Betrayal: Immortal Protectors, Book 1

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Betrayal: Immortal Protectors, Book 1 Page 16

by H. M. McQueen

If she failed, she would ask the bank manager for a transfer. Hopefully, either Wendy or even her sister would want to go with her. She’d try one last time to convince Briana to leave Gerard.

  It was late in the evening when the sound of someone entering the house awakened Emma. Cyn walked in and didn’t hesitate when he saw her lying on the couch. With barely a glance in her direction he continued toward his bedroom. Emma got up and followed him out of the living room. She caught up to him in the hallway.

  “Cyn, I need to talk to you.”

  He stopped with his back still to her. “I am tired. Can’t this wait?” His tone was clipped.

  Emma reached out to touch him, but knowing he’d not appreciate it, she drew her hand back. “Five minutes, just give me five minutes.”

  “Fine.” He turned and walked back into the living room and sat on the couch. His wary eyes followed her as she went to the other end and eased down. She pressed her lips together and tried to remember the speech she had prepared. But now with his intense gaze on her, she was at a total loss for words. He cocked an eyebrow waiting for her to speak.

  “I,” she cleared her throat. “First of all, I want to tell you that I am sorry for not telling you the truth about Gerard’s plans. I really believed he was going to kill my sister and I had no other choice. I was completely unaware that she was part of the entire scheme.” She hesitated when she noticed that his expression did not change. He was so different from the man she’d shared time with the last time they’d been in the house. Although she sensed tension under the calm façade, that was all she got from him, nothing else. Disconcerted at his lack of emotion, she swallowed and continued through the dryness in her throat.

  “Cyn, I know that you could have died. I know that you have no reason to trust me and I am sure things will never be right between us again. But please, believe me when I tell you that I am truly sorry. That day… I tried to tell you not to follow when the demon grabbed me. During that whole scene in Gerard’s office I couldn’t warn you. The guard behind you held a sword pointed at your heart.” Although he remained silent, his frosty stare unsettling, she trudged on.

  “My father was a demon. A high-level, but he was a good father, who took care of us until his disappearance. After he died, my mother abandoned us because we reminded her of him too much. All I have is Briana.”

  Cyn went to stand and Emma held her hand up. “You agreed to five minutes, there is one last thing I want to tell you.” She swallowed hard and steeled herself. She had to tell him everything since he would probably not give her a second chance. Her hands trembled, so she clamped them together on her lap and continued.

  “I am in awe of your courage, your strength and your nobleness. And I am very grateful that you are alive. I couldn’t bear the thought of Blue without his father. And lastly, I want you to know that you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You made me feel things that I have never felt before… in my life.”

  He looked at her, but his face did not soften, his eyes moved somewhere past her.

  She swallowed blinking back tears, her words barely a whisper now. “I know it doesn’t mean anything, coming from me, but I love you Cyn. I fell in love with you and it tore me to pieces to do what I did to you.” She looked at him and his eyes finally met hers, she hoped he read her mind and knew she told him the truth. “I do love you.”

  He gave no reaction whatsoever. Tears threatened, so she looked down at her lap. “That’s it, that’s everything I have to say.”

  Cyn didn’t move for a few moments. Without a word, he stood.

  Something inside her snapped. She was so mad at him for not acknowledging her apology. She jumped from the couch and blocked his path. “I know I fucked up beyond repair and I am very sorry. I wish there was a way I could make amends, but there isn’t.”

  “What do you want Emma?” His stance remained tense, as if he held his anger in check.

  “Just for you to understand.”

  “Good night Emma,” Cyn replied and went around her toward his bedroom.

  Emma trudged into the spare room in complete misery. Embarrassed and exhausted, she undressed and donned Cyn’s oversized T-shirt. She’d kept it from her last stay.

  She fell into bed and started to cry, unable to stop. When she ran out of tissues, she got up and went to the bathroom and grabbed an entire roll of toilet paper and took it to bed with her. Emptiness and loneliness swelled within her. Stabs of grief sliced at her heart. She gave into it and allowed sorrow to take over.

  Emma vowed that once she got over this heartbreak, she’d never love again. She pushed her face deep into the pillow so that Cyn wouldn’t hear her sobs.


  Cyn's shoulders sagged.

  For what felt like an eternity, he’d stood outside Emma’s bedroom door and listened to her cry. The entire time, he fought not to run in and soothe her. He feared he’d lose the battle, so he went to his bedroom and continued listening through the security system until she quieted and fell asleep.

  A beep on his computer grabbed his attention.

  It was Kieran.

  “Sebastian has a lead. We’re going out to see what comes of it, after sunrise,” Kieran spoke to Cyn through the computer speakers.

  “Where are we meeting?” Cyn asked Kieran, only half listening.

  “I’m going with Roderick. You are on guard duty. Remember? Get some sleep.” Kieran's eyes narrowed and he studied Cyn’s face. “Look Cyn, if Emma’s presence bothers you this much, maybe you need to bring her here.”

  After he assured his brother he was fine, Cyn disconnected and walked out of his room. He went down the hall. He paused outside Emma’s room.

  Sighing in defeat, he opened the door and went in.

  Cyn stood by the bed for a long while and looked down on the sleeping woman. She lay on her back, her hair spread over the pillow. Emma’s right hand, fisted at the side of her face, still held a tissue. Her reddened nose did not distract from her beauty. She slept in his white t-shirt.

  She kept it.

  He caressed her cheek. He wanted nothing more than to climb in bed and hold her.

  Instead he cursed under his breath and stormed back out.

  Cyn stalked to the living room and lay down on the sofa where he spent a long time tossing about as he tried to get comfortable.

  # # #

  Trudging through the thick haze, Emma’s bare feet sank into the muddy earth. Some part of her knew it was a dream, but it felt so real. She continued onward through the wooded lot, able to see the narrow path by the illumination of the full moon.

  When a thorny bush ripped at the hem of the white t-shirt she wore, it scratched her thigh through the fabric. The sting of the thorns caused her to falter before she continued onward.

  The cracks of a whip resounded, followed by howls of pain and she attempted to run toward it. Her legs felt like lead, as if weights were bound to her ankles. Finally, she arrived at a clearing.

  The scene she walked upon shocked her to the core. She let out a horrified shriek and stumbled backward.

  Cyn was chained to a tree by his wrists. His arms stretched up over his head. His torso striped with lash marks. The ground drank the blood that dripped from his wounds. A demon whipped him. She tried to run toward Cyn, but before she could reach him, Gerard yanked her back by the hair.

  He held her in place, not flinching when Emma dug her fingernails into his hand. He swung her around and slapped her across the face so hard, she saw stars.

  “It’s time to pay dear Emma,” he whispered into her ear while he stroked her throbbing cheek in a rough caress. His long fingernails cut into her skin as they trailed down the sides of her face. Emma continued to struggle, but his hold was too strong.

  The Master demon’s cruel eyes met hers and she shivered at the evil in them. “You have a decision to make.”

  “No!” Emma screamed when Briana appeared, also chained to a tree. Her sister’s sobs echoed through t
he trees.

  “Stop! Let them go!” Emma kicked him and held a dagger that appeared in her fist, at Gerard’s neck. “Let them go or I swear I will cut your damn head off!”

  Before she could utter another word, the dagger disappeared out of her hand and into his. Gerard swung and hit her with the back of his hand. This time she fell to the muddy ground. She struggled against the overpowering urge to just shut her eyes.

  He motioned for two demons to hold her. They took her arms and jerked her to her feet. Gerard moved to stand between Cyn and Briana. He held up the dagger.

  “Look, not only is your judge and jury here, but she also brought the weapon that will end one of your miserable lives.” Gerard stepped toward Cyn and yanked his head back by his hair. “So dear Emma, will I kill your lover or will I kill your sister?”

  Cyn glared at Gerard in defiance.

  Gerard made a great show with his arms open wide as he walked to Briana and held the dagger against her heart. Briana shrieked and tried to move away from it. Gerard looked back at Emma, his blood red-rimmed eyes taunting her.

  “The choice is yours. If you don’t make it, I kill them both.”

  “Why are you doing this? I can’t make this choice.” Emma looked from Briana to Cyn, who watched her with resignation in his eyes. He expected her to pick Briana.

  “I can’t choose, please…”

  “I don’t have all night!” Gerard snapped and stalked back to Cyn and began to push the tip of the dagger into his throat. A trail of blood trickled down Cyn’s neck.

  “Stop!” Emma gasped. She began to shake all over. “I made my decision.”

  Briana’s eyes widened. “You bitch! You would pick him over me? Your own sister!”

  “No, I am not picking either one.”

  The demons let go of her arms. Her legs gave out and she fell limp to the ground. “Gerard let them go. Take me. Kill me in their place.”

  “No Emma!” Cyn strained against the chains. “Don’t do this, he will kill us all anyway.” Emma looked at him and mouthed, “I love you.”

  Everyone’s eyes followed the dagger’s flight through the air until it impaled Emma’s chest.

  A scream echoed in her ears, she wasn’t sure if it was Cyn’s, Briana’s, or her own. The blackness of the fog wrapped around her as she fell to the muddy ground.

  Emma’s horror-filled cry woke Cyn.

  Is someone in the house?

  He jumped up and ran into her room. He scanned the darkness to ensure nothing was amiss. It was empty except for her.

  “I can’t! I can’t do it! No, no.” Emma jerked violently in her sleep. Her hair was plastered to her tear-streaked face.

  Without thought, he sat on the bed and lifted her trembling body and held her against him. Shushing her cries, he rubbed her back until she calmed.

  Still asleep she clung to him, her fingers curled around his shirt and her nails dug into his skin.

  “Wake up, Emma, it’s a nightmare,” Cyn whispered to her. Her entire body went limp. Her eyelids fluttered and her head fell back.

  Slowly, Emma raised her head and looked around confused.

  Disbelief was foremost in her wide eyes. She searched his face and reached out with a trembling hand to stroke his cheek.

  “You’re okay. Thank God.” Emma studied him closely, as if to ensure he was real.

  Being near her was a huge mistake. His heart constricted as yearning for her surged through him.

  She’d never looked more beautiful to him.

  “Oh God.” She buried her face into his neck and wrapped her arms around his waist in a firm hold. “Cyn don’t leave, stay for a little bit.”

  Cyn swallowed hard. He needed to get away from her. She was fine. She wasn’t hurt. Why didn’t he leave? Her familiar scent enveloped him.

  Just for a minute.

  When she began to kiss his throat and jaw-line, his treacherous body responded immediately. He couldn’t help but moan as her warm kisses left a trail of desire.

  With willpower, he didn’t know he possessed, Cyn placed his hands on both sides of her face and held her back, so that he could look into her eyes.

  He would tell her to stop. He would get up and leave. But when her gaze met his, it was as if he fell through space unable to grab anything to stop his fall.

  “I have to go.”

  He didn’t move.

  “Okay,” she replied with a breathless whisper.

  Both remained frozen in place, their bodies rejoicing in the familiarity of their touch.

  Cyn took her lips in a hungry and desperate kiss. Emma responded by opening her mouth and tangling her tongue with his.

  His breathing became shallow with want. How he’d missed the taste of her and the feel of her touch as she ran greedy fingers through his hair and down his back. He couldn’t stop now if his life depended on it. A small part of him screamed for self-preservation — to get away from her. But the rest of him, most of him, wanted…no needed her.

  Cyn broke the kiss only long enough to pull the oversized t-shirt up over her head and then took her mouth again. His lips trailed lower down her creamy throat to her breasts. Emma clung to him so tightly that her nails scratched his shoulders.

  The sensation of flying began as soon as he took her pebbled nipple into his mouth while he caressed her other breast. She fit perfectly in his palm.

  She was made for him.

  With her hands on his shoulders, she kissed the top of his head before she arched her back to give him more access. “Oh god Cyn, I need you inside me.” Emma’s words turned to a moan when he complied by pushing her panties aside to slide a finger inside her while his thumb worked its magic.

  Her entire body shook as she crested, and cried out his name. He laid her back. She was temptation itself, with her parted lips and half closed eyes. He hurried to remove his clothes and drop everything on the floor in his haste.

  He yanked her panties off and joined her in the bed again.

  “You are so damn beautiful,” Cyn told her. “I can’t hold back, I want you so fucking much.” She responded with a heated kiss, her tongue teasing his.

  He urged her legs apart and pushed into her heat and into her mouth with his tongue at the same time. He held the back of her head and angled his to better suckle her sweet lips.

  Unable to take it slow, he slammed in and out of her and she met him thrust for thrust, digging her fingers into the small of his back.

  Cyn was close to cresting, but he didn’t want to come yet, so he slowed the pace and rolled over to his back bringing her with him. Emma straddled him and leaned over him so that he could take the tips of her breasts in his mouth as she rocked back and forth. His hardness slid in and out of her at a slow steady rate.

  He allowed her to set the tempo, yet just the sight of her on top of him was so sexy, he swelled inside her. When her pace became faster, Cyn lifted his hips, and thrust into her as she pushed down. Finally, nearing her climax, Emma’s movements became frantic until she threw her head back and cried out before collapsing on him.

  He rolled her onto her back and lifted her bottom to give him better access. He pumped into her, each time pulling out almost completely, before he thrust back in.

  Encouraged by her mewls of excitement, his rhythm became faster and faster until he lost all control and came into her already pliant body.

  # # #

  The sun flickered through a space in the curtains and glistened on the copper streaks in Emma’s hair. Cyn had been awake for a long time just watching her sleep.

  Upon waking, he’d been shocked to find he’d spent all night with her. Although they made love twice before they finally succumbed to sleep, he felt rested and stress-free for the first time in many years.

  Beautiful Emma, with her lips pursed in her sleep, clung to his hand. Even in sleep she seemed to fear he’d leave. Her small body, warm and soft, pressed against him. She was vulnerable and in need of his protection. If only things were different.

  If only he could trust her.

  She snuggled closer and her thigh brushed against his erection. He wanted her again. Why couldn’t he get enough of this woman?

  It was so right with her tucked into his side, her head resting in the crook of his arm and her leg thrown over his midsection.

  He wasn’t sure what to expect when she awoke, but he was pretty sure she would not remain in bed with him.

  Emma’s eyes opened and she yawned. She went to move, but stopped when she felt his presence.

  She closed her eyes again and a feline-like smile tugged at her lips.

  “Good morning,” he told her, and kissed her mouth lightly.

  “You stayed,” she replied. “I’m glad.” Her guarded eyes scanned his face.

  Emma’s apprehension jabbed him in the chest like an ice pick, piercing his heart.

  He wanted to reassure her.

  He wanted her period.

  How could he want her so much and not trust her at the same time?

  “Do you want me?” he asked. “Because I can’t believe how much I want you right now.”

  Lost in her unwavering gaze, he sighed when she pressed her breasts against him. Her arms wrapped around him and she pushed her hips against him. He understood her invitation and drove into her ready and waiting body.

  Face to face, he placed his hand on her hips and steadied her so he could move in and out of her. She kept her legs together giving him a deeper path, the sensation as he slid between her soft thighs, made it hard to take his time.

  For now, reality was a distant concept. They were in what felt like their own private world and he savored each kiss and caress.

  Emma began to tremble as she came; her pants of pleasure escaped past her parted lips.

  Watching her pushed Cyn over the edge and he joined her.

  Thunder rumbled outside as they lay quietly listening to the rainfall.

  Her hands cupped his face and she kissed the tip of his nose. “I hope this means you have forgiven me. I know it’s too much to ask that you trust me again and it’s okay that you don’t, Cyn. This whole thing is going to end soon.” She pressed her lips against his before continuing. “When it does I want you to know that I won’t make it hard for you. I’m going to ask the bank for a transfer and leave Atlanta with or without Briana.”


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