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Spellbound Page 12

by Bear Matthew

  “I feel like the same girl that fell in love with Trey two years ago when I’m with him, but I’m not her anymore, you know?”

  “I know. You’ve grown up and changed.” Grams told her.

  “Yeah I’m just not sure if that girl and this girl are similar enough for me and Trey, to be the same way again.” Savannah said.

  “I know you miss Hayley and you’ve been through a lot in these last two years but so has Trey. I think you are not giving him enough credit for probably changing just as much as you changed. He probably was just trying to be the boy he was when you both were together two years ago. I know deep down you still feel something for him, even though you’re the new you.” Grams said.

  She said the perfect thing. Maybe Trey has changed too, thought Savannah. “Thanks Grams” Savannah gave Grams a kiss on the cheek and went up to her room. She knew that she could never tell Trey the truth about Hayley’s death but maybe since then he had changed in all the ways she had. She did not even think about how hard it probably was for Trey to go to the cemetery tonight. Savannah thought about Hayley a few times throughout the night, looking over to where her grave was. She did not want to go over there; she did not want to ruin the date. However, Savannah was now determined to figure out if Trey changed, as she had.

  She opened the door to her room and squealed when she saw Sebastian lying down on her bed. He was fully clothed, a shame, thought Savannah. She quickly shut her door. “What do you think you’re doing in here?” she asked him. She kept her voice down – she did not want Grams or George to walk in with him in her room.

  “I heard you were on a date, I’m crushed.” Sebastian said. Savannah could tell he was just being an ass to cover up his real feelings. He sat up and smiled.

  “And the question still lingers, what the hell are you doing in here?” Savannah asked again.

  “I needed to see you.” Sebastian said.

  “Seriously” Savannah was just making sure.

  “Yes, but not in the way you’re thinking, then again, unless you wanted it to be, then I’m open to it.” Sebastian said.

  “You are an ass. What if my Grams or brother saw you?” Savannah posed the question.

  “I know how to be quiet and it’s not like I used the front door.” He had a good point.

  “Fine what do you want?” Savannah asked him.

  “I need to know how much longer it’s going to take to get Faye to stop being like a little girl. So what if she cannot be prom queen or whatever. It’s over-rated anyhow.” Sebastian spoke with experience.

  “What do you know about being prom king?” Savannah was intrigued.

  “In a prior life I was prom king. Not all it’s cracked up to be.” Sebastian said. He got off her bed and started to mess around with her stuff.

  “So are you like dead, or are you alive? It’s really confusing.” Savannah asked.

  “I’m dead.” Sebastian said. “I can’t feel a thing.”

  “Nothing” Savannah asked. “Not even this?” She pushed up against him and kissed him. He kissed her back but she pushed off.

  “I could definitely feel that.” Sebastian said. Savannah knew there was probably some other sort of way she could have tested that but it was the first thing that came to mind. She did not count it as cheating. She and Trey were not exactly boyfriend and girlfriend right now. She actually did not know what they were, and she knew she had some type of feelings for Sebastian, whether it was true or lust.

  “So I don’t know how long it’s going to take to get Faye to come around.” Savannah said.

  Sebastian was still hung up on the kiss, “Wouldn’t your boyfriend not like the fact that you just kissed someone so much better looking than him?”

  “He’s not my boyfriend, and you’re not better looking” Savannah said, though she did not fully mean it. They were both gorgeous but in different ways, she guessed.

  “Trust me I know I’m better looking” Sebastian said. He was cocky but Savannah knew that was probably just on the surface.

  “Okay you got your information now you can go.” Savannah told him.

  “Actually since I’m here I was wondering if you wanted to learn some stuff.” Sebastian offered.

  Stuff, she thought. “Like what kind of stuff?” Savannah asked.

  “Well I could probably teach you a thing or two in the bedroom but you’d probably make too much noise.”

  “Only one or two things, how disappointing,” Savannah said with a smirk.

  “Ouch” he said with a smile. “I’m talking about magic stuff. Do you know how to do a spell, or make a potion? Anything?” he asked her.

  “No I kind of just learned about all this like a few days ago. How would I know how to do any of that stuff?” Savannah said.

  “I guess I’ll just have to teach you.” Sebastian said.

  “We can’t do that here,” Savannah said.

  Sebastian walked up close to Savannah, brushing his body against hers. “Hold on tight, wouldn’t want you to get lost” Sebastian said.

  “Get lost?” She questioned Sebastian. She wrapped her arms around him and Sebastian teleported them through a bright light. Savannah still did not know what the light was or how he got his powers but, in due time she figured.

  Chapter 24-

  Sebastian and Savannah arrived inside the Blackwell Manor. Sebastian let go of Savannah as she tried to let herself catch up with herself. “So what do you want to learn?” Sebastian asked Savannah.

  She caught up with herself and walked over to Sebastian. He was sitting down on the couch. The book is sitting next to him. Savannah eyed the book and said, “I want to know what’s in the book.”

  Sebastian grabbed the book and opened it. He started flipping through the papers, skimming over them. “What do you want to know?”

  “Firstly, the ‘Spellbound Spell’ what is it?” Savannah said.

  Sebastian flipped to the page and patted down on the open seat next to him. Savannah hesitated for a moment and then sat down next to him. He handed her the book. She ran her fingers over the page. It was just as worn as the first day she felt it, two years ago. She looked over the spell and remembered every word of it. “This doesn’t explain the spell.”

  “It’s not supposed to. The spell is not explainable exactly. The “Spellbound Spell” is the spell that bounds all of you together forever.” Sebastian said. Savannah just listened as Sebastian explained. “The spell is the reason your magic came out already. Normally witches don’t get their magic until they turn 18, but you found the book early.”

  “So you’re saying that we weren’t supposed to find the book?” Savannah wondered.

  “You weren’t supposed to find it, well yet. However, once you did everything was going to change. Every grimoire has a ‘Spellbound Spell’ and yours is stronger than most, causing your powers to go into overdrive. Then you left town, causing a rift in the plans of the universe. Now that you are back, your magic will start to develop faster than you will be able to control it. That’s the spell.” Sebastian said. Savannah could not believe it. They cast a spell that turned them into this.

  “So what does this mean?” Savannah asked Sebastian.

  “It means that no matter where you all go, you’ll be witches. You will be spellbound. The difference will only be the fact that in danger, if you don’t stick together, that’s what the spell is about.” Sebastian said.

  “What else is in this book?” Savannah asked him. The book was an ancient grimoire that contained spells, potions and lists of demons that fellow owners of the book have gone up against, well tried to.

  “Everything,” Sebastian said. He took the book back and flipped through it. He stopped on a page. Savannah read what it said; Flames to Flames.

  “What’s this?” Savannah asked him.

  “This spell can ignite flames. You say it and poof, fire.” He put the book on Savannah’s lap. “Go ahead and try it.”

  “Really?” she asked. He nodded. �
�Okay, I’ll do that.” She read the spell in her head and then said it aloud,

  Flames and Flames

  Water and Air

  Ignite the power

  Flames to Flames

  Suddenly flames appear on the couch across from Savannah and Sebastian. “Oh-my-gosh” Savannah said as the flames appeared. She was not surprised but shocked that it happened.

  “See it works,” Sebastian said. The fire was starting to get out of hand.

  “What do we do?” Savannah was starting to freak out. She got up off the couch; Sebastian just sat there unnerved by what was taking place. “Hello! What do we do?” Savannah yelled at Sebastian.

  “Calm down. To undo the spell, say it backwards.” Sebastian told her.

  She looked at the book one more time and said it back,

  Flames to Flames

  Ignite the power

  Water and Air

  Flames to Flames

  Then abruptly the fire just stopped. “That was awesome,” Savannah told Sebastian. “Let’s try another.”

  “Slow down,” Sebastian told her. “Let’s just check out the spells first.”

  Savannah sat back down on the couch next to Sebastian. They started to flip through the book. Savannah saw many different spells, ones for the truth, for possessing a new power for twenty-four hours, for love, and for killing different demons. Savannah’s mesmerized by the new information she just gained. “There’s literally a spell for shape shifting? Like I could become someone else for a set amount of time?”

  “That’s not a spell to mess with, none of them are. These spells are powerful and dangerous and you shouldn’t be messing around with them.” Sebastian told her.

  “But if we just practice with them, what’s the harm?” Savannah asked.

  “There’s a cost for using magic for your own gain. Using these spells to find out what people really think of you or to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes, there are consequences for that. The universe doesn’t allow it and it will bite you in the ass if you try it.” Sebastian said.

  “So you’re telling me that I can’t just try out some of these spells?” Savannah was trying to figure it all out.

  “Doing these spells, using your magic when you shouldn’t will put not just your life in danger but Faye’s and Parker’s as well. It could mean life or death for all of you.” Sebastian said. “So I think we’ve had enough for today, maybe I’ll show you another one sometime later.”

  “Seriously, we can try some others. I won’t go spell crazy or anything.” Savannah told him.

  “No we can’t. Just go home.” Sebastian told her.

  Savannah was confused. Maybe Sebastian really is an ass. She got up and left – slamming the door in the process. Savannah walked home in the middle of the night, remembering the “Flames to Flames” spell, re-reading it in her head over, and over again. She loved how she had the power to do that. To blink and to ignite flames. Savannah was just now realizing just how powerful she – they – really are.

  Chapter 25-

  Friday morning Savannah knew she had to talk to Parker and Faye. Savannah knew more about being witches now, about the book, and about themselves.

  Savannah raced to school and searched for Parker, but could not find her in the hustle and bustle of the crowds. She made her way to her locker and opened it. She started to pull out one of her textbooks when someone said, “Hey”. Savannah looked on the other side of her locker door and saw Trey standing there.

  “Hey” she said. She shut her locker and leaned against it. “How are you?”

  “I’m great” he leaned in for a kiss and for a second Savannah was going to stop him but decided not to. He kissed her and when he stopped, she checked around to make sure nobody was paying attention.

  “Me too” Savannah said. She was not great she had mixed feelings. She didn’t know what to do about the new information she got last night about Sebastian, she didn’t know if she could lie to Trey about being a witch for much longer, and she didn’t know if they were even compatible with each other now. “So what do you like to do now?”

  “What do you mean?” Trey asked her.

  “I mean we had a good time last night, but that was something we used to do two years ago. What do you like to do now, that we could do together?” Savannah asked.

  “Are you asking me out on a date Savannah?” Trey joked. She playfully pushed him away and started to walk away.

  “I’m serious,” she said.

  Trey caught up with her, “I’m sorry, so what I like to do? I like many things. I love sports; in fact I have the big game tonight.”

  “You’re on the football team?” Savannah seemed surprised.

  “Yeah, I am. You’re dating the quarterback.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me before?” Savannah wondered.

  “It didn’t come up.”

  “Still you should’ve told me.”

  “Do you like football?”

  No, “Yes” Savannah lied.

  “Well then how about you come and watch me play tonight? I could use my own little personal cheerleader.” Trey said. Savannah smiled.

  “Sure, I’d love to see you play, tonight right?”

  “Yeah, tonight,” Trey said. “I’ll see you there” Trey kissed Savannah on the forehead and walked to class. She watched him go and then headed into her first period. She looked around for Parker but did not see her. She sat down in her usual seat and waited for Parker to come in. The class was empty – besides Savannah. She stared at the door until her phone buzzed. She dug through her bag and pulled it out. That is when she heard the door close. Savannah looked up to see Faye standing there, just as surprised to see Savannah, as she was to see her.

  “Hey” Savannah said to Faye.

  “Hey” Faye said as she took her seat.

  “Can we talk?” Savannah asked her.

  “I don’t want to talk; I just want to be left alone. Okay?” Faye said.

  “Okay” Savannah said. The bell rang and Savannah stuffed her phone back into her bag without looking at it. Students started to pile into the classroom and then the tardy bell rang and no Parker.

  Chapter 26-

  “We’re going to get caught,” Parker giggly said. Something about Micah made Parker feel like a normal teenage girl and not some magical powerful witch.

  “Just stick with me and we’ll be fine” Micah said to Parker. He checked through the window in the door and saw it was clear. He opened the door and went inside. The classroom was empty. “See I told you it would be empty.”

  They went to one of the tables and Parker sat on top of it. “I can’t believe were skipping first period.” She said. They smiled at each other and Micah started kissing her. Parker had never skipped a class before. This felt slightly dangerous to her.

  In between a kiss Micah said, “You smell great”. He started in on her neck. The touch of his lips on her body made her feel amazing.

  Their kissing started to lead to Parker lying back on the table. She had never done this before… she had never had sex before. It was not as if she was waiting – or for some religious reason – it had just never felt right before. Sure Peter wanted to do it with Parker but she turned him down. Parker then learned that he was sleeping around with all the other girls in school because of it.

  “What if someone walks in?” Parker said, as she is breathless with his touch.

  “It’s the sex Ed room, not like they wouldn’t know what we’re doing.” Micah said in between kissing her neck.

  Parker started to lift Micah’s shirt off his body. He has the most amazing abs. He was gorgeous and she was ready. At least she hoped she was. He slipped his hand below her shirt and she helped him take it off her. This was happening, thought Parker.

  They got undressed in front of each other – both pleasantly surprised with each other’s bodies – and started to kiss again. They moved to the couch in the back of the classroom when Parker said, “Protection?”
br />   “What?” Micah said softly in her ear.

  It sent a tingling sensation through her body. “Do you have protection?”

  “Crap!” he blurted out. “Wait” he went over to the cabinets and opened them. He rummaged through one of them and pulled out protection. “Found it.”

  He went over to Parker and they resumed.

  They got dressed, both smiling like happy freaks. “Did you have a good time?” Micah asked Parker.

  “Yeah, it was amazing.” She told him. He pulled his jeans back on and put his shirt on as well. He walked over to Parker and kissed her one more time. She was still missing her shirt.

  “It was amazing.” Micah said. “I would stay here longer, but class…you know.”

  “I know I have to get to first period. I’m already late.” Parker said. They kissed one more time and Micah left. Parker started searching for her shirt when she found it. She put it back on and then started to feel a premonition coming on. “Shit” she mumbled as she started to see darkness.

  Parker started to see things again – but it was blurry. In front of her eyes, it looked like Mr. Parcel – the sex Ed teacher. “Ms. Kim, are you okay?” he kept repeating. Her vision cleared up and she realized where she was. She was lying on the floor inside the sex Ed classroom still. Her head was pounding. She must have hit her head during her premonition.

  “What time is it?” she asked through the fogginess.

  “It’s lunch time. Everyone’s at lunch.” Mr. Parcel told her. She sat up and held her head. It was like a massive headache.

  “I have to go,” Parker said.

  “Ms. Kim, I think you should go to the nurse.” Mr. Parcel said.

  “No I’m fine.” She stood up.

  “What were you doing in here?” Mr. Parcel asked.

  Crap! Parker did not have an excuse. “I don’t know. I have to go, I’m sorry” she ran out of there and quickly headed to the cafeteria.

  Parker went through the Cafeteria doors and met with a mob of teenagers everywhere. Parker scoured through them, looking for Savannah. She spotted her at an empty table and went to her.


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