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Spellbound Page 14

by Bear Matthew

  “You’re making a mistake Parker. I am here to help you girls, nothing else.” Sebastian said.

  “Is that it? Then why are you going around kissing Savannah or having private meetings with her? Huh? You’re letting her fall for you and you don’t even care about her.” Parker said.

  “You don’t have any clue what I care about” Sebastian said.

  “I don’t care. I want you gone or I tell her and everyone who you really are. Let’s see how they all react to that.” Parker was threatening him.

  “I don’t take orders from you.” Sebastian said.

  “You will be. I do not want you around here or around us. Tell you bosses whatever you want, but do not come back. I don’t want a dark witch trying to protect us.” Parker said. She headed for the door but turned around and looked at him one more time. “And leave now, before Savannah get’s anymore involved in you. Your just gonna break her heart in the end anyway.” She left him standing there, stunned, shirtless, and pissed off. She had no clue who she was dealing with.

  Chapter 28-

  Knock, Knock, Knock. Savannah knocked on Sebastian’s door and waited for someone to answer, but nobody did. She tried the door handle and turned it. It was unlocked. She slowly went inside, “Sebastian?” she softly said his name. The Manor was dark and she could not see him anywhere. She started to look around but did not see him anywhere downstairs. That is when she decided to walk up the stairs to the second floor. She kept an eye out for Sebastian but still could not see him anywhere. She reached the top of the stairs. It was darker up here. She started to walk down the hall, keeping her eye on the first floor. Then she heard something, squeaking.

  She searched all around for it. It was like a silent squeak. She looked down by her feet and saw a rat run across. She stumbled back, squealed, and hit the railing. She could hear the wood railing starting to crack and then SNAP! She was falling from the second floor to the first. She closed her eyes and braced for impact, but instead of hitting the wood, she fell into someone’s arms. She opened her eyes and saw Sebastian holding her.

  He let her out of his arms and she checked to make sure nothing was broken. “Where did you come from?” She asked him.

  “I was around. Remember I know when something bad is happening to you girls and when you need help. Even when I’m not here, I’m here.” Sebastian said. “Just remember that.”

  “Got it, I’ll remember.” Savannah said.

  “Now what are you doing here?” He wanted to know.

  “I came to see if you had a spell that we could use to vanquish Huck.” She said.

  “I told you spells are dangerous. They can backfire if you don’t do it correctly.” Sebastian said.

  “I got that. But we need some way to kill him before he kills us.” Savannah told him.

  “We” he questioned her.

  “Yeah, Faye has come around. She’s willing to help vanquish Huck before it’s too late.” Savannah said.

  “Well if you all do it together it might work, but again he’s a powerful demon who’s been around a long time. He might be immune to the spell in the book.” Sebastian said.

  “We have to take our chances.” Savannah told him.

  “Well you should take better chances.” Sebastian headed over to his table and pulled out an athame. “Take this and just make sure he doesn’t get it. Demons and athame’s are a dangerous combination.”

  “What could happen?” Savannah asked.

  “If a demon takes possession of a witch’s athame and he kills her with it, he gains the witch’s power. An athame is a strong piece of a magic and it’s not something to mess around with.” Sebastian told her.

  “Okay, don’t let the demon get the athame. I understand, now is there anything else that we can do to keep safe?” Savannah asked.

  “Just the spell” Sebastian wrote it down for her. “I looked it up when Huck first showed up here” He handed her the piece of paper.

  Sebastian seemed on edge and Savannah noticed. He could not tell her about Parker coming over earlier, or what she wants him to do. That would lead to her wanting to know why. He could not tell her why, not yet. “I don’t know.” He said.

  “What about this stuff?” Savannah picked up a small jar labeled Rabbit Foot. “Gross, what’s this for?”

  “Put it down. It is for potions. Many potions call for these things. I’ve started an emergency collection incase my charges need these things on a moment’s notice.” Sebastian told her.

  “Like we do? Can’t we make a potion?” Savannah asked.

  “No, making potions is more dangerous than a backfired spell. In potion making, anything could go wrong if you do not follow the instructions directly. You aren’t ready for that.” Sebastian told her.

  “It seems like you don’t care if we die when we fight Huck.” Savannah flat out said.

  I care, Sebastian wanted to say, but instead said, “I can’t afford to care. I’ve had a lot of charges over the decades and they don’t all end well.”

  “They died?” Savannah was worried.

  “Everyone dies, even witches.” Sebastian said.

  “What is up with you? Yesterday you were, you, today you’re acting like a careless jerk.” Savannah said.

  “Savannah you don’t know me. Nobody really does.” Sebastian said.

  “Then tell me about yourself. I want to know.” Savannah said to him.

  He looked away and then straight back at her. He placed his hand on her cheek, cupping it. She loved the feeling his hands felt on her skin. She let it sink in. He tried saying the words aloud but could not. He was speechless. He pulled her in closely; their lips almost touch but not fully. He was starting to fall for Savannah – and her him – but he knew what the rules were and what he was. He could not fall for her he just could not. They both closed their eyes, as they stayed brushed up against each other. Sebastian opened his eyes and said, “You should probably be going.”

  It was not what Savannah wanted to hear. Anything but that, he slowly moved his hand off her face and Savannah knew that it was time to go. She started to walk away when Sebastian grabbed her hand and tugged her close to him. He gave her one last kiss. It was the best kiss Savannah had ever gotten before. She had loved kissing Trey but this kiss was not that. This kiss felt heavenly, appropriate thought Savannah. Their lips stopped touching but they both still felt each other. He smiled one last time before she left. She closed the door behind her and felt her lips. “Wow” she said. She left the porch and headed home.

  Back inside the manor, Sebastian just watched her leave from the window. She got off his property and he said, “Good luck Savannah.” It tasted bittersweet to him as he said it.

  Chapter 29-

  The game was almost at half time and Savannah and Parker were not having the best of time. “I don’t even get this game.” Savannah said to Parker. They were sitting up in the bleachers with Grams and most of the entire town.

  “Me neither” Parker said. They both would rather be anywhere but here. Savannah could not stop thinking about Sebastian and the kiss, while Parker was worried about tomorrow. She did not know if her premonition was ever truly going to come true but she was nervous to find out. “So how much longer do we have to stay?” Parker asked Savannah.

  “I don’t know isn’t it almost over?” Savannah said.

  “Sweethearts the game is not even halfway over yet. Hold in there.” Grams said. They both shot her an, are you serious stare.

  The Gladiators got a touchdown causing the entire bleachers to stand in cheer. Savannah and Parker just stayed seated. They could care less about who “touched what”. Down on the field meanwhile was Faye and her fellow cheerleaders. Faye was on top again and better than ever. They cheered on the team and did some moves. Savannah and Parker watched for a minute. They both were thinking the same thing; the old Faye would not have been able to do that.

  “Do you guys want a snack or something?” Grams asked them.

Sure, but we’ll go get it.” Savannah told Grams. Savannah had Parker get up and they scooted by eager football fans. They made it down the bleachers and headed over to the food stands. “What do you want?” Savannah asked Parker.

  “Nacho’s and French fries.” Parker said.

  “You were reading my mind.” Savannah said. They went and waited. They were second in line when suddenly the entire football team ran by.

  “Hey you” one of the players said. Savannah looked and could see Trey’s eyes through his helmet. She smiled at him and gave him a wave. He followed his team into the locker room. It was halftime.

  Parker ordered their food and suddenly a rush of hungry fans started to appear all around them. Parker grabbed their food and they made it through the crowds. They got to the fence and saw Faye. She ran up to them.

  “Hey you guy’s having fun?” Faye asked them. She was stretching at the same time.

  “Yeah loads,” they both said very enthusiastically. Faye gave them a laugh.

  “You guys should just try.” Faye said.

  “Faye let’s go!” a teenage girl shouted at Faye. Faye looked nodded.

  “I have to go, its halftime.” Faye said happily.

  They watched Faye get into a small huddle with all the other cheerleaders. “I’m guessing halftime means something to them?” Savannah said.

  “It means torture.” Parker said. They walked back up the now almost completely empty bleachers and up to Grams.

  “Here we got nachos and French fries.” Savannah told Grams.

  “You guys are gonna need to start working that off if you keep eating like that.” Grams told them.

  “Don’t worry we will be” they both said. They looked at each other; they were talking about the same thing, tomorrow and Huck.

  They chewed down their food as they watched Faye and the cheerleaders perform. Faye flung up in the air multiple times and landed perfectly. Parker and Savannah were more than surprised.

  “So this means the game is almost over right?” Savannah asked Grams.

  “Another half to go should not be that long.” Grams said. She was enjoying herself, Savannah could tell.

  “Can I have the nachos?” Parker asked Savannah. They switched foods and as Parker started to pick up a chip, she started to see black. A premonition was happening. She started to fall back but Savannah stopped her.

  “Is everything okay?” Grams asked.

  “Yeah, all fine.” Savannah said.

  Parker started to come back and took a deep breath. She looked right at Savannah with concerned eyes. “What is it?” Savannah whispered to Parker.

  “Huck I saw him. I know where he is right now and it is going to be now or never. We have to go.” Parker said.

  Savannah nervously shook her head. “Let’s go”. Parker and Savannah got up.

  “Where are you going?” Grams asked.

  “Grams we have to go. I am sorry. Here is the food. I’ll see you back at home.” Savannah gave her a hug. “I love you”.

  “I love you too, but where are you going?” Grams asked.

  Savannah did not want to have to lie, “Parker has to get home. She isn’t feeling really well and so I’m gonna help her get home.”

  “Okay well feel better.” Grams told Parker.

  “Thank you I will.” Parker said. They made it through the crowds of people that headed back to their seats.

  On the field, Faye noticed them rushing away. She knew something was up.

  Savannah and Parker got into her car and as she started it, the backdoor opened. They both jumped when they heard it close. Faye got into the backseat. “What’s going on?” Faye wanted to know.

  “We know where Huck is right now. We will only have tonight to do this, but we can do it ourselves. I know how important this game and cheerleading is too you.” Parker told her.

  “No way” Faye said. “I’m not letting you guys do this alone.”

  “What about the game?” Savannah said.

  “It’s just a stupid game. Besides, if I do not help you both vanquish Huck nobody is going to care about football, not if demons start showing up and killing them all and take over the world. Anyways if we succeed, there is a game next week and if we do not it will not really matter. I am not letting you do this and possibly die. I wouldn’t be able to deal with that.” Faye said.

  “Are you sure?” Parker said.

  Faye sat back and buckled up. “I’m sure. Let’s do this.”

  Parker pulled out of the school parking lot and drove.

  “So where are we going?” Savannah asked Parker.

  “That’s the thing you guys might not like where he is. I saw the demon in your house Savannah.” Parker said. Savannah was shocked.

  “What, my house?” Savannah asked.

  “Yes, your house. Huck is in your house and we need to get there fast.” Parker said.

  Chapter 30-

  They pulled into Savannah’s driveway and shut the car off. They looked at the house and tried to see if Huck was already there, but with no such luck.

  “Do you think he’s in there?” Savannah asked. They all looked harder.

  “I don’t think so.” Parker said. “Let’s go and find out.” Parker got out of the car and Savannah and Faye got out after her.

  “What do we do when we are in there?” Faye asked.

  “We will figure that out inside.” Parker said. They all stayed close to each other as they made their way to the front door. Parker reached for the door handle when Savannah stopped her.

  “Wait” Savannah said. “I just want to tell you girls that I love you. You’re my best friends and I’m glad that if we die we are dying together.”

  “I love you guys too.” Faye said. “I hope we don’t die”.

  “Stop it you guys. We aren’t going to die, we just aren’t.” Parker said, she knew better than to believe that. So far, her premonitions have mostly come true in some way or another, but this was one, she was going to try to change. “Let’s just go in, okay?” Savannah and Faye nodded. Parker opened the door and nothing happened. They moved inside and shut the door quietly behind them.

  They moved towards the table in the middle of the house. It was not completely dark but the lights were off. They made no sound as they moved, trying to hear something from him, but nothing. They got to the table and checked all around. The house was clear. “He’s not here,” Savannah said.

  “He’s not here yet” Parker said. “Let’s just figure out a plan.”

  They formed a circle around the round table and started to talk. “What should we do?” Faye asked Parker.

  Parker was thinking. “I have no clue.”

  “We have the spell, so once he gets here we just chant away.” Savannah said.

  “What’s the spell?” Faye asked. Savannah pulled the piece of paper out of her pocket and handed it to Faye. “That’s it?”

  “That’s it. Super simple, I know.” Savannah said.

  “Okay so we cast the spell and watch him as he burns in hell,” Parker said.

  “Hey that was a rhyme.” Faye said.

  They both looked at her, “I didn’t mean to rhyme” Parker said.

  “So when is he gonna get her? When was your premonition?” Savannah asked Parker.

  “I don’t know but soon. I could tell it was dark.” Parker said.

  “So what is he gonna do? Shimmer in or ring the doorbell?” Faye asked at the same exact moment the doorbell rang. They all shot their heads to the front door. “That was freaky.”

  “Do you think it’s him?” Savannah asked.

  “Go open it and find out.” Parker said.

  “You do it!” Savannah said.

  “I don’t have an active power remember, and besides it’s your house.” Parker said.

  “Fine, I’ll answer it but if I die right away I hope I get to haunt you before you die.” Savannah said.

  “Just do it!” Parker told her.

  Savannah slowly c
rept to the front door. Before she answered it, she looked back at Faye and Parker. “Who is it?” Savannah said with a crackly voice.

  “Who do you think witch!” Huck said from the other side of the door. Savannah just froze in fear. Huck blew the doors open and Savannah still did not move. Her eyes were wide and she was shaking in her boots. Huck looked angry. He moved to Savannah and grabbed her by the neck.

  “Savannah!” Faye and Parker screamed. He lifted her up off the ground and threw her into the living room, crashing into the coffee table. “Savannah!” they shouted again.

  “Your turn” Huck exclaimed. He moved towards them and opened his palm. A lightning ball formed and he threw it towards them. Parker pulled Faye down beneath the table.

  “Run!” Parker told Faye. Parker and Faye ran into the family room. It was open to all the other rooms. They saw Savannah down on the ground.

  “Go,” Faye told Parker, “I’ll deal with Huck”. Parker hesitated for a moment and then ran to Savannah. Faye braced herself as Huck came into view.

  “It looks like it’s just you and me,” Huck said. It felt like an old western gun showdown. They faced each other, Huck with his palm at the ready and Faye with her eyes.

  “It looks like it,” Faye said. They stared at each other for another second until Huck let a lightning ball come straight at Faye, who then deflected it with her power. She flung it across the room back in his direction, crashing right into the wall. She deflected another two until she finally had the upper hand and threw him into the stair railing behind him. He crashed right into it, destroying it.

  Faye looked at Parker and Savannah. Savannah was just now getting up. “Hey guy’s it’s time for the chanting.” Faye said. Parker and Savannah came into the room and looked right at Huck. Faye unfolded the paper with the spell on it and they all began to chant together:

  Hear our words

  Hear our sorrow

  Lightning will evoke

  Strike him down with one stroke

  The pain he caused now onto him


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