LUELLE'S MATE (Shifters of the Bulgarian Bloodline Book 4)

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LUELLE'S MATE (Shifters of the Bulgarian Bloodline Book 4) Page 109

by Dalia Wright

  He stirred. “Mel…” he whispered, reaching out to her.

  “I’m here.” She sat down on the bed beside him, her hand reaching for his.

  Chapter Five

  It continued. It took all she had not to ask about it, but the pay was damn good. She was making $9000 a month without having to do anything, except lock Josh in that room and let him out every night. And this went on for a couple days. Over those days he went with her to get her stuff, and slowly they actually started spending time together. It was strange, but she was beginning to like him more and more.

  “Is this your family?” He asked looking down at an album that had been in her suitcase.

  “Yes, that’s where my great-great-great-great-great grandma used to live. She was a servant there, though. It’s not like she owned the place.”

  Josh’s heart raced. He knew she hadn’t owned the place. That house had been owned by his family since it had built. He nodded, not sure what else to say. He knew they had been born close to the same place, but…. If her family worked for mine… that would mean they most likely had known about the curse. He turned away from her as he heard a buzz coming from her pockets. She reached for her phone quickly. With his hearing Josh could hear both sides of the conversation.


  “Hey, Mel. It’s Seth.”

  “Hi, Seth! What’s up?”

  “Um, well… actually I was calling because I was wondering if you wanted to do something tonight.”

  Josh could feel her eyes on him. He turned to her.

  “I don’t know… I might be busy…” She stared at him, waiting for him to voice what she was or wasn’t allowed to do.

  “He can come here. I’ve got an arcade you may take advantage of, as long as you are free at 9:00.”

  Melina nodded, a wide grin spreading over her face. “I started working at a penthouse, why don’t you come here? There’s an arcade.”

  A soft laugh. “I don’t have to pay to take you out on a date? Sounds perfect to me.”

  Josh’s brow furrowed. If he were going to take Melina out on a date he’d be happy to pay for her. After all, a unique woman like her deserved it. But he didn’t say that, otherwise he’d have to admit to being able to hear both sides of the conversation.

  “Awesome, I’ll see you later.” Her eyes sparkled as she hung up.

  Josh gave her a soft smile, trying to ignore the jealously. “If you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to look into something.” He had a theory that he needed to check out. Something that would make his pull to her make so much more sense than just the fact that she was female.

  Josh didn’t say anything to Melina that night. They ate dinner without a word, and when Seth showed up Josh made his way into his office. He didn’t look happy about it, and Melina felt guilty. I don’t know why. It’s not like I owe him anything. He was just her employer, right?

  As the night went on Melina tried to enjoy herself, but it just wasn’t right.

  “So it must be pretty nice living here. I mean, it must pay well, right?”

  “It pays alright.”

  “Maybe you can take me out on a date sometime.” Seth grinned.

  Melina shrugged. “Yeah, maybe.” He moved towards her, his eyes sparkling. It wasn’t that she had an issue with him asking for her to give her to pay, it was more the way he said it. He closed the distance between them, his hand reaching out and touching her hip. Melina glanced down at her phone. It was getting closer and closer to 9:00 and she wanted to make sure she wasn’t distracted.

  “You know, I miss seeing you around.”

  “You do?”

  “Yeah.” He pulled her closer. His lips crashed against her. His hand tracing down her body, making their way lower and lower. Melina’s heart skipped a beat. She pushed him away. She wasn’t into that. Anyways, she as on the clock.

  He pulled her closer, his fingers tightening around her. Melina’s heart raced as he fingers slipped up her shirt. She tried to push away but wasn’t strong enough.


  It didn’t sound human.

  “What the-?” Seth pulled away from her to see what it was. Melina opened her mouth to scream but it was too late. He turned back to her, his hand covering her lips. “Hush, we’re just going to have a little fun.”

  Something crashed against the door. Melina heard Seth swear but she couldn’t make out his words. She was too busy staring at what had just entered the room. She’d never seen something this big before. Growing up, they’d never gone to the zoo. Melina’s eyes widened as she stared at it. The gorilla let out a loud roar.

  “Jesus fucking-” Adam let out a breath, but he didn’t finish his sentence. Instead the beast rushed towards him, flinging him out of the way. Melina screamed as the creature turned its attention to her. How can this be happening? How had it gotten in here? What about Josh and Chris, were they okay?

  The beast moved towards her. Melina scrambled back, trying to keep distance between them. Her heart raced as she fell back, her ass hitting the floor. The beast towered over her, his eyes locking on her.

  Melina’s mouth fell open as she stared into those eyes. Those sad green eyes.

  “Josh?” She whispered. The beast reached out for her, taking her hand. Melina’s heart raced as she tried to process everything. She could feel herself getting dizzy. No. she thought, but it was too late. Everything went black.

  It’s gotta be a dream. She thought. She could feel her back against the bed. Yes, that was it. It was a dream. She was in her bed now and she had just been dreaming. Odd dream. She thought. She forced her eyes open to make sure everything was the way it should be. The second she opened her eyes she wished she hadn’t. It hadn’t been a dream. The big gorilla stared at her. He sat beside the bed.

  Melina froze, not daring to move. If she moved, he might attack her. Oh god. Seth. “Where’s Seth?” she asked, as if the gorilla could answer her.

  “He’s not here anymore,” Chris answered.

  The gorilla made a noise, his eyes locked on Chris.

  Chris stared at the beast. “Don’t give me that look, sir. I’ll say whatever I damn well please. And you don’t behave I’ll shoot you.”

  The gorilla looked away. Melina’s brow furrowed. “Wait…” There were so many steps she was missing here. How was she supposed to make sense of anything?

  “How are you feeling, ma’am? Master Josh has been worried, he hasn’t left your side at all.”

  “I… I’m fine. Confused, but fine.”

  The gorilla left the room without saying a word. Melina looked from the doorway to Chris. “Should I…”

  “No, he will be back in a moment.”

  Melina winced as she heard screams.

  “It happens sometimes. He changes without meaning to, but he can sense when the change is wearing off. He doesn’t like people to see that side of him.” The screams continued for a couple of seconds, but it felt like hours. Pity tugged at her. She didn’t understand what was going on at all, but she felt bad for the pain that man was in.

  Finally, they stopped. Seconds later, in a silk robe, Josh walked into the room.

  “Sir, are you alright?”

  “Yes, thank you. You may leave now.”

  Chris didn’t look like he liked that idea, but he nodded and walked out of the room, leaving Josh and Melina alone.

  “Where is Seth?”

  “Dead.” Josh looked away, his cheeks turning red. Melina stared, her mouth open. Had she heard him right? “Chris had someone come deal with it. You’ve been out for a few hours, Melina. Are you okay? Did I hurt you?”

  “No… no you didn’t.” But Seth would have. She remembered the last thing he’d said to her. Her heart dropped into the pit of her stomach. She took a deep breath. “So…”

  “I have a lot to explain, I now… and nothing to say.” He padded into the room and sat down on the bed, making sure he was covered- not that it mattered. Melina had gotten used to seeing him naked over t
he past weeks. “I wish I could explain everything, but all I know is that this has been happening all my life. It is my family’s curse. All of us must suffer with it. Most stay in the same house. The one that our great-great-great-great grandmother used to work in, but I couldn’t stay there. I couldn’t be around all of them. So Chris and I… left. I thought I could control it. I thought I was getting better but… it’s been getting worse and worse. That is, until you came around.”


  “I knew having a woman around would help. But… you, it’s like you make everything okay… when I smelt your fear, and his arousal, I just lost it.” She heard his voice break.

  Melina reached out, touching him softly. Their fingers tangled together softly. He looked up at her, smiling. She returned his smile.

  “Remember how I said I didn’t have any friends?” She waited for him to nod. “Well, I lied. I have you.” His cheeks turned a deep shade of pink as he reached out and brushed the hair out of her face. He leaned towards her, his lips touching hers. It was nothing like the way Seth had kissed her.

  Melina’s arms wrapped around him, pulling him closer to her. A soft moan passed through her lips.

  He pulled her close to him, guiding them down onto the bed.

  Melina reached through the fabric of his robe, her fingers tracing over his muscular frame. Josh’s lips trailed along her jawline, down her neck. Her clothes were torn, but that didn’t matter. They were removed quickly. His lips touched her breasts softly. His eyes locked on hers as her legs opened, welcoming him to a spot close to her.

  Maybe it was just everything that she’d been through or maybe it was more, but she felt this… urge to have him. To devour his kisses, to feel him against her. Her arms wrapped around him as she pulled him closer. Their eyes locked as she slid into her. Melina gasped, her fingers pressing into Josh’s chest.

  His lips locked on hers as he thrust into her softly, drinking in her moans. Heat surged through Melina. She bit back a moan as pleasure overwhelmed her body.

  Stroke. Stroke. Stroke.

  He thrust into her, his pace growing faster and faster. She reached out, grabbing his hand in hers, their fingers tangling together. Melina moaned louder. Her eyes rolling back.

  “Oh yes.” Melina arched. Her hips rising to meet his. “More.” She almost begged.

  Josh complied, thrusting into her faster and faster.

  “Oh,” She sucked in a deep breath, her hips rising to meet his with every thrust. Josh’s thrust increased. Faster and faster.

  Stroke. Stroke. Stroke.

  “Look at me,” he rasped. Melina’s eyes opened, locking on his.

  They stared at each other and for a split second she was reminded of the creature he had been. The thing that had saved her life last night. Her free hand reached up and tangled into his hair, pulling him down into a kiss.

  Stroke. Stroke. Stroke.

  Faster and harder. Josh’s lips traced along her jawline softly.

  Melina’s eyes rolled back, pleasure overwhelming her body.

  Stroke. Stroke. Stroke.

  Faster and harder.

  The new pace sent her over the edge. She gasped, her eyes rolling back as pleasure overwhelmed her body. She screamed, Josh lowering her lips to hers as he thrust into her faster and faster.

  Stroke. Stroke. Stroke.

  He flattened, crashing into me once more. He helps himself above me, his eyes sparkling as he lowered himself down, giving her one more kiss.

  She pulled him close to her, their lips locked together.

  Chapter Six

  Melina woke the next morning feeling better than she had in a long time. She replied the events of the night in her head. She had a friend, someone she could count on, and someone who made her feel like she mattered. She grinned as rolled over, thinking about the he’d made her feel. The grin vanished from her face as she looked around. He was nowhere to be seen.

  She slipped out of bed. It’s not a big deal, she told herself. It was probably just that he was up before her and didn’t want to lay in bed. Right? She took a deep breath, trying to remain calm as she made her way into the kitchen.

  “There you are.” She tried not to sound nervous.

  “Melina.” He didn’t turn to look at her. She could feel her heart drop into the pit of her stomach. “Please, pack your bags as soon as you can. It would be best if you leave.”

  “What?” she could feel the tears well in the corner of her eyes. She’d thought they had something last night. She had thought… “What about-”

  “None of it matters. After last night I understand, I can’t be around you. If you stay here, I could turn at any point and hurt you. I could kill you.”

  “I don’t care-”

  “This is not up for discussion. Pack your things and leave.”

  Melina stood there, shocked. “But… I don’t have anything… anywhere… anyone…” She stammered. She had no clue what she was supposed to do.

  “The money has been wired to your account.”

  Without another word, he walked away.

  Melina stood there, tears rolling down her cheek. She knew she had to go pack, but she couldn’t bring herself to move.


  Melina stared down at the phone as she ended the call. Jenny was worried about where Seth had gone and had been calling again to see if Melina had heard from him. Of course, she lied. She felt horrid lying, but what else was she supposed to do?

  Melina closed her eyes. It had been a month, but she still hadn’t gotten over everything, and it’s not like she could go to a therapist for it. She took a deep breath. It’s going to be fine. She thought. Things were starting to fall into place. There was a musical coming up that she was going to try out for. If she got the part, she’d be able to focus on something other than him.


  Melina’s brow furrowed. She didn’t have company, so why was her doorbell ringing? She pushed herself up and made her way over to the door. Maybe its just those shoes I ordered, she thought as she reached for the handle. She opened the door and stared, her mouth falling open.

  Josh stared back at her, giving her a soft smile. “Hi.” He sounded nervous.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I… I came to see if you wanted to come back, to the penthouse. It sucks without there. I miss you, Melina. I thought I could make it without you but... I can’t.”

  He stepped towards her.

  Melina stepped back, remembering the way he had kicked her out. “You-”

  “I fucked up, and I can’t ever take that back, but I want to make up for it. Please, will you give me a chance to be your friend again? More than your friend.”

  How could she say no? A soft smile touched Melina’s lips. Of course.

  The End

  The Bishop’s Daughter’s Romance

  By: Elaine Young

  Chapter One

  Ruth took a deep breath as she stepped into the church looking around. Although the community was small, the church was a beautiful place.

  “Ruth. What are you doing here?” Bishop Jacob’s voice made her heart skip a beat.

  “I… I’m sorry, you startled me,” she said looking at him. “I came to see if you needed any help preparing for today.”

  “Danka, that was very kind of you.” A smile touched his lips as he turned his back on Ruth and motioned for her to follow him. Ruth quickly fell into pace with the man. Although he was a couple of years older than her, Ruth had quickly taken a liking to the man when she first met him years ago. She wasn’t sure what it was about him, but when he came here hoping to help the community and church grow, she had known that Gott had sent him to them, and that he would bring amazing things to the church.

  “Would you mind helping lay the Bibles out?”

  “Not at all,” Ruth said as they stopped in front of where the Bibles were kept. Jacob reached for the Bibles just as she did. She felt his warm fingers against her hand. Her heart ski
pped a beat in the same way that it always did when his eyes locked on her. Ruth sucked in a deep breath.

  All the girls made fun of her for the fact that she carried a small crush on the man who contributed to much to the church. But she didn’t care. She saw him for the amazing man that he was, and that was all that mattered to her.

  Jacob pulled away quickly, a blush touching his cheeks. “Forgive me.”

  “Ach no, it was my fault,” Ruth said quickly. She swallowed dryly, looking away from and staring at the Bibles as she reached for a stack. She knew that this time of year would be hard on her, but she was not sure if that had anything to do with the way her feelings grew for the man beside her. What will happen will happen. She reminded herself. She was sure Gott had a plan for her but she was beginning to wonder if that plan involved the one thing she wanted most. Her own family.

  As she worked silently she heard him moving around her.

  “Have you finished your speeches?” she asked, knowing that he had been working hard on the speeches for the upcoming weddings. The harvest was finally over, and Ruth knew the snow would soon start falling, which meant the weddings were going to be held as soon as possible.

  Most of the men were working on building the houses that the newly married couples would be living in; some were still out finishing the crops but there were very few things left to be harvested.

  “I was up before daybreak in order to get them finished, but yes. I finished them.”

  “That is wonderful to hear,” Ruth smiled, for a split second proud of the dedication the man had towards his job.

  When he first came here no one knew much about him; even now, most didn’t know much about him, but Ruth still enjoyed the small conversation they made- and the more she learnt about him, the more she liked him. Though she would never admit to anyone just how much they talked. Her friends would just use that to tease her. Although she knew it was all in good fun, she didn’t want them to realize just how well the two had gotten to know each other. But when will my time come? She wondered.


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