Confusing Hearts (Westin Pack Book 4)

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Confusing Hearts (Westin Pack Book 4) Page 27

by Julie Trettel

  I considered that for a moment. “If you had mentioned that a week ago, I’d have been perfectly content and onboard with that plan, but now, it’s different. Wolves are pack animals. I would be fine, but after spending time here in San Marco, meeting your family, seeing the connections of the wolves here, I can’t ask that of you. You need your pack. You need your family, and for some crazy reason, so do I. Besides, what kind of people would we be to leave and force them all to deal with our crap? Daddy will still come after them. He’ll still try and punish someone even if he can’t get to us. I can’t live with that on my conscience. Can you?”

  Relief, that’s what I felt when he shook his head sadly. “I know you’re right,” he said. He kissed his bond mark on my shoulder. “Let’s do this then.”

  Forty-five minutes later we had showered, dressed, eaten breakfast, or in my case picked at it, as I was too nervous to eat much, and then we were on our way down the mountain.

  Almost immediately we passed the sign reading “Leaving San Marco,” we turned right onto a dirt road. A little ways in, it opened up to a huge lodge. It looked like the kind of getaway honeymooners and families alike would seek out.

  Exiting the vehicle, Chase took my hand and squeezed. I could feel his nerves even while he tried to give me courage. Inside, the lobby of the lodge was even nicer than the outside. A huge stone fireplace was the centerpiece of the room, and comfortable leather chairs and couches were strategically placed throughout.

  “This is nice,” I commented.

  “Thanks,” Kyle said. “It was Patrick’s idea, and a damn good one. This is the first instance we’ve had to use the place. In some strange way I suppose we have you two to thank for that.”

  Chase snorted and shook his head.

  “My mate always finds the good in any situation,” Kelsey said as she and Patrick walked in from one of the hallways. She gave Kyle a quick kiss.

  “Everyone’s here,” Patrick informed him.

  “Everyone?” Kyle asked, sounding a little shocked and maybe a tad uncomfortable.

  “Everyone,” Kelsey assured him.

  “I heard Nikolai was finally chosen as the new Alpha of the Bulgarians. Is that true?” Kyle asked.

  “It is, Alpha,” Patrick said formally.

  “I remember him well. He was always a fair and worthy opponent in the camp games as young pups,” Kyle said fondly. “Let’s hope that hasn’t changed too much over the years.”

  Chase pulled me over to the side. “Taking Patrick’s cue, I think we should stick to formalities here. Anytime you address Kyle, call him Alpha. Kelsey’s title is Pack Mother. Can you remember that?”

  I nodded.

  “You can address me as Beta, as well as Cole, who’s around here somewhere,” Patrick said as he walked over to contribute to the conversation. “There will also be a lot of other Alphas and Councilmen. You can differentiate the Alphas by adding their pack before their title. Longhorn Alpha. Collier Alpha. Bulgarian Alpha. Do you understand?”

  I nodded again.

  “Formally for the Councilmen you can call them ‘Grand Councilman’ then insert their name as you learn them. Same goes for Pack Councilmen. I know it’s a lot to take in, and I wish we had more time to prepare you both, but for the most part, just sit quietly and only speak when specifically spoken to. Kyle and I will try to intervene wherever we can.”

  “Do you have any questions?” Chase asked me.

  “A million, but they can wait. Have you ever sat through something like this before?” I asked him.

  “No, the last gathering of the packs took place before I was born. It’s not an everyday occurrence, and the formalities go a long way to show reverence and respect to our guests. In a setting with so many Alphas, it’s especially important. Things can go from friendly to hostile quickly. Should that occur, stay behind me. If I’m not around, Patrick or Kyle will protect you, or stay with Kelsey. Trust me when I say she can hold her own with the whole lot of them.”

  Patrick led us all down the hall he and Kelsey had come from and into a large conference room. There were sixteen tables throughout the room. It seemed a little odd to me at first, then I remembered how territorial wolves can be. Memories came back of how Chase had to literally mark our territory at the cabin after the tigers had been found there. I assumed the layout of the room was to give each pack, plus the Grand Council, their own space.

  Kelsey passed out legal pads and pens to each of us. On the top of mine she had written Remember, wolves have really good hearing, so write your questions down before speaking aloud.

  I nodded and smiled reassuringly at her.

  When we were settled, I jotted down my suspicions about the room, and Chase confirmed them. I looked around at the tables curiously, checking out the people sitting at each. Chase grabbed my arm gently to get my attention and pushed his pad towards me.

  Do not make eye contact. Keep yours lowered, or else it could be considered a threat.

  My eyes shot up to his and I saw he was being entirely serious. I shuddered at the thought. It was something I did know, I just hadn’t really been around the wolves long enough for that to fully sink in, but he was right. In a room full of Alphas, I could start another war without even realizing it, over something so simple. I decided it was best to stay close to Chase and keep my head down. I scooted my chair a little closer to him and linked my arm around his. He leaned in and kissed my temple and smiled.

  You’re doing great, he wrote on his pad.

  I’m so nervous, I admitted on mine.

  An older man, short, with a receding hairline, stood and walked to the center of the room. All eyes followed him, and the tables began to still.

  “Greetings, Alphas,” he spoke. “It has been far too long since the great leaders of wolves came together for a common goal. I am only saddened that it is for this such reason. Each of you today will have a chance to voice your opinions, ask your questions, and decide for the entirety of your pack where you stand. As you have each been informed, Chase Westin of the Westin Pack has taken a mate. He believes her to be his one true mate, yet she is not of our kind. Jenna Lockhardt is the youngest daughter of King Lockhardt of the panthers. He has rallied the big cats together and issued a formal notice of war to your Grand Council. Had he sent this notice directly to Westin, the decision would be a simpler one to make. He didn’t do that though. King Lockhardt has issued a threat to all wolves.”

  There were growls of anger throughout the room. The intensity of it made me shiver.

  Grand Councilman Omar, Chase jotted down on my notepad. I added my own notes to remember which one he was.

  “At this time, we know our kind is at odds among ourselves. Do not think for one second that King Lockhardt is not already aware of this fact.”

  He sat down and a younger, more handsome and distinguishing look man took his place. Since he came from the same table Grand Councilman Omar had just returned to, I deduced he was also a Grand Council member.

  “Bulgarian Alpha Nikolai, your predecessor issued a war against the Westin Pack. The Grand Council sincerely appreciates you just being here. That said, the first issue at hand is to determine if the wolves are even capable of setting aside our differences and working together for the betterment of all wolves. Alpha,” he said addressing Nikolai, “what say you?”

  “I am aware of the grievances my late Alpha had against Westin. My people are not prepared to forgive the loss of our great leader, but I am Alpha now, and his grievances are not my own. I cannot promise an alliance at this time, but I can promise to sit and talk with Westin Alpha Kyle in private and consider a temporary treaty for the good of all wolves.”

  Kyle began a round of clapping in show of gratitude for his decision. The Grand Councilman Titus—I knew because Chase had once again written it for me—motioned for quiet and thanked the Bulgarian Alpha.

  “Am I to assume that those packs aligned with Westin and those siding with the Bulgarians will respect the decisi
on and possible treaty should it be?”

  The Alpha at each table agreed. The last one to answer sat directly across the room from us and stared at the Westin table with the look of a thousand daggers. “Aye,” he finally said in an unmistakable Irish accent. I glanced between him and Patrick and noticed an uncanny resemblance.

  Patrick’s dad, Chase wrote. He’s an arse.

  I bit my lip, trying not to laugh.

  Most of the remainder of the morning meeting went by in a blur, or more like a snooze. I was quite bored and struggling to focus. When Grand Councilman Titus was back up in the spotlight, he called Chase forward and that brought my attention back faster than a freight train. My heart was pounding in my chest with nerves as my mate left me for the first time that day.

  “Chase,” Titus said, grasping his forearm as Chase reached for the other man’s.

  “Grand Councilman Titus, thank you for your consideration, and that extends to each of you present here today. I cannot tell you in complete honesty that had I known King Lockhardt would resort to such extreme measures, I would have reconsidered taking Jenna as my mate, because that would be a lie. Jenna Lockhardt is my one true mate and as such we had every right to complete our mating and begin sealing our bond—a bond that has grown quickly and strengthens more each day.”

  I blushed when he looked my way. I couldn’t believe he was speaking so candidly about our bond to these strangers.

  “If you have any questions for me or Jenna, I will be happy to answer them. With the Grand Council’s permission, I’d like to go ahead and open the floor for any such questions. If you wish to hold them for private, we will be available over the lunch break, but I do encourage you to bring any concerns, fears, or inquiries forward so that the record can be set straight.”

  Titus looked back towards the Grand Council table and then nodded his approval. What I assumed was the Alpha, from the table closest to ours raised his hand.

  “Collier Alpha Zachary, you have the floor,” Titus said formally.

  “Thank you. Now Chase, I know that many have doubts and questions regarding the validity of your mating with the Lockhardt Princess.”

  Chase pulled his shirt over and showed my bond mark on his neck. I bit back a growl of my own in surprise.

  The Alpha smiled. “No, son, we realize the bond occurred or else none of us would be here today. What I mean is the validity of her being your true mate. It seems unlikely and to many, inconceivable. I am quite close with your family and I understand the importance of true mates in the Westin Pack. Can you give us some examples or solid reasoning why anyone here should believe that the Princess is your true mate?”

  Chase took a deep breath. I could feel his agitation.

  “I’ll admit that no one was as shocked as me. I walked into my first calculus class of the semester and I smelled her, my wolf stirred, and I felt her presence nearby. For weeks it was a battle of hot and cold every time I saw her. I thought I was losing my mind. How could I feel so much and be so sure one moment, and then look at her and feel nothing the next? I called my Alpha immediately and voiced my concerns, not only that my mate was not a wolf, but that there was something wrong with our bond.”

  Hurt sliced through my chest and unconsciously my arm moved and I placed my hand over my heart. I then saw Chase wince and rub the exact matching spot on his own chest.

  He looked up at me and grinned. “Just hearing me say that caused my mate a great deal of pain. I know this for a fact, because I could feel her pain just now, as fiercely as if it were my own, but bear with me a moment. It wasn’t until sometime later that I finally realized Jenna has an identical twin sister. There was never anything wrong with our bond, I was feeling nothing, when looking at the wrong girl. They may be identical, but I could pick Jenna out of a million lookalikes, because I only have one true mate, and that is Jenna.”

  This time tears of happiness pricked my eyes and he winked at me.

  “Now I can’t tell you how or why this happened. Until it happened to me, I had no idea that my true mate could possibly be anything other than wolf. I just didn’t know. So, for those of you questioning it, I get it. Unless it happens to you, you may always have a bit of skepticism about it, and that’s okay. This isn’t really about whether you believe the origin of our mating or not, because the fact is, Jenna Lockhardt is my mate. She carries my mark as I proudly carry hers. Our bond is strengthening at an alarming rate. As best as we can figure the panthers and the wolves have different bonding signs, and we are meeting both simultaneously. It’s remarkable, actually. You are free to test our bond if need be. We have nothing to hide. Her father doesn’t just want her back, trust me, she’s tried to reach out to them. They know she’s safe. What they want is my head, literally, not figuratively, and not attached to this body.”

  That caused grumblings throughout the room.

  “Rest assured, the only reason King Lockhardt went to the Grand Council was to use intimidation. They don’t understand the power of pack. Their kind doesn’t form bonds and relationships the way we wolves do. He does not understand that you come after one, you come after all. It’s a foreign concept. He expects the Grand Council to hand me over to him, as per his request, because he believes it’s okay to cut one, for the good of the whole. Is that how we feel? Is that what we believe?”


  “He will not win this battle!”

  “We fight for all!”

  And other shouts came throughout the room.

  “Westin Pack is ready to fight. We are large and we are fierce, but the word coming in is that he has rallied every able bodied large cat to come after us. They are already en route to North Dakota, taking up every available seat into the area, because he thinks that will stall our numbers even further, should we have to fight. I do not wish death upon our kind or theirs. It hurts my heart knowing what we’re asking here—knowing that some of you, or some of your people, may not make it out of this alive. Westin’s been at war against our own brothers for too long. It’s time to mend those differences, not just for this, but for good. And if you all choose to turn tail and head home, then I truly pray they kill me swiftly, because living a life without my mate, is far worse than death itself.”

  The tension in the air was tangible. Chase had angered and rallied an entire room filled with domineering Alphas. My pulse was racing when he took his seat next to me again. Omar came back up, thanked everyone for their consideration, and adjourned us for break.

  Several people came up to me and introduced themselves. There were too many names for me to keep up with. The Alpha from Collier pack came over to speak with Chase.

  “I’m sorry to have put you on the spot like that, but I’m proud of how you handled yourself, son. That was exactly what they needed to hear. I think you’ll have your majority before we reconvene. And in case no one else has bothered to say it, congratulations. It’s not always easy to follow your heart. I wish you both many years of happiness.”

  “Thank you, Zach. I really appreciate that,” Chase said before turning to me. “Jenna, this is Zach Collier, Maddie’s father.”

  The mention of his daughter made his eyes glass over. If I didn’t know better, I’d swear he was on the verge of tears.

  “I know what it’s like to lose a daughter. Your father is a fool for pursuing this,” he said sincerely. “A damn fool.”


  Chapter 29

  I couldn’t believe it. Zach was right. We had full support of all the packs before recess ended. Kyle and Nikolai came to a peaceful agreement for a temporary treaty. The wolves were aligned and ready for battle.

  In a whirlwind of organized chaos, we were settling into North Dakota within twenty-four hours. Those packs that had already known they would align with Westin had sent their wolves on ahead of the meetings. The holdouts scrambled to get theirs in on time. In all, the fifteen largest packs supplied fifty percent of their biggest and strongest wolves for battle. Of course, no one could
question or argue if the numbers were legit because packs kept such information tightly controlled, but it equaled out to a whole lot of wolves.

  Westin Pack brought in even more. It looked to me like our entire pack was present, but Kyle assured me it was only around seventy percent. I hated knowing he and Kelsey had argued over her attendance. She was pregnant and therefore couldn’t shift, but she had been working on her witchy talents and could call upon nature and do other stuff, that I shuddered to think about, even while in human form. Plus, under the code of shifters she could be neutralized, but not killed as it went against the law of shifters dating back to the bible. We couldn’t kill a human while in animal form. I mean, technically it could be done, but it went against all shifter morals. We may have our differences from the cats, but everyone agreed that would not be one of them.

  It took a heck of a lot of convincing, but in the end, Mom and Dad conceded and stayed back to protect the mostly women and children who remained behind. Maddie, being pregnant, also couldn’t go, and after a screaming match with Liam he finally conceded to stay behind, too. He was not happy about it, and I loved him for that, but the reality of the situation was that he was already CEO of the Westin Foundation and that secured the financial future of the pack. If something happened to Kyle, God forbid, Alpha power would transfer to Patrick as Elise’s mate until Zander came of age and shifted for the first time. Patrick, as Beta to the Alpha and head of security for Westin, was not going to step down from the fight. If anything happened to him as well, Liam would be next in line for Alpha and we needed him safe to preserve the pack.

  North Dakota was still cold despite the spring weather we’d been experiencing in California. What was Jenna’s dad thinking? Most of the large cats tended to live in warmer climates, didn’t they? I realized I really didn’t know all that much about the felines. Since my kids someday had a fifty-fifty chance of being one, I vowed to ask more questions and research panthers when all this was over.


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