Brooke, Leah - Raw Desire [Desire, Oklahoma 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Brooke, Leah - Raw Desire [Desire, Oklahoma 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 19

by Leah Brooke

  It seemed like so long ago, but it had only been a little over a year since she’d started to fade away, becoming scared and needy and insecure.

  No matter what, she had to leave soon anyway, so she could just have fun with them and keep as much of herself private as she could. She would just have fun. She deserved it.

  With a grin, she squeezed out a large dollop of the scented gel and washed herself, loving the feel of her hands on her still sensitized body. She felt as though a huge weight had been lifted from her shoulders, so happy she wanted to dance.

  Yes, she could have a lot of fun with Dillon and Ryder before she left town, and she was determined to make the most of it.

  Who knew when she’d ever have a chance to have fun again?

  Grateful to them for making her see what a wimp she’d become, she planned ways of paying them back. She’d have them teach her every way they knew to please them, and she’d do each and every one.

  Being a source of pleasure for Dillon and Ryder certainly wouldn’t be a hardship. They had to be the sexiest men she’d ever had the pleasure of knowing, and she would use her time here in this amazing town to the fullest. She’d get her self-confidence back, and when she went back home, Danny wouldn’t know what hit him.

  After shutting the water off, she snapped back the curtain, grinning at her reflection in the mirror.

  Alison Bennett was back!

  Chapter Nine

  Dillon’s lips twitched, his eyes dancing with amusement as he watched her slather butter on her roll and take a big bite.

  “Why do I have the feeling that the woman who came out of the shower is not the one who went in there?”

  Ryder, in the process of buttering his own roll, looked up. “I thought you didn’t eat bread or butter.”

  Determined to enjoy herself, Alison slowly licked the butter from her lips, hiding a smile when both men stilled, stopping what they were doing to watch her.

  “I’ve been dieting for so long, it became a habit. I’m not doing it anymore. I’m going back to the old me.”

  Dillon’s eyes narrowed. “The Alison Bennett sitting here with me now intrigues me already. I’d love to help draw you out of the shell you’ve built around you and get to the woman you were before you got hurt.”

  Ryder frowned. “Dieting? Why?” Shaking his head, he held up his hand. “Don’t tell me. If you say his name, I’m liable to get violent. You sure as hell don’t need to diet. Hell, why do you women think men want to fuck toothpicks?”

  Laughing, Alison accepted the buttered roll Ryder offered. “I’ll never be that, but I weighed forty pounds more than I do now. My butt got too big.” Amazed that she had no problem admitting that, she bit into the roll. “If I eat like this, it’s going to get big again.”

  Ryder leaned closer, his eyes glittering the way they did when he’d first met her. “Not many things I like more than a nice rounded butt. I’d love to give yours a nice, slow spanking, pull those cheeks apart, lube you real slow, and play with you until you beg for me to finish you.”

  Alison choked on the roll and reached for her water, slapping Dillon’s hand away when he jumped to his feet and started to pat her back. Before she met Danny, she’d been a flirt and loved teasing and being teased, but none of the men she’d ever met flirted the way Ryder did.

  Ryder flirted with more intensity than some men used for sex, making her wonder, not for the first time, what having sex with him would be like.

  She would never forgive herself if she didn’t find out.

  It would be one of those naughty pleasures every woman should have, something to bring a smile to her face every time she looked back on it.

  Looking around to make sure no one could overhear them, she kept her voice low and reached for her iced tea, attempting for nonchalance while shifting in her seat. “Like Dillon did earlier?”

  Dillon chuckled and took his seat again, clearly enjoying their banter.

  Ryder shot a look at his friend and turned back to her with that slow, devious grin that made her stomach feel funny.

  “That was nothing, darlin’. Dillon was real gentle with you because you’re new to anal sex and because of what you’ve been through today. When you’re feeling better, I’m going to give your ass a real workout. Once I’ve lubed and stretched you a little, I’m going to work my cock into that tight little hole and fuck you slow and deep.”

  Alison’s butt cheeks clenched in response, still sensitive there from Dillon’s earlier play. After Danny’s fumbled and painful attempt at taking her there, she’d been nervous, but Dillon’s tender touch made her yearn to explore that aspect of sex.

  She didn’t know about letting Ryder touching her there, though, and tried to change the subject.

  “I thought I was supposed to learn how to please you.”

  Settling back, he reached for his beer. “Darlin’, you takin’ my cock up your ass will please me just fine.”

  Cursing the fact that her cheeks burned, Alison dug deep for the spirit she’d had in the past and tried again to get the upper hand. Leaning close, she ran her hand over his, her nipples tightening at the way his eyes narrowed. Hoping to shock him, she smiled.

  “But Ryder, I want to take your cock into my mouth. I want to suck it, run my tongue over it, and make you feel so good.” Fluttering her lashes, she licked her lips, her own arousal growing when he followed the movement.

  Thinking about the kind of things he probably enjoyed at the men’s club, she attempted again to shock him. Running a finger through the butter on her roll, she stuck it into her mouth, hiding a smile when he followed the movement and licked his lips.

  “Wouldn’t you like that? Wouldn’t you like me to get on my knees in front of you? Would you like to force me? Would you like to pretend that I’m your slave and make me do all kinds of naughty things to you?”

  Brandon approached the table, grinning at her before looking over at Ryder as he choked on his beer. “Well, Alison, you certainly look better. I guess Dillon and Ryder are taking good care of you, and if you said something that can shake Ryder, I guess we’ll be seeing a lot more of you.”

  His smile fell as his gaze went to Dillon. “Did you hear that Ace caught the guy? It was one of the Doms in training from the club, one that Blade’s been trying to deal with for months. He liked to hurt women and wanted to use the guise of being a Dom to do it.”

  Dillon scowled. “You’re kidding. I remember that guy. He was a real piece of work. King almost beat the hell out of him more than once.”

  Brandon nodded. “Yeah, that’s the one. I don’t remember him, but I remember them talking about him. Blade even flew out to meet with him once, thinking he could get through to him if he met the guy on his own turf, but it didn’t work. Royce and King tried to reason with him, but he wouldn’t listen. Blade contacted every club he knew of around the guy’s hometown, trying to get him banned before he hurt someone.”

  Ryder’s jaw clenched, but his touch on Alison’s hand remained gentle. “I’m just glad they finally caught him. He’s caused enough trouble around here.”

  “Isn’t that the truth? Everyone’s been on edge, and Ace is livid, especially since the guy’s already out on bail. He blames himself for everything and now with Hope’s club in shambles…Everyone’s helping with the clean up, and Ace is hiring Boone, Chase, and the Madisons to work on it.” Brandon paused, smiling at her. “At least no one got seriously hurt. I’m real glad to see you’re all right.”

  Dillon touched her arm. “Once we get Alison settled tonight, I’ll be over to help with the clean up while Ryder stays with her. I don’t want to leave her alone.”

  “What?” Alison turned to Dillon, blinking in stunned amazement.

  Brandon nodded in agreement, surprising her even more.

  “Of course not. You can’t leave her alone, especially since she’s been hurt. Enjoy your dinner.”

  Brandon turned and started to walk away, turning back almost immediately and sn

apping his fingers. “Oh, Miss Bennett, I almost forgot. Charity told me to tell you that she’ll be returning your money for the seminar. She apologizes and says that if you ever want to reschedule, you’ll probably be getting the Desire discount anyway. She tried to call you but couldn’t get through.”

  At the mention of her getting her money back, both Dillon and Ryder stiffened and glared at Brandon, which made no sense at all.

  Sliding her hand out from under Ryder’s, she met his scowl and sat back, crossing her arms over her chest and smiled up at Brandon.

  “She’s going to have a hard time getting in touch with me. Someone broke my phone.”

  All eyes turned to Ryder, who shrugged.

  “I told you I’d buy you a new one. I’ll make sure Hope has your new number.”

  “New number?” Alison blinked. “I can get the same number. I just need to get—”


  Brandon sighed. “Ryder, one of these days that temper of yours is going to get you into trouble.” Flashing a smile at Alison that sent her pulse tripping, he nodded. “Don’t let him scare you. He’s only a menace to us when we get him riled. Enjoy your dinner.”

  Dillon spoke up, calling Brandon back. “Brandon, can you reserve a privacy booth for Saturday night?”

  Brandon grinned and waved a hand, his attention diverted when one of the waitresses called to him. “Will do.”

  Alison waited until Brandon left and was out of earshot. “It sounds like you have a reputation for having a bad temper. You’re not like that guy the sheriff arrested, are you? Go to the men’s club and have sex with the subs as an excuse to hit them? Is that why you keep talking about spanking me?”

  Slapping his hands on the table, he clenched his jaw. “Damn it, Alison! I would never hit a woman.”

  Blinking at the outrage on Ryder’s face, she automatically leaned closer to Dillon. “And yet you keep threatening to do that to me.”

  Dillon held up a hand when Ryder shot to his feet, cutting off whatever Ryder had been about to say. Waiting until Ryder blew out a breath and dropped into his seat again, Dillon leaned closer to her, wrapping his hand around hers.

  “Ryder wouldn’t hit a woman any more than any man in this town would. He’s got a hair trigger, but it’s almost always in defense of someone else. Sure, he’s the first to jump into a bar fight, but he would never do it maliciously.”


  “Let me finish.” The steel in Dillon’s tone brooked no argument. “Since you’ve never had an erotic spanking, it’s only natural that you would misunderstand. We use spankings in Desire to keep our women in line. Don’t give me that look. The men in Desire protect their women by any means necessary. You live here, you accept that.”

  Ryder moved his own chair closer to hers. “The rules in this town are explained very clearly to everyone before they move here. People who don’t agree with them are free to leave.”

  Alison reached for her iced tea, taking a sip to ease the sudden dryness in her mouth. “Well, since I won’t be living here, those rules don’t apply to me.”

  Ryder grinned. “Oh, but they do. You’ll be living here until you get your truck fixed and save some money, and you’ve already put yourself in our hands for the time you’re here. Until you leave, those rules apply to you, too.”

  Dillon squeezed her hand to get her attention focused back on him. “What you don’t know is that once they’ve been subjected to an erotic spanking, women in Desire will go out of their way to earn another. I think they feel more secure knowing their men have the upper hand.”

  Remembering the conversation she’d had with the women in Lady Desire, Alison swallowed heavily and carefully set down her iced tea, hiding a smile.

  The men thought they used spankings to keep their women in line, while the women purposely initiated them in order to control their husbands.


  Ryder sat forward, his eyes glittering as they held hers. “You’ll understand once you’ve had one.”

  Dillon pushed her hair back, leaning closer. “If a woman wants to play, we’re more than happy to oblige, but if she does something that puts her at risk, we’re not so indulgent. The spanking she gets then will make her think twice about doing anything dangerous again.”

  Sitting back, Alison crossed her arms over her chest again, her nipples beaded at the thought of play in the bedroom, play she couldn’t wait to experience. The other, however, gave her pause.

  “So you beat a woman’s ass until it hurts so bad she’ll never do it again? That’s archaic!” She didn’t bother to hide her disgust at such treatment, or disappointment in them.

  Dillon’s slow smile sent a shiver through her.

  “We don’t use pain, at least the kind you’re talking about, to get our point across.” He gripped her chin, forcing her to face him, and ran his thumb back and forth over her bottom lip.

  “If you did something like seeing your ex-boyfriend come into town and didn’t tell us about it, I’d strip you and put you over my knees. I’d paddle your ass enough to warm it up good and then get the lube out. I’d work one finger into your ass, and then two, and then three. I’d spank you in between to keep your ass nice and warm.”

  Alarmed at the rush of pleasure that raced through her, Alison clenched her butt cheeks against the tingle of awareness at the memory of his earlier ministrations there.

  Dillon tightened his hold on her chin when she tried to turn away, holding her gaze with his.

  “Then I’d get your biggest butt plug, oh, yes, don’t look so surprised. You’ll have quite a few of them. I’d work it into you until it filled you completely and you were squirming on my lap, so aroused that your thighs were coated with your juices. Then, I’d spank you some more, slow, deliberate slaps that sent the heat to your pussy.”

  His low, deep tone enthralled her, making it impossible to look away, the steel in it sharpening with every word.

  “You’d be mad, but you’d be so aroused you’d do anything for relief, squirming on my lap and making my cock so hard it ached. Now at this point, if we were playing, I would make you come as many times as you wanted. I’d fuck you. I’d bury my face between those creamy thighs and give you all the pleasure you could take. But, for a punishment spanking, I’d play with your pussy, but I wouldn’t touch your clit at all. I’d keep you right on the edge for so long, it would be almost painful. Only when you admitted your mistake would you be allowed to come. You’d be mad as hell, but you would remember it. And you’d do your best to avoid the punishment spankings in the future.”

  Stunned, aroused, speechless, Alison could only stare at him, transfixed by the light of anticipation in his eyes and the sharp awareness making her slit leak moisture and throb with the need for Dillon and Ryder’s attention.

  She would never have believed that she could be turned on by such blatant chauvinism, and fought not to be, but the underlying respect for women and determination to protect them made it impossible to work up any outrage.

  Damn it.

  When Dillon released her chin, she turned to Ryder, hardly daring to breathe.

  His eyes sharpened with the same anticipation as he reached under the table and rubbed her thigh, sending a wave of heat to her slit.

  “So, now that you know what to expect if we continue from here, do you accept our terms or not?”

  She reached for her iced tea again, unsurprised that her hand shook so badly she almost spilled it. She couldn’t even get past the idea of them having a collection of butt plugs to use on her. It appeared that these men could teach her a lot more than Hope’s seminar could have, and even through her trepidation, she couldn’t deny the excitement and anticipation at the chance to experience sex with not one, but two men, men who didn’t appear to have any boundaries in that department and had the experience to make it something spectacular.

  Despite their archaic attitudes regarding women, they displayed a respect and genuine affection for them that
she’d never seen before.

  She’d never forgive herself for walking away from such an opportunity.

  Butterflies took flight in her stomach as she met each of their gazes. Taking a deep breath, she smiled. “And you’re going to teach me what you promised?”

  Dillon inclined his head, his eyes laser sharp on hers. “We will.”

  She took a sip of iced tea and placed her glass back in its spot with more care than the action deserved, trembling so hard she was afraid she would spill it.

  Looking from one to the other, she clasped her hands together to keep them from shaking. “Okay. I accept.”

  Chapter Ten

  Alison woke aroused, restless, and lighthearted in a way she hadn’t been in too long to remember.

  Savoring the delicious feeling, she kept her eyes closed, as it slowly dawned on her that she’d kicked the covers off, leaving her completely naked.

  She never slept naked.

  Frowning, she tried to remember why she’d taken off her clothes. She remembered putting on her nightgown the previous night before she’d crawled into bed. She also had a fleeting memory of waking up to find herself cuddled warm and toasty against Ryder.

  She didn’t remember anything after that.

  Slowly she became aware that fleeting touches, like those of a butterfly’s wings, seemed to be everywhere all at once, sensitizing every inch of her skin.

  A firmer caress touched her hip, just as the bed dipped near her feet. Her eyes shot open, widening at the erotic sight in front of her.

  At first she thought she was dreaming, until Ryder chuckled.

  “Good morning.”

  Still blinking, she sat up, drinking in the sight of him. If she’d ever seen anything sexier than Ryder—tall, dark, lean, and tattooed, wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist—she sure as hell didn’t remember it.

  She gulped, her eyes following the line of the large tattoo that went from his chest over his shoulder on one side and another on his bicep on the other side.

  That and the look in his eyes, his long hair damp and slicked back, screamed bad boy, the kind of man she’d sworn never to get involved with again, but one who proved to be irresistible.


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