Her Tycoon Protector

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Her Tycoon Protector Page 1

by Amanda Browning

  This month in Harlequin Presents, Lucy Monroe brings you the final installment of her Mediterranean Brides duet, Taken: The Spaniard’s Virgin, where a two week affair turns into something more after Miguel takes Amber’s innocence. There’s another sexy Spaniard in Trish Morey’s The Spaniard’s Blackmailed Bride, when Blair is blackmailed into marriage but Diablo’s touch sets her body on fire! In Bought for the Greek’s Bed by Julia James, a gorgeous Greek changes the rules of a convenient marriage so that his new bride is also his wife in the bedroom. The Greek Millionaire’s Mistress by Catherine Spencer tells the story of Gina Hudson who goes to settle an old score in Athens, only to fall into the arms—and bed!—of her enemy’s right-hand man. The Sicilian’s Red-Hot Revenge by Kate Walker has a handsome and fiery Italian who wants revenge, but what will he do when he discovers he’s going to be a father? In Annie West’s The Sheikh’s Ransomed Bride, powerful Sheikh Rafiq rescues Belle from rebels, only to demand marriage in return! And in Maggie Cox’s The Millionaire Boss’s Baby, a brooding boss’s sensual seduction proves too good to resist.


  Amanda Browning


  All about the author…

  Amanda Browning

  AMANDA is still happily single and lives in the old family home on the borders of Essex. She enjoys her extended family and is the great-aunt to eighteen nieces and nephews. She especially enjoys her twin sister’s two grandchildren, one who’s very close, and she risks serious damage to her back when playing the fool with them!

  She began writing romances when she left her job at the library and wondered what to do next. She remembered a colleague once told her to write a romance, and she went for it. Her first effort elicited an invitation to visit Mills & Boon headquarters. Although her first two manuscripts could not be used, the third was accepted and she hasn’t looked back since.

  Besides writing and gardening, she is very interested in researching her family tree. This has led to discovering relatives in the United States and Canada. She is about to plunge into the world of the Internet in order to make more discoveries!

  What is left of her spare time is spent doing counted cross-stitch, and she really enjoys the designs based on the works of Marty Bell, as well as the gorgeous designs of Victorian Ladies, angels by Lavender & Lace, and Mirabilia ranges—they are so intricate. She finds it very satisfying to finish one and finally see it hanging on a wall.













  SHELBY GREER paced angrily across the carpet. She looked wildly dramatic in her electric-blue suit, with her shoulder-length auburn hair bouncing at every long-legged stride. She had been blessed with a classically oval face and fine features that would be considered beautiful by any standards, but right now her ice-green eyes, with their thick long lashes, were flashing sparks. She was fuming. A volatile volcano just waiting to explode. Abruptly she turned to face the man who stood before the elegant Adam fireplace.

  ‘No! Absolutely not! There’s no way I’m going to have my world turned upside down—not in a million years. I’m not giving up my independence on the basis of a threat that might not be real,’ she declared vehemently in response to his proposal.

  ‘Now, Shelby, be reasonable,’ her father pleaded with her. ‘If you won’t come and stay here where I can look after you, then you have to have a bodyguard.’

  ‘No, I most certainly do not!’ Shelby disagreed instantly. ‘I’m perfectly capable of looking after myself. If you think for one second that I would allow a complete stranger to enter my home and invade my privacy, you’re crazy.’ The mere thought of it made her shudder with distaste.

  ‘If it’s crazy to care what happens to you, then I’m guilty as charged,’ her father shot back. ‘Threats have been made against you, Shelby. I have to take them seriously. Why won’t you?’

  ‘Because it’s all so utterly ridiculous! The man’s a crank, out for what he can get. Why should I allow him to upset my life? No, I’m sorry, Dad, but to keep trying to change my mind is a complete and utter waste of time,’ she declared adamantly, though she secretly admitted to a few butterflies in her stomach when he had first told her. ‘Trust me on this. Nothing is going to happen.’

  ‘So you keep telling me,’ Oscar Greer responded calmly to his only daughter’s outburst. He had, after all, known what to expect. She was headstrong and independent and, on occasions such as these, over-confident that she knew best.

  Shelby flung up her hands despairingly. ‘Then why aren’t you listening to me?’ She loved her father dearly, and knew he had only her best interests at heart, but this was going too far. ‘I don’t need a nursemaid, Dad!’

  ‘I’m glad to hear it,’ her father returned dryly. ‘At twenty-eight, you should be able to wash, dress and feed yourself.’

  That piece of whimsy earned him another exasperated look. ‘You know what I mean. This is so unnecessary.’

  ‘Really? I had no idea you could look into the future?’

  Shelby turned away in frustration. There was no getting through to him. He wasn’t going to budge an inch. There were times when she could twist him round her little finger, but this was not one of them. He loved her, but he would only twist when he wanted to. This time he intended to have his way. Well, she was as determined as he was. She was not about to give in this time.

  Sighing heavily, she walked to the window and looked out at the rain-lashed gardens of her father’s Hampstead home. She had grown up here, an only child but never a lonely one. Her father was London’s most successful media magnate, but he had always had time for his daughter. The bond was a close one. He needed her compliance for his own peace of mind. Normally she would gladly have given it to him, but this was different. She couldn’t alter her life because of a threat she didn’t believe existed, however much she loved her father. All she could try to do was make him see things from her point of view.

  ‘Let’s go over it again. What exactly did the message say?’ she asked in a more reasonable tone as she turned to her parent.

  Oscar Greer’s expression became grim. ‘The gist of it was that one of our papers had printed something this individual didn’t like, and he intended to take some form of revenge. He used the phrase, ‘The sins of the father shall pass down to the daughter.’ Which the police consider a direct threat to you. Which is why you are going to have a bodyguard, like it or not. You’re all I have and I’m not prepared to risk losing you.’

  That, of course, tweaked her heartstrings, and with a faint groan she hurried over to give him a hug. ‘You aren’t going to lose me,’ she reassured him fiercely. ‘But I’m still not going to have a bodyguard!’ she added hastily, so he wouldn’t think she had given in.

  Her father grimaced as he hugged her back. ‘My God, but you’re stubborn. The police wanted to lock you away somewhere safe for the duration, but I knew I’d never get you to agree to that either!’ he told her as he released her.

  Shelby’s lips curved in an unseen smile of relief as she crossed to the tray of drinks on the antique sideboard, helping herself to a small brandy. She needed it, for she had never had to fight so strongly with her father before. It wasn’t comfortable. Now that she had won, she began to relax.

  ‘You were right about that. I have commitments. I can’t just up sticks and disappear.’

  She was that most fashion conscious of modern individuals—an interior designer. Her mother had been an
artist, and it was from her that Shelby had inherited her eye for colour and texture. After a false start, she had studied art and design at college and then had gone on to start her own business. There had been small jobs to begin with, but word of mouth had soon spread about the quality of her work. One thing had led to another, until now she was so busy she had taken on a small staff of helpers. She was fully aware that there were people who thought that, as her father’s heir, she led a cushioned existence and only played at her work. They were wrong. Her business was her own baby from start to finish and she took it very seriously indeed. Her books were full and she even had a waiting list.

  With a wry shake of her head, she curled up in a corner of the couch. ‘Lord, I can’t believe you actually expected me to agree to have a minder!’ Funnily enough, she had been told once that she needed a minder, but she shied away from the memory. It had been totally embarrassing for her. He, of course, had found it vastly amusing. ‘You’ve had threats before. Why are you taking this one so seriously?’

  ‘I prefer not to take chances with your life, my girl,’ Oscar pronounced, glancing at his watch, then checking that against the mantel clock. Rocking back on his heels, he slipped his hand into his jacket pocket and studied his polished shoes.

  ‘Are you expecting someone?’ she asked, fascinated by these unexpected signs of unease in him.

  He cleared his throat. ‘Since you ask, the chap I’ve arranged to watch your back is arriving tonight.’

  Shelby’s eyes widened in shock. ‘You already arranged it? Before asking me?’ So much for winning! She should have guessed he would do something like this.

  ‘I knew you wouldn’t agree, so I made the decision for you,’ her father confirmed with a nod of his head. ‘I decided the best option was to present you with a fait accompli.’

  She was on her feet in an instant. ‘You had no right to do that, Dad. I know you’re concerned, but this is my life we’re talking about. Well, I hope you and he have an enjoyable evening, because you’ll be spending it without me. I’m leaving!’ She moved to make good her threat, but had only taken one short step towards her handbag when her father spoke.

  ‘Stay right where you are, Shelby. You’re going nowhere,’ he commanded in a voice she hadn’t heard in years. It brought her up short, blinking in surprise.

  ‘You can’t force me to have a bodyguard!’ she protested in disbelief, which made Oscar Greer smile grimly.

  ‘I can, and I am.’

  ‘This is absurd!’ Shelby exclaimed, but she sat down again just as the front doorbell rang loudly. She twisted round so she could watch the lounge door from over the back of the couch. ‘Is this him? Well, I don’t care how nice he is; I’m not going to have anything to do with him,’ she added for good measure, listening to the housekeeper opening the front door, and the sound of voices joined in friendly conversation. Then footsteps headed towards the closed door and she held her breath.

  The man who entered was in his mid-thirties, black-haired, blue-eyed and handsome as sin. Wearing a brown leather bomber jacket over blue shirt and jeans, he was indeed the sexiest thing on two legs she had seen in many a long day. Broad-shouldered to boot. He was tall and had the sort of long legs and lean hips that she found particularly attractive. He also had the kind of chest a girl could snuggle up on and drift into dreams that would make an angel blush. She didn’t have to ask if he was also charming and witty. She knew. He was, after all, Gray Compton, her father’s troubleshooter and the man she had been in love with for simply aeons.

  For one intense moment Shelby’s world stood still. Lord, but her heart was pleased to see him. Life had been a desert since the last time they had met. Not that he would know it, she reminded herself as time ticked on again. She had her pride, after all.

  They had been friends once, when she was younger. He had been the closest thing to a brother she would ever have. They had teased and taunted each other, much as all brothers and sisters did, and it might have stayed that way if fate had not intervened. Quite out of the blue, and when she had least expected it, she had fallen in love with him. Naturally, having done something so rash, and knowing he still only saw her as a sister, she had had to camouflage her feelings for her own protection.

  She had often teased Gray about the women in his life, but had found herself in the unenviable position of wanting to be one. The only one. To her despair, he had never seen her that way. Jealousy had raised its ugly head. To combat it she had taken to dating like it was going out of fashion, though rarely dating the same man for long, to hide the fact there was only one man she really wanted. For his part, Gray had observed her behaviour with undisguised amusement.

  Their relationship had stayed pretty much the same, although he had now started teasing her about the men in her life too. She had hidden her unhappiness well and, save for one minor blip when she had succumbed to a moment of recklessness, she had lived with the situation. So it might have gone on, but then something had happened which had made her hate him. She couldn’t forget it, nor forgive it, no matter how much she loved him—and, for her sins, she did still love him.

  So now, whenever they met, they engaged in a constant war of words. It was the perfect shield, and Shelby doubted if anyone but herself knew how she really felt. Right now, though, she wished she had had some warning he was coming to dinner tonight, in order to get her defences in place.

  Gray Compton allowed his gaze to meet that of a bemused Shelby. ‘Hi, there, Red. Long time no see.’

  Shelby winced at the nickname she had been given as a child because of her hair. Of course, Gray would insist on using it still, just to irritate her. She smiled thinly. ‘Well, well, if it isn’t Dad’s blue-eyed boy. What are you doing here, Gray? Coming to see what trouble you can cause?’

  For once he didn’t come back with a mocking rejoinder. ‘My job, sweetheart. Just my job,’ he told her briefly, making her frown.

  Having grown used to their bickering over recent years, Oscar Greer ignored it and crossed the room, hand held out. ‘Gray, my boy. Thank you for coming.’

  The younger man smiled warmly and shook his hand. ‘You knew I would, Oscar.’ He had been sorting out a problem in Japan when he had received Oscar’s call for help. ‘I jumped on the first plane out.’

  ‘How was the trip?’

  ‘Tiring, but I’m used to it.’

  Light dawned for Shelby, and her heart sank. Her eyes hastily sought her father’s, hoping to have her fears allayed. ‘Dad, please tell me this isn’t the man you’ve roped in to look after me!’ she pleaded in horror, more appalled than she could ever reveal. If there was one person she didn’t want to spend any intimate time with, Gray was that man. Mostly because the only person she wanted was the selfsame man!

  Gray walked further into the room, his expression one of grim amusement at her response. ‘I didn’t think you’d be thrilled, but think about it, Red. Who else would be doing a spot of troubleshooting for the boss?’

  Their eyes locked. The challenge given and received. Both understood the message. Whether the work was clean or dirty, Gray was the man for the job. Especially where she was concerned.

  ‘When it comes to sorting out trouble, you are the best in the business, Gray,’ her father complimented, seemingly unaware of the undercurrents swirling around the room. ‘I would willingly pay you double your salary for what you’re doing for us.’

  The younger man shook his head. ‘You know that’s not necessary, Oscar. I’m only too happy to help you and my old sparring partner, Red, here. In fact, I wouldn’t want it any other way.’

  Oh, she knew how he threw himself into his work all right, Shelby acknowledged bitterly. She swung her feet to the floor and stood up for a second time. ‘OK, that’s it. I’m not having him. If I wanted anyone, which I don’t, I most certainly wouldn’t have him. He’ll make my life a misery.’ She refused point-blank, earning herself a mocking look from Gray for her pains.

  ‘Then you’ll just have to be
miserable,’ her father declared sternly. ‘I chose Gray to be your bodyguard, so let that be an end to it. Now, can I get you something to drink, Gray? Whisky was always your favourite tipple.’

  ‘Better make it a small one, with plenty of water. I’m driving.’

  ‘But, Dad!’ Shelby tried to protest as he crossed to the other side of the room, only to find he wasn’t listening. ‘What did I do to deserve this?’ she muttered, then caught Gray’s eye and the mockery there. ‘Don’t say a word!’

  ‘And you looked so grown up too,’ he derided with a shake of his head. ‘Now I get closer I can see you’re still the same old Shelby, always thinking more about yourself than anyone else.’

  She was outraged at the claim. ‘How can you say that?’

  ‘Easily. I grew up with you, remember. You always brought your trials and tribulations to your father. I lost count of the number of times I was there when you came to bemoan the fate of your latest romance,’ he responded sardonically, reminding her of hazy summer days when life was simpler, before she had fallen in love with him and discovered she would have to keep it a secret from everyone for the sake of her pride and her heart.

  ‘Where else was I supposed to go? I never had a mother to confide in,’ Shelby reminded him. Her mother had died when she was little more than a baby, leaving her father to take on both roles, which he had done magnificently so far as she was concerned.

  ‘Hmm, your mother might have altered your dating habits. Has anyone told you that you go through men like a hot knife through butter?’ he asked her, and she sent him a scathing look.

  ‘You’re a fine one to talk. Watching the turnover of women in your life makes me dizzy!’ she returned swiftly, knowing that the difference between them was that she dated to hide the fact her heart was already hooked. As smokescreens went, it was pretty damn good. He never saw through it, and that was the whole point of the exercise.


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