Why Me…: The Last Words Series Book 1

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Why Me…: The Last Words Series Book 1 Page 3

by WL Knightly

  “Oh, of course. It was in the tabloids.” Ethan did his best to play it off. “I heard about that one.”

  “Her brother is a cop here, you know. I thought that might be why you came here.”

  “Oh? Was there a new lead or something?” According to Officer Kevin Delaney, there had to have been. Why else would Thomas Asher pull a new theory out of thin air?

  So he was surprised when the captain continued. “No. But I hoped they’d get back on it. Thomas has been really affected by that. It shows he’s really strong.”

  “I can imagine it has been difficult. Especially when you’re in law enforcement and feel so powerless to do anything about it.” Wanting to find his fiancée had kept him up many nights, even though he was told not to go near the case.

  “Well, I will say he’s remained a trooper and keeps his head up. He’s a good cop and a good man.”

  “Yeah, it’s hard to believe that something hasn’t turned up by now. It’s been a while.”

  “Yeah, but nothing that I know of. You could check with Holloway, of course, but I don’t know of anything in some time. Most of the tips we got early on, which we passed on to Holloway, of course, were useless. People just want attention, even if it means giving a fake tip to the cops. I’m sure Holloway could tell you more.”

  “Holloway is onto another case, actually. He’s gone to Arizona from what I’ve heard.”

  “And you say you’re on another case?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Well, it sure seems mysterious, anyway.” He was subtly fishing for information, but he wasn’t going to give him anything just yet.

  “Right. Forgive me for being so discreet. It’s another missing person but very sensitive. I just wanted to ask for access through your department when needed and let you know I was in town. I’d rather not go into too much detail about it at the present time, but I’ll let you know as soon as I can.”

  “As long as you’re not here to investigate my department, I’m okay with discretion. Let me know if there is anything I can help you with.” He seemed like a good enough man and eager to play along when so many in law enforcement didn’t like Bureau agents coming in and bruising their toes.

  Ethan was sure the captain would make some calls and do some digging into the why of it. But unless he talked to Commander Clark personally, he wasn’t likely to find out anything. He kept a straight face and gave the captain a nod. “Thank you, Captain Bowden. I appreciate it. As well as any cooperation from your department when needed.”

  “Of course. No problem. Anything to help.” He reached out his hand, and Ethan took it, giving it a tight grip.

  “I guess I shouldn’t take up any more of your time.”

  “Drop in anytime.” He came around the desk and looked out the window. “Oh, speak of the devil.”

  Ethan looked out the window where a young, dark-haired, uniformed officer strutted out of the main office across the hall as if he had a mission.

  “That’s Asher?” Ethan had seen photographs, but he seemed a lot bigger in 3D.

  “Yeah, I’m sure he’d like it if you said hello.”

  “Thanks, Captain. I’ll be in touch.”

  “Enjoy your stay here in sunny California. Try to enjoy a little of it while you’re here.”

  “Thanks. Will do.” He left the room and followed the hallway back to the front, where Thomas Asher stood talking to one of his fellow officers. The look on his face was one of disappointment.

  “Why didn’t you tell me about it?” he said. “I would have come and helped you.”

  “I didn’t want to burden you with that.” The other officer couldn’t even look him in the eyes.

  “Nonsense. We’re like family, you and me. If you need something, you let me know.” Asher seemed deeply offended.

  “Sure thing. Next time, okay. Don’t sweat it.” The other officer walked away, and Thomas Asher shook his head. When he turned around to head back into the hallway, Ethan took the chance to approach.

  “Hello,” he said, holding out his hand. “I’m Ethan Charles.” He left out the whole FBI part. He wanted to get a feel of him first.

  Asher looked confused. “Hi, Ethan. I’m Officer Asher. Can I help you with something?” His condescending tone was as if he were talking to a child.

  Ethan cocked his head to the side. “Asher.” He seemed to think on it a minute as he scratched his lip. “Hey, you’re not related to Starr Asher, are you? I heard her brother was a cop, I think.”

  “That’s me. Yeah. What are you, some kind of reporter? Because I don’t have time for any interviews today.” He started to walk away, but Ethan stepped in front of him to cut him off.

  Ethan gave him an apologetic look and shook his head. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t even realize I hadn’t properly introduced myself. It’s Agent Ethan Charles, actually. I had heard about the case is all. I thought you looked familiar. I just didn’t know where I knew you.”

  Thomas’s eyes narrowed. “I was on the TV and in the papers months back. That kind of people, reporters that is, just don’t like to leave well enough alone sometimes. They really know how to make things worse. Kind of like the FBI.”

  Ethan could tell Thomas was the type of man who didn’t pull any punches. “Ouch. I take it you weren’t happy with Holloway’s work on the case.”

  “What work? He came in, did nothing, and dropped the ball. Now the case has gone cold, and my sister will probably never be found.”

  “Have you ever thought to look into it yourself?”

  “I wanted to, and I’ll admit I did a little digging in the beginning until I was told not to, and now, it’s probably too late. The only thing I can hope for is that the people who took her get what they have coming to them.”

  He was so sure that someone had taken her. Even though from what Ethan knew about the case, there was no evidence she had been kidnapped. Disappearing didn’t always mean someone else was involved. People have disappeared falling off cliffs, drowning in the ocean, and getting lost in the woods every single day.

  “I can’t say I blame you for feeling that way.” Ethan knew what it was like to lose hope and to know that no one was doing the job you weren’t allowed to do. How it was to have everyone looking over your shoulder, wondering if it’s the day you’re finally going to break down. If you’re going to fall to pieces under the weight of it all.

  “Yeah, well, I’ve had enough of blame and guilt for a lifetime.”

  Ethan realized at that moment that he had more in common with the man than he ever expected. Even if no one else was blaming you, you couldn’t help but blame yourself. And the guilt of not being able to do anything to help the one you love never went away.

  Chapter 4


  After promising Alice she’d do something about the video, she drove down to the station and got out with the video clip on her phone, hoping to alert someone that a murder had taken place. Or at least she thought.

  All night she had been tossing and turning, hoping this wasn’t a hoax so she didn’t look like an idiot for reporting it, and hoping it was fake so the poor girl hadn’t really suffered the horror-filled final moments.

  Just remembering her blue eyes, they were like the sky on a sunny day blue and so full of hope and promise that was soon snuffed out. It made it hard to think about, much less replay over and over in her mind.

  When she showed up at the station, she went inside and stopped at the front desk, where Cleo looked up from the desk with a tired look in her eyes. “Hey, did you find your sister?”

  “Yeah, she was at the party you told me about. What are you doing here? Didn’t you work late last night?”

  “I’m covering for Belinda again. Her kids have been sick, and her husband is out of town again.”

  Sarah had known most of the people in that precinct for years because of her father, but she knew Cleo from high school. The girl had been a couple of years older but had always been a good friend since bot
h of their fathers were on the force together.

  “I can’t say I envy you.”

  “I wish you did work here. You really should consider it.”

  That was her cue to leave. “Is Captain Bowden around?”

  “He’s in his office, but he’s probably still with that FBI guy.”

  “I’ll wait outside until he’s done.” She hurried into the back, and as soon as she opened the door, she spotted Thomas standing in the middle of the hallway talking to a man she didn’t recognize.

  As she looked down the way at Captain Bowden’s door, which was shut, she almost turned around and left, not wanting to be seen.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me,” said Thomas.

  She turned around and saw him staring her down. “Excuse me,” he said to the other man as he stepped away. He took Sarah by the arm and crowded her against the wall. “What are you doing here?”

  “I came to see the captain. What? Did you think I’m here for you?”

  Thomas bit his lip, but it didn’t stop him from telling her what he thought. “What are you snooping around into now? Ruining my life and my sister’s memory wasn’t enough. You turned her into a junkie that no one cared about, and now you want to come up here? For what?”

  She decided she may as well show him the video. “For your information, I wanted to show him this. But I guess you’ll do.” She pulled the video up on her phone.

  Thomas snatched it from her hand and hit the play button. “Where did you get this?” His expression was hard.

  “Do you think it’s real?”

  “Where did you get it?”

  “The internet, jackass. Where do you think I got it? Alice found it with some friends.”

  “Jesus, Alice saw this?”

  He had always had a soft spot for Alice. “Yes. I just want to know if you think it’s legit. I thought someone should bring it to the attention of the police since it was posted locally. Alice made me promise I would.”

  “Mhm. And of course, I’m sure it would be a great story for you.”

  “I said I was sorry. I was bitter, yes, but I really just wanted people to empathize with her. I thought if they saw the real Starr—”

  He held his hand up to her lips and crowded her closer. She glanced at the man who was standing against the wall waiting for Thomas to return to their conversation. The stranger glanced up from his phone and seemed like he was ready to intervene if he needed to.

  Thomas glared into her eyes and pressed the finger against her lips. “Nothing you say will ever make me forgive you. And if you think I’m going to get caught up in some wild goose chase over a deep fake video, you’re mistaken. Haven’t you made a big enough fool of yourself?”

  “You really think it’s fake?” She still wasn’t convinced.

  “It’s Hollywood, Sarah. What the hell do you think?”

  Thomas turned and stormed down the hall as Sarah retreated back to the front, knowing she was far too embarrassed and upset to see Captain Bowden about it and didn’t want to interrupt his meeting with the FBI agent over something that was probably faked after all.

  She didn’t expect the man to follow her, but by the time she got to the front door, he called out to her.

  “Miss,” he said. “Excuse me.”

  She stopped when she made it to the front sidewalk and spun around to see what he wanted. “Yeah?”

  “Hey, I’m sorry. I saw what happened. I just wanted to make sure you’re okay.”

  “I’m fine. Way better now that I’m not engaged to that asshole anymore.”

  “Ah, you were engaged. That explains the passion in the argument. I’m sorry,” he said, extending his hand. “I’m Agent Ethan Charles with the FBI.”

  “Oh, you’re the man who was here to see Captain Bowden.” She had assumed he was still with the man behind his closed office door.

  “Yeah. How’d you know that?”

  “The front desk. She’s a friend. She said he might be busy.” She looked into his eyes, which were a lot kinder than Thomas’s had been. “I’m Sarah Green.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Sarah Green. So, if you don’t mind me asking, what was it you showed him?”

  She waved it off and felt a bit silly. “It’s nothing.”

  “Nonsense. I heard he said it was fake, whatever it was. So, why not get a second opinion?”

  “Yeah, I guess I could show it to you. I came to show it to someone who could check into it. But I have to say, I really feel like this is a real video. Either that or someone should call the Academy because this girl needs an award.”

  She took out her phone and held it out so he could see. As it played, she watched his expression, and when the trigger was pulled, his jaw dropped. “Damn. That was unexpected.”

  “I know, right? It looks real. Or am I just overreacting?”

  “No, I don’t think so. Can I send it to my phone? I could have it analyzed to make sure.”

  “Would you? I mean, if you think it’s fake, I understand. It’s okay.” She wasn’t sure if he was just a nice guy or feeling sorry for her.

  He glanced up and shook his head as he glanced up from the phone. “I don’t think it’s fake. I hate to say it, but you might be onto something. Where did you get this?”

  “My kid sister found it with some of her friends. She went to this party last night instead of being where she was supposed to, and I went to get her and found them watching this. Her friends thought it was some fake promo or something. I don’t know. She was just really upset by it.”

  “I can imagine. It’s not easy to watch, even for a pro like me.” His fingers worked across the screen as he sent it to his phone.

  “It doesn’t help that our father was a cop and shot while on duty. It’s one of those things I wish I could unsee, but I really wish she didn’t see it.”

  Ethan nodded with that same sympathetic look she had gotten a lot of lately. “Well, let’s see if we can at least get it pulled down. I’m sure by now the platform has already done it.”

  “I wouldn’t be so sure. It was YouVerse. It’s a new site where nothing is sacred, and apparently, the kids prefer it that way.”

  “Well, I’ll still see what I can do. There’s a lot you can learn from a video. Sometimes you can even get a location, time of day, and of course, the girl’s identity.”

  “If she’s really not the world’s most convincing actress, someone would be missing her by now.”

  “Yeah, there’s that. I’ll check into it and see if anyone has been reported missing.”

  “I’d like to help.”

  “Really? Are you in law enforcement too?”

  “I went to the academy, actually. But some personal stuff happened, and I never took it any further. I’m a writer for TMI Daily. I’d like the story.”

  “Ah, I see. Well, as long as you’d cooperate with me about when to publish and what to print, I could handle that.”

  Sarah was used to people making conditions, even though she didn’t always agree with them. “I am not afraid of rules. I have cop blood, remember?”

  He chuckled. “I’d really like to talk to your sister sometime too.”

  “Sure.” The wind picked up and blew her hair into her face. She brushed it back and smiled. “I should really get back to work. I have to turn in my article by two o’clock.”

  “How about we talk more over dinner? Tonight? I could tell you what I find, if anything.”

  She suddenly wasn’t sure if his intentions were about helping or more. “How about you come over for dinner? I mean, that way, you could meet my sister. I can’t promise a gourmet meal, but I promise it will be edible. How about seven o’clock?”

  Ethan smiled. “That sounds nice, thank you.” He handed her the phone back. “You have my number. Call me if you need anything before then, and I guess I’ll see you at seven.”

  Sarah watched as he walked away, and he glanced back once with a smile that made her wonder if there was a lot more on his m
ind than the girl in the video.

  Could she trust a man who would use something like that as an excuse to get close to a woman? Was it a type of pick-up line? Or maybe she was just overreacting. Alice would tell her she was full of herself. And her mother would tell her to be careful, just like she had when Sarah accepted the ring from Thomas.

  Things had changed a lot since the last time a man was interested in her, and since she came with a bit more baggage now, she had to be even more careful about who she let into her life.

  “He’s probably not even interested in you, you silly girl,” she mumbled to herself as she walked across the street to her car.

  She got in and started the engine, taking a moment to peek at herself in the rearview, just to make sure her face and hair hadn’t been a mess the entire time. As soon as she made contact with her eyes in the reflection, a truck backfired on the street, and the sound brought her right back to those frightened blue eyes of the girl in the video. For a moment, she had been in her place.

  She had to stay focused and get the story. And there was nothing like being startled with fear to put things back in perspective. “He was just acting friendly, Sarah. Get over yourself and figure out what you’re going to feed the man.”

  What had she been thinking, asking him to her place for dinner? He was practically a stranger. Even if she got the story, she needed to slow down and not let her hormones lead her.

  Sarah couldn’t help but wonder if it would be too rude to cancel.

  Chapter 5


  Ethan couldn’t get Sarah Green off his mind. So when he took a moment to have a cup of coffee, he looked her up and found a colorful article she had written about her ex’s personal life and the hardships he had with losing his sister.

  It was hard to make out her tone from the information, but he had to think it was no wonder Thomas Asher had been unhappy to see her at the precinct.

  Getting close to her was going to help him a great deal. Who else had the details about a man more than his ex-fiancée?


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