Brooke, Leah - Raw Desire [Desire, Oklahoma 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Brooke, Leah - Raw Desire [Desire, Oklahoma 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 44

by Leah Brooke

  “You already gave me a ticket. You didn’t have to follow me home.”

  Linc glanced at her with a frown and approached Ryder.

  “She’s a menace. She drives like Hope. What the hell kind of engine did you put in that thing anyway?”

  Alison leaned into the hand Ryder placed at her back.

  “A big one.”

  Ryder laughed.

  “Have fun, darlin’?”

  “How fast was she going?”

  Alison stilled at Dillon’s question, coming from somewhere behind her, a little uneasy at his tone.

  Glancing at her, Linc grinned, apparently happy now that she was going to be in trouble. “Seventy-six on the road into town.”

  She’d learned well in the last four months how these men stuck together, but she’d also learned a few other things.

  She’d learned that the more she became herself again, the better her relationship with Dillon and Ryder got.

  She’d also learned to be on her toes when Dillon adopted that tone.

  Looking up over her shoulder, she leaned into Ryder and grinned, depending on his fun loving nature to help get her out of this.

  “It runs so great, and it’s so pretty. Everybody stares when I go by. It’s so much fun to drive. You and Dillon are the best.”

  Ryder laughed and hugged her.

  “It is fun to drive, isn’t it, especially on the road into town. When you get to the straight—”

  “Ryder, damn it! Will you stop doing that? Stop encouraging her. Christ, she gets more like you every day.” Dillon yanked her out of Ryder’s arms. With a hand on each of her shoulders, Dillon placed her in front of him, bending to get in her face.

  “You were told to keep it under the speed limit. Speeding is dangerous, Alison.”

  Linc folded his arms over his chest, lifting a brow.

  “You’ve been here long enough to understand that, Alison.”

  Alison understood, all right. With some advice from the other women in town, she’d even learned how to play the game.

  Looking up at Dillon through her lashes, she pouted.

  “It was fun. I thought you wanted me to have fun.”

  Dillon’s eyes narrowed. “Damn it, Alison. Of course I want you to have fun but not in a way that’s dangerous.”

  Shrugging, she glared at Linc over her shoulder and cuddled against Dillon, flattening her hands on his chest and looking up at him, her happiness and excitement making it nearly impossible to stand still.

  Reaching for his shoulders she jumped up, secure that he would catch her.

  He did.

  Nuzzling his jaw, she couldn’t hide her grin at the shudder that went through him. Touching her lips to his ear, she kept her voice at a whisper.

  “Guess what I did today?”

  A big hand smoothed over her back.

  “What did you do today? You said you were going shopping.”

  Leaning back to see his face, and aware of Linc’s eavesdropping, she reached out a hand to Ryder when he stepped closer.

  “I ordered my wedding dress.”

  Although she stared at Dillon, she could feel both men become still, the surprised delight on Dillon’s face bringing tears to her eyes. Smiling at Ryder’s whoop, she cupped Dillon’s jaw.

  “I love you, Dillon.”

  Dillon gathered her close, his arms warm and strong around her.

  “I love you, too, baby. Christ, I love you.” Lifting his head, he leaned back, forcing her to meet his eyes.

  “So you’re ready now? You’re ready to become Mrs. Tanner?”

  Throwing her arms around his neck, she dug her heels into his tight butt.

  “Absolutely. You should see my dress. It’s gonna knock your socks off.”

  Dillon’s hand went to her butt. “You already do.”

  Linc came forward, all smiles, and congratulated them.

  “Another wedding. Congratulations. Looking forward to my own one day. Well, Alison, looks like you’ve been hanging around the other women too much. It appears you already know how to twist your men around your little finger.”

  Taken aback at the sadness in his eyes, she lifted her head.

  “You’ll find the right woman, and she’ll do the same thing to you.”

  Nodding, he took off his hat and wiped his forehead, before donning it again.

  “We already did. And you’re right. She does. Good luck. And no more speeding.”

  Watching him walk away, Alison yelped when Ryder plucked her from Dillon’s arms.

  “I want my kiss.” Capturing her lips with his own, he kissed her with a thoroughness that made her toes curl. By the time he lifted his head, hers was spinning and she wanted him more than ever.

  “So you’re gonna marry us? It’s about time.”

  “You said you wanted me to be sure, remember?”

  She heard Linc pull away as Ryder carried her into the garage. As soon as they got inside and away from any prying eyes, Dillon came up behind her, sliding his hands around to cover her breasts and nuzzling her neck.

  “And what made you so sure that you had to get up this morning and rush out to order your wedding gown?”

  Alison took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

  “We’ve been arguing a lot lately.”

  At first, their fights had scared the hell out of her.

  Dillon and Ryder had wanted to get the house started as soon as possible, and called Boone and Chase to start planning it.

  Once the Jacksons told them about places online where they could look at houses and floor plans, Dillon and Ryder spent every night on their laptops, gathering an assortment that they liked, constantly asking her opinion.

  Uncomfortable with making decisions about something she wouldn’t be paying for, she avoided answering as much as possible. She couldn’t get used to them paying for everything. It made her uneasy, and she told them so.

  They gave her money every week for working in the garage, money she’d put aside for the truck. When they’d finished the truck and she’d tried to pay them, they’d had their first big fight.

  Since then, she’d refused to take any money from them for working in the garage, and the issue of money had been a sore subject between them, especially when she hadn’t yet agreed to marry them.

  Dillon pulled her closer now, running his hand over her ponytail.

  “Damn it, Alison, we’re not rich, but we’re more than able to provide for you. Ryder and I want you to buy the things for you. You’re not using us, damn it!” Pausing, he leaned back and turned her face to his.

  “We love you, you know? Just because we’ve been arguing doesn’t mean we don’t love you anymore. Never think that. Never.”

  Alison nodded, smiling at the frustration in his tone. “I know. That’s why I’m marrying you. Last night when we were arguing, when you and Ryder got so mad at me because I ran over the box of tools, I knew. I realized that no matter how much you yelled at me, I wasn’t scared that you’d hit me. I wasn’t afraid that you didn’t love me anymore. I yelled back. I screamed at both of you. I cursed at both of you.”

  Ryder set her on her feet, pushing her bangs back out of her eyes and grinned.

  “You’re real good with that mouth. Loud, too. My ears were still ringing when I got up this morning.”

  Alison nodded, smiling, so happy she wanted to dance in the street. “And last night you both made love to me real slow. And held me.”

  Running her hands down their chests, she looked from one to the other, grinning impishly. “No matter how much you yell, you love me. You’re both soft on me, aren’t you? How can I not marry two men who love me so much?”

  Dillon ran his hand over her ass, the threat unmistakable.

  “I’ll still paddle your ass for speeding.”

  Alison let her hand go lower, cupping him, and giggled when his cock jumped against her hand.

  “Yeah, but we’ll both enjoy it. So am I going to be Mrs. Dillon Tanner or n

  Holding her hand pressed against him, Dillon swooped down to take her lips with his, his eyes glittering with possession.

  “As soon as possible. I can’t wait until you wear my name. In the meantime…”

  He pulled a box out of his pocket, smiling when she gasped.

  “I’ve been carrying this around for months now. It’s about time you put it on.”

  Alison clapped a hand over her mouth, her eyes swimming with tears as she watched Dillon open the box to reveal a sparkling ring with two square diamonds resting side by side.

  “A reminder that you have two men who both love you so much they want to spend the rest of their lives making you happy.” Wiping away her tears, he smiled and slipped the ring on her finger. He hugged her against him again and released her, running a hand over her hair while nudging her toward Ryder.

  Alison had noticed that although Ryder kept touching her, he’d been unusually quiet. Cuddling against him, she stood on her toes to kiss his jaw, loving the feel of his hard body against hers.

  “I can’t wait until you’re my husband.”

  Tugging her ponytail, he flashed her that bad-boy grin she loved so much, and bent to touch his lips to hers.

  “Neither can I, darlin’.”

  Hardly able to contain her excitement, Alison giggled again.

  “Well, if you’re going to be my husband, I should be branded with your name, too, don’t you think?”

  Ryder’s smile fell.

  “Alison, we told you, it’s the older male who—”

  Nodding, Alison glanced at Dillon, who looked a little shaken.

  “I know, and Dillon’s three months older than you, but I wanted to wear your name, too. So…”

  Backing away from both of them, she sent a nervous glance at the garage door to make sure no one was coming and reached for the fastening of her shorts. Aware of both men’s confusion and rapt attention, she lowered her shorts and panties, slowly revealing the tattoo she’d gotten only hours earlier.

  Dillon shared a secret smile with her and winked, nodding his satisfaction.

  Ryder had a different reaction, one that shocked her to her core.

  Instead of the wild bad boy she expected, Ryder lifted his eyes to hers before looking back down to his name she’d had tattooed above, and to the right, of her mound—in exactly the spot he’d teased her about getting tattooed before.

  Moving toward her, he never took his eyes off of it. As soon as he got close, he surprised her even more by dropping to his knees in front of her and running his fingers over the letters of his name.

  She winced, the area still a little sore.

  He jerked his hand away, looking up at her and, to her utter amazement, had tears shining in his eyes.

  “I love you so damned much. I can’t believe you did this.”

  Wrapping his arms around her, he pressed his head again her belly. “You have my name tattooed on you.”

  Over his head, Dillon winked again before adopting a stern expression.

  “I thought I told you no tattoos.”

  Alison grinned down at Ryder.

  “Yeah, but a woman taking on two husbands has got to learn to be a good wife to both. This suits Ryder and me perfectly.”

  Ryder stood and lifted her against him and, with a hand on her bottom, urged her to wrap her legs around him, giving her that bad-boy grin that never failed to excite her.

  “It sure as hell does. I have a yearning to eat a pussy with my name on it.”

  Dillon patted her ass as Ryder carried her toward the open garage door.

  “You’ve done it now, baby. You’ve created a monster.”

  Tangling her hands in Ryder’s long hair, she worked it free of the band he’d confined it with. She wanted to laugh and cry at the same time, and the promise of pleasure in Ryder’s eyes had her body tightening with arousal.

  “I wouldn’t want him any other way.”

  Dillon laughed and called after her.

  “Just because you’re marrying us doesn’t mean you’re getting out of an ass whippin’ for speeding.”

  Hugging Ryder, she swallowed the lump in her throat to see the yearning in Dillon’s eyes despite his lighthearted bantering.

  She knew him well enough to know how much he wanted her, and how much he cared about her relationship with Ryder.

  It only made her love him more.

  As Ryder started up the stairs, she raised her head and met Dillon’s eyes.

  “I wouldn’t have that any other way either.”

  Wrapped in Ryder’s arms, she smiled when Dillon cursed and hurriedly closed the garage door and started after them, his eyes on hers filled with love and promise. As they climbed the stairs, she looked over to the house that had begun taking shape, running her thumb over the ring that proclaimed their love for her.

  And knew she’d finally found home.



  When Leah’s not writing, she’s spending time with family and friends or plotting out new stories.

  Leah Brooke also writes historical erotic romance under the pseudonym Lana Dare.

  Also by Leah Brooke

  Ménage Amour: Dakota Heat 1: Her Dakota Men

  Ménage Amour: Dakota Heat 2: Dakota Ranch Crude

  Ménage Amour: Dakota Heat 3: Dakota’s Cowboys

  Ménage Amour: Dakota Heat 4: Dakota Springs

  Ménage Amour: Desire, Oklahoma 1: Desire for Three

  Siren Classic: Desire, Oklahoma 2: Blade’s Desire

  Ménage Amour: Desire, Oklahoma 3: Creation of Desire

  Ménage Amour: Desire, Oklahoma 4: Rules of Desire

  Everlasting Classic: Desire, Oklahoma 5: Dark Desire

  Ménage Amour: Alphas’ Mate

  Ménage Everlasting: Crescendo

  Siren Classic: Tasty Treats Anthology, Volume 2: Back in Her Bed

  Also by Leah Brooke writing as Lana Dare

  Ménage Everlasting: Beaumonts’ Brand

  Ménage Everlasting: Amanda’s Texas Rangers

  Ménage Everlasting: Desire, Oklahoma: The Founding Fathers 1: Untamed Desire

  Available at


  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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