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Brooke, Leah - Raw Desire [Desire, Oklahoma 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 28

by Leah Brooke

  He seemed to brush his fingers over her clit far more than necessary, but she would have been crazy to complain.

  Pressing her thighs against Dillon in an automatic attempt to close them to ease the ache there, Alison jolted when he touched her clit again, fisting her hands in the bedding.

  “You haven’t answered me.”

  It took her a minute to remember what they’d been talking about, her mind so focused on her clit she had a hard time trying to focus.

  “I think, oh, God, I think a woman who trusts a man that much needs to get her head examined.” It came out in harsh pants, the muscles in her thighs and abdomen trembling with the struggle to remain still.

  Kneeling on the floor between her legs, Dillon ran the razor carefully over her folds, his face a mask of concentration.

  Wiping the blade on the towel, he looked up.

  “And yet here you are, allowing me to use a sharp razor on the most delicate part of your body because you trust me not to hurt you, and you know how good it’s going to feel afterward.”

  Without waiting for an answer, he ran the razor over her again.

  “And part of the reason you’re doing this is because you know it’ll please both Ryder and me. Curiosity’s another. The same way you’re curious now about a spanking. And having your ass taken.”

  She couldn’t deny any of it. He was right. She did trust him not to hurt her, and she did it knowing that all three of them would get pleasure from it. Their teasing, their threats intrigued her more than scared her.

  The knowledge floored her.

  Frowning, she looked up at the ceiling as he ran the blade over her tender skin again, not even attempting to lie. Dillon would probably know anyway. “I am curious, but that doesn’t mean I’m not nervous.” She looked down in time to see him nod.

  Wiping the blade again, he met her eyes briefly before resuming his task. “And you’ll be curious about more things and want to try them, and when you get pleasure from them, you’ll be willing to try something else. Your trepidation won’t stop you. Ryder and I would learn your body so well that we’d be able to give you enormous pleasure. Would you like to know what a dominant man would be thinking while shaving a woman’s pussy, a woman who’s already given herself to him?”

  Intrigued, she smiled, a fresh flood of moisture escaping at the inner reflection in his tone, as though his thoughts about it surprised him. “What?”

  Shaking his head as though amused at something, he wiped the last of the shaving cream from her with a warm, damp cloth, smiling when she rocked her hips. When he removed the towel covering the rest of her body, she sucked in a breath, amazed at the naked feeling between her legs. Even the air moving over her bare flesh felt too intimate. She wouldn’t have believed such a small thing would add to the vulnerability of having her pussy spread, but it felt bared now as it never had before. Shaken, she tried to close her legs, disconcerted to have him looking there now.

  Coming to his feet, he kept her thighs parted and bent over her. Bracing himself with a hand next to her waist, he ran his fingers over her mound and folds, his eyes dark and intense as they held hers. Sharper now, his eyes held possession and an unmistakable command for her full attention as his hand covered her mound, his thumb brushing back and forth over her clit.

  “With every swipe of the blade, he’s thinking, that he wants this pussy to belong to him. He wants to care for it, to have the right to possess it and the beautiful woman beneath him more than he’s ever wanted anything in his life. He wants her to belong to him in ways she’s never belonged to another man. His to care for. To pleasure. To control. To punish. To protect.”

  Sucking in a breath at the too-sharp sensation of having her bare pussy caressed, she fisted her hands at her sides, trembling harder than ever. “Dillon. Oh, God, that feels incredible. Dillon, what are you saying?”

  Dillon’s smile held a hint of sadness. “You know what I’m saying, Alison. You’re very fragile right now, physically and emotionally. You’re asking for something from me that you’re not ready for, and it’s getting to the point that I won’t be able to hold it back anymore. I’ll pleasure you and teach you what you want to know, but don’t ask for the rest unless you’re prepared to give it all.”

  Alison sat up, grabbing him when he started to walk away.

  “Damn it, Dillon. Don’t do this.” Reaching out, she placed her hand over the huge bulge at the front of his jeans, smiling when he closed his eyes, the muscle in his jaw working again.

  “I want you. You want me. Take me, Dillon.” She squeezed, running her other hand over his magnificent chest.

  Dillon’s eyes popped open, the combination of fury and heat in them stunning her. Grabbing both of her hands in one of his, he bent over her, sliding his hand under her wet hair to hold her face lifted to his. His voice remained harsh, his jaw as tight as the rest of his body.

  “I want you. Yes. God help me, I want you. But with you, Alison, I want more. Do you really think if you belonged to me that I would allow you to keep secrets from me? That I would allow you to try to pit Ryder and me against each other? That I would put up with your lying when you insist you’re not in pain and I can see it in your eyes? Do you think I would allow you to criticize yourself the way you do? To hide parts of yourself you think are undesirable?”

  His tight smile sent a wave of alarm through her. “No. I wouldn’t. I’d want it all, Alison, not just the bits and pieces you choose to give me. Until then, we’ll enjoy each other in the time you have here. God help me, I can’t give that up. But don’t expect something from me you’re not willing to give in return.”

  Releasing her, he wiped a hand over his face, his frustration apparent. “I’m going to go shower. Wrap up in your robe so you don’t get cold, and I’ll give you a rubdown after dinner. Ryder should be back soon.”

  Staring at his back, Alison lifted the blanket to cover herself to ward off the sudden chill.

  Damn it to hell, he was right. She hated that he was right about everything.

  How could she expect more from him than she could give?

  The pain that flashed in Dillon’s eyes before he turned and walked away hurt her more than anything Danny had ever done.

  Sitting there on the bed, she pulled the covers around her, staring at the empty doorway.

  The knot in her stomach grew, turning cold and heavy. Taking a deep breath, she let it out slowly as the realization hit her.

  She loved him.

  She’d actually fallen in love with him.

  And there wasn’t a damned thing she could do about it.

  Hearing the door to the apartment open and close again, she stilled. She heard the rustle of bags and Ryder’s footsteps, curling her toes into the carpet when he appeared in the doorway.

  Grinning from ear to ear, he came toward her, swinging a small bag in front of him.

  “Hey, darlin’. I got dinner and a little something else to use on you while I have my dessert.”

  Dropping the bag on the bed, he knelt between her thighs, bending to kiss one of her bare shoulders.

  “Now this is nice to come home to, a warm, scented woman just waiting for me to unwrap her. Hell, I’ll never be able to smell a peach again without getting hard. I can’t wait for my dessert. I want it now.”

  He straightened and reached for the ends of the blanket and paused, his smile falling.

  “What is it, darlin’? What’s wrong?” Releasing the ends of the blanket, Ryder slid his hands into her wet hair and tilted her face toward his.

  Swallowing the lump in her throat, Alison forced a smile.

  “I think I’d better go. I can’t stay here this way anymore.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  The tenderness in Ryder’s eyes undid her, and with a sigh, she slumped against him, blinking back tears.

  “Dillon’s mad at me, and I don’t blame him. It was just supposed to be sex, damn it, but I did something stupid. Dillon keeps holding back from me, an
d when I got mad at him for it, he told me that I had no right to demand something I couldn’t give in return.”

  Lifting her head, she smiled tremulously. “He’s right. I’m so stupid. I should never have gotten involved with either one of you. I knew from the beginning that I should have stayed away, but I just couldn’t help myself.”

  Ryder rubbed a hand over her back. “If it makes you feel any better, I felt the same way, but I couldn’t stay away from you any more than you could stay away from us. Now we just have to figure out what to do about it.”

  With another sigh, Alison sat up. “I can’t do anything about it. Danny says he’s going to claim self-defense and say that I attacked him. He’s going to do whatever he can to get out of going to jail, even lying to send me there.”

  His eyes hardened. “You won’t go to jail, especially after the court hears the tape.”

  Shaking her head, Alison pushed away from him. “You don’t even know if they’ll hear it. Danny’s very popular in Muskogee. Hell, his second or third cousin, once or twice removed is the judge. His mother even had an affair with the sheriff.”

  Ryder gathered her hands in his. “You should have gotten out of that relationship a long time ago.”

  Still kicking herself for not doing so, Alison snapped at him.

  “Don’t you think I don’t know that? I was stupid. But, he’d never hit me before. He kept having affairs, and I thought it was all my fault. I’m too fat. I don’t know what the hell I’m doing in bed, and I’m plain. His family is the most popular in town, and has the most influence. Everybody loves Danny. They all think he’s a great guy and couldn’t figure out why he’d fallen for me.”

  She tried to pull away from him, only managing to let the covers fall. “Neither could I.”

  Ryder ignored her attempts to dislodge his hands, effectively keeping her trapped where she was and kneeling between her parted thighs.

  “It’s not your fault he couldn’t keep his dick in his pants.”

  He released her hands to slide his up and over her breasts, teasing the underside and tapping her nipple. “You’re not fat. You’re lush and curvy and so fucking sexy I can’t keep my hands off of you. Sometimes it pisses me off. You’re not plain, and if you satisfied me anymore, my head would explode.”

  Dillon walked into the room, dressed in unsnapped jeans and towel drying his hair. “I’ve already been in touch with the prosecutor and an attorney. You’re not going in there defenseless, Alison. Everything is going to work out just fine. Your new phone’s on the kitchen table, but with a new number. The prosecutor has our numbers if he wants to get in touch. It’s already dealt with.”

  Feeling closed in and finding it hard to breathe, Alison pushed Ryder’s hands away and stood, reaching for her robe at the end of the bed. Wrapping it around herself, she ignored Dillon’s narrowed gaze and went to the window, staring down at the empty street.

  “I even thought about running, but then I’d spend the rest of my life looking over my shoulder. I want him to pay for what he did, but the entire town loves him and wanted to blame me for it. They’ll testify on his behalf, character witnesses, I think the prosecutor called it. They’ll make me look unstable and jealous, and the judge and jury will believe him.”

  Dillon stood and came to her, pulling her close and wrapping his arms around her.

  “You’re not running anywhere, and you sure as hell aren’t doing this alone.”

  “Dillon, I—”


  Dropping her head to his chest, she sighed, turning to meet Ryder’s eyes. “I have to leave. I’ll leave now and go back to the hotel and look for another job in the morning.”

  Ryder shook his head before she’d even finished. “No.”

  After sharing a long look with Dillon, he turned back to her and smiled.

  “You have no reason to leave. You want it to be about sex? Fine. It’s all about sex.”

  Alison looked up at Dillon, nervous about the look in his hooded gaze. She didn’t want to leave, unwilling to give up one minute of the time they had together, and didn’t want to stay alone in the hotel room and brood about the trial.

  But she didn’t want to spend the time with them arguing about something she had no control over.

  “And we won’t talk about the other stuff?”

  Dillon inclined his head, his jaw tightening.

  “For now. If it’s just sex you want, that’s what you’ll get. Strip out of that robe and show Ryder your shaved pussy.”

  Shocked by the sudden change in his attitude, she glanced at Ryder uncertainly. “What?”

  Moving to stand behind her, Dillon slipped his hands around her waist and untied her robe, letting the belt fall. Slipping his fingers inside, he parted the robe as he slid them upward, smoothing the backs of his fingers over her skin along the way.

  When he got to her breasts, he paused, rubbing his knuckles back and forth over her nipples.

  “I told you to show Ryder your bare pussy. You gave yourself to us. That means that pussy is just as much his as it is mine. Don’t you think he has a right to see what belongs to him?”

  Holding on to his forearms, Alison moaned as his fingers continued to dance over her nipples, the sharp pinpricks of need shooting like arrows to her clit.

  One minute they’d been arguing, but Dillon’s demeanor changed in a heartbeat, becoming once again the cool, controlling, and very sexual man she’d first seen in the hotel room.

  A man she’d so far been unable to resist, finding the low, seductive cadence in his voice mesmerizing.

  “Dillon, I, oh, God. I don’t know how—”

  “That’s what we’re here for. To teach you. You said that’s what you wanted. You don’t want any talk about the future. You want here and now and sex. We’re giving you exactly what you asked for. But it comes with conditions. You’re ours. You put yourself in our hands to do whatever we want with you. We’ll give you more pleasure than you ever dreamed. That’s what you want from us, isn’t it?”

  Alison swallowed heavily and nodded, unable to speak. A whimper escaped when Dillon began to toy with her nipples, rolling each of them between a callused thumb and forefinger.

  “Good. In return, we want something from you. In the time you have left here, you belong to us. Until you leave, you’re ours. Yes or no, Alison? Right here. Right now.”

  Oh, God. It was like something out of her wildest fantasies.

  Only better.

  It was Dillon and Ryder.

  No fantasy she’d ever had could compete with the reality of being with them.

  Ryder moved closer, dropping his weight onto the bed and reaching down to remove his boots. Tossing them aside, he waited, his eyes moving up and down every inch of her body as Dillon exposed her completely, widening when they stopped at her mound.

  Dillon released her nipples and cupped the underside of her breasts. “Well, Alison? Yes or no?”

  She didn’t even have to think about it.


  The atmosphere in the room changed almost immediately, becoming heavy with sexual tension. Ryder’s eyes took on a cool possessiveness she’d never seen in them before, the light of anticipation making his green eyes glitter like emeralds.

  “Lose the robe, darlin’.”

  Dillon whipped off her robe and tossed it aside before cupping her breasts again, running his work-roughened thumbs over her nipples.

  “I like you naked, as often as possible.”

  A fresh wave of longing went through her at the seductive steel in his tone, a tone much like the one he’d used that night in the hotel. Willing to do anything in order to be able to enjoy this time with them, she leaned back against him, lifting her hands to wrap them around his neck.


  Only when his fingers traced patterns over her breasts did she realize how much she’d opened herself to him, her breasts lifted high and unprotected. When his fingers brushed her nipples, she sucked in a br
eath at the jolt of heat to her slit, shocked to find how ultrasensitive they’d become in this position.

  Rubbing against the bulge pressing at her lower back, she started to lower her arms, sliding her hands across Dillon’s broad shoulders and down over his amazing biceps. Watching Ryder’s eyes follow the movement of Dillon’s hands over her breasts added to the sexual tension, as though Dillon were putting on a show with her body for Ryder’s enjoyment.

  Enjoying the tickle of the hair from Dillon’s forearms against her palms, she gasped at the sudden sharp pinch to her nipples, throwing her head back against him.

  Dillon bent low and scraped his teeth over her shoulder.

  “Put your hands right back where they were.”

  Coming to her toes in an automatic gesture to relieve the pressure, Alison hurriedly raised her arms again, breathing a sigh of relief when he loosened his hold.

  He hadn’t pinched them hard, just hard enough to get her attention, even now treating her sensitive nipples with care.

  Dillon ran his fingers over the vulnerable underside of her breasts, teasing them when she squirmed as the blood rushed back to her nipples, making them tingle. His warm breath against her neck made her shiver all over, and he responded by wrapping his arms more tightly around her.

  “I like having your arms around my neck, Alison. I like having you open to me this way. I like knowing that this is mine to touch as I want, and I like having you wide open and ready for whatever we want to do to you.”

  His gentle caress of her breast sent a shock of heat through her tender nipples.

  “You like it, too. Your nipples are extremely sensitive, so tender that even the lightest tug gets a strong response from you. Do you have any idea how much that turns both of us on?”

  Ryder ran a hand over her belly, his eyes full of dark intent.

  “She responds to whatever we do to her. Every time we touch her, she melts. I don’t think she realizes, though, that her touch has the same effect on us.”

  Dillon tugged her nipples again, bringing her to her toes.


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