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Brooke, Leah - Raw Desire [Desire, Oklahoma 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 37

by Leah Brooke

  Alison looked up to see Dillon standing in the doorway, a towel in his hand.

  She opened her mouth to speak, but Ryder beat her to it.

  “Yeah, she came again and I bathed her.” He lifted her out of the tub and waited for Dillon to wrap the towel around her before lifting her against his chest again.

  “Time for bed, darlin’.”

  * * * *

  Hours later she woke to find herself nestled against Dillon’s chest, her leg hooked over his, with Ryder pressed against her back.

  Not wanting to wake either one of them, she remained perfectly still, surprised to realize that it was the first time since she’d started sleeping with them that she’d awakened in the middle of the night.

  It made her realize how soundly she slept between them.

  Listening to Dillon’s steady heartbeat, she lay there in the darkness and smiled. Surrounded by warm, hard male, she closed her eyes again and just absorbed the feeling of being nestled between them.

  In the quiet of the night, she simply savored the sensation of being warm, safe, and wanted.

  Dillon and Ryder would be fierce protectors. Remembering the looks on their faces when Danny had attacked her, she smiled again. They’d been like furious warriors who’d appeared, ready and willing to fight, only to realize the battle had already been won.

  Amused at her fanciful thoughts, she shifted slightly to a more comfortable position, enjoying the feel of their warm skin against her nakedness. Her body still tingled deliciously from their attention earlier, every movement she made a fresh reminder of how completely they’d taken her. Her nipples still stood erect with awareness even though the clamps they’d put on them earlier had been removed long ago.

  Ryder moved behind her, making her aware of the hard cock pressed against her bottom.

  “You okay?”

  The rough timbre of his sleepy tone sent a shiver of delight through her. His hand ran down her side and over her hip, unerringly finding the scar there and began to caress it at the same time his lips touched her shoulder.

  “You hurtin’, Ally?”

  Arching her neck to give him better access, she snuggled closer.

  “No. It’s nice sleeping like this. I’m nice and warm.” She enjoyed the intimacy of their hushed conversation as Dillon slept on beside her and vowed to try to wake up in the middle of the night more often.

  Ryder turned her toward him, nestling her face against his shoulder. “You sleep like this every night, darlin’.” He yawned and curved an arm around her. “Dillon and I take turns holding you, and you never wake up. Something bothering you tonight?”

  Dillon turned on his side and snuggled against her, rubbing her back in the exact spot her muscles often tightened up.

  “Stop worrying. Nothing’s going to happen to you. It’s all taken care of. Go back to sleep.”

  In the darkness, Alison blinked back tears and closed her eyes again.

  She shouldn’t have been at all surprised that both men had woken when she did. Dillon and Ryder always seemed so aware of everything about her, but it amazed her that even in sleep, they’d somehow known she’d awakened and needed them.

  How would she ever be able to sleep without them?

  How would she be able to walk away, to live her life without the only two people in the world who seemed to understand her completely and somehow fulfill all of her needs?

  Swallowing her tears, she forced herself to slump against Ryder.

  And realized she’d fallen in love.

  * * * *

  Dillon stared into the darkness and listened as Alison’s breathing finally evened out, wondering why it had taken so long for her to fall back to sleep. His frustration at her refusal to fall into his plans kept him awake as much as the need to bury his cock inside her again.

  He’d never come as hard as he had while fucking her ass in the restaurant, the strength of his orgasm stunning the hell out of him. It seemed that every time he touched her, he wanted her more.

  All day at the garage, he listened for her, his gaze going often toward the office in the hopes of catching a glimpse of her.

  Lying beside her every night had to be the sweetest kind of heaven he could imagine. Breathing in her scent, he held her close, enjoying the feel of her soft skin against his.

  In moments like this, he didn’t have to hide his emotions and pretend it was only sex between them. In his bed in the middle of the night, he could hold her the way he wanted to without worrying about scaring her.

  Bending his head, he brushed his lips across her soft shoulder before covering it with the blanket against the cool morning chill. He stilled when she murmured in her sleep, hardly breathing as he waited for her to settle again. He smiled at the restless movement of her legs, knowing she wouldn’t completely settle until she had a foot sticking out of the covers.

  Damned adorable.

  Loving the way her soft curves fit so perfectly against him, he wrapped his arm around her until his palm covered her abdomen. A wave of longing washed over him as he imagined her heavy with their child, a little foot kicking against his hand.

  He found it hard to believe that he’d known her only a short time, but it appeared his heart and body had already decided his fate. Picturing the house they would build on the empty lot he and Ryder owned next to the garage, he couldn’t hold back a smile.

  Despite her belief to the contrary, Alison would fit in well here. She’d already made friends, and he knew the women would welcome her with open arms.

  It would take time to get over her doubts about taking two men on as husbands, but once she saw how happy he and Ryder could make her and that their unique relationship would be accepted here, she would settle down and be fine.

  In the meantime, he would do whatever he could to convince her that what they had went deeper than just physical, but in a way that didn’t scare her off.

  “She’s going to bolt, isn’t she?”

  Since Dillon had been aware that Ryder had been awake the entire time, especially since they’d both learned to be wary of her knee when she stuck her foot out, it didn’t surprise him when his best friend spoke.

  Keeping his voice low so as not to wake Alison, Dillon flexed his hand against her soft belly, as though keeping the baby he imagined there safe.

  “If we don’t finish the truck, she’ll have no way to leave.” It infuriated him that he couldn’t get through to her. He’d tried many times to talk to her, but each time, she’d walked away. She trusted him with her body, but that appeared to be as far as her trust went.

  She didn’t trust them to keep her from being arrested, and she sure as hell didn’t trust them when they tried to convince her that relationships like the one they wanted with her could work in Desire.

  He was scared to death he would run out of time before they managed to convince her.

  Ryder sighed. “She’s scared. I get that. But, damn it, Dillon, how the hell are we supposed to make her believe everything’ll work out if she won’t even listen? She won’t talk about it at all.”

  Grimacing as the knot in his belly tightened, Dillon rolled to his back.

  “We’re just going to have to keep trying.”

  After a long silence Ryder spoke again, his voice barely a whisper.

  “You know, I never really believed it.”

  Jarred out of his thoughts, Dillon lifted his head, turning it in Ryder’s direction.

  “Believed what?”

  Ryder shifted slightly, readjusting his hold on Alison when she moved.

  “Any of it. I never really believed that two men could marry the same woman and live happily. But you just have to look at the way Clay and Rio look at Jesse, or the way Jared, Duncan, and Reese are with Erin, or the way Boone and Chase hover over Rachel. Sure, I’ve seen the older Prestons with Isabel and Gracie with her men, and I always thought it was something older people could handle when sex didn’t cloud the issue. Christ, it turns me on to watch you with her. It
’s like I see things about her I would have missed if I was the one taking her, things that I never really noticed with other women.”

  Dillon smiled in the darkness. “Like the surprise on her face when she starts to come? It always shocks her.”

  “Exactly. Or the way she arches her back and rubs against you to get closer. Hell, even the little frown she makes when she’s trying to concentrate on sucking cock. It makes me want to distract the hell out of her. Christ, you should have seen her eyes when you slapped her pussy. I almost came right then and there.”

  “I plan to watch the next time.” Rolling to stare back up at the ceiling, Dillon sighed. “You love her, too, don’t you?”

  After a long pause, Ryder sighed again. “And that’s the thing that I have trouble believing the most. I didn’t ever really think I would fall in love. Hell, you know how much I like variety. When I think about how many women we’ve taken over the years…fuck. Do you know I have trouble even remembering their faces now? It never mattered to me if they went to someone else afterward. I had my fun. They had theirs, and that was it.”

  The tension emanating from Ryder now was almost a tangible thing, so strong that even Alison made a sound of distress in her sleep.

  “I think I could easily kill any man who touched Ally now.”

  Running his hand over Alison until she settled once again, Dillon blew out a breath.

  “I don’t even want to think about it.”

  After a long silence, Ryder spoke again.

  “That lawyer has everything he needs?”

  “And then some. Ace saw some of the tapes himself. Said no jury in the world would convict her and that the district attorney would look like a fool if he even attempted to charge her.”

  “Good. Then she’ll be coming back.”

  The knot in Dillon’s belly started to burn.

  “Even if I have to drag her kicking and screaming all the way.”

  * * * *

  Alison looked up as Ryder walked into the office, grimacing when she saw his hands.

  “Don’t you dare touch anything! I finally got everything clean in here. Tell me what you want and I’ll get it for you.”

  Recognizing the look in Ryder’s eyes, she narrowed hers and stood.

  “What do you want?”

  Green eyes raked over her body, leaving a trail of heat in their wake. Crossing his arms over his chest, he leaned against the doorway, smiling in a way she knew meant trouble.

  And pleasure.

  “I came in here to check on an order, but now I think there’s something else that needs my attention more. What do I want? I want you to pull those tight jeans and those adorable blue panties down to your knees and spread that pussy so I can suck on your clit.”

  Taking a step to the side and putting the desk between them, Alison swallowed heavily, pressing her thighs together against her body’s immediate reaction to his demand. Her nipples beaded, and her clit came to attention in a heartbeat, swelling and throbbing at the promised feel of his skilled mouth on it.

  Struggling for a nonchalance she never seemed to manage with either of them, she waved her hand dismissively.

  “Stop your damned teasing. What order did you want to check on?” Wondering if he could hear her heart pounding, she crossed her arms over her chest to hide the evidence of her arousal.

  A dark brow went up. “I told you what I want. Pants and panties to your knees and those soft folds spread so I can have that clit.”

  His tone told her he meant it.

  The small office felt even smaller, shrinking even more when Dillon appeared behind Ryder.

  “What’s going on?”

  Taking a step toward her, Ryder smiled when she took an answering step back, his eyes alight with challenge.

  “Ally’s gonna show me that pussy.”

  Dillon’s brows went up. “I sure as hell wouldn’t want to miss this.” Moving into the room, he hitched a thigh over the corner of her desk and crossed his arms over his chest, watching her expectantly.


  Sliding her gaze from one to the other, she shifted her feet, not quite able to hold back a smile. “You can’t be serious. We’re at the garage, for God’s sake!”

  Reaching back to shut and lock the door, Ryder started toward her.

  “And you think I don’t want you because we’re at the garage? You’ve been wiggling that ass at me all day. What did you expect?”

  “I have not!”

  Well, yeah, she had, but she sure as hell wouldn’t admit it. Once again they’d surprised her by noticing.

  Memories of Saturday night had kept her arousal simmering all day, and she’d found excuses to go out to the garage more often than usual, basking under their attention. She’d stretched, arching her back to thrust her breasts out, murmuring something about her back getting stiff.

  She felt Ryder’s stare on her bottom when she’d leaned over the car Dillon had been working on and stayed in that position longer than necessary.

  Dillon smiled faintly. “Yes, you have, along with everything else. This is Desire, Alison, and we men take our woman’s satisfaction very seriously. If you’re needy, it’s our responsibility, and privilege, to make sure your needs are taken care of.”

  A little stunned and more than a little aroused at the prospect of having Dillon and Ryder at her sexual disposal, at least for the rest of the week, she lowered her gaze to hide her excitement and looked up at Ryder through her lashes.


  Ryder shook his head. “Now.”

  Eyeing the closed and locked door, she bit her lip.

  “Someone could come in.”

  Ryder shrugged. “If they do, Dillon will take care of them while I’m taking care of you. We can do this the easy way or the hard way, Ally. Either way, those pants are coming down, and my mouth is going on that clit.”

  Holding his greasy hands out in front of him, he showed his palms. “If we do it the hard way, you’re going to end up with greasy fingerprints all over you.” Shrugging, he took a step closer and reached for her. “But if that’s the way you want it.”

  A giggle bubbled from her as she raced around the desk. “Damn it, Ryder.” She came up short when Dillon stood, and she saw that he’d already washed his hands.

  The desire to have those firm hands on her made her shiver with excitement, but it appeared he was perfectly willing to stand back and let Ryder run the show.

  Crossing his arms over his chest, he raised a brow, tall and imposing as he blocked her escape.

  Ryder caught up with her and reached out to grab her arm, but she pulled it away before he could get her sweater dirty.

  Laughing, she shook her head. “No. No. No. I’ll do it, damn it.”

  Ryder went to his knees in front of her and gestured toward her slit. “Do it, then.”

  Shaking her head, she reached for the fastening of her jeans.

  “I can’t believe the things the two of you do to me.”

  Ryder nodded once. “That’s because you don’t understand the way things are in Desire yet, darlin’, but you’ll learn. Hurry up with that zipper. I’ll bet your panties are soaked, aren’t they?”

  Alison unfastened her jeans and pulled down the zipper with shaking hands. The look on Ryder’s face as he watched made her tremble, her clit throbbing with anticipation. With a glance at Dillon, whose ominous stare made her nervous as he moved in behind her, she started to lower her jeans and panties, swallowing heavily when Ryder licked his lips.

  “All the way to your knees. Come on. Hurry up and stop teasing me or you’ll have to scrub my handprints off your ass after I turn you over my knee.”

  “You wouldn’t dare!”

  The repeated threatened spankings made her hunger for a taste of one, something she wouldn’t have admitted to in a million years.

  “If he doesn’t, I will.” Dillon’s hands came around her to her waist, sliding up to her breasts and taking her sweater up to her chi
n. “You’re desperately in need of one, and soon. I want to know what your plans are after the trial and you won’t talk. Maybe a red ass will loosen that tongue.”

  Ryder scowled. “Speaking of loose tongues, mine’s waiting. Get those fucking jeans and panties to your knees right now, Ally, and spread yourself. Show me that clit.”

  Alison’s body came alive, her breathing ragged as she shoved her jeans and panties the rest of the way and straightened, leaning back against Dillon as he massaged her breasts and tugged at her nipples. Moisture already coated her thighs. Her pussy and anus clenched with the need to be filled, and her clit burned for attention.

  Ryder nipped her thigh with his sharp teeth. “Spread yourself, Ally. Now.”

  With a whimper, she reached down and parted her folds, crying out when she accidentally brushed a finger over her clit.

  Ryder chuckled. “Yeah, that little red berry looks like it needs some attention, and I know just how sweet it is to suck on.”

  The first touch of Ryder’s tongue on her burning clit buckled her knees, so intense and hot it scorched her.

  Dillon caught her against him with a speed and ease that told her he’d anticipated it.

  “Don’t you dare let go. Keep yourself open for Ryder. You let go and I’m paddling your ass until you open again. You’re going to have to learn to focus.”

  The threat sent her pulse racing, her clit on fire as Ryder licked her, long, sweeping strokes of his tongue from her pussy to her clit. Struggling to lock her knees and keep her shaking hands from slipping, Alison closed her eyes and dropped her head back against Dillon’s shoulder, her breath coming out in short pants of excitement.

  Ryder shortened his strokes, zeroing in on her clit, the light, rapid flicks of his tongue over her throbbing nub too intense to last. The tingling became stronger and spread, suffusing her entire body with shimmering heat.

  Her legs buckled again, and she automatically grabbed Ryder’s shoulders for support, crying in protest when his mouth lifted. A split second later, one of Dillon’s hands left her breast, and a sharp slap landed hard on her right bottom cheek.

  Her cry of surprise echoed off the office walls, the sharp sting rapidly fading to a delicious heat. Digging her nails into Ryder’s shoulders, she sobbed, pulling at him in a desperate attempt to get his mouth on her clit again.


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