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Spellbound Page 8

by Bear Matthew

  He formed another in his hand and threw it, but it was not a match for Faye. She moved it right into another locker. This time she focused on him. If she could move a teenage girl like a gust of wind, she could probably move this dumbass. She focused hard, taking all her rage and anger to the surface, but that was not all. She was also feeling more, she was feeling vulnerable. It reached its tipping point and the man flung back against the wall of lockers, sending an echo throughout the hallway.

  “Faye!” Parker said. Faye looked and saw Parker down the hall, “Come on, hurry” Faye ran down the hall towards Parker and the man.

  Parker grabbed her hand and they ran down another hall. They heard the man say “I’m gonna get you witches!”

  “Where do we go?” Faye asked Parker. Parker searched and chose a door. They went in there and it was the cafeteria. They rushed to the back exit doors but they would not open. They began to hear whistling again and they decided to hide behind a table. “What do we do? Who is that?” Faye seemed to think this was the perfect time for the twenty questions game.

  “I don’t have any idea what we do or who he is, but whomever that is, it’s a demon.” Parker told her.

  “Like an evil monster… demon?” Faye has heard of them.

  “Yes, one of those” Parker said.

  “Great were gonna die and it’s in the high school cafeteria.” Faye said. “I guess I should’ve tried the food.”

  The whistling was louder and they decided to peak there head’s out from behind the table as the cafeteria doors begun and to open. They hid back behind the table and looked at each other. They were saying the same thing without having to say it, I am glad I am going down with you.

  Chapter 16-

  “What are you?” Savannah demanded to know. Sebastian was standing in front of her, stopping her from leaving the manor. “How did you? Who are you?”

  “My name is Sebastian and I’m a protector. I am your protector, well not just yours but also Faye’s and Parker’s. I’m the good guy.” Sebastian said.

  “Yeah and I’m sure that’s exactly what the bad guy would say.” Savannah said.

  Sebastian chuckled. “That’s why I like you. You think outside the box.” Sebastian said. He moved closer to her, but she stepped back from him. “I promise I won’t hurt you.”

  “Yeah, well then why the hell did you throw a knife at me?” Savannah asked.

  “I had to be certain you had your powers before I could show you this.” Sebastian moved back towards the table. “Don’t worry I’m not gonna throw another athame at you.”

  “Athame, what the hell is an athame?” Savannah muttered.

  “It’s like a knife but more powerful. Witches and demons use them but demons shouldn’t.” Sebastian said.

  It was overwhelming for Savannah, “Demons? Like evil?”

  “Yeah” he said. He looked at her and saw her surprise. She has no clue what being a powerful witch really means. “You do know about demons right?”

  Savannah shrugged her shoulders, “I guess.”

  “You have no clue do you?” He let out a single laugh of frustration. “Do you even know what you are supposed to do?”

  “You mean like what?” Savannah asked.

  “I mean like your destiny. Do you know it?” Sebastian seemed to be upset with Savannah not knowing this. “Someone was supposed to do this part; I guess it’s my job.”

  “What is your job? What’s a protector?” Savannah asked.

  “It’s someone who’s assigned witches to protect from demons. My job is to try and keep you safe and sound, but your job is to fight evil, to keep the world safe.”

  “The world” Savannah was definitely overwhelmed.

  “Yeah the world, geez all you witch just feel its all fun and games until you die.” Sebastian started to look for something on the table when he just stopped. He turned around and looked at Savannah.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked him.

  “They’re in trouble. They need your help.” Sebastian said.

  “Who does?” Savannah asked him. He was worrying her.

  “I’ll tell you on the way, take my hands.” Sebastian told Savannah.

  “No tell me now!” Savannah said.

  “Faye and Parker are in trouble and they need your help to save them.” Sebastian said. “Now take my hands I can get us there fast.”

  “You mean in that light thing?” Savannah asked.

  Sebastian smiled, “Yes in that light thing.”

  Savannah hesitantly took his hands and he pulled her close to him. “Hold tight,” he told her. Suddenly they were in a bright light – the same one from before – and they were no longer at the Blackwell Manor.

  The light started to appear again and they were now at the high school. Savannah was holding Sebastian super tight during the teleport. “We’re here, you can let go now.” Sebastian said to her. Savannah opened her eyes and saw that they were now in one of the hallways at the high school. She let go and stepped away.

  “So is that a power you get when you’re a protector or are you still holding back on me?” Savannah asked.

  “We should really look for your friends. They need your help.” Sebastian said. He closed his eyes and cleared his mind.

  “What are you…?” Savannah started to say when Sebastian lifted his finger to her mouth and shushed her.

  “You go that way.” He pointed straight down the hall; “I’ll go this way” down another hall.

  “Why are we splitting up?” Savannah asked. “You’re supposed to be this almighty protector so can’t you just take me to them.”

  “It doesn’t always work like that.” He told her. “Now hurry, they don’t have much time.” He went down his hallway, while Savannah just watched him leave. She looked straight down her hallway and started to walk down it.

  “Don’t flip out Savannah,” she whispered to herself. She did not hear anything and just figured Sebastian either was pulling her chain or was going to kill her because he was in fact a demon.

  Savannah turned down another hall when she started to hear whistling. “Parker?” she called out. “Faye?” she kept walking down the hall when she spotted the demon.

  “Another witch, it’s my lucky day.” He said.

  “What the… who the hell are you?” she shouted.

  “I’m Huck,” he said as he formed a lightning ball. He threw it at Savannah and she blinked. Darkness filled everything and then she was back, but not in the same place.

  Savannah fell from the ceiling into the cafeteria. She slammed down onto the floor, causing chairs to fall, making a loud bang. Parker and Faye stood up from behind the table when Savannah said, “Ouch”

  “Savannah?” Parker said, as she got a good enough look at her. Faye looked and saw her too. They rushed over to her and helped her up. “How’d you get in here?”

  “I just blinked out in the hallway. But I didn’t go back to the hallway I like fell from the, well...ceiling or nowhere, oh I don’t know.” Savannah told them.

  “Your powers are growing.” Parker said.

  “I don’t mean to ruin the whole reunion thing here but there is a demon right outside.” Faye said. The doors opened once again and they all twisted their heads to see. Huck walked into the cafeteria as if he owned the place.

  “Now why would you guys hide? It’s so rude.” He said.

  “What do we do?” Faye asked.

  “I don’t know” Parker said. All the girls slowly stumbled backwards as Huck came closer to them.

  “We fight!” Savannah blurted out. She could not even believe it as it came out of her own mouth. They looked at her with a, what are you talking about look.

  “What, are you crazy? We fight?” Faye said.

  “We don’t even know how to fight.” Parker said.

  “Parker you claim this is our destiny, so here goes nothing.” Savannah said. Savannah grabbed one of the chairs on top of the tables and threw it at Huck. He caught it and chuc
ked it to the side.

  “Nice try witch,” Huck said. He got another lightning ball in his hand and threw it at the girls.

  “Faye!” Parker and Savannah shouted.

  Faye concentrated on the lightning ball and tilted her head back at Huck. The lightning ball flung back towards him. He ducked out of the way.

  “We need a plan.” Faye said.

  Parker looked around and said, “I think I have one. On three, we all go to a different table and stay behind it. Then we fight.” Parker told them.

  “One” Savannah said.

  “Two” Faye said.

  “Three,” Parker said and they all scattered to their tables. Parker went to the middle, Faye to the right, and Savannah to the left of Parker. They could all see each other from behind their tables.

  “Hiding’s not gonna help you now!” Huck said.

  “Huck, how do you know who we are?” Savannah shouted at him.

  “I guess I have a gift.” Huck said. “Now come out and die like a witch should. Don’t be a coward.”

  “Be a coward!” Faye and Parker shouted looking at Savannah.

  Savannah looked at her two friends and could not help but think how much she did not want to lose them again. How much she would do, never to let that happen again. She would give her own life for them, to save them. She stood up from behind her table and said, “Here I am”.

  “Don’t be a martyr!” Parker screamed at Savannah. Savannah looked at them and without having to say it aloud she said, “I love you guys”.

  Huck chucked another lightning ball at Savannah and she blinked. Darkness overwhelmed her and as she concentrated on where to go back to, she reappeared at the same spot she blinked from, so much for going anywhere she wants, thought Savannah.

  “Nice try asshole, you should try it a little harder next time.” Savannah said.

  Huck was getting angry. He rushed towards Savannah and then flew right over her. Savannah gasped and then looked at Parker and Faye. Faye was standing up and she flew him.

  “Let’s get out of here!” Faye said.

  “No, let’s finish this!” Parker said. “I have a plan.”

  Huck was out cold in a mash of tables. Parker, Faye, and Savannah quickly huddled together and devised a plan.

  Huck came to and started to look around the cafeteria for the girls, but they were not there. “I’m gonna find you, you witches!” he screamed. He scrambled up and walked fast to the doors. He flung them open and scanned the hall for them but no sign. Huck started sniffing around. He did not just posses the power of lightning balls but of hunting down witches. He could smell them. “I know your still here witches!”

  He headed for the hallway divider and as he reached it, he did not have enough time to react to a baseball bat swung right at him. It hit him and he stumbled back onto the ground. From one of the hallways out came Parker, holding the baseball bat. “How does that feel Huck?” Parker said with a smirk.

  “Let’s go!” Savannah called out to Parker. Parker ran down the hall, following Savannah. Huck got up and ran after them.

  Savannah and Parker came up to another hallway divider and they split up. Huck ran after them, watching them split up. He was steaming of anger he wanted to the kill the witch who hit him with a baseball bat. He saw Parker go right and Savannah keep going straight. “I got you now,” he said to himself about Parker.

  As he got to the divider he heard, “Over here!” and plowing right into him was Faye’s feet, she was hanging from a beam and swung at Huck. Kicking him straight into the chest – causing him to fall down and slide. You just got the wind knocked out of you by a teenage girl, that can’t be good for a man’s ego, thought Faye. She let go and fell to her feet. She ran down the hall, as Huck just got even angrier.

  “Stupid witches!” he mumbled. He got back up and looked at all three of his possible routes. Savannah went straight, Parker went right, and Faye went left. He decided to go after Savannah. He hustled down the hall, recklessly searching for Savannah.

  Savannah tried door after door, not all of them unlocked. She saw the sign for the poolroom and hurried towards it. She tried the door and it was unlocked, she let out a deep breath – which she had been holding in since Parker told her the plan – and went inside. The plan was simple; they were all going to play to their strengths. Parker was an athlete; she could swing a bat as if her life depended on it – which it did. Faye was a cheerleader, super limber and one hell of a kicker. Savannah on the other hand, trained by her father to be a fighter, was great at fighting. She had a black belt but right now, that was not what was on her mind. Hiding was all she was thinking about right now.

  She looked around for a place to hide when the door opened behind her. She turned around to see Huck as pissed as ever doing an evil laugh. It was freakier than his ability to possess lightning in his hands.

  “What do you want? Why are you doing this?” Savannah asked him as she slowly walked backwards.

  “I’m doing this because it’s what I’m supposed to do.” Huck said as he created a lightning ball in his hands.

  “Killing teenage girls are what you’re supposed to do?” Savannah questioned him.

  “Killing witches. Ages are irrelevant.” Huck said. He stopped moving and threw it at Savannah. She ducked. The first time she did not blink when she got scared.

  “Is that all you got?” Savannah just egged him on. Huck built another in his palm and threw it at Savannah. She ducked once again and started to run against the line of the pool. “I don’t think you’re as powerful as you think you are. You’re getting beat by a bunch of teenage girls.”

  He clipped his mouth in anger, opened both of his fists, and formed two lightning balls. “I’m more powerful than you could ever imagine.” He said as he threw both of the balls.

  Savannah watched as they headed towards her. She was not going to be able to duck both of them this time. She closed her eyes and blinked. When she came back, she was falling again from the ceiling. She was not in place anymore, but right above the swimming pool. She hit the pool and went under water. She swam up for air and looked around for Huck, but Huck was gone. Savannah swam over to the edge and started to get out when a towel was right in front of her. She looked up to see who was handing it too her and saw Sebastian.

  “You know most people take swims with their clothes off?” Sebastian said with a smirk on his face. Savannah got out of the pool and took his towel. “Maybe I could show you?”

  Was he seriously flirting with me right now? Savannah wondered. “Where were you?” Savannah asked.

  “Looking for your friends” Sebastian said.

  “Well we’ve been dealing with a demon. Some dude named Huck.” Savannah said. Sebastian seemed to recognize the name by the expression on her face. “I see you know who I’m talking about” Savannah said as she dried off.

  “Yeah I know of Huck,” Sebastian said. “And trust me when I say this, he’s not someone you guys can go up against.”

  “Thanks for the boost of confidence.” Savannah said. She headed towards the door.

  “Where are you going?” Sebastian asked.

  “My friends are still out there, with that monster. So if you want to come with, if your too scared then, bye.” Savannah said. She walked out of the pool area and as the door started to shut, Sebastian stopped it.

  “I’m coming with you because you’re my charges and who knows what will happen to me if you all three die.” Sebastian said.

  “Oh how comforting.” Savannah sarcastically said to Sebastian. They headed down the hall, staying at quiet as possible to hear for any type of clue to where they could be.

  “Parker, look out!” Savannah and Sebastian heard Faye scream bloody murder. They ran towards her scream.

  “It’s coming from the gym.” Sebastian told Savannah. They ran to it and Sebastian said, “You ready?”

  “Not really.” Savannah said.

  “Let’s go.” Sebastian told Savannah. They bot
h opened one of the double doors leading into the gym.

  Parker and Faye cornered underneath one of the basketball hoops. Huck was throwing lightning balls at them and Faye was struggling to use her power to move them. Savannah and Sebastian looked at each other, trying to come up with a plan.

  “You go help them, I’m gonna go get something that’s gonna help.” Sebastian told Savannah. He ran back out of the gym on a mission. Savannah looked back at Huck and the girls. They needed her to man-up and help them.

  Here goes nothing, Savannah thought to herself as she tried to gain momentum – and speed. She ran as fast as she could and when she reached Huck she jumped. Landing on his back, she started using her nails to scratch him. He started making loud noises that started to freak Savannah out. Faye and Parker saw and screamed, “Savannah be careful”. Savannah closed her eyes and blinked.

  Chapter 17-

  Savannah did not know what she was doing, but she knew she had to do something. As she saw her best friends fighting for their life, she had only one idea in her mind. When she jumped on the back of Huck, she tried to blind him – scratching him. However, it was not working. There was only one other thing she could do, but she knew it was radical. She closed her eyes and blinked. She did not know what would happen but she had to give it a shot.

  Savannah began to see darkness. She knew what that meant, so she blinked. She did not have any clue what was happening as she was in the unknown but she just hoped it helped. The light started to shine again and Savannah reappeared, and so did Huck. They both crash-landed on the polished gym floor.

  “Savannah!” Parker and Faye shouted as they raced to her and helped her up. Huck was coming to and they would not have much time to get away. “Are you okay?” Faye asked her.


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