough, anyway. Dillon offered me a job at the garage. I may have to take it in order to pay for my truck repairs, but I’ll be leaving soon.”

  Jesse smiled. “I know it’s none of my business, but if you and Dillon and Ryder hit it off, why don’t you think about staying?”

  Seeing the friendly interest on their faces, Alison set aside her chocolate and sat forward, glad to finally have someone to talk to. The knot of tension in her stomach turned cold as she thought about the weeks ahead.

  “I can’t. I have some things to take care of, and then I don’t know what’s in store for me. I can’t make any plans right now.”

  She tried to laugh, but the fear of being arrested if Danny followed through on his threat made it come out more like a sob, and she found she couldn’t talk after all. “I really can’t talk about it.”

  Kelly licked the tip of her chocolate, seeming unconcerned with following the directions from the woman standing at the microphone and instructing them on giving blow jobs.

  “So, you’re going to work at the garage?”

  Alison listened with half an ear to the instructions, wanting to get this right, but too involved in conversation with the other women to give the lesson the attention it deserved.

  “I think so. I was supposed to talk to him about it this morning, but I left my room early and spent the day walking around town. I didn’t want to run into them, but I almost did when I found the garage by accident. I had to duck around the corner so they wouldn’t see me.”

  Nat licked chocolate from her lips again.

  “Oh, if they want to talk to you, they’ll find you. Ladies, if you want to learn how to suck cock, you’re going to have to pay attention. Kelly, I can’t believe the way you do that. Didn’t Blade teach you any better?”

  Kelly colored and giggled. “Blade likes the way I do it just fine.”

  Jesse sighed. “Hell, these things always make me horny. How long is this thing scheduled to last?”

  Nat laughed. “You’ve got three more hours, sis. Then you and Kelly can give your demonstration, I can help Erin show some of the things from the lingerie store, and we can all go home and get laid.”

  Jesse patted her sister’s arm. “That’s because Jake knows how much these things turn you on. He’s probably sitting over there at the club with the rest of them wondering what we’re doing in here.”

  Kelly set her chocolate aside and reached for her water.

  “That’s true. Blade was laughing about it one day. He said that when Hope has a meeting here, the club’s unusually busy with all of your husbands.”

  Jesse unwrapped her treat and eyed it thoughtfully. “Hmm. Nice size on these, huh? Yeah, the men all must be standing around the windows. Alison, you’ve got to watch this. The minute Hope or Charity opens the door, men pour out of the men’s club like their asses are on fire. It’s funny as hell.”

  Erin’s brows went up. “I’ve never seen you complaining when those big lugs come over to get you.”

  Jesse beamed, her smile full of love, her eyes sparkling with it. “Are you kidding? Clay and Rio both give me extra attention when I’ve been to one of these things, and they know that submissive men are here. I think they’re jealous.”

  Kelly shook her head and recapped her water. “Like they have a reason to. Jesse’s crazy about those two.”

  Licking her chocolate, Jesse surprised Alison by tearing up.

  “I shudder to think of what my life would be like without either one of them.”

  Nat grinned. “Told ya.”

  Unable to fully comprehend this way of life, Alison nevertheless enjoyed the conversation, feeling more and more a part of it.

  “Jesse, you said that you had a demonstration. What are you teaching?”

  With a smile, the other woman gestured toward a table where a variety of what appeared to be creams and lotions had been set up.

  “Kelly and I own Indulgences, where we make scented creams, lotions, shampoo, things like that. Erin and Rachel own the lingerie store. Since Rachel’s home with the baby, Nat’s going to help Erin with that. I’d love for you to try our products. Is there a particular scent that you like?”

  Shifting restlessly in her seat, Alison shook her head, her face burning. She used nothing but the cheapest drugstore brands for shampoo and conditioner and hadn’t been able to afford lip balm or lotions for years.

  “No. I’m sorry. I don’t have money for—”

  “Shush. Consider it a welcome gift. Once you try our products, you’ll be back for more. Dillon and Ryder can buy them for you.”

  “But I’m not staying.”

  Kelly grinned. “If Dillon and Ryder are after you, you’ll stay.” She shrugged. “If not, consider it a ‘good luck on your adventures’ gift. Jesse, what scent do you think suits her?”

  As all four women discussed fragrances, Alison tried to follow the instruction of the woman on stage and nearly choked when she pushed the chocolate cock too far into her throat.

  “How the hell does she make that look so easy?”

  Nat immediately sat up and reached for her, rubbing her arm with a familiarity that touched Alison’s heart. “No, honey. You’ve got to relax your throat.”

  Laughing through her embarrassment, Alison shook her head. “W
omen are actually supposed to know this stuff? How the hell does anyone learn this without a place like this?”

  Hope came by the table again with another handful of the chocolate cocks and refilled the bucket at the center of the table. “That’s what I always said. I knew this table was going to need extras.”

  Kelly giggled. “Blade taught me what he likes. God, it was so…” She turned red, the faraway look in her eyes intriguing Alison.

  She’d been embarrassed at varying degrees since she walked through the door, but with these women it had become a comfortable embarrassment, one that all of them seemed to share. Enjoying herself immensely, she smiled at Kelly’s look.


  Giggling again, Kelly seemed to snap back to the present.

  “Yeah. Well, sometimes I do it wrong just so he’ll teach me again.”

  Nat nodded. “Yep. Probably get belligerent so he spanks you, too.”

  Kelly beamed, something Alison noticed these women did with remarkable frequency. “Absolutely. I love when he gets firm and takes me in hand. Oh, hell. How much longer is this thing?” She wiggled in her seat and reached for her chocolate again.

  Alison couldn’t help but laugh at her new friend’s obvious hurry to get back to her husband and envied such closeness. She’d never known such intimacy with a man could exist, and she hoped she’d have a chance to see these women with their husbands before she left.

  She desperately wanted to believe it could happen.

  She’d seen glimpses of it with Rachel, the women with the baby, and with Jesse at the hotel restaurant, but at the restaurant, Nat hadn’t looked quite as happy. Alison didn’t know the other woman well enough to be sure, but the way Jesse kept touching her sister’s arm and looking at her in concern told her something bothered Nat.

  Smiling at Kelly, Alison cursed the fact that her face burned again and leaned forward, keeping her voice low so as not to be overheard.

  “If I’m being too nosy, please tell me, but please try to make me understand this town’s obsession with spanking. Dillon and Ryder have both threatened me with it, and to tell you the truth, it scares me to death.”

  All conversation at the table ended as all four women turned to stare at her.

  Very afraid that she’d overstepped her bounds, Alison wished she’d never brought it up, but curiosity had gotten the better of her. Not wanting to insult any of them, Alison decided to be truthful.

  “Dillon asked me if I’d ever been spanked and made it sound like something I’d like, although I can’t imagine that. Ryder actually sounded like he looked forward to it, which I can understand because we rub each other the wrong way, but I thought Dillon seemed to like me.”

  Shrugging, she toyed with the stem of her half eaten chocolate candy. “I’ve never heard of it being…I didn’t know people…” Blowing out a breath, she tossed her chocolate on the table.

  “I guess I just don’t understand why they would threaten it, and at the same time tell me how much I’d like it. Why the hell would I want to be hurt? There must be something I’m missing.”

  To her relief, the other women looked amused by her question, their tight expressions relaxing again.

  Kelly giggled again. “I’ll make you a deal. I’ll explain it to you if you tell us all about you and Ryder rubbing each other the wrong way.”

  Toying with the tablecloth, Alison shrugged.

  “There’s not much to tell. I insulted him, and it kind of went downhill from there. He…scares me a little. Dillon scared me for that matter, when we were at the hotel room. Jeez, I thought he was gentle and a real teddy bear until then, but he got so…domineering.”

  Nat took a sip of her drink and sat forward.

  “Oh, Lord. Dillon? Impossible. What did you do? What did he do? I’ve got to hear this story. We’ll tell you anything you want to know about being bare assed over your man’s lap as soon as you spill it.”

  Laughing, and relieved that she hadn’t insulted anyone, Alison unwrapped another chocolate cock. “Okay. We were towing my truck into town …”

  * * * *

  Dillon groaned and turned away from the hidden opening in the wall of Lady Desire, his cock so hard it hurt.

  “I can’t watch anymore.”

  Despite his claim, he looked again.

  Ryder shoved him aside to look through the opening himself and cursed. “Oh, hell. She has another one. She just plays with it. Licking the tip, sucking on the end—”

  “Shut. The. Fuck. Up.” Dillon wanted Alison so badly he ached. Watching her ineptness at trying to suck the chocolate cock had to be the most arousing thing he’d ever seen in his life.

  On top of his anger that she’d avoided him this morning, and his tossing and turning all night, unable to get the image of her ex-boyfriend tossing her down a flight of steps out of his head, he was ready to chew nails.

  The desire to sink into her, to explore every inch of her body and give her pleasure like she’d never known had grown to the point that he walked around with a raging hard-on and couldn’t concentrate on anything else.

  Her innocence behind the sophisticated façade she tried so hard to portray fascinated him. He wanted to see her smile, wanted to see the pain and wariness in her eyes replaced with passion, with need, with love.

  Hell, he had it bad. She stirred something in him that had never been stirred before, something damned uncomfortable. He felt as if he’d known her forever—as though he’d just been putting in time waiting for her to arrive. She fit so perfectly in his arms as though she’d been made just for him.

  He showed up at her hotel room early this morning, hoping to take her to breakfast, only to find she’d already left. He’d searched all day for her, the image of her naked ass draped over his lap becoming more and more appealing by the hour.

  He’d been worried all day, picturing her lying hurt somewhere with no one to look after her. He’d almost fallen to his knees in relief when he saw her walk into the club, watching from a bench on the corner where he’d been sitting for the last hour waiting for her to show up.

  He’d almost approached her. He’d even come to his feet, but remembering the look on her face when he’d gotten angry before, he’d stayed away and had to stop Ryder from approaching her, not trusting the gleam in his best friend’s eyes.

  Thank God Ace had taken pity on him and unlocked the special access door Boone and Ryder had installed when they remodeled the club for Hope and Charity.

  Watching her gradually warm up to Jesse and the others, seeing her laugh and smile, he’d stood there staring, mesmerized by her smile. Even in the dimly lit room, her face lit up.

  Damn it, he had to find a way to make her stay.

  Groaning, he finally managed to straighten and looked up to find Ace watching both him and Ryder in amusement.

  “I’m glad you think this is funny.”

  Chuckling, Ace fingered the keys to the padlock that held the small steel door closed. “I’ve had more than my fair share of frustration watching Hope. I’m a little surprised no one else is here.”

  Ryder looked back over his shoulder and grinned. “Yeah, Hope has one of those chocolate cocks now. She’s up on stage, and the men can’t take their eyes off of her.”

  Ace’s smile fell. “Move.” He shouldered Ryder out of the way to peer inside himself.

  Dillon shot Ryder a look, shaking his head at his friend. Ace was still touchy about his wife owning such a club, and most of them were careful about the subject around him. Of course, Ryder would pull a lion’s tail.

  “Ace, thanks for unlocking it. What do you know about the men who are scheduled for today?”

  “That they’re going to be naked in a room with our women.”

  Spinning when he heard the deep voice coming from behind him, Dillon met Reece Preston’s fierce expression and saw Rio Erickson coming up fast behind him.

  Ace straightened, an unholy gleam in his eyes. “They all know better than to touch. By the way
, Hope was only handing them out. Alison must love chocolate.”

  Dillon beat Ryder to the small opening again, his jaw clenching. It nearly dropped to the floor when he saw Alison lick the head of the chocolate cock, listening intently to the woman on the stage.

  Dressed in revealing leather, she had to be the Dominatrix that he’d heard Hope had here frequently, one who appeared to have complete control over the three men dressed in nothing but loincloths and kneeling behind her.

  Unlike several of the other women who laughed and appeared to be joking with each other, Alison appeared to be listening intently to the instructions, her brows furrowed in concentration as she took the chocolate cock deep into her mouth.

  Dillon’s back teeth ground together, his cock pushing insistently against his zipper, almost as if he could actually feel her tongue moving over it. If his cock had been in her mouth and she had that look on her face, he would do whatever it took to change that look into one of pleasure and to make her forget all about what she was doing.

  She didn’t need any fucking instructions. Just being inside her—her pussy, her mouth, her ass—would be enough for him.

  But if she wanted instructions—fuck, his cock leaked moisture, so close to release he couldn’t stand it. He’d give her all the fucking instructions she wanted.

  Watching her take the head of the chocolate cock into her mouth, he groaned as his cock twitched, so hard now it throbbed like hell and ached to be set free.

  Ryder tried to shove him aside, but he managed, just barely, to stand his ground. “Damn it, Dillon, move out of the way. What’s she doing?”

  Dillon shot him a dirty look and glanced meaningfully in Ace’s direction, not wanting to talk about Alison giving a blow job to a chocolate cock where anyone else could overhear.

  Turning back, he bit back a groan as he watched her try to take more of the chocolate cock down her throat. Imagining that soft mouth on his own cock, he swallowed heavily, enthralled by the way she so diligently worked to take the chocolate cock deeper.

  Each time she pulled the cock from her mouth, she paused to lick the underside of the rapidly melting chocolate head, the sight of her pink tongue curling against it making his cock throb.


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